General Guidelines

Always clean all work areas (fume hood, bench, sinks, balance area, and other work surfaces) thoroughly before you start working, and after you complete your work in the laboratory.
Never eat or drink in the laboratory and wash your hands before leaving the laboratory.

View a PDF version of our Lab-notebook

Selective Agar Prep (6/8/2024) Performed by Sheila T.

Always clean all work areas (fume hood, bench, sinks, balance area, and other work surfaces) thoroughly before you start working, and after you complete your work in the laboratory.
Never eat or drink in the laboratory and wash your hands before leaving the laboratory.

  • Proper disinfection of fume hood with 70% ethanol

  • 1 L Agar prepared (32 g/L)

    • Autoclaved at 121 Celsius for 15 min

  • Poured Agar into 100mL bottles in a fume hood

  • Added 1mL Ampicillin stock per 100 mL agar

    • Verified that agar was warm, not hot; otherwise, the antibiotic will be deactivated

    • Ampicillin stock concentration was 10 mg/mL

  • Added 1mL Kanamycin stock per 100 mL agar

    • Verified that agar was warm, not hot; otherwise, the antibiotic will be deactivated

    • Kanamycin stock was 10mg/mL

  • Added 500 µl of Kanamycin and 500 µl of Ampicillin per 100 mL of Agar

    • Verified that agar was warm, not hot; otherwise, the antibiotic will be deactivated

    • Both Ampicillin and Kanamycin stocks were 10 mg/mL

  • Poured 11 plates of Kanamycin, 10 plates of Ampicillin, & 3 plates of both. Each plate contained 25 mL of agar.

Blue-White Screening - 7/3/2024 Performed by Vishwaa K.

  • Disinfected fume hood with 70% ethanol

  • 100mg X-Gal was eluted in 5mL DMSO in the fume hood

  • Filtered using a 0.2-micron filter

    • Removed and discarded needle from the syringe

    • Screwed on filter on the syringe

    • Poured X-Gal in DMSO in the syringe

    • Pushed plunger down and collected the X-Gal in a 10 mL tube

    • Discarded needle and syringe in the sharps container and the filter in the regulated waste container

  • Aliquoted 1 mL of X-Gal in DMSO into five 1.5 mL tubes

    • Wrapped each of the five tubes in foil and stored at -20 Celsius

Plate Prep - 7/8/2024 Performed by Vishwaa K. and Daniel J.

  • For the mixed plates: (5 Plates poured and stored at 4 degrees Celsius)

    • 75 mL Agar

    • 375 µL Kanamycin

    • 750 µL Ampicillin

  • For Kanamycin Only (6 plates stored at 4 Celsius)

    • 90 mL Agar

    • 450 µL Kanamycin

  • All work was done in a sterile fume hood disinfected with 70% ethanol.

Single Transformation - 7/10/2024

Construct 2: Performed by Vishwaa K., Edward K., Leon G.

  • Competent cells were thawed for 25 minutes on ice.

  • Mixed 0.5 µL plasmid with 1.5 µL water in 1.5 mL DNA tube.

  • Vortex the diluted plasmid DNA for 2 seconds.

    • Note: Edward Centrifuged for too long (20 seconds).

  • Added 50 µL E.coli to DNA tube.

    • Note: Leon left some of the mix of the 1.5 mL tube in the pipette tip.

  • Flicked the 1.5 mL DNA tube to mix the DNA and competent cells gently.

  • Placed the tube on ice for 25 min.

  • Resealed the plasmid storage tubes and returned them to the freezer.

  • Heat shocked the transformation tube at 42°C for 30 seconds.

  • Placed heat-shocked 1.5 mL DNA tube on ice for 2 minutes.

  • Added 500 µL of SOC media to the transformation reaction.

  • Placed the transformation tube on a shaker at 200 RPM and 37°C for 60 min.

  • Pipetted 100 µL X-Gal and 40 µL IPTG on six kanamycin plates: 3 high-concentration (100 μg/mL) plates and two low-concentration (50 μg/mL) plates.

