PFAS Annihilators

Novel Enzymes for Degrading PFAS, Designed Using AI

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Bye, Forever Chemicals!
PFAS is a dangerous chemical. So why is it in our drinking water?
Because it's in almost EVERYTHING. From stain-resistant carpets, firefighting foam, to teflon pans, and waterproof clothes and makeup, PFAS leaches from many of our products, and during manufacturing, into the air, the food we eat, and the water supply.
And then when we drink water, inevitably, PFAS enters our bodies.
This can have many disastrous effects such as metabolic disorders, Type II diabetes and obesity, immune and hormonal issues, vaccine resistance, automimmune diseases, liver damage, and cancer.
But what if we used enzymes and the power of AI?
Well, we did.
We are using 3 protein large language models (pLLM) to create a PFAS-degrading enzyme.
In short this is what our enzyme will do to PFAS!
PFAS degradation