
Project Parts

With all activity that takes place within the lab, there is a level of risk attached. Whilst lab work was taking place, hazards were identified throughout the project, and minimised to the best of our ability to lower the risk of these activities. If any activity did cause harm, the relevant safety training had been done so all team members knew where to go and what to do in the event of an injury. Below are some examples of the risks we identified in the COSHH forms or SOPs we filled out for our protocols and how we minimised the risk.

Cas12a Related Parts

Part Number Part Name Part Origin Description + How it was used
Melting/ dissolving agar Superboiling in microwave Members instructed to only microwave for a few seconds at a time to limit the possibility of boiling over, and to swirl to agitate the mixture. If skin was burnt by hot liquid, rinse under cool water.
Agarose powder Can irritate respiratory tract if inhaled Try not to agitate powder to cause dust in the air. Take victim outside to breathe fresh air and contact a doctor if symptoms persist.
Ammonium chloride powder Causes serious eye irritation and harmful if swallowed Normal use of the powder should not result in contact with eyes or swallowing, but powder should not be agitated and cause dust. Rinse out eyes with clean water and drink water if swallowed, and contact a doctor if feeling unwell.
SYBR Safe DNA gel stain Causes skin and eye irritation Use in the fume hood with gloves and goggles. Any waste is disposed of in yellow chemical waste bin. Rinse out eyes with clean water and drink water if swallowed, and contact a doctor if feeling unwell.
Hydrochloric acid Corrosive to metals, causes eye and skin burns/damage and maybe respiratory irritation. Stored in glass containers, used in fume hood, goggles (plus lab coat and gloves) worn when using it. Move to fresh air if experiencing respiratory irritation and rinse eyes and skin with plenty of water and remove contaminated clothing.
Running gel electrophoresis from power pack Electric shock Training by an experienced person before use and checking all leads and tanks are plugged in correctly before use. Turn off electric supply and call 999 for additional help if injuries are severe.

Cas13a Related Parts

Part Number Part Name Part Origin Description + How it was used
Melting/ dissolving agar Superboiling in microwave Members instructed to only microwave for a few seconds at a time to limit the possibility of boiling over, and to swirl to agitate the mixture. If skin was burnt by hot liquid, rinse under cool water.
Agarose powder Can irritate respiratory tract if inhaled Try not to agitate powder to cause dust in the air. Take victim outside to breathe fresh air and contact a doctor if symptoms persist.
Ammonium chloride powder Causes serious eye irritation and harmful if swallowed Normal use of the powder should not result in contact with eyes or swallowing, but powder should not be agitated and cause dust. Rinse out eyes with clean water and drink water if swallowed, and contact a doctor if feeling unwell.
SYBR Safe DNA gel stain Causes skin and eye irritation Use in the fume hood with gloves and goggles. Any waste is disposed of in yellow chemical waste bin. Rinse out eyes with clean water and drink water if swallowed, and contact a doctor if feeling unwell.
Hydrochloric acid Corrosive to metals, causes eye and skin burns/damage and maybe respiratory irritation. Stored in glass containers, used in fume hood, goggles (plus lab coat and gloves) worn when using it. Move to fresh air if experiencing respiratory irritation and rinse eyes and skin with plenty of water and remove contaminated clothing.
Running gel electrophoresis from power pack Electric shock Training by an experienced person before use and checking all leads and tanks are plugged in correctly before use. Turn off electric supply and call 999 for additional help if injuries are severe.

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