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Integrated Human Practice


"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

- Albert Einstein


Our feet, often overlooked, are exposed daily to moisture, warmth, and the tight confines of shoes—perfect conditions for bacteria and fungi to thrive. In places like India, over 10 million people are affected by fungal infections annually. E.soleioffers a proactive solution to foot health by preventing infections before they start, rather than treating them after they occur. The bio-active insole, made from a polymer bed hosting bio-engineered bacteria, releases linalool, a fragrant compound that inhibits harmful microbes. Unlike traditional foot creams or antifungal drugs, E.solei works continuously and can be adapted for other areas prone to infection, such as the groin or prosthetic sites.

The idea for E.solei was born from personal experience and community feedback. One of our team members, struggled with a persistent foot infection, and was forced to miss crucial lab meetings and brainstorming sessions due to another bout of foot fungal infection. This made us realize that foot health was not a minor inconvenience but a significant health issue that demanded attention. Through conversations with dermatologists, foot specialists, athletes, and others, we realized that current treatments were often inadequate. These insights led us to develop E.solei, an accessible and effective product designed to tackle foot health challenges before they become serious problems.

How We Meet E Solei

Our approach goes beyond just scientific innovation. We’re focused on enhancing human conditions by addressing real-world challenges through synthetic biology. By engaging with different communities, we’ve ensured that E.solei is both scientifically sound and socially relevant. This localized strategy demonstrates how synthetic biology can provide lasting, meaningful solutions that improve lives globally, showing that science can do more than advance knowledge—it can make a real-world impact.

The REARIE Cycle: A Thoughtful Approach to Problem Solving

The REARIE Cycle—which stands for Research, Engage, Analyze, Refine, Implement, and Evaluate—provides a structured framework that has guided us throughout the development of E.solei. Each phase of the cycle allowed us to reflect on feedback, continuously improve the product, and ensure that our decisions align with both our scientific goals and the well-being of our end users.

Knowing The Problem

We took a comprehensive approach by conducting in-depth interviews with dermatologists and foot specialists to tap into expert knowledge, while also circulating a survey to a diverse group—ranging from army personnel and athletes to students. This combination of expert insight and real-world experiences provided us with a well-rounded understanding of the widespread issue of foot infections and the limitations of current treatments. These valuable perspectives were instrumental in shaping the innovative design and purpose of E.solei.


Dermatologists and Diabetic Foot Care Specialist

Survey Form

Survey Forms

Stake Holders







common people

Common People




We interviewed athletes of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh University Patiala and coaches from sports like badminton, kabaddi, and football to understand the foot health challenges caused by prolonged shoe use during training. Issues such as blisters, smelly feet, fungal infections, and discomfort were common, especially with non-breathable shoes. Coaches highlighted the lack of proper foot care practices, further stressing the need for better solutions.

Supriya Kaur

Athlete (Volleyball and Badminton)
I have to wear shoes for long hours, around 10-12 hours a day. I often experience itching blisters and have never used any specific product to address this issue.
What We Learnt:
Athletes like Supriya face foot issues like blisters due to prolonged shoe use, yet there is a lack of awareness about foot-specific care products. This highlights the need for products like E. Solei designed to alleviate these issues.


Athlete (Volleyball)
Sports shoes with arches are highly expensive, and as we come from middle-class families, we can’t afford them. During theory classes, my feet sweat a lot, and I often deal with smelly feet.
What We Learnt:
The high cost of specialized footwear is a barrier for many athletes, and smelly feet due to sweat are common. This underscores the importance of developing affordable, effective solutions for foot odor and comfort.


Athlete (BasketBall)
When I started playing sports, I had issues with corns. However, as I became more professional and started using high-quality shoes, the problem significantly decreased. Smelly feet, rashes, and infections are common issues among sportsmen.
What We Learnt:
Athletes, especially beginners, often face foot problems like corns and infections. While better shoes help, these issues persist, signaling a need for supplementary foot care products to enhance hygiene and health.


Athlete (Kho Kho)
I wear mat shoes for kho kho, and they are designed to fit tightly, leaving no room for the feet to breathe. This often leads to blisters and boils.
What We Learnt:
Non-breathable shoes are a significant problem for athletes in specific sports, leading to foot issues like blisters and boils. This insight can help us focus on breathable, moisture-wicking designs in our product.


Dr. Sandip Bera

(BADMINTON) and Assistant Teacher
Athletes wear shoes for 5-6 hours at a stretch, and the quality matters a lot. We’ve seen issues like fungal infections, white discoloration, inflammation, and smelly feet, usually due to improper cleaning of socks. These cases happen 2-3 times a year. Regular shoe cleaning is essential, and proper foot care practices should be introduced during early training, which is often overlooked in sports.
What We Learnt:
The coach’s insights emphasized the need for E. Solei to tackle foot issues from prolonged shoe use while promoting foot care education during early training, ensuring both hygiene and comfort for athletes.

