In response to the need for more inclusive participation in synthetic biology, we implemented a multi-pronged approach, tailored for different age and experience levels.
For elementary school students in 5th and 6th grades, our team introduced our project and explained how microbes can help reduce global warming . We aimed to spark their interest in the topic while creating an interactive and memorable experience.
For middle school students, we offered a specialized biochemistry course developed by Ansh to bridge the knowledge gap for those interested in joining the iGEM team. This 10-week course equipped students with foundational knowledge in biochemistry and synthetic biology, fostering an environment where younger students could actively contribute to the field. The class was structured to engage students and sustain their enthusiasm, even in a challenging academic environment.
A 3d printed certificate of completion
Each lesson of the course was broken down into two parts, an information lecture followed by an engaging lab, allowing students to physically interact with the material they had just learned. The course was structured into nine lessons, each focusing on critical concepts in biotechnology, chemistry, and molecular biology. The course also included guest lectures from experts in the field, providing students with valuable insights and real-world applications of the concepts they were learning .
For high school students, college students, and adults, we identified the lack of accessible lab equipment as a barrier to participation in biochemistry and synthetic biology. To address this, Ansh designed affordable lab equipment, including a Peltier module based thermocycler ( , and a drone motor ( . Both devices can be built for less than half the price of the cheapest available versions online. We initially considered setting up a lab at our school before finding a lab in Oakland, where we invested significant time researching equipment.
The goal for the class curriculum was to filter down the material to what is critical to synthetic biology to fit into a quarter-long class. The class materials were carefully curated to condense the essentials of biochemistry relevant to synthetic biology into a quarter-long course. Drawing from advanced college-level courses in chemistry and biology, the material was distilled into core concepts that would allow students to grasp complex topics such as DNA sequencing and genetic editing. The syllabus covered a range of subjects from the basics of molecular biology to more advanced techniques necessary for iGEM participation, ensuring that students had a solid foundation to build upon in future courses.
The biochemistry course was designed to provide middle school students with a foundational understanding of synthetic biology, focusing on critical concepts such as the chemistry of life, biological macromolecules, cell structure, and the central dogma of molecular biology. The curriculum combined advanced topics like gene expression, PCR, and Sanger sequencing with hands-on lab activities to reinforce learning. The curriculum focused on further enriching the student's understanding and preparing them for participation in iGEM and future academic pursuits in biotechnology.
Students preparing for a titration lab
To set up the lab, we worked with science teachers to set up a Google classroom and further flesh out ideas. We cataloged the reagents our school had, and figured out what else we would need. For any new reagents, SDS (Safety Data Sheets) were created along with disposal instructions.
Agar art lab results
The laboratory component was integral to the course, designed to reinforce lecture material through hands-on experimentation. Each lab session was 90 minutes long, focusing on engaging and relevant experiments, such as cheese-making and thermocycler development. Labs were selected not only for their educational value but also for their ability to maintain student interest. Guest lecturers from prestigious universities like Stanford, Berkeley, and UCSF were invited to provide additional insights and conduct specialized lab sessions, further enriching the learning experience.
Anandita and Sameer doing low cost titration
The course began with a focus on lab safety and an agar art activity, which helped students familiarize themselves with basic microbiology techniques and lab protocols. As students learned about the chemistry of life, they experimented to determine the purity of citric acid, which later connected to a cheese-making lab that illustrated the role of proteins and enzymes in biological processes. The microscopy lab allowed students to visually explore cell structures and organelles, deepening their understanding of cellular biology. In the Bactograph lab, students applied their knowledge of the central dogma by engaging in a gene expression experiment. Computational biology exercises provided insight into gene expression and signal transduction, while the PCR and RFLP analysis labs offered practical experience with DNA replication and genetic analysis. The course culminated in a Sanger sequencing lab, where students synthesized their learning by integrating various techniques to analyze DNA, preparing them for real-world applications in synthetic biology.
A student art piece created with GFP e coli
Lesson 0: Guest Lecture: Intro to biotechnology with Dr. Christopher Hernandez (UCSF)
Slides: AminoLabs-What is Biotechnology?
Introduction, examples of biotechnology in society, show what’s possible, get students excited!
Lab: Lab safety rules, agar art
Lesson 1: Chemistry of life
Electronegativity, H-bonding, PH, Vesper
Lab: Determining purity of Citric acid (and its use in cheesemaking)
Lesson 2: Biological macromolecules
Proteins (Enzymes), lipids, Nucleic acids, carbs, sugars
Lab: Cheesemaking
Lesson 3: Cell Structure, Organelles
Lab: Microscopy
Lesson 4: Central Dogma
Lab: Bactograph
Lesson 5: Gene expression, Signal transduction
Lab: Computational Biology
Lesson 6: Cell cycle - DNA replication, Intro to PCR
Lab: PCR + RFLP analysis
Lesson 7: Guest lecture on immunology by Dr. Purvesh Khatri (Stanford)
Lab: PCR + RFLP analysis
Lesson 8: Dive into RFLP analysis by Dr. Smruti Vidwans (Guardant Health)
Lesson 9: Sanger Sequencing
Lab: Putting it all together
The class was well received. We had 15 students who took the class, and seven of them joined our iGem team. The students loved the lab activities, and entered high school with a stronger background in biology, priming them well for participation on our team.
