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Why safety is important

The lab experiments are not always safe as what you think. Most of the experiments involve some chemical that is toxic or explosive. Even the smallest mistake could cause some serious damage to our body. Thus, learning the safety rules is crucial before participating in any lab experiments.

Safety education and training

Before our team members start the experiment, we have been trained with safety issues systematically. For example, we have been trained how to use extinguishers and fire blankets; also, we've learned the rules of environmental cleaning and disinfection, and medical waste sterilization and made a schedule for it. After safety education and training, we had a safety assessment test. Only after a full score on the test could we enter the laboratory to operate. We give sincere thanks to Professor Peng from Juventas Cell Therapy Ltd. for offering the training session.

General rules inside laboratory


1. Always remember to have proper protection before entering any lab (lab suit, mask, shoe cover, gloves, goggles etc.)
2. Using glass or plastic container for anything that is strongly acidic or basic.
3. Always use the special heat container while mixing exothermic chemicals.
4. Following the professor’s instruction when mixing chemicals.
5. Using the fume hood while dealing with toxic, corrosive, and explosive chemical that is volatile.
6. While dilute the acid, make sure you always drip acid into the water.
7. Acid and base must be stored separately.
8. While dealing with volatile and highly flammable chemical, using the fume hood and make sure there’s no electric device or anything that has the potential to cause spark or flame.
9. Make sure your professor is always beside you during the lab.
10. Wash your hand completely before exiting the laboratory.
11. If you spill chemical on your hand accidentally, wash with water instantly and tell your professor.
12. Remember to wash and clean the container after using.

Laboratory Safety Survival Guide

To translate what we've learned about laboratory safety guidelines into practice and raise awareness among students who cannot participate in hands-on experiments, we created and released a series of interactive videos titled "Laboratory Safety Survival Guide." Through interactive challenges, students can practice and learn laboratory safety rules online.

Lab Practice

Before the formal lab started, we go through 4 days of lab practice. We learned how to use some equipment inside laboratory, these include:

How to use pipette:

1. Make sure you check the maximum and minimum unit of the pipette before using.
2. Always switch back the pipe after using.
3. The red number on the bottom scale wheel represents 0.1 ul and the upper one represents 1000 ul.

How to use scale:

1. Always remember to set the scale into 0 before measuring, especially while using paper or other containers for measuring.
2. If you find the weight is getting close to the number you want, start to add the chemical slowly by shaking your hand.
3. Again, NEVER EVER put the extra chemical back to its container. (I see too many students doing this)

PH test device:

1. Always remember to clean the sensor with DD water after using.
2. Make sure to put the sensor into solution before pressing the button for the most accurate data.


Centrifuge safety rules:

1. Centrifuge must be balanced.
2. When starting the centrifuge, wait until it reaches the set speed.
3. Stop immediately if the machine makes any noise.
4. No students are allowed to use the large centrifuge without the instructor’s supervision.

The operating procedures for using a biological safety cabinet:

1. Minimize interference with the airflow barrier and avoid rapid movements.
2. Maintain the proper sash opening height.
3. Perform daily surface decontamination; UV light sterilization does not completely replace cleaning tasks.
4. Wear appropriate attire and properly use complete personal protective equipment (PPE).
Additionally, attention should be paid to the environmental conditions in which the biological safety cabinet is used. It should be placed in a high-cleanliness environment, away from areas with frequent foot traffic, and enough space should be reserved for maintenance and repairs.

Do not do the following things in the laboratory

1. Do not enter any room in the laboratory without permission.
2. Food and drink (including water) are never allowed in any lab.
3. Do not use open fire to heat the flask; use the heat plate.
4. Do not pour any chemical or contaminated trash into the sink; use the chemical waste container instead.
5. Never put any chemical back to its container after using or touching it; it may contaminate the rest of the chemical inside the container.
6. Do not bring any lab material or product outside the laboratory without permission.
7. Never try to repair any device inside the laboratory; if any device is broken, tell your professor.
8. Do not touch any electric device with wet hands.