Mohan Mandal

NIS Coach and International Kabbadi Coach
The problem with kabaddi mat shoes is that they're usually tight-fitting and non-breathable. This often leads to issues like blisters, excessive sweating, and fungal infections because there’s no airflow, especially during prolonged wear.
What We Learnt:
Kabaddi mat shoes often cause blisters, sweating, and fungal infections due to poor airflow. In our E. Solei project, we’ll focus on moisture control, preventing infections, and reducing odor to improve comfort and foot health for kabaddi players during long training sessions.

Chandan Das

Head Coach of IISER Football Team
Blisters are also a common issue, especially during the break-in period of new boots. Many players push through the discomfort, but without the right foot care, these blisters can worsen, affecting their performance. We really need better foot care solutions that can prevent these problems right from the start.
What We Learnt:
The coach's feedback highlighted common issues like redness, burning, moisture buildup, and blisters from prolonged boot use. To refine E. Solei, we will focus on moisture control, blister prevention, and odor reduction, ensuring comfort and protection from the first wear.

Discussion with Border Security Forces on Footwear and Foot Health

"फ़ौजी लोगों का सबसे नाज़ुक हिस्सा उनका पैर होता है।"

"The most vulnerable part of soldiers is their feet."

We had the opportunity to interview personnel from the Border Security Force (BSF) stationed at a camp near IISER-Kolkata, including a Deputy Commandant and a Quarter Commandant. The purpose of our visit was to gather insights into the footwear usage and foot health concerns of soldiers, as we initially believed that army personnel who wear shoes for extended periods would be our key stakeholders.

Important Dialogue

Deputy Commandant: In the first few months of training, it's quite common to see issues like boils, redness, and white discoloration on the feet. But over time, the body adjusts, and these problems tend to reduce.

During the discussion, the soldiers also revealed that they use different types of shoes for specific purposes. They shared insights about three key types: Jungle Boots, Combat Boots, and DMS (Direct Moulded Sole) Shoes.

Quarter Commandant: Jungle Boots are the most comfortable for long-range patrols. They're tough and breathable, perfect for rugged terrains, especially in Naxal areas where we might cover up to 30-40 kilometers in a single run.

The conversation also revealed critical information about the challenges faced by soldiers in extreme climates. For instance, in colder regions like Siachen, moisture inside their shoes can freeze into ice crystals, causing severe damage to their feet. Similarly, in hot desert regions like Jaisalmer, soldiers often experience pale skin and boils due to trapped heat inside their shoes.

Soldier recently returned from the border: "Up in Siachen, the moisture in your boots actually freezes into ice. You can feel the crystals forming inside, and it gets so bad that some guys end up with frostbite. In the worst cases, we've even seen amputations because of it."

While soldiers have adapted well to their footwear in more moderate climates, we were surprised to learn that foot care is not formally addressed in their training or routine. Foot-related issues are generally regarded as minor, and only a few soldiers face these problems at any given time. However, the soldiers did stress the importance of insoles for added comfort.

"Insoles are key. They need to be thick and customized depending on the type of shoe we're wearing. It can make all the difference during long patrols."

From our discussion with BSF personnel, we learned that soldiers, especially during early training, face foot issues like boils and redness but eventually adapt to their footwear. Jungle Boots are preferred for their durability and breathability during long-range patrols in rugged terrains, while Combat Boots are less suited for extended wear, emphasizing the need for purpose-specific footwear. However, new recruits and those undergoing intensive training may still benefit from improved footwear options.

Foot health becomes a serious concern in extreme climates. In freezing areas like Siachen, moisture inside shoes can freeze, leading to frostbite and even amputations. In desert regions like Jaisalmer, trapped heat causes boils and skin discoloration. These issues highlight the need for footwear that manages moisture and temperature effectively in extreme environments.

Additionally, soldiers emphasized the importance of thick, customized insoles for long-duration missions. This feedback guided us in refining E. Solei by incorporating different strains of bacteria capable of withstanding extreme climatic conditions, particularly for those operating in high-altitude environments where foot health is most at risk. Additionally, we will need to focus on affordability and value, while broadening our perspective on potential stakeholders to ensure that our solution benefits a wider range of users.

Discussion with Mr. Kaushal Sharma on Footwear, Foot Health, and Broader Applications for E. Solei

Mr. Kaushal Sharma

Chief Security Officer, IISER-Kolkata

We had a discussion with Mr. Kaushal Sharma, the Chief Security Officer of our institute, about the challenges of long-term shoe wear, focusing on issues such as fungal and bacterial infections, unpleasant odors, and foot swelling. As a former army personnel, he shared the preventive measures he follows to maintain foot health.

Mr. Sharma: "One thing that struck me during our conversation is how the material you're developing for footwear could have a much broader application. Think about people who are bedridden in hospitals or at home for long periods. They’re unable to move, and the constant exposure of certain parts of their body to the bed surface often leads to fungal infections and sores. If you could adapt this antimicrobial material into something like a bedsheet or covering, it would be incredibly beneficial for preventing these kinds of infections. This could address a major issue in healthcare, helping patients stay healthier and more comfortable."

