Construction of high-productive β -carotene
Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell factories
β -Carotenoids belong to the carotenoid family (C40 isoprenoid compounds), which are a class of terpenoids with important medical, food and industrial value
β -Carotene is A vitamin A source substance, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body and has an important impact on visual development.At the same time, carotene is also one of the natural pigments that can be widely used (it can be used in cosmetics)
At present, there are three main methods to obtain β -carotene by industry: chemical synthesis, physical extraction and microbial synthesis
Build Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains with high yield of β -carotene, improve the yield, promote industrial development, help solve the vision problems of teenagers, and efficiently produce high-quality health care products