  • Spread the X-GAL and IPTG evenly on each plate and let the plates dry.

  • Plates were closed with lids until the bacteria were done shaking.

  • Added bacteria to plates; plates had the following µL of bacteria, respectively:

    • High-concentration plates: 150 µL, 100 µL, 50 µL.

    • Low-concentration plates: 30 µL, 10 µL.

  • Incubated overnight at 37°C.

Construct 1: Performed by Shlok J., Akhila N., James M.

  • Thawed E. coli bacteria on ice for approximately 25 minutes.

  • Thawed plasmid DNA (containing prma promoter) and vortexed briefly.

  • Added 1.5 µL of water into a separate microcentrifuge tube.

  • Pipetted 0.5 µL of DNA (4 ng/mL) into the water tube to prepare the dilution mix.

  • Vortexed the DNA dilution mix again.

  • Placed the DNA solution back on ice.

  • Added 50 µL of E. coli into the microcentrifuge tube and returned it to ice.

  • Incubated the E. coli/DNA mixture on ice for 25 min.

  • After the incubation, the ice bucket was taken to the water bath, and the E. coli/DNA tube was heat-shocked for 30 sec at 42°C.

  • Returned the E. coli/DNA tube to ice for 2 min.

  • Added 500 µL of SOC media to the bacteria tubes and incubated them in a shaking incubator.

  • Incubated the tubes for 60 min at 37°C and 225 rpm.

  • Waited 2 mins to put on shaking incubator with Construct 2.

  • Pipetted 10 µL and 20 µL E. coli/DNA mixture onto 10cm LB selective agar plates.

  • Gently spread bacteria throughout agar plate.

  • Incubate plates at 37°C overnight (putting plates upside down).

Double Transformation of Construct 3: Performed by Aryan S, Gowshik R, Daniel J

  • Labeled 2, 1.5 mL tubes

  • Competent cells were thawed on ice for 25 minutes

  • Added 1.5 µL water into a 1.5 mL centrifuge tube

  • Vortexed the tube containing the plasmid stock for approximately 2 seconds

  • Added 0.5 µL plasmid DNA to the tube with water

  • Added 50 µL E.coli to the DNA tube

  • Flicked the 1.5 mL tube to mix the DNA and competent cells gently

  • Placed 1.5 mL tubes on ice for 25 minutes

  • Heat shocked each transformation 1.5 mL tube at 42°C for 30 seconds

  • Placed heat-shocked 1.5 mL tubes on ice for 2 min

  • Added 500 µL of SOC media to each transformation tube

  • Placed each 1.5 mL transformation tube on a shaker at 200 RPM and 37 degrees Celsius for 60 min

  • Pipetted 100 µL X-Gal and 40 µL IPTG on six kanamycin plates: 3 high-concentration

    • Note: Plates were wrongly plated, and Kanamycin and ampicillin were mixed up, resulting in abnormal results. So we repoured the plates.

  • (100 μg/mL) plates and two low-concentration [50 μg/mL] plates.

  • Spread the X-GAL and IPTG mix evenly on each plate

  • After the plates dried, they were closed with lids until the bacteria were done shaking

  • Added bacteria to plates; plates had this many µL of bacteria, respectively:

    • High-concentration plates: 150 µL, 100 µL, 50 µL

    • Low-concentration plates: 30 µL, 10 µL

  • Incubated Overnight at 37 °C

Repouring Construct 3 plates (due to previous failure) - Performed by Vishwaa K.

  • Three types of selective plates were used, 100 µL of Kanamycin, 100 µL of Ampicillin, 100 µL of both

    • Negative controls showed no growth, so we had to redo

  • Added 100 µL of X-Gal and 40 µL of IPTG on each plate

  • Spread the X-GAL and IPTG evenly on each plate

  • After the plates dried, they were closed with lids until the bacteria were done shaking

  • Added 20 µL of bacteria to plates

  • Incubated Overnight at 37°C

    • Note: Blue color means:

      • Empty vector (company didn’t correctly put construct in place of Lac Z)

      • Next time, we should purify and sequence (order by May 25 next year)


Selection for Construct 2 - 7/11/2024 Performed by Vishwaa K.