What We Learned: We learned the importance of strict hygiene practices to prevent foot-related issues in long-term shoe wear. Additionally, Mr. Sharma highlighted another potential application for E. Solei as an antimicrobial bed for bedridden patients in hospitals, where infections are a significant concern. This insight broadens the scope of our product to address a real-world problem in healthcare.

Raj Kumar Ghosh

Designation: Unit Commander, IISER Kolkata

Most of the security forces at our institute are retired army, navy, and other defense personnel. They have adapted to wearing shoes for long hours due to their past service. However, we now realize that their tolerance capacity has reduced over time, and many of them feel irritated by wearing shoes for extended periods, particularly in this climate.

What We Learned: We learned that while the security personnel have a background in defense services, where they were accustomed to harsh conditions, the local climate and prolonged wearing of shoes have affected their comfort levels over time. Even individuals with prior experience in extreme environments can experience reduced tolerance to such conditions in a different context.

Engagement with Stakeholders and Expert Insights

Stakeholder Feedback

After engaging with our stakeholders, including students, athletes, corporate employees, defense personnel, and the general public, we gained valuable insights that reshaped our project approach. Their feedback provided diverse perspectives on how our bacterial insole technology could fit into their daily lives, focusing on comfort, functionality, and affordability. These conversations gave us a deeper understanding of user needs and allowed us to refine our design accordingly.

Expert Insights

Our project focuses on two key components: the production of linalool—known for its antifungal, wound healing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and lavender fragrance properties—and the sustained production of linalool using live bacterial cultures. We encountered a significant challenge in controlling the bacterial population to prevent overgrowth, which could compromise the product's longevity. To address this issue, we developed a population control module incorporating a sensing system to regulate bacterial growth, ensuring that the product remains effective over time.

Dr. Sudin Bhattacharya

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Pharmacology & Toxicology, Michigan State University

Dr. Sudin Bhattacharya


Dr. Sudin Bhattacharya leads a lab at the intersection of computation and biology, using advanced quantitative tools to study cellular signaling and transcriptional networks, particularly how they are affected by environmental pollutants. The iGEM 2024 Team from IISER Kolkata consulted Dr. Bhattacharya to explore the computational modeling aspects of our project.


During our meeting with Dr. Bhattacharya, he provided invaluable insights into refining our mathematical modeling. He expressed his admiration for the progress we had made, particularly the model of the quorum sensing circuit. Dr. Bhattacharya shared several advanced computational approaches to further improve our project, including:

  • Structure Determination of Antisense mRNAs: He suggested using computational tools and deep learning software to determine the structure of antisense mRNAs, which could help estimate their half-lives and improve accuracy.
  • Molecular Docking: He advised us to perform molecular docking to predict interactions between sense mRNA and antisense mRNAs of varying lengths, a key factor in enhancing the precision of our modeling.

Dr. Bhattacharya was so impressed with our project that he arranged a follow-up meeting with Dr. Christopher Contag, Director of his department at Michigan State University, to guide us further in refining our approach.


Our interaction with Dr. Bhattacharya was a pivotal moment in the development of our project’s computational models. His feedback on the quorum sensing circuit and guidance on incorporating structure determination and molecular docking greatly enhanced our understanding of computational tools. His support and encouragement helped us take significant steps toward advancing the mathematical and computational aspects of our project.

Follow-up meeting

Dr. Christopher Contag

Director, Institute for Quantitative Health Science and Engineering, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

Dr. Christopher Contag


Dr. Christopher H. Contag is a pioneer in the field of molecular imaging, with significant contributions to the development of imaging techniques that reveal molecular processes in living organisms. He has extensive experience in biomedical engineering, radiology, and microbiology, and his work has helped advance therapeutic strategies through innovative imaging approaches. Given his expertise, we consulted Dr. Contag to gain insights into how we could refine our project design, particularly with regard to the engineering of our biological circuits.


During our discussion with Dr. Contag, he provided crucial feedback on how we could enhance the robustness and efficiency of our system. Here is a summary of the insights we received:

  • Improving Oscillation Resolution: Dr. Contag suggested using short-lived variants of the fluorescent proteins we had been utilizing. This would allow us to achieve better resolution in detecting the oscillations we are aiming to observe within our engineered circuits.
  • Exploration of the LuxABCDE System: He also advised us to explore the LuxABCDE system, highlighting its stability at lower temperature scales, which could prove beneficial for our specific experimental conditions.
  • Design of Antisense RNA: Dr. Contag provided valuable input regarding the design of the antisense RNA, the key effector molecule in our system. His guidance helped us streamline its functionality to ensure effective regulation within our engineered circuits.
  • Application of E.solei: He rigorously questioned the future application of our engineered bacteria, E.solei, which led to key insights on its live application. His feedback provided valuable suggestions on how we could further optimize the use of E.solei in real-world scenarios, ensuring that it remains effective and safe.


