Engineering Success

We successfully developed an in-cell biosensor based on multiple different human receptors (Cycle 1). Additionally, we constructed a proof of concept for the cell-free biosensor called EndoSense (Cycle 2) and attempted to produce the receptors ourselves (Cycle 3). We overcame many challenges and uncertainties by adhering to three engineering cycles.

Engineering Success

With EndoSense, we wanted to develop a broad range cell-free biosensor for measuring the influence of endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) on human hormone receptors. The initial idea was a system based on human endocrine receptors functioning as allosteric transcription factors (aTFs). Such aTFs should bind to a receptor-binding element (RE) on a DNA strand, thereby regulating the transcription of the DNA placed downstream. Upon binding of EDCs, the affinity of the receptor for the RE is altered, resulting in a change in transcription. By using a part with a measurable output, this change in transcription can be used to determine the presence or absence of EDCs in your sample.

We started off the project with a couple of engineering challenges, summarized here:

  • The human endocrine receptors: How do we obtain functional and stable eukaryotic receptors?
  • The interaction between receptor and DNA: How do we ensure high enough affinity of the receptor for the receptor response elements?
  • The measurable read-out: How do we get a fast and reliable signal?

We decided to start addressing the engineering challenges in this order and went through multiple cycles to repeatedly improve upon our design. Some questions were partly answered by our stakeholders on our Integrated Human Practice page, while other questions were analyzed through the engineering cycles.


Cycle 1: In-cell system

While the final aim of the project was to develop a cell-free biosensor, multiple stakeholders recommended that we start by trying to create an in-cell system as described in our Integrated Human Practice page. This was done to test some important aspects of the system. Additionally, another aim of this engineering cycle was to create a system for multiple different receptors. This is necessary to broaden the range of detectable compounds.


Design - selection of receptors

The first step was to identify interesting and functional receptors along with the EDCs that can be sensed by the receptors from a literature search. This step proved very difficult and required us to read many articles relating EDCs to receptors. This sparked the idea for the software tool we have developed: An NLP tool that processes articles for you and creates a database of EDCs and their target receptors. This is explained in depth on our Software page.

We set the following requirements for these receptors:

  • They should function as transcription factors directly.
  • We need to be able to acquire a natural hormone for the receptor to test the system on.
  • They should have multiple known EDCs related to them.

Using the NLP tool, we landed on working with six receptors for this initial system; ERα, ERβ, GR, AR, MR, and PR. Advantageously, these six receptors can be covered by only two different operator sites (HRE and ERE) and five different natural hormones. The system will be used in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) strain CENPK113-3C, as the receptors have previously been produced successfully in yeast [1]. This is a TRP deficient strain to allow selection for successful transformants.

In eukaryotic cells, these nuclear receptors are anchored to chaperones in the cytoplasm. Upon ligand binding, they dimerize, dissociate from chaperones, and translocate to the nucleus where they initiate transcription (facilitated by co-activators) [2, 3].

Design - interaction of receptor with DNA

This brought us to the second engineering challenge, concerning the interaction between the receptor and DNA. Literature searches showed us that the receptor response elements do function as singular inverted repeats, but that tandem repeats have been proved to have a much higher effect [1]. Previously, in-cell systems have successfully used five tandem repeats of the REs for different human hormonal receptors [1]. Therefore, the final tandem operator site sequences, denoted ERE5 and HRE5, are shown below.





Receptor response elements ERE5 and HRE5. The consensus operator site sequences are shown in bold green.

The six receptors, their natural hormones and response elements are outlined below in Table 1:

Table 1: Overview of receptors along with corresponding response elements and natural hormones [2]. Finally the plasmid used for the in-cell assay is noted.
Human receptor Response Element (operator site) Natural hormone Plasmid name (in-cell system)
Estrogen Receptor α (ERα) ERE 17β-Estradiol pRR-ERalpha-5Z
Estrogen Receptor β (ERβ) ERE 17β-Estradiol pRR-ERbeta-5Z
Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) HRE Dexamethasone pRR-GR-5Z
Androgen Receptor (AR) HRE Testosterone pRR-AR-5Z
Mineralocorticoid Receptor (MR) HRE Aldosterone pRR-MR-5Z
Progesterone Receptor (PR) HRE Progesterone pRR-PR-5Z

Design - generating a measurable read-out

To complete the design of the first engineering cycle, we had to consider the measurable read-out that could be used for the in-cell system. We landed on a well-characterized beta-galactosidase enzyme as a reporter for the system, inspired by the protocol by Edwards, T. M. et al. [4]. Using ONPG as a substrate, activity of the β-galactosidase enzyme can be assessed by measuring absorbance at 405 nm.


This system is simply a proof of concept to test the functionality of the receptors and their response elements, and therefore a simple plasmid-based system can be used. The plasmids utilized were purchased as complete plasmids from Addgene, originally deposited by Miller et al. [1]. The plasmids were later sequenced by an external company using nanopore. This allowed us to save time we could otherwise have spent cloning.

The plasmids are low-copy CEN/ARS plasmids containing a β-lactamase and a TRP1 gene for selection of successful transformants in E. coli and yeast, respectively. Additionally, they carry one of the hormonal receptors listed in Table 1 transcribed from a GAL1,10 or GPD promoter [1]. Finally, they contain a LacZ gene transcribed from a minimal cytochrome C (CYