l o a d i n g
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Welcome to Vglycin Biomanufacturing

Discover how vglycin can revolutionize the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes.

The Diabetes Epidemic

With 537 million people affected today and projections rising, Type 2 Diabetes poses a growing global challenge.

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people living with diabetes in 2021
the estimated number of people living with diabetes will be increased by 2045
of the total are people with type 2 diabetes.
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Dangers of diabetes

Long-term hyperglycemia will continue to harm the health of diabetic patients, bringing various complications, including retinopathy, kidney disease, neuropathy, macrovascular disease, cardiomyopathy, infection, metabolic dysfunction, etc.

But is there really nothing we can do?

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Vglycin: A Promising Solution

P37, a legume-derived 37 - amino - acid polypeptide, resists GI protease degradation and has an oral hypoglycemic effect. In its family, vglycin has obvious hypoglycemic and pancreas - repairing effects, suitable for type 2 diabetes treatment as a new oral medicine.

The Future of Vglycin

Currently, vglycin can only be extracted from soybeans with problems like low yield, complex process, and waste of land resources; thus, to enable more people to benefit from vglycin - related treatment in the future, we plan to construct a vglycin expression vector using the synthetic biology method to increase its expression level.

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Our pursuit

Our biomanufacturing system aims to make Vglycin accessible, and allow further Vaglicin-based treatment to be furthes explored.