Our conversation with Dr. Contag greatly enhanced our understanding of how to improve the measurable aspects of our project, particularly by increasing the resolution of outputs and stabilizing our system under different conditions. His expertise in molecular imaging and biological engineering was crucial in refining our experimental design.

Dr. Contag also rigorously questioned the real-world application of E.solei, leading to valuable insights on optimizing its use. His feedback guided us in ensuring the system remains both effective and safe in practical scenarios. His input has been pivotal in shaping the technical and application aspects of our project.

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Dr. Chen Xixian

Research Scientist, Research and Biotransformation, Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation, A*STAR, Singapore

Dr. Chen Xixian


Dr. Chen Xixian is an expert in metabolic and enzyme engineering, with a wealth of experience in biotransformation and microbial engineering. She has led interdisciplinary projects aimed at optimizing microbial production pathways for various industrial and pharmaceutical applications. Given her expertise, we consulted Dr. Xixian to gain insights into how we could improve our project, particularly regarding the microbial production of linalool and the associated challenges with E. coli as our chassis organism.


During our discussion with Dr. Xixian, she provided crucial feedback and suggestions to refine our experimental approach. Below is a summary of the insights we received:

  • Switching Chassis: Dr. Xixian pointed out that E. coli produces organic acids, which can promote fungal growth, a potential problem for our project. She suggested using Pseudomonas as an alternative chassis, but acknowledged this might not be feasible within our current timeline.
  • Proof of Concept: For an efficient proof of concept, Dr. Xixian advised us to co-transform the quorum sensing (Qs) circuit with LIS and GPPs. This approach would channelize the innate MEP pathway in E. coli, though she noted that linalool production might be limited. However, we could still detect production using GC-MS and GFP as indicators.
  • Challenges with the MEV Pathway: She emphasized the difficulty of incorporating the MEV pathway, which is a plant pathway occurring in the cytoplasm, into E. coli without extensive strain engineering or other significant modifications.
  • Plasmid Engineering: Given our time constraints, Dr. Xixian recommended engineering the plasmid to channelize the MEP pathway in E. coli rather than attempting more exhaustive engineering procedures like strain modifications or switching the chassis entirely.


Our conversation with Dr. Xixian provided invaluable guidance on how to streamline our experimental design within the limitations of our timeline. Her suggestion to focus on plasmid engineering and channelize the MEP pathway offers a more practical approach while acknowledging the challenges of incorporating complex pathways into E. coli. Additionally, her insights on co-transforming the Qs circuit for proof of concept and the detection strategies have given us a clear path forward for testing and refining our project.

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Dr. Priyadarsi De

Associate Professor, Chemistry of Macromolecules, Polymer Research Centre

Dr. Priyadarsi De


Dr. Priyadarsi De is an expert in polymer chemistry with a focus on RAFT polymerization, polymer-inorganic hybrid materials, and cross-linked hydrogels. His work spans a wide range of applications, from bioconjugates to toxic metal sensing, making him well-versed in the versatile roles that polymers can play in biotechnology. Given his expertise, we consulted Dr. De to explore how polymer materials like L-Alginate could support our E.solei project, particularly as a medium for E. coli bacteria.


During our discussion, Dr. De provided key insights into the use of polymers, particularly L-Alginate, in biotechnology applications. Here’s a summary of the insights we received:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Dr. De emphasized that polymers, including L-Alginate, are inexpensive to produce, making them a practical choice for projects requiring scalable solutions.
  • Biodegradability: He highlighted advancements in biodegradable polymers, including L-Alginate, which break down more easily and reduce environmental impact, making them suitable for applications where sustainability is critical.
  • Supporting Bacterial Populations: Dr. De explained that some polymers, like L-Alginate, can be engineered to support bacterial populations, providing a stable environment for E. coli growth and function, which is crucial for the effectiveness of our E.solei project.
  • Customization: He pointed out that L-Alginate can be easily manipulated to fit specific needs, such as adjusting its porosity, rigidity, and copolymerization effects. This makes it highly adaptable for different environments, such as the insole application in our project.
  • L-Alginate Properties: Dr. De explained how L-Alginate provides mechanical rigidity and controlled release of embedded substances (such as antimicrobial compounds or enzymes produced by E. coli), which is important for long-term use in our project.


Our discussion with Dr. De helped us realize the versatility and practicality of using L-Alginate as the polymer medium for our E.solei project. The biocompatibility and hydrogelling ability of L-Alginate make it ideal for supporting E. coli while allowing nutrient exchange and controlling bacterial growth. His insights into mechanical strength, flexibility, and biodegradability also assured us that L-Alginate would perform well under the physical demands of an insole application while maintaining environmental responsibility. These inputs have been critical in shaping the material choices and design of our project.

Dr. Karthik Sankar

Assistant Professor of Biological Engineering, Purdue University

Dr. Karthik Sankar


Dr. Karthik Sankar is an expert in combining enzymology and data science to address challenges in drug discovery and green chemistry. His research focuses on the development of high-quality databases and applying machine learning algorithms to make experimentally testable predictions. Given his expertise, we consulted Dr. Sankar to seek insights into how we could improve the optimization of the MEV pathway for enhanced linalool production in our project.


During our discussion with Dr. Sankar, he provided valuable feedback on the computational and experimental aspects of our project.

  • Algorithmic Approach to Enzymatic Retrosynthesis: Dr. Sankar shared his expertise in algorithmic optimization and suggested using his open-source algorithm for in silico optimization of the MEV pathway. This approach could significantly help us redirect the pathway to favor increased linalool production.
  • Mathematical Modeling: He emphasized the importance of robust math modeling to predict enzyme behavior and pathway dynamics, allowing us to refine our pathway design before moving to the wet lab.
  • Wet Lab Experimentation: Dr. Sankar also provided practical suggestions for wet lab experimentation, advising us on how to experimentally validate the optimizations made in silico, ensuring our results align with the computational predictions.


Our conversation with Dr. Sankar greatly expanded our understanding of how computational approaches can enhance the efficiency of our project, especially in optimizing the MEV pathway for linalool production. His suggestions on using algorithmic retrosynthesis and mathematical modeling gave us a clearer direction on how to balance both in silico and experimental work. Dr. Sankar’s insights have been instrumental in shaping both the computational and experimental aspects of our project, providing us with cutting-edge tools to advance our research.


Flyer for Dr. Sankar's Talk

Fig: Flyer for the talk by Prof. Sankar at IISER Kolkata

Team iGEM IISER Kolkata with Prof. Sankar

Fig: Team iGEM IISER Kolkata with Prof. Sankar (Purdue) and our PI Prof. S. Dutta (fourth and third from right, respectively).

Team iGEM IISER Kolkata

Dr. Amit Ghosh

Associate Professor, School of Energy Science and Engineering
Associate Faculty, P. K. Sinha Center for Bioenergy and Renewables
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur

Dr. Amit Ghosh


Dr. Amit Ghosh, with his expertise in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology, provided us with critical insights into optimizing the engineering aspects of our project. His extensive knowledge in bioenergy and systems biology helped us refine our approach to the linalool production circuit, the core component of our project.


During our session with Dr. Ghosh, he provided several key suggestions that allowed us to enhance the design and functionality of our project.

  • Channeling the MEP Pathway: Given our time constraints, Dr. Ghosh advised us to focus on channeling the innate MEP (Methylerythritol Phosphate) pathway in E. coli as the chassis for linalool production. He explained that introducing the entire MEV (Mevalonate) pathway could overburden a non-engineered strain of E. coli, potentially reducing efficiency due to metabolic stress.
  • Western Blot for Intermediate Enzymes: For simultaneous confirmation of linalool production, Dr. Ghosh suggested performing a western blot to detect the presence of intermediate enzymes in the MEP pathway. This would serve as a confirmation that the pathway is functioning correctly and linalool production is underway.
  • Gene Insert for GPPS Substrate: Dr. Ghosh highlighted the importance of optimizing the availability of the immediate substrate for GPPS (Geranioldiphosphate), the junction point between the MEP and linalool production pathways. He suggested that providing the gene for this substrate in a separate insert could boost linalool yield, as the bacteria require this substrate for their own survival within the MEP pathway. Increasing the substrate’s availability would ensure sufficient resources for linalool production.


Dr. Ghosh’s insights were instrumental in guiding us to refine the engineering part of our project. His suggestion to focus on the MEP pathway over the MEV pathway saved us from potential complications and metabolic stress. The recommendation to use a western blot for enzyme confirmation provided a clear method to validate our progress, and his advice on adding the GPPS substrate gene helped us optimize linalool production. These valuable contributions helped us modify our project in a way that better aligns with our timeline and goals.


Dr. Amit Ghosh

Dr. Seema Mishra

Assistant Professor, University of Hyderabad

Dr. Seema Mishra


Dr. Seema Mishra is an expert in bioinformatics and computational biology, specializing in RNA biology, deep learning, and structural biology. Her research focuses on applying computational techniques to understand RNA-protein interactions, RNA secondary structures, and their roles in cellular processes like gene regulation and cell cycle arrest. Given her expertise, we consulted Dr. Mishra for insights into improving our antisense RNA binding prediction models and optimizing antisense RNA lengths for cell cycle arrest in our project.


During our discussion with Dr. Mishra, she provided valuable guidance on computational approaches for sense-antisense RNA binding prediction. Below is a summary of the key insights we received:

  • Sequence- and Energy-Based Algorithms: Dr. Mishra explained that most RNA binding predictions rely on sequence-based algorithms combined with energy-based parameters that account for factors like bonds, angles, torsions, and steric clashes. She suggested our deep learning algorithm should integrate these parameters, including Watson-Crick and non-Watson-Crick base pairing for more accurate predictions.
  • Docking Software Considerations: She also advised that our docking software should include energy-based and surface complementarity terms to enhance the accuracy of RNA binding predictions.
  • Antisense RNA Length Optimization: Dr. Mishra provided insights into antisense RNA length optimization, noting that shorter transcripts, such as miRNAs, or longer ones could have different impacts on cell cycle arrest. The temporal transcription and stability of longer antisense RNA may play a significant role in slowing down cell proliferation. Optimizing the length requires calculating parameters like abundance, stability, and RNA-protein correlation levels for the genes involved in cell cycle arrest.


