
Establishing engineered sweet potato is a time-intensive process due to the lengthy duration required for seedling regeneration and starch accumulation in the storage roots. A detailed account of our project’s experimental timeline is provided below. For specific procedural steps and experimental outcomes, please refer to the Protocols and Engineering Success sections.


  • Visit to Science and Research Center of Shanghai Chen Shan Botanical Garden
  • Brainstorming


  • Embryogenic calli induction of sweet potato
  • sgRNA target selection
  • sgRNA design
  • - sgRNA oligos synthesis
  • Descriptive Text


  • Embryogenic calli proliferation of sweet potato
  • Construction of the backbone vector
  • Descriptive Text

    Figure. a. E. coli with psgR-Cas9-IbSBEI-sgRNA;

    Figure. b. PCR product of IbSBEI-sgRNA (primer F: 5’-TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT-3’; primer R: 5’-CTCCCGATAGGTGATACCTG-3’);

    Figure. c. E. coli with psgR-Cas9-IbSBEII-sgRNA;

    Figure. d. PCR product of IbSBEII-sgRNA (primer F: 5’-TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT-3’; primer R: 5’-TGGAGAGCTTTTGAGATTCA-3’).

  • Construction of the plant expression vector
  • Descriptive Text

    Figure. Left: E. coli with pCAMBIA-1300--IbSBEI-sgRNA-Cas9-IbSBEII-sgRNA; right: PCR product of IbSBEI-sgRNA/ IbSBEII-sgRNA (primer as former description respectively)

  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation
  • Descriptive Text

    Figure. Left: Agrobacterium tumefaciens with pCAMBIA-1300--IbSBEI-sgRNA-Cas9-IbSBEII-sgRNA; right: PCR products of bacterial colonies with IbSBEI-sgRNA/ IbSBEII-sgRNA

  • Agrobacterium-mediated transformation for sweet potato
  • Descriptive Text

  • Screening and selection of calli mutant
  • Descriptive Text
    Descriptive Text


  • Regeneration and sub-culture of transgenic sweet potato seedlings
  • Descriptive Text

  • PCR detection for regenerated seedlings

  • Descriptive Text

    Figure. a. Genetically edited sweet potato tissue culture seedlings; b. PCR product of Hyg gene (Hyg-F: Atgaaaaagcctgaactcac; Hyg-R:ctatttctttgccctcggac); c. PCR product of Cas9 gene (Cas9-F: GACAAGAAGTACAGCATCGG; Cas9-R: AGCTGAGACAGGTCGATC);

  • Transplantation of transgenic seedlings


  • Literature review


  • Determination of internode and stem diameter

Descriptive Text

Figure. a. Comparison of potted seedlings between genetically edited sweet potatoes and the WT; b. Comparison of internode length; c. Comparison of stem diameter.


  • Storage roots harvest
  • Determination of the expression level of SBEI and SBEII in storage roots
  • Descriptive Text

    Figure. Analysis of SBEI and SBEII gene expression in genetically edited sweet potatoes.

  • Extraction of total starch in storage roots
  • Descriptive Text

  • Starch analysis of transgenic sweet potato storage roots

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Descriptive Text
Descriptive Text