
Thank you so much for your support! We couldn't have done it without you!!

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Linda McManus and Bill Bridges

Linda McManus and Prof. Bill Bridges (inventor of the Argon laser),
who swept in at the last minute
to make it possible for our team to travel to the Grand Jamboree in Paris!

Our many donors!

We are eternally grateful to our wonderful, generous donors:

Linda J McManus and Bill Bridges

Min Kwack

Elizabeth Newlon

Rosa Ornelas Himmelberger

Vikas Kapur

Daniel & Marie-Jo Newlon

Lance Lortscher

Matt Thomson

Gloria Ochoa

William Hacket

Amy Choi

Grace Fisher-Adams

Francisco Alvarez

Peter Tong

Timothy Gonzales

Cara McFadden

Jennifer Oconnor

Nysha Dahlgren

Pyxis Laboratories, Inc.

And to those who prefer to remain anonymous.

Loved Ones!

Mina Kwack and Nysha Dahlgren for bringing us snacks in the long summer hours!

Garth Dahlgren and Mina Kwack for being willing to chaperone us to Paris!

To the parents, families, and friends of the team members who helped out in so many ways to support us, like tolerating the many late nights, providing transportation, making sure we got sleep, and loving us through all the stress! We love you all!


Prof. Matt Thomson, who supported us in so many behind-the-scenes ways, like providing lab space, resources, guidance, and allowing Alec to be our mentor!

Prof. Matt Thomson’s group for welcoming us into the lab and for being so supportive, particularly,

Zach Martinez for creating TRILL, a fantastic tool that democratizes protein design ( ),

Shichen Liu for periodic assistance in the wetlab and his infinite patience

Arjuna Subramanian for consultations regarding design of the mass spectroscopy protein expressibility assay!

PEL group

Particularly Ting Yu for help with mass spectrometer.

Dr. Woj Wojtowicz, for providing example data to train early version of the expression classifier.

Prof. Harry Gray, for your encouragement, and for always being in our corner!

Stefany Nielsen and Jessica Silva, for helping us in so many important ways to make sure we had all our i's dotted and our t's crossed!



To everyone at IEA for your enthusiasm and support, particularly
Nicole Endacott
for taking care of so many logistical and administrative details,
always with grace and positivity. Thank you for believing in us!

Melody Wu

Our sincere thanks to Melody Wu for advising us about Human Practices, and connecting us with important experts!


For providing us with 19,995/20kb of DNA to produce our AI-generated enzymes


For DNA to help us produce our natural enzymes