Our conversation with Dr. Mishra was instrumental in refining our approach to antisense RNA binding and length optimization. Her insights on incorporating sequence- and energy-based parameters into our deep learning algorithm will improve the accuracy of our predictions. Furthermore, her advice on optimizing antisense RNA length for cell cycle arrest has given us a clearer path forward in understanding the dynamics of RNA stability and its role in regulating cell growth. Dr. Mishra’s guidance has been pivotal in improving both the computational and experimental aspects of our project.

Dr. Dipjyoti Das

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, IISER Kolkata

Dr. Dipjyoti Das


Dr. Dipjyoti Das specializes in theoretical and computational modeling of biological systems, with a focus on stochastic dynamics, population modeling, and intracellular processes. His research combines statistical physics with data analysis in collaboration with experimental biologists to understand complex biological behaviors at various scales. Given his expertise, we sought his guidance to develop and refine the mathematical models for our E.solei project, particularly the quorum sensing circuit and bacterial population dynamics.


In our discussions with Dr. Das, he provided essential feedback on the development of mathematical models for E.solei. Here is a summary of the insights we received:

  • Quorum Sensing Circuit: Dr. Das closely analyzed the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) governing the quorum sensing (QS) model, suggesting several modifications and assumptions to improve accuracy and incorporate biological realism.
  • Bacterial Population Dynamics: He played a key role in helping us develop the ODE for bacterial population dynamics (dN/dt), incorporating both the quorum sensing circuit and antisense cell cycle arrest mechanisms. He introduced a new term to account for the death phase of the bacteria, factoring in the accumulation of toxic secondary metabolites and decreasing substrate concentration—elements typically absent in logistic growth models.
  • Refining the Population Model: Dr. Das emphasized the need to model the population life cycle by incorporating environmental factors such as medium toxicity and nutrient availability, enhancing our ability to predict bacterial behavior under quorum sensing control.


Our meetings with Dr. Das were invaluable in developing a robust mathematical framework for our project. His suggestions on improving the ODEs for quorum sensing and bacterial population dynamics helped us incorporate biological complexity into the model, ensuring that it more accurately reflects real-world conditions. His guidance has been pivotal in shaping the modeling domain of our project, and we are sincerely grateful for his support and expertise.

Dr. Susmita Roy

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Sciences, IISER Kolkata

Dr. Susmita Roy


Dr. Susmita Roy specializes in computational methodologies, leveraging theoretical physical chemistry and statistical mechanics to understand complex biological processes such as RNA regulation in viral and bacterial infections. Her research also focuses on nucleic acid structure-function relationships, chemical dynamics, and disease progression. Given her expertise, we consulted Dr. Roy to guide us in the development of the mathematical and computational models for E.solei.


During our meetings with Dr. Roy, she provided invaluable guidance on several key aspects of our project. Here is a summary of the insights we received:

  • Quorum Sensing Model Development: Dr. Roy helped us refine the quorum sensing model, providing insights into the underlying mathematical framework and guiding us through the necessary modifications to improve its accuracy.
  • RNA-RNA Docking for Antisense Binding: She provided expertise on RNA-RNA docking to determine the sense-antisense mRNA binding efficiency. Her guidance focused on the importance of antisense RNA length and the use of computational tools to perform the docking efficiently.
  • Linalool Molecular Docking: Dr. Roy also guided us on the molecular docking of linalool, helping us explore which fungal cell membrane molecules or proteins the compound binds to in order to inhibit fungal growth by disrupting metabolism.
  • Mathematical Rigor: She encouraged the team to deeply analyze each model and its governing ODEs, ensuring that the mathematical framework was rigorous and applicable to real-world scenarios.

Dr. Roy's inputs were crucial in developing robust computational and mathematical models, significantly advancing our project.


Our discussions with Dr. Roy were instrumental in refining both the mathematical and computational aspects of our project. Her insights into RNA-RNA docking, quorum sensing, and molecular docking of linalool helped us enhance the rigor of our models. Her expertise motivated us to critically analyze our models, leading to a more comprehensive and reliable framework. Dr. Roy's guidance has been essential to the success of the project's mathematical and computational components.

Dr. Radhika Venkatesan

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, IISER Kolkata

Dr. Radhika Venkatesan


Dr. Radhika Venkatesan is an expert in plant-insect interactions, working in the field of chemical ecology. Her research primarily focuses on tri-trophic interactions involving plants, insect herbivores, and parasitoid wasps, along with plant defense mechanisms. Given her expertise, we consulted Dr. Venkatesan to gain insights into challenges related to the MEV pathway in our project, as well as suggestions for linalool assays and transport mechanisms.