  • Opened plates in the fume hood @ 8:30 AM the next day

  • Found good growth in Construct 2 plates

  • Placed in a 4°C fridge so that blue colonies can emerge

    • Note: The plate with 10 µL of bacteria worked best

  • Circled white colonies on all plates with Sharpie on the back of the plate

  • Poured 50 mL of LB broth into a tube

  • Added 500 µL of Kanamycin to the tube & mixed by inverting

  • Aliquoted 5 mL of the solution in each of 10 cell culture tubes under the fume hood

  • Used Sterile Pipette tips to select a colony

    • Swiped colony with the sterile end of the pipette tip

    • Placed full pipette tip inside cell culture tube

    • After inserting the pipette tip, the cell culture tubes were closed halfway to allow the cells to breathe.

  • Placed the tubes in the incubator at 225 rpm, 37 °C overnight

  • Plates were sealed with parafilm and stored at 4 °C

Selection for Construct 3 7-12-24 - Aryan S, Gowshik R, Daniel J

Circled white colonies on all plates with Sharpie on the back of the plate

  • Poured 50mL of LB broth in a tube

  • Added 500 µL of Kanamycin to the tube & mixed by inverting

  • Aliquoted 5mL of the solution in each of 10 cell culture tubes under the fume hood

  • Used Sterile Pipette tips to select a colony

    • Swiped colony with the sterile end of the pipette tip

    • Placed full pipette tip inside cell culture tube

    • After inserting the pipette tip, the cell culture tubes were closed halfway to allow the cells to breathe

  • Placed the tubes in the incubator at 225 rpm, 37 °C overnight

  • Returned plates to 4 °C fridge after properly sealed with parafilm

* Old negative controls thrown out

  • Added 25 mL LB Broth in broth-Kanamycin solution tube

  • Added 250 µL Ampicillin and 250 µL Kanamycin into the tube containing 25 mL LB broth

    • Mixed by inverting

  • Aliquoted 5 mL of the solution to the tubes

  • Circled positive colonies for the redo plates - 7/12/24

Construct 1

Due to other members not doing their job, proper notes of what happened were not kept. But the procedures (in wetlab experiments page) contain the steps followed.


Miniprep of Construct 2 - Performed by Vishwaa K., Leon G., and Edward K. - 7/12/2024:

  • Removed cell culture tubes at 9:50 AM from the incubator

    • Note: Leon dropped our cell culture tubes, but none spilled

  • Used a miniprep kit (opened but unused)

  • Aliquoted 1.5mL of each colony into a respectively labeled microcentrifuge tube

    • Meaning they were labeled Colony 1 - Colony 5

  • Centrifuged at 8000 rpm and room temperature for 2 mins

  • Labeled five more 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes (Colony 1-Colony 5) for storage

  • Removed supernatant of microcentrifuge tube

  • Added 250 µL of Resuspension solution to each microcentrifuge tube

  • Flicked tubes gently until cell clumps completely dissolved

  • Added 250 µL of Lysis Solution to each tube and inverted 6 times to mix evenly

  • Added 350 µL of the Neutralization Solution and mixed by inversion until cloudy

  • Centrifuged the tubes at 12000 rpm and room temperature for 5 min

  • Took 650 µL of each microcentrifuge tube’s supernatant and placed it into their respectively labeled spin column

  • Centrifuged the spin columns at 12000 rpm and room temperature for 1 min

  • Repeated twice
    • Discarded flow through of each spin column

    • Added 500 µL wash solution to each spin column

    • Centrifuged the spin columns at 12000 rpm for 1 min

  • Discarded the flow-through of each spin column

  • Centrifuged all the spin columns at 12000 RPM for 1 min

  • Transferred the filter part of each spin column to their respectively labeled microcentrifuge tube

  • Added 50 µL of elution buffer to the center of each spin column filter

  • Incubated at room temperature for 2 minutes

  • Centrifuged at 12000 RPM for 2 min

  • Discarded filter columns and placed the microcentrifuge tubes with the flow through on ice

  • Nanodropped samples for each of the five colonies

Construct 1: Miniprep

Due to other members not doing their job, proper notes of what happened were not kept. But the procedures (in wetlab experiments page) contain the steps followed.

