The first step of our experimentation involved transforming E. coli DH5α bacteria with a Tetrahydrofuran Monooxygenase (THFMO) gene derived from the Pseudonocardia dioxanivorans strain CB11901. A pJN105-NicA2 plasmid (Part BBa_K5196000) engineered with a nicotine metabolite gene (NicA2) in E. coli DH10β was obtained from the University of Michigan-affiliated Bardwell laboratory. First, we purified the plasmid via miniprep. Next, we used a restriction enzyme digest to cut the NicA2 gene out of the acquired pJN105 backbone followed by a Gibson assembly to insert the THFMO gene (made of four subunits - thmA, thmD, thmB, and thmC into the plasmid)1. This new plasmid (Part BBa_K5196001) was heat-shocked into E. coli DH5α cells for glycerol stocks and possible controls in degradation experiments. Next, we used electroporation to transform into Pseudomonas putida S16, our final target bacteria for the bioreactor. After the successful transformation of P. putida S16, we tested 1,4-dioxane degradation via arabinose induced transformed P. putida (referred to as P. putida + THFMO) in R2A growth media spiked with 1,4-dioxane to closely resemble aquatic conditions. We used GC-MS to quantify dioxane concentrations, from which we determined that we were able to successfully degrade 1,4-dioxane at an efficiency of 58.591%.
Extract Original Plasmid
We grew overnight cultures of an E. coli DH10β strain containing the pJN105-NicA2 plasmid we obtained from the Bardwell lab. Via mini-prep, we extracted and purified the plasmid and then performed gel electrophoresis to validate its size (7494 bp), as seen in Figure 1.
Sequencing later confirmed that we had the original, intact plasmid, as seen in Figure 2.
Remove Foreign Construct
The plasmid we obtained contained a nicotine metabolizing gene induced by arabinose and a gentamicin resistance cassette. The plasmid also had two restriction enzyme sites (EcoRI and XbaI) flanking the NicA2 insert. We performed a restriction enzyme digest to remove the nicotine metabolizing gene from the plasmid backbone. To confirm that the RE digest was successful, we ran five digested samples on a gel, where we observed two separate bands for each lane: one for the digested plasmid backbone (~6 kb) and another for the nicotine gene fragment (~1.5 kb), as seen in Figure 3.
PCR THFMO Fragments
Since the THFMO gene is too large to be synthesized in one fragment without the risk of mutations, we obtained the THFMO gene from IDT split up into 3 fragments of lengths 915 bp (Part BBa_K5196002), 2016 bp (Part BBa_K5196003), and 1417 bp (Part BBa_K5196004) for a length of ~4.3 kb for the final assembled THFMO gene. Before cloning the THFMO fragments, we used PCR to validate and amplify the fragments to obtain a sufficient concentration of each for a successful Gibson assembly. Gibson assembly primers (Part BBa_K5196005, Part BBa_K5196006, Part BBa_K5196007, Part BBa_K5196008, Part BBa_K5196009, and Part BBa_K5196010) were designed and ordered to fit the three fragments and vector backbone. We used gel electrophoresis to confirm proper amplification, as seen in Figure 4.
Gibson Assembly
We proceeded with Gibson assembly to insert the THFMO sequence into our plasmid backbone for expression and cloning. This technique allowed us to insert the sequence isothermally, use relatively few reagents, and avoid restriction digest dependent ligations, which are prone to errors and tricky to execute with large fragments. We verified the successful insertion of the THFMO gene by running the experimental plasmid on a gel (expected length of 10.3 kb), as seen in Figure 5.
Transform E. Coli with THFMO Plasmid
Following the Gibson assembly of the THFMO sequence into the pJN105 plasmid backbone, we transformed the experimental pJN105-THFMO plasmid into E. coli via heat shock. Transformation success was verified by plating transformed bacteria onto a gentamicin agar plate, which would select only for bacteria that had successfully uptaken the pJN105-THFMO plasmid, since only bacteria containing the plasmid would express gentamicin resistance. This plate can be seen in Figure 6.
- Our Gibson reaction successfully ligated the 3 THFMO fragments and ligated the construct into our plasmid.
- Some of the pJN105-NicA2 plasmid was not digested prior to the Gibson assembly, ended up in the Gibson reaction mixture, and was subsequently transformed into the bacteria, conveying gentamicin resistance despite not having pJN105-THFMO plasmid.
- The NicA2 fragments that were excised were religated into the plasmid backbone before this plasmid was transformed into the E. coli.
Transform Putida with THFMO Plasmid
We transformedP. putida with the pJN105-THFMO plasmid via electroporation. Uptake by electroporation was necessary since the S16 strain of P. putida has been reported to have low efficiency with heat shock transformation. We plated the following combinations of electroporated bacteria (Figures 10-14):
- P. putida S16 + pJN105-THFMO
- P. putida S16 + pJN105-NicA2 (positive control)
- P. putida S16 (negative control)
- E. coli DH5α + pJN105-THFMO
- E. coli DH5α + pJN105-NicA2
Dioxane Toxicity Testing
As 1,4-dioxane is a carcinogen, we were interested in seeing if high compound concentrations would impede bacterial growth and hinder our bioreactor design. Thus, we grew E. coli and P. putida transformed with the pJN105-THFMO plasmid and induced with arabinose in 10 mL of LB Broth spiked with varying concentrations of dioxane as follows: 0, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000 ppm. We chose 1000 ppm as an upper limit because this is in extreme excess of the concentrations found in the Ann Arbor plume2. At the t = 0 h, t = 16 h, t = 24 h, and t = 44 h (when the LB should have been exhausted) time points, we collected OD600 readings to judge bacterial growth. Figures 16 and 17 summarize our findings.
