Methods followed in some of the experiments that we learned:
- Plasmid Extraction (Kit)
- Transfer 1ml of grown LB medium into 1.5ml ependorf
- Centrifuge at 10000×g for 60sec
- Remove LB and leave bacteria precipitates
- Repeat until all bacteria precipitate is collexted at bottom of
- Add 250ul of Solution I/RNase A, mix thoroughly
- Add 250ul of Solution II, rotate gently to obtain a clear
- Add 350ul of Solution III, immediately invert and mix thoroughly to
prevent localized precipitation
- Centrifuge at 13000×g for 10min
- Insert filter column into 2ml collection tube
- Transfer cleared supertant into filter column
- Centrifuge at 13000×g for 60sec
- Discard Filtrate
- Add 500ul HBC buffer
- Centrifuge at 13000×g for 60sec.
- Discard Filtrate
- Add 700ul DNA Wash Buffer
- Centrifuge at 13000×g for 60sec.
- Discard Filtrate
- Add 700ul DNA Wash Buffer
- Centrifuge at 13000×g for 60sec.
- Dry filter column
- Insert filter colum into 1.5ml ependorf
- Add 50ul ddH2O
- Rest at room temperature for 1min
- Centrifuge at 13000×g for 60sec
- Store at -20°C
- Gibson assembly (Kit)
- 20ul system
- 10ul 2x clone mix
- 0.5ul plasmid template
- ddH2O up to 20ul
- Pipet to mix
- PCR 50°C 50min
- Chemical translation
- Thaw potent cells on ice
- Add sequence into potent cell in open bench
- Rest on ice for 30min
- Heat in 42°C for 90sec
- Rest on ice for 2min
- Revive in non-antibiotic liquid medium for 40min
- Plate bacteria onto culture medium with corresponding
- Grow in incubator
- DNA barcoding
Primers for rbcL Gene Amplification: Forward primer (rbcL-af):
5’-ATGTCACCACAAACAGAGACTAAAGC-3’ -Reverse primer (rbcL-ar):
DNA Extraction:
- Extract genomic DNA from the plant sample using a plant DNA
extraction kit.
- Check the quality and concentration of the extracted DNA using a
Nanodrop spectrophotometer or gel electrophoresis.
Prepare PCR Master Mix:
- In a PCR tube, add the following reagents:
- 7 µL of plant DNA template
- 25 µL Master Mix solution (contains PCR buffer, dNTPs and Taq
- 0.5 µL of 10 µM rbcL-af forward primer
- 0.5 µL of 10 µM rbcL-ar reverse primer
- Nuclease-free water to make the final volume up to 50 µL.
PCR Cycling Conditions: Program the thermocycler to run the
following cycles:
- Initial denaturation: 94°C for 3 minutes (to denature the DNA)
- Denaturation: 94°C for 30 seconds (melts the DNA strands)
- Annealing: 55°C for 30 seconds (allows primers to bind to the rbcL
- Extension: 72°C for 1 minute (Taq polymerase extends the DNA
- Repeat for 35 cycles to ensure sufficient amplification.
- Final extension: 72°C for 5 minutes (to complete extension of all
PCR Verification via Gel Electrophoresis:
- Prepare a 1.0% agarose gel with ethidium bromide or another DNA
- Load 5 µL of PCR product into the gel along with a DNA ladder.
- Run electrophoresis at 90–100 volts for 45 minutes.
- Visualize the gel under UV light. The expected band size for the
rbcL gene fragment is around 600–700 bp, depending on the plant
Sequencing (for Barcoding):
- The PCR product was sent to GENEWIZ for sequencing.
- Use the same primers (rbcL-af and rbcL-ar) for sequencing.
- Data Analysis:
- Sequences were checked and analyzed with Chromas and MEGA. The
obtained rbcL sequences were compared to databases in GenBank and
Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) to identify the plant species.