

During the team formation phase, we divided our team members into different groups. The Experimental Group was responsible for designing and conducting experiments, the Modeling Group focused on creating project models, the HP Group handled event planning and video production, and the Design Group contributed to enhancing our Wiki page and creating promotional items.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our entire team of Principal Investigators, Instructors, and Advisors, who provided invaluable support for our project. Our Primary PI, Dr. Zhenming Jin, played a pivotal role in team formation and offered crucial advice during the project's early stages. Our Secondary PI, Dr. Long Wang, provided substantial assistance with plant experiments and supplied us with the pDR5-RUBY plasmid and pCAMBIA1300-C-MCS-GFP plasmid. Advisors Qingjie Li and Weiyu Xiao offered detailed guidance on our experimental procedures, helping us overcome many challenges in our research.

In the end, we express our sincere appreciation for the teamwork and dedication of our entire team. These collaborative efforts and specialized roles have been instrumental in the successful progression of our project.

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