Team Members
Principal Investigators (PI)
Combining synthetic biology-based approach with protein and metabolic engineering techniques with an overall goal of providing biology-based solutions in areas of bioenergy and chemical production.
Development of cutting-edge computational methodologies using fundamental concepts of theoretical physical chemistry/statistical mechanics to understand nucleic acids structure-function and chemical dynamical approaches to understand autoimmune diseases and cancer progression.
Behavioural dynamics of social organisms by exceptionally simplistic experimental designs.
Engagement: Human Practices, Wet Lab, Public Engagement, Safety.
Engagement: Wet Lab, Human Practices, Wiki Coordinator.
Engagement: Wet Lab, Bio Modelling, Entrepreneurship.
Engagement: Dry Lab, Human Practices, Entrepreneurship.
Engagement: Wet Lab, Lab Management, Record Keeping, Bio Modelling, Safety.
Engagement: Entrepreneurship, Human Practices, Collaborations.
Engagement: Design, Social Media, Entrepreneurship, Wet Lab, Human Practices.
Engagement: Bio Modelling, Wet Lab, Human Practices, Public Engagement, Content Writing.
Engagement: Finance Management, Dry Lab, Human Practices, Wiki Coordinator.
Engagement: Wet Lab, Public Engagement, Bio Modelling, Wiki Content.