Construct 3: Miniprep

Due to other members not doing their job, proper notes of what happened were not kept. But the procedures (in wetlab experiments page) contain the steps followed.


Digest of Construct 2 - Performed by Vishwaa K., Leon G., and Edward K. - 7/12/2024:

  • Pipetted a master mix of 5 µL Eco31i, 25 µL G-buffer, and 120 µL water in a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes

    • Gently Vortexed and Mixed

  • Created microcentrifuge tubes with a mix of plasmid DNA and water, equaling 20 µL

    • See after nanodrop results for exact measurements

  • Added 30 µL of master mix to each of the 5 microcentrifuge tubes

  • Incubated the five tubes at 37 °C for 1.5 hours

  • Moved the five microcentrifuge tubes of plasmid DNA to 4 °C for overnight storage and stored purified DNA at -20 °C

Repoured plates for construct 3

  • Removed colonies from incubating overnight and placed at 4 °C after incubating overnight

Construct 1: Digest

Due to other members not doing their job, proper notes of what happened were not kept. But the procedures (in wetlab experiments page) contain the steps followed.

Construct 3: Digest

Due to other members not doing their job, proper notes of what happened were not kept. But the procedures (in wetlab experiments page) contain the steps followed.

Nanodrop results

Construct 2: Nanodrop Results

ng/µL A260/A280 A260/A230
Colony 1 347.9 1.90 2.23
Colony 2 168.8 1.88 2.09
Colony 3 302.7 1.89 1.95
Colony 4 320.1 1.90 2.21
Colony 5 327.4 1.88 2.00

Construct 1: Nanodrop Results

Due to other members not doing their job, proper notes of what happened were not kept. But the procedures (in wetlab experiments page) contain the steps followed.

ng/µL A260/A280 A260/A230
Colony 1 78 1.86 1.83
Colony 2 260 1.89 2.17
Colony 3 213 1.88 2.15
Colony 4 213 1.88 2.17
Colony 5 296 1.90 2.22

Construct 3: Nanodrop Results

Due to other members not doing their job, proper notes of what happened were not kept. But the procedures (in wetlab experiments page) contain the steps followed.

Digest Calculation

Calculations for 1μg (Digest) for Construct 2

Colony 1 2.87µL 17.13
Colony 2 5.92µL 14.08
Colony 3 3.30µL 16.7
Colony 4 3.12µL 16.88
Colony 5 3.05µL 16.95

Calculate for 1μg (Digest) for Construct 1

Colony 1 12.821µL 7.179
Colony 2 3.846µL 16.154
Colony 3 4.695µL 15.305
Colony 4 4.695µL 15.305
Colony 5 3.378µL 16.622

Construct 3: Digest Calculation

Due to other members not doing their job, proper notes of what happened were not kept. But the procedures (in wetlab experiments page) contain the steps followed.

7/15/2024 Miniprep of the repoured construct 3 plates (Vishwaa K.)

Performed miniprep on the TF (media culture)

  • Labeled 2, 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes (Transcription factor 1 and 2)

  • And labeled 2 more 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes for storage (Transcription factor 1 and 2)

  • Aliquoted 1.5mL of each bacterial colony into a respectively labeled microcentrifuge tube

    • Meaning they were labeled Colony 1 - Colony 5

  • Centrifuged at 8000 rpm and room temperature for 2 mins

  • Removed supernatant of microcentrifuge tube by pouring it into the waste

  • Added 250 µL of Resuspension solution to each microcentrifuge tube

  • Flicked tubes gently until cell clumps completely dissolved

  • Added 250 µL of Lysis Solution to each tube and inverted 6 times to mix evenly

    • Note: Shlok added too much Lysis solution to Colony 1 of the Transcription factor

  • Added 350 µL of the Neutralization Solution and mixed by inversion until cloudy

  • Centrifuged the tubes at 12000 rpm and room temperature for 5 min

  • Took 650 µL of each microcentrifuge tube’s supernatant and placed it into their respectively labeled spin column

    • In Colony 2, the precipitant had not fully settled, so we did a quick spin and then took 800 µL of the supernatant because it had a little bit of the precipitant

  • Centrifuged the spin columns at 12000 rpm and room temperature for 1 min

  • Repeated twice

    • Discarded flow through of each spin column

    • Added 500µL wash solution to each spin column

    • Centrifuged the spin columns at 12000 rpm for 1 min

  • Discarded the flow-through of each spin column

  • Centrifuged all the spin columns at 12000 RPM for 1 min

  • Transferred the filter part of each spin column to their respectively labeled microcentrifuge tube for storage

  • Added 50 µL of elution buffer to the center of each spin column filter

  • Incubated at room temperature for 2 minutes

  • Centrifuged at 12000 RPM for 2 min

  • Discarded filter columns and placed the microcentrifuge tubes with the flow through on ice

  • Nanodropped purified plasmid DNA

Nandrop of Construct 3 Transcription Factor

Construct 3 transcription factor: ng/uL A260/A280 A260/A230
Col 1 168.3 1.89 2.15
Col 2 141.2 1.86 1.82

* used 1.5 uL for Nanodrop

Digestion Calculation:

1000/162.3 = 5.94 C1 + 14.00 H2O = 20 uL
1000/141.2 = 7.08 C2 + 12.92 H2O = 20 uL

  • Now we have 2, 20 uL tubes

  • Created digest master mix of 2 uL ECO3I, 10 uL buffer g, and 48 uL of H2O

  • Added 30 uL of master mix to each 20 uL tube

  • Incubated the 2 tubes (50 uL) at 37°C for 1 hr

  • Sealed all cell culture tubes with parafilm and stored at 4°C (4 tubes)


  • Preparation of 1% agarose gel

  • 1 g agar and 100 mL of 1x TAE (Tris-acetate-EDTA)

    • 1x TAE created by adding 6 mL of TAE and 600 mL H2O

  • Boiled 1% agar solution in the microwave for ~1 min

    • Should be fully dissolved (clear)

    • Placed stir bar and stirred until the solution was warm to touch

    • Added 6 uL safe dye to 100 mL gel solution

      • Used stir bar and magnetic stir plate to mix

    • Poured gel solution into the chamber

    • Placed the combs into the gel chamber (used the thicker side of the combs) and let the gel sit to harden

  • Labeled 500µL tubes 10-19 (10 tubes)

  • Labeled mini preps-DNA 10-19 as well

  • Took 25 µL of miniprepped DNA and placed it into respectively labeled 500 µL tube

    • 12 didn't have the full 25 µL in the tube (construct 3, colony 3)

      • About 23 µL only

  • Added 2.5 µL of Loading Dye(10x) to each 500 µL tube to bring to 1x

  • Vortexed and centrifuged mini tubes to mix

  • Pipetted all of the digestion reaction and Dye to respective wells on the agarose gel

  • Rinsed pipette tips in buffer (Loading) between pipetting

    • Some wells were cloudy (Buffer has glycerol)

  • Run the gel at 110v for gel 1h

  • For ladder

    • 1.5 µL loading dye and 1 µL of 1 kb Invitrogen Track IT

Note: Discovered one well had two samples

  • Relabelled all purified plasmid DNA

    • Vishwaa, Edward, Leon

    • Because the naming conventions used prior were confusing

Gel layout (1-10 horizontally and 11-19 in the second row)

1 C2(c1) 6 C3 (Gene)(c1) 11 C3 (B) (c3) 16 C3 (B) (c2)
2 C2(c1) 7 C3 (Gene)(c2) 12 C3 (B) (c4) 17 C1 (c1)
3 C2(c2) 8 C3 (TF)(c3) 13 C3 (B) (c3) 18 C1 (c3)
4 C2(c3) 9 C3 (TF)(c4) 14 C1 (c5) 19 C1 (c4)
5 C2(c4) 10 C1 (c2) 15 C3 (B) (c1)