During our discussion with Dr. Venkatesan, she provided crucial insights into several key areas of our project. Here is a summary of the feedback we received:

  • MEV Pathway in E. coli: Dr. Venkatesan pointed out that the MEV pathway is inherent to the plant cytosol, making it challenging for E. coli to produce it. She suggested we explore alternative strategies to achieve linalool production in bacteria.
  • Linalool Assay: She recommended conducting the linalool assay on a fungal strain available at our institute, suggesting that we use GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry) to quantify linalool production accurately.
  • Linalool Transport in Bacterial Cells: Dr. Venkatesan emphasized the need to study the transport mechanism of linalool within bacterial cells, as this would be essential to ensuring the effectiveness of linalool production and its functionality inside E. coli.

Dr. Venkatesan's feedback was crucial in addressing challenges associated with the MEV pathway and refining the practical aspects of linalool production in E. coli.


Our conversation with Dr. Venkatesan significantly enhanced our understanding of the challenges posed by the MEV pathway in E. coli and the importance of accurate linalool quantification. Her guidance on using GC-MS for linalool assays and her emphasis on studying linalool's transport mechanism within bacterial cells have been pivotal in refining both the experimental and practical aspects of our project.

Dr. Amirul Islam Mallick

Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences (DBS), IISER Kolkata

Dr. Amirul Islam Mallick


Dr. Amirul Islam Mallick specializes in host-pathogen interactions, focusing on the role of host immune responses in combating gut pathogens at mucosal surfaces. He has extensive experience studying the mechanisms by which pathogens like Influenza virus and Campylobacter jejuni influence immunity. Dr. Mallick has been a consistent mentor for the iGEM teams at IISER Kolkata, including our team this year, providing invaluable guidance on the practical implementation of our project.


During our discussions with Dr. Mallick, he provided essential insights into how we could optimize the design and functionality of our product. Below is a summary of his feedback:

  • Inducible Promoter for Population Control: Dr. Mallick recommended using inducible promoters in our design to regulate the population control mechanism and the linalool production pathway. This would allow us to fine-tune the activation of our engineered bacteria under controlled conditions.
  • Packaging Options:
    • Lyophilized GMO on Polymer Film: He suggested packaging the lyophilized genetically modified organisms (GMO) adhered to a polymer film, along with freeze-dried media containing specific inducers. Users would only need to spray water or PBS on the film to activate the media and initiate bacterial activity.
    • Lyophilized Bacteria in a Pouch: As an alternative, Dr. Mallick proposed providing lyophilized bacteria in one pouch and media with an inducer in another. The user would then combine the bacteria with the media, spray some water or PBS, and use the product. However, he advised that the first method is more convenient for consumers.
  • Choice of Probiotic Bacteria: He emphasized using a safe chassis such as E. coli Nissle 1917, the only known probiotic strain of E. coli, which would make the product safer for use outside the lab.
  • Product Longevity Experimentation: Dr. Mallick suggested conducting an experiment simulating the conditions inside a closed shoe to estimate how long the bacteria would remain active. This would allow us to establish a validated expiry date for the product and aid in determining its cost.
  • Safety Considerations and Kill Switch: Dr. Mallick reassured us that using probiotic bacteria mitigates significant risks, stating, "If you are using probiotic bacteria, then they are good bacteria, let them grow!" However, he supported our decision to incorporate a kill switch for handling genetically modified organisms outside laboratory conditions.

Dr. Mallick’s advice was pivotal in shaping the design and functionality of our product while addressing safety concerns.


Dr. Mallick’s guidance has been instrumental in helping us design a practical and consumer-friendly product. His suggestions on packaging, bacterial chassis selection, and product longevity testing have significantly shaped our project. Moreover, his input on safety considerations and the inclusion of a kill switch has ensured that we maintain responsible engineering practices while innovating.

Dr. Sreeramaiah Gangappa

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, IISER Kolkata

Dr. Sreeramaiah Gangappa


Dr. Sreeramaiah Gangappa's research focuses on understanding how plants perceive, integrate, and process environmental cues such as light and temperature to regulate their growth and reproduction. Using Arabidopsis and Rice as model organisms, he investigates the underlying mechanisms of temperature and light signaling pathways, exploring their genetic, genomic, and biochemical interactions. Given his expertise in molecular biology techniques, we consulted Dr. Gangappa to gain insights into cloning technologies for our project.


During our discussion, Dr. Gangappa provided valuable insights into various cloning techniques. He introduced us to Golden Gate Assembly, highlighting its efficiency in assembling multiple DNA fragments simultaneously due to its one-pot reaction process, which could expedite our cloning procedures. He also discussed Gibson Assembly, emphasizing its flexibility for seamless DNA assembly without the need for restriction enzymes. Additionally, he reviewed traditional cloning methods like restriction digestion and ligation, explaining their robustness and widespread use in basic experiments. His guidance helped us weigh the pros and cons of each method and make informed decisions on the best techniques for our project.