That being said, we did meet some challenges. The biggest challenge was ensuring that students, particularly those from middle school, stayed engaged for the full two and half hours on a Friday afternoon. The hour lecture and hour thirty-minute lab form was chosen due to its similarity to Foothill, our local community college, but came at the expense of straining student attention span. Multiple times, students tended to get distracted from the task at hand, opting for a more exciting Minecraft session or YouTube video. This required us to gently shift their attention to the lesson or lab.
Furthermore, another challenge was developing the necessary materials for the lessons and labs along with our busy schedules. It was not uncommon for us to have an unfinished lab handout a couple of days before or even the day of a lesson. Similarly, we often spent Friday lunches setting up the lab, carefully preparing materials for that lesson.
The course successfully provided the participating middle school students with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to synthetic biology projects. The final project, where students designed their assay for determining the genotype of wrinkled peas, demonstrated their ability to apply what they had learned. The project included creating a list of reagents and pricing, showcasing their proficiency in not only the theoretical aspects of biochemistry, but the practical ones as well. The course not only prepared these students for iGEM participation but also fostered a deeper interest in synthetic biology, laying the groundwork for continued exploration and contribution to the field.
In preparation for our presentation to the 5th and 6th graders at the Khan Lab School Lower School, our team planned and coordinated how to introduce synthetic biology and global warming to younger students . We wanted to ensure the content was accessible yet engaging, so we started by breaking down the key concepts of our iGEM project (using genetically modified bacteria to reduce methane emissions) into simpler terms. Our main goal was to explain synthetic biology in a way that 5th and 6th grade students could easily grasp, while also keeping them curious and encouraging them to ask questions. Anandita and Zoya, who would lead the presentation, practiced explaining how microbes could be genetically engineered to consume methane and also created a slide deck, while the rest of the team focused on refining the petri dish activity. Nick, Khushi, and Avery took charge of organizing materials such as Petri dishes (which were made by our team at Counter Culture Labs), Q-tips, and labels for the swabbing activity. They also ensured that we had the materials for documentation so that our efforts could be recorded in a way that others could build upon for future outreach initiatives.
Anandita and Zoya presenting to lower school
During the presentation, Anandita and Zoya led the discussion and talked about global warming, climate change, and how our project involves genetically modifying bacteria to consume methane, a potent greenhouse gas. They began by asking the students open-ended questions such as, “What is biology?” and “What do you know about greenhouse gases ?” The students’ responses demonstrated a solid understanding, as they defined biology as the study of life and recognized carbon dioxide as a major greenhouse gas. To promote mutual learning, Anandita and Zoya moved into a "turn and talk" session, where students worked in small groups to discuss questions and share their thoughts with each other before we regrouped to hear their ideas. Anandita and Zoya asked questions like "What is bacteria?", "Where do you think bacteria can be found?", "What would happen if there were no bacteria in the environment?", and "Is all bacteria harmful?". The students quickly identified that bacteria could be found in various places like soil, water, and even on our skin, and some even recognized that not all bacteria are harmful.
After covering the basics, Anandita and Zoya introduced the swabbing activity. They explained that the students would swab different surfaces around the classroom to collect bacteria and then grow it on petri dishes. The excitement was palpable as students eagerly volunteered to participate. They used Q-tips to swab surfaces like their desks, hands, and even the floor, explaining that the swabs would be used to grow bacteria, and the students would see what kinds of bacteria live in their environment.
After collecting samples, the students labeled their petri dishes and decorated them with stickers, which helped them feel more connected to their work. During the swabbing and labeling activity, Anandita and Zoya assisted students and encouraged them to take ownership of their petri dishes, creating a sense of pride in their work. Anandita encouraged students to think about the next steps: “Once we have grown the bacteria, what do you think we will be able to learn about it?” One student chimed in with a thoughtful answer, “We can see which surfaces have the most bacteria and learn what kind of bacteria are here!”
The students were fully engaged and inquisitive throughout the presentation. They asked insightful questions about bacteria, microbiomes, and the broader implications of synthetic biology for the environment. Anandita and Zoya felt a sense of accomplishment as the students connected the dots between their learning and real-world applications, highlighting the importance of understanding microbiology in the context of climate change.
After the presentation, Anandita and Zoya reflected on their experience and were excited about how well it had gone. They had successfully conveyed complex topics to the students in an engaging manner. This not only helped the younger students grasp the core concepts of synthetic biology but also sparked their interest in science, paving the way for further exploration and learning in the future. Their efforts reinforced the significance of outreach initiatives in inspiring the next generation of scientists.
Petri dishes and Q-tips, ready for use
After the discussion, Anandita and Zoya introduced the hands-on activity where students would swab different classroom areas to collect bacteria samples. Our team handed out Petri dishes and Q-tips to the students and explained how to gently swab surfaces and then brush the Q-tip onto the agar surface in the Petri dishes. They were incredibly enthusiastic about this part of the activity, immediately identifying creative areas to swab. Some students chose spots like door handles, while others went for less obvious places, like the drain of the classroom sink, the dusty corners of window sills, and even the bottoms of their shoes. Each student then labeled their petri dish carefully, and safety and sanitary protocols were followed while the plates were used and disposed of. We also explained that we would incubate the dishes to encourage faster bacterial growth.
A swab of a not-so-clean classroom location
After the petri dish activity, they asked thoughtful questions like, “How exactly are you getting the bacteria to eat methane?” and “Does genetically modifying bacteria create a new species?” We took the opportunity to explain the basics of synthetic biology, DNA modification, and how we are using enzymes to alter bacterial DNA to allow them to consume methane. We hope this experience will encourage more young people to explore synthetic biology and contribute to shaping the future of the field, as well as saving our planet!
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