19 Digests; Redoing of all digests - 7/16/2024 - Performed by Vishwaa and Kalina

Nanodrop Results

Con 3 1 µL ng/µL A260/A280 A260/A230
C1 (Gene) 166.0 1.88 2.11
C2 (Gene) 147.5 1.84 1.93
C1 (TF) 205.3 1.86 1.72
C2 (TF) 415.5 1.84 2.18
Con 3 1 µL ng/µL A260/A280 A260/A230
C1 113.9 1.84 2.0
C2 114.8 1.89 2.26
C3 19.7 1.74 1.01
C4 241.5 1.88 2.23
C5 158.0 1.82 2.21
Con 1 1 µL ng/µL A260/A280 A260/A230
C1 70.1 1.86 2.09
C2 205.3 1.88 2.22
C3 234.1 1.89 2.22
C4 198.8 1.89 2.25
C5 285.2 1.89 2.22

Restriction Digest

  • Labeled 18 tubes for digest

    • Red: Construct 1

    • Green: Construct

    • Black: TF

    • Orange: Gene

    • Blue: Construct 3

(All microliters of sample + dH2O)

Construct 1 Construct 2 Construct 3 TF Gene
C1 13 + 7 3 + 17 10 + 10 6 + 14 5 + 15
C2 5 + 15 6 + 14 10 + 10 7 + 13 3 + 17
C3 5 + 15 3.5 + 16.5
C4 5 + 15 3.5 + 16.5 5 + 15
C5 5 + 15 3 + 17 7 + 13
  • Made digest mix

    • 90 µL of buffer G

    • 18 µL of enzyme EcoRI

    • 432 µL of H2O

    • Vortexed and spun down

    • Added 30 µL of digest mix to each tube of 20 µL (plasmid DNA and water)

    • Vortexed, spun down, and incubated at 37.0 degrees Celsius for 1.5 hours

Second Gel Electrophoresis

  • Agarose gel for checking the digested colonies:

    • 1 g agar + (100 mL dH2O + 2 mL TAE (50x))

    • Microwave to boil for 1 minute

    • Cooled by using a stir bar + hot plate (no heat) until it was warm to the touch

    • Added 6 mL safe red dye and stirred

  • Poured 1% agar on the chamber

  • Created 19 mini tubes with digested DNA:

    • Put 5 microliters 10x blue juice loading dye in each mini tube

    • Used 5 microliters for the ladder

  • Pipetted all contents of mini tubes (digests) into gel wells

  • Run the gel for 1 hour at 60 volts

  • Switched to 75 volts after one hour to speed up

Ladder Layout:

  • Making LB Broth:

    • 10g LB broth + 500 mL dH2O

    • Autoclaved broth, a bottle of 75mL of 50% Glycerol, and empty flasks

      • Opened the lid slightly, wrapped the lid in foil, and put white tape onto the lid to make sure the autoclave worked

      • Poured some water in the bin (up to 1 cm off the bottom)

      • Autoclaved for 66 minutes - P4 Setting (30 minutes wait for liquid cycle)

OD 600 reading trial - performed by Vishwaa Kannan

  • Created 15 microliter aliquot of colony 2 construct 2 for OD 600 reacting

  • Created blank for OD of 1mL 1x LB Broth + 1 microliter Kanamycin 100x


A600 Correction λ A(x)
3.11 0 500 3.9
3.13 0 500 3.97
3.13 0 500 3.96
  • Meaning ~ 8x109 cells

  • Diluted aliquot to ½:

A600 Correction λ A(x)
1.44 0 500 1.84
1.64 0 500 2.07

Gel Results from Early Predictions

  • Took a look after 1 hour

  • Constructs 1 and 2 good

  • Construct 3 is ok; bands should be separated more

  • TF looks ok

  • Gene is missing?

