The PET Degradation
Do you know how much plastic
is produced each year?
Plastic waste Plastic Waste
Approximately 359 million tons.
The world is faced with an increasingly
serious problem of plastic pollution.
Plastic waste PET
Among them, PET accounts for 80 million tons.

0 tons

There are various methods of
plastic degradation......
Plastic waste photodegradation
It is highly influenced by environmental factors.
Plastic waste thermal degradation
The recycling cost is high.
Plastic waste enzymatic degradation
Enzymatic degradation is popular because of environmentally friendly.
Plastic waste enzymatic degradation
Enzymatic degradation is not efficient enough.
So we screened target PET-binding peptides
based on LSTM and GCN models.
Our model initially learns the features of non-target peptides through supervised learning with labeled data.
Plastic waste
Plastic waste
That's not quite right.
Our model learns the features of target peptides from positive data.
Plastic waste
Plastic waste
Good job,my little one!
Our model screens potential target peptides when faced with new, unlabeled data.
Plastic waste
Plastic waste
Plastic waste
Our model successfully screened out the target peptides!
Plastic waste
Plastic waste
Finally, we successfully boosted
the degradation efficiency of PETase
towards PET microplastics through
the fusion of PET-binding peptides.
Plastic waste PETase
Plastic waste linker
Plastic waste PET-binding peptide
Plastic waste PETase
Plastic waste linker
Plastic waste PET-binding peptide
Know more about our project
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