Dioxane Degradation Testing with GC-MS
After confirming that 1,4-dioxane was not toxic to our bacteria, we tested its degradative efficiency. We created four biological replicate 10 mL cultures of each of three conditions in P. putida and one negative control absent of bacteria:
- P. putida + THFMO + arabinose induction
- This will check our experimental construct and see if 1,4-dioxane is being degraded.
- P. putida + THFMO + no arabinose induction
- This is to check for leaky expression of the araBAD promoter.
- P. putida without a plasmid transformed + arabinose induction.
- This is to check for natural uptake/degradation rates of dioxane.
- A fourth technical replicate absent of bacteria was also created.
- This is to check for evaporation rates of dioxane, which should be close to 1% according to calculations here.
Figure 22 shows a comparison of one biological replicate selected from each condition. As we can see, while the control replicates showed minimal drops in 1,4-dioxane concentration, the arabinose-induced P. putida S16 replicate degraded ~55.471% of the 1,4-dioxane in 10 hours, and ~58.592% of the 1,4-dioxane in 35 hours.
Using the GC-MS Protocol, we quantified the 1,4-dioxane concentrations of our time point samples. The results (shown above) validate our model as a proof-of-concept for genetic engineering of P. putida S16 to express THFMO for its possible implementation in a bioreactor remediating 1,4-dioxane contamination. We believe the degradation efficiency of 58.592% is below our optimal degradation efficiency, as a plateau was observed, likely due to nutrient depletion, which would not occur in our bioreactor design. Additionally, our degradation occurred in an anerobic environment (the only aeration was during timepoint sampling) and we would expect higher degradative efficiency in an aerobic bioreactor. As the current remediation method is 40-70% efficient, we believe our biodegration system is a promising alternative which has the potential to improve efficiency and sustainability2.
Future Directives - Decreased Dioxane Testing
We acknowledge that our initial results utilize a starting dioxane concentration 100-1000x higher than plume levels2. Between the wiki-freeze and iGEM presentation we intend on testing dioxane degradation at concentrations similar to real-world conditions to verify the validity of our model.
Future Directives - Mutagenic PCR and ALDH
To further confirm that THFMO enzyme was being expressed, we decided to implement mutagenic PCR to introduce a 6x His Tag in front of the first subunit of the THFMO enzyme (thmA). While this would likely lead to a nonfunctional protein, we plan to run the protein product on an SDS-PAGE gel to completely denature the protein. Then, we will conduct a Western blot using an anti-His antibody, expecting a molecular weight of approximately 60 kD. This experiment was initiated close to the iGEM wiki freeze, and we will continue this avenue in the lead-up to the iGEM conference.
Based on the findings of Grostern et al., we opted to coexpress Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH) with THFMO to see if we could obtain better degradation3. We obtained a version of the NicA2 plasmid from the THFMO experiments with a different backbone (pET-28-NicA2) that includes a kanamycin resistance gene, AmpR promoter, and f1 origin of replication that is compatible with P. putida S16. We performed a miniprep to isolate the donated plasmid backbone. Following this, we sequenced our plasmid samples and confirmed that we had successfully isolated the plasmid at its expected size of 7047 bases, as seen in Figure 23.
- E. coli DH5α + pET-28-ALDH
- E. coli DH5α + pET-28-NicA2 (positive control)
- E. coli DH5α + digested pET-28-NicA2 (negative control)
As such, eight single-isolate colonies from the Gibson assembly plate in Figure 24 were taken to be evaluated for success. We grew mini cultures of the 8 colonies, mini-prepped the plasmid, and conducted a AflII/PspXI digestion which would create a linearized plasmid in a successful experimental pET-28-ALDH, and two bands of 5495 and 1552 bp in the original pET-28-NicA2 plasmid. Gel electrophoresis of the dual enzyme digestion confirmed the success of our Gibson assembly (Figure 28).
Post-wiki-freeze and after confirming the sequence of our pET-28-ALDH plasmid, we plan on electroporating this plasmid into our P. putida S16 strain that has been transformed with THFMO to coexpress both genes. Once we successfully transform each THFMO-encoding and ALDH-encoding plasmid into E. coli, we will select for bacteria with dual plasmid expression using kanamycin+gentamicin plates for double antibiotic resistance selection. Next, we will test the degradation of 1,4-dioxane through various conditions of bacteria similar to our prior conditions, in which we will grow arabinose and non-arabinose induced P. putida S16 with just THFMO, P. putida S16 with just ALDH, P. putida S16 with both THFMO and ALDH, regular P. putida S16, and include a negative control with no bacteria.
We also plan to confirm the protein expression of THFMO and ALDH, as we have included a Strep-tag II and plasmid backbone native 6x His tag in ALDH alongside our mutagenic PCR-added His tag on the THFMO construct. We will conduct a Western blot using anti-His and anti-Strep-tag II antibodies to validate THFMO and ALDH expression.
Following the initial degradation results, we tested 1,4-dioxane degradation by THFMO at environmental levels of dioxane contamination. We tested 10 ppm (Figure 29), the peak plume concentration, and 1 ppm (Figure 30), the average plume concentration. We found that approximately 40% degradation occurred, reinforcing results seen at higher concentrations previously.

Our environmental condition testing demonstrates promising results for the degradation of 1,4-dioxane. The curves reinforce those observed at higher concentrations, indicating the viability of our biodegradation system at environmental concentrations. Furthermore, we hypothesize these results could be improved upon if the promoter were constitutive, not inducible, as we observe similar degradation fall off over time at all dioxane levels.