    • Possibly human error

  • Placed back in chamber for 1 hour at 75 volts

Fluorescence Reader

Plating colonies

  • Construct 1 - prmA

    • Colony 4 Kan

    • Colony 5 Kan

  • Construct 2 - FAB

    • Colony 2 Kan

    • Colony 3 Kan

  • Construct 3 - Estradiol

    • Colony 5 (More TF) Both

    • Colony 1 (More gene) Both

  • Construct 3 - TF

    • Colony 1 Kan

    • Colony 2 Kan

  • Construct 3 - Gene (No insert, probably)

    • Colony 1 Amp

    • Colony 2 Amp

  • Labeled 10 culture tubes for the plate

  • Four were smaller because we ran out of large cell culture tubes (2 colonies per construct + 4 negative controls)

  • Made stock for Kan, Amp, and Both (All mixed by inverting)

    • Kan

      • 35 µL LB Broth + 350 µL Kan (100x)

    • Amp

      • 15 µL LB Broth + 150 µL Amp (100x)

    • Both

      • 15 µL LB Broth + 150 µL Amp (100x) + 150 µL Kan (100x)

  • Pipetted 5 mL or 3 mL to each tube respective of size and antibiotic

  • Pipetted 5 µL or 3 µL of original media to new media respective of size and antibiotic

  • Opened lid slightly

  • Incubated overnight at 37 degrees Celsius and at 210 RPM

Adding PFOA and H2O2

  • Labeled 3 tubes for selective LB Broth

    • 30 mL Kan (29.7 mL broth + 300 µL Kan (100X))

    • 10 mL Amp (9.9 mL broth + 100 µL Amp (100X))

    • 15 mL both (14.7 mL broth + 150 µL Kan (100X) + 150 µL Amp (100X))

  • PFOA Dilutions

    • 1 mL stock A_p: 875 µL LB Broth + 125 µL of 20 mM PFOA = 2500 µM PFOA

    • 1 mL stock B_p: 800 µL LB Broth + 200 µL of stock A_p = 500 µM PFOA

    • 1 mL stock C_p: 900 µL LB Broth + 100 µL of stock B_p = 50 µM PFOA

  • H2O2 Dilutions

    • 10 mL stock A_h: 9997.45 mL LB Broth + 2.55 µL 30% H2O2 = 2500 µM H2O2

    • 1 mL stock B_h: 800 µL LB Broth + 200 µL of stock A_h = 500 µM H2O2

    • 1 mL stock C_h: 900 µL LB Broth + 100 µL of stock B_h = 50 µM H2O2

  • Overnight culture + nanodrop the following day:

Note: Letters are out of order due to a labeling mistake, but now they are correct.

ND # Name Letter A260 Correction λ A(x)
1 Construct 1 C4 A 2.11 0 500 2.6
2 Construct 1 C5 B 3.10 0 500 3.79
3 Construct 2 C2 C 2.58 0 500 3.22
4 Construct 2 C3 D 1.24 0 500 1.58
7 Construct 3 C1 G 1.37 0 500 1.73
8 Construct 3 C5 H 2.06 0 500 2.57
5 Construct 3 TF C1 E 1.62 0 500 2.06
6 Construct 3 TF C2 F 0.81 0 500 1.05
10 Construct 3 Gene C1 I 0.95 0 500 1.26
11 Construct 3 Gene C2 J 2.1 0 500 2.72

Testing fluorescence

  • Aliquots:

Local Broth Microliters of sample Microliters of selective broth
A x2 986 x2 = 1972 2074 x2 = 4148
B x2 663 x2 = 1326 2397 x2 = 4794
C 799 2261
D 1666 1394
G 1513 1547
H 1003 2057
E 1275 1785
F 2533 527
I 2159 901
J 984 2024
  • Added PFOA to all wells

  • Read plate for OD + fluorescence (results in google sheets)

  • T2 Plate 2 reading ‘Too saturated’

Long-term storage of colonies - performed by Vishwaa Kannan

  • Storage solutions of colonies used on plates

    • 500 µL 50% glycerol

    • 500 µL new colony (used old ones for remaining volumes or TF Colony 1, Colony 2)

    • Mixed carefully by turning the tubes upside down to homogenize

    • Place at -80 degrees Celsius