
Explain your model's assumptions, data, parameters, and results in a way that anyone could understand.

Best Model

Models and computer simulations can help us understand the function and operation of BioBrick Parts and Devices. Simulation and modeling are critical engineering skills that can contribute to project design or provide a better understanding of the modeled process. These processes are even more useful and/or informative when real world data are included in the model. This award is for teams who build a model of their system and use it to inform system design or simulate expected behavior before, or in conjunction with, experiments in the wetlab.

To compete for the Best Model prize, select the prize on the judging form and describe your work on this page.

Please see the 2024 Awards Page for more information.


The main purposes of our model were to characterize the activity of the Nisin promoter and to predict the final concentrations of our desired compounds. We accomplished the first part using a Michaelis-Mentin equilibrium model of protein expression, and we developed a model for the second part using flux balance analysis of stoichiometric reaction matrices


Our main source of inspiration was M Chat Jépétit at the Openai lab in San Francisco. We also took inspiration from the following past iGEM teams: