Feb.17th (online meeting)
1.Introduction of PI
2.First brainstorming
3.Training and requirements for start-up members
1.from PI Ye Qiu
- -Respect: Team members should respect each other
- -Responsibility: Members should take their own responsibility
- -Requirements: Most of team members should have enough time to take part in experiments
3.each member shares their ideas, and communicate with PI and other members to improve their ideas
- -The detection of formaldehyde by recombinant E.coli
- -Oncolytic virus
- -Biological treatment agent for nuclear wastewater by recombinant E.coli
- -Absorption carbon dioxide to produce biofuels by recombinant E.coli
- -Synthesis of PHA from polyhydroxyalkanoates
- -Synthesis of biodiesel from Clostridium pasteurii
Feb.24th (online meeting)
1.Second brainstorming
2.identify two feasible ideas for in-depth consideration and research
3.electing student leadership
1.each member presents their revised idea based on the suggestions made in the first brainstorming
2.After an overall analysis of the feasibility of each topic, two further topics are voted for deeper thinking ( one
is about engineered virus, the other is about the detection of formaldehyde by recombinant E.coli)
3.students who will to run for student leadership take a brief statement, and team members vote for student leader
1.PI Liyang Shi come to guide
2.have an in-depth discussion for the two topics
1.From PI Liyang Shi
- -provide guidance on the idea of using hydrogels in the project of formaldehyde
- -propose suggestions for improvement in the two projects

Agenda1.Addition of new member
2.further discussion
1.A brief self-introduction from new member, and learn about the project
2.determination of the method and components used in the experiment
Agenda1.Start designing team logo, members put forward ideas
2.Propose the use of Click Chemistry (Nobel Prize) to modify viruses
1.art team members receive feedback and begin to design the team logo
2.in-depth discussion of how to apply Click Chemistry to the practical modification of viruses.

Agenda1.further determination of the logo details
2.know the calendar of iGEM competition well
1.Art group confirm the first draft of logo, and take improvement in details
2.Student leader explain the competition schedule
1.Look up the application of Click Virus2.Dig through past projects of iGEM to make sure no teams have done similar projects before
3.Safety training before the experiment
1.In order to avoid operational errors in the subsequent experiments, our PI conduct safety training before the experiment and basic experimental operation training of synthetic biology for members of Wet Lab

1.Some members went to Nanjing to attend the Second SBC Synthetic Biology Industry Expo to learn.[Yuchen Liang, Wenrui Gao, Ruyi Shen, Jiaxuan Li]Apr.21st
Agenda 1.Report what we have learned in the expo2.finalise our team logo [Qisheng Huang]
Apr.28th (online meeting)
Agenda1.Expert from Wuhan Institute of Virology explain the cutting-edge knowledge of virus transformation and put forward constructive suggestions on the project
1.Members discuss what the expert have explained and then apply it to the project after in-depth understanding
Agenda1.Start designing the initial elements and primers by software such as Snapgene
2.Make general planning for video shooting and materials in the later stage
1.learn the usage of Snapgene to design primers and construct expression vectors, NCBI to find the target gene sequence, and Addgene to find appropriate vectors
2.Members of HP group have an introduction about their plans of video shooting and materials, and conduct preliminary discussion with members of Wet Lab group according to the follow-up experiment arrangement
Notes 1.The formaldehyde group:- ①Activation of E.coli
- ②Preparation of LB medium
- ③Shaking culture
- ④Extraction of plasmids
- ⑤Run the gel
- ①Shaking culture
- ②Preparation of Glycerol
- ③Detect the content of DNA by ultraviolet spectrophotometer
Agenda1.Report project content to our PI, discuss the feasibility of experiment, and determine the competition project--Click Virus
1.The first project:The detection of formaldehyde by recombinant E.coli
2.The second project: Click virus
3.Click Virus group: run the gel
Agenda 1.Summary of recent work2.Discussion of project issues
1.Streak cultivation
Agenda1.Summary of recent work
2.Discussion of project issues
1.Select the monoclone for amplification (because of failure in experimental operation)
2.Shake culture for 16h
3.Extraction of plasmids( basic laboratory operation training)
Agenda 1.Summary of recent work2.Discussion of project issues
Notes 1.Preparation of Glycerol
2.Extraction of plasmids(basic laboratory operation training)
Agenda1.Further refine the follow-up experimental procedures for virus modification
2.Student leader explain the specifics of Safety Form
3.Reconfirm the schedule of iGEM
2.Extraction of plasmids ( pcDNA3.1-A27Lmut-GFP)
Notes1.Colibacter streak
2.Shake culture for 16h( basic laboratory operation training)
3. Extraction of plasmids ( pcDNA3.1-A27Lmut-GFP)
4. Shake culture for 16h
5. Detect the content of plasmids
Notes1.Virus infection
2.Transfect plasmids ( pcDNA3.1-A27Lmut-GFP)
Agenda1.Finalize the confirmation form and submit it to the official website
Agenda1.Zixin Deng, Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, come to guide, communicate with team members and make some comments
1.Plate streak (E.coli which contain plasmid A27L-GFP)

Notes 1.Select the monoclone for amplification2. Perform viral infection and cell observation
3. basic laboratory operation training
Agenda1.Preliminary beautification and packaging of the subject
Notes 1.Preliminarily prospect the future application of Click Virus
2.Sort out the previously cited literature, confirm the source of the literature, and facilitate the subsequent sorting of the submitted content
Agenda1.Student leader explain the 2024 Judging Book in detail, and have a discussion with team members
1.According to the evaluation criteria of various indicators on the official website and the winning examples, we discuss the suitable village for our project
2.Have a discussion about the suitable judgment criteria for winning the gold medal
Notes 1.Discuss the content of description of our project in detail, make a preliminary decision about what to write and complete the draftJun.20th
Notes 1.After further discussion, the final content is confirmed, the final draft is formed and submitted to the official website2.Submit our village to the official website
- -Foundational Advance
- -Therapeutics
- -Oncology
Notes 1.The first choice of our village has been approved2.Discuss the following aspects should be noted according to our village

Agenda1.Interview seminar
1.Determine the interview content and scoring mechanism
2.Put forward and screen interview questions
3.Arrange time, personnel and venue of the interview

Notes1.Interview and screen new members

Agenda1.The first group meeting after new member join
1.Explain the division of labor in detail to new members
2.Identify the tasks of different groups in recent
3.Implement material and video shooting

Notes1.Start video shooting to accumulate clip materials
2. Clarify the course of the experiment

Jul.11st- Jul.21st
1.Some members participated in the 11th China Regional International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM) team exchange meeting CCiC, to understand and learn about the projects of other teams in the China region.2.Conduct a logo design for the project.
3.Based on the questionnaire results of the high school research activities, create charts and perform data analysis.
4.Design the mascot, team uniforms, and member image.
5.Begin uploading our experimental content on the website.
6.Complete the preliminary script for short videos.
7.Conduct biological enlightenment education in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture's Pioneer Village, and collect questionnaires among the primary school students.

July 8th
Jincheng No. 2 Middle School in Shanxi Province conducts a study tour at Hunan University.July 10th
Jincheng No. 1 Middle School's study and exchange event at Hunan University was successfully completed.July 22nd
AgendaThe weekly group meeting of the third week in July.
1.Presentation by students who attended CCIC.
2.Watch short videos from other teams in previous years to learn from their strengths.
3.Discuss the next experimental plan and measurement methods.
4.Discuss improvements to the presentation slides.
July 29th
AgendaThe weekly group meeting of the forth week in July.
1.The results of the gel run were discussed and it was decided to proceed with gradient PCR
2.Most of the team members started the vacation and were assigned vacation tasks
3.The script for the project promotion video was determined
4.Completed the publication lines of the project promotion video
5.The project poster is completed
August 5th
Agenda The weekly group meeting of the first week in August.Online meeting
1.In order to verify that unnatural amino acids are incorporated into A27L, we discussed the decision to use a new plasmid to enable HEK 293T cells to express the folate receptor
2.Promotional materials are available, such as notebooks, badges, keychains, etc
3.Interviews for companies were determined
4.A debriefing on the iGBA was conducted
August 12th
AgendaThe weekly group meeting of the second week in August.
Online meeting
1.Reflect on and improve the experimental operation
2.In response to the PI’s suggestions for the experiment, it will be implemented in the following week
3.The wiki Home sketch is confirmed
4.A draft of the interview was finalized for the hospital
August 19th
Agenda The weekly group meeting of the third week in August.Online meeting
1.The modification of p3xFLAG-CMV-FOLR-T2A-mCherry has been completed, but some plasmids cannot be extracted and further improvement is needed
2.The animated sketch design for the video is complete with the effort of everyone
3.The lines of the project promotion video are all confirmed
4.The first project promotion video shoot was taken
5.The left-hand side of the directory has been added to the wiki
August 26th
AgendaThe weekly group meeting of the forth week in August.
Online meeting
1.Plasmid transformation is completely complete
2.The video footage is ready
3.The first draft of the project promotion video is complete
4.The project promotion video lines are recorded
5.The second video shoot is completed, and the video shooting part is complete
6.The intro and outro layouts of the project promotion video are completed
September 2nd
AgendaThe weekly group meeting of the first week in September.
Online meeting
1.The Chinese version of the project promotion video has been recorded
2.The project promotion video animation is all done
3.The project promotion video clip is complete
September 4th
Notes1.The project promotion video was submitted
2.Completed the submission of the Safety Form and Check-in Form
September 8th
AgendaThe weekly group meeting of the second week in September.
1.The team's parts were determined
2.The presentation video is assigned to write, edit, and animate
3.The promotional leaflet of the Safety & Security section was completed
4.Simple template for wiki content is determined
5.A presentation on the iG20 webinar was made
September 15th
AgendaThe weekly group meeting of the second week in September.
1.The first version of the presentation video is written
2.Interviewed expert SHI Junyan, Ph. D., Clinical Biochemist
3.The DL group began to construct a protein structure model
4.Start plotting the results of our experiment
September 21st
AgendaThe weekly group meeting of the third week in September.
1.We took team photos and individual photos, and completed each person's self-introduction.
2.Completed the video of Safety & Security
3.The first image for each section of the wiki was determined.
4.The modeling work has come to a conclusion.
5.The final script for the video has been confirmed.
September 29th
AgendaThe weekly group meeting of the forth week in September.
1.Attribution form has been completed
2.We conducted a self-inspection in detail according to each requirement of the Judging form.
3.Presentation video has been completed
4.The tasks and requirements for the sprint phase have been determined. The PI affirmed the work of each student and encouraged us to continue persevering.