Our conversation with Dr. Gangappa was instrumental in enhancing our understanding of various cloning techniques. His explanations of Golden Gate, Gibson Assembly, and traditional restriction digestion gave us a comprehensive view of available options. These insights enabled us to select the most appropriate techniques for our project, streamlining our experimental design and cloning processes. His expertise was invaluable in shaping our approach to the molecular biology aspects of our project.

Dr. Tapas Kumar Sengupta

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, IISER Kolkata

Dr. Tapas Kumar Sengupta


Professor Tapas Kumar Sengupta is an expert in cancer biology, gene expression regulation, and microbiological interactions. His research focuses on both cancer therapeutics and the ecological applications of microbial interactions for bioremediation. Given his extensive expertise, we sought guidance from Professor Sengupta to improve our project, particularly in the areas of plasmid selection, circuit design, and public presentations.


Throughout our discussions, Professor Sengupta provided invaluable advice on various aspects of our project. He guided us through plasmid selection and visualization for our Quorum Sensing circuits, helping us streamline our design process. In addition to technical insights, he also contributed ingenious ideas for project presentations, both at the faculty level and for local communities, such as those at Haringhata Farm, West Bengal. His continuous support and troubleshooting during key stages of our project have been crucial to our progress.


Our interactions with Professor Sengupta have been instrumental in the development of our project. His advice on plasmid selection and circuit design enhanced our technical approach, while his guidance on presentations enabled us to effectively communicate our work at various levels. We are deeply indebted to his expertise and mentorship, which have significantly shaped the direction and success of our project.

Dr. Malancha Ta

Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, IISER Kolkata

Dr. Malancha Ta


Professor Malancha Ta, whose research focuses on the proliferation and immunomodulatory properties of human mesenchymal stem cells, played a crucial role in overseeing our team's safety measures. Along with Dr. G. Lekha, she supervised the safety training program for our iGEM 2024 project to ensure compliance with all necessary biosafety protocols. Furthermore, she guided us through the ethical processes required for our community outreach activities.


In collaboration with Professor Ta, we conducted several surveys and interviews with various community members, including the BSF training camp and local surveys. She ensured that our questionnaire passed the required approvals from the Human Ethics and Regulations Committee at IISER Kolkata, allowing us to collect data responsibly and ethically. Her oversight of this process was essential to the success of our project’s outreach and data-gathering efforts.


We are deeply grateful to Professor Ta for her invaluable support in overseeing both our safety training and the ethical approval process. Her guidance ensured that our team maintained the highest standards of biosafety and ethical compliance, enabling us to engage with the community effectively and responsibly. Her contributions have been critical to the success of our project.

Dr. G. Lekha

Scientific Officer, IISER Kolkata

Dr. G. Lekha


Dr. G. Lekha, Scientific Officer at IISER Kolkata, specializes in molecular techniques such as ELISA, Western Blotting, PCR, DNA/RNA extraction, molecular cloning, and microarray analysis. She also has expertise in plant tissue culture and insect cryopreservation, including cryopreservation of mulberry buds and silkworm eggs, slow freezing, and vitrification. Dr. Lekha has contributed to biotechnology and microbiology research, mentored students, and produced scientific publications, conference presentations, and technical reports.


During our biosafety training, Dr. Lekha covered key safety protocols, including biosafety levels, lab access rules, proper microbial handling, and disinfection methods to ensure contamination prevention. She also provided guidance on the safe transportation of biological samples and emergency procedures in case of spills. The training emphasized biosecurity measures, including material tracking, data protection, and ethical considerations in dual-use research to prevent misuse. Following the training, Dr. Lekha conducted a lab safety exam, which all team members passed, earning certification in biosafety and biosecurity practices.


Our training with Dr. Lekha has been essential in preparing our team for responsible and safe research throughout the iGEM 2024 competition. Her comprehensive instruction on biosafety protocols, microbial techniques, and biosecurity measures provided a strong foundation for us to carry out our project in accordance with safety and ethical standards. Her guidance has been instrumental in ensuring that we follow the best practices for lab safety and data protection, crucial for the success and safety of our project.

Additional Images:

Training Image 1

The Point of Science is to Help Society, to Make it Better

Our Approach

In presenting our iGEM project, we adopt a human-centric approach that seeks to meaningfully enhance human conditions by tackling significant societal challenges through the innovative use of synthetic biology. Our approach starts with a thorough understanding of the specific needs and challenges that communities face. This ensures that our solutions are not only scientifically robust but also socially relevant and ethically grounded.

We designed our project to address a global problem using a localized strategy, employing the cutting-edge tools of synthetic biology. This method underscores the transformative potential of our project, showcasing how tailored biological solutions can have a broad and lasting impact on society. Through this focus, our work aims to demonstrate the power of synthetic biology to not only advance scientific knowledge but also to foster real-world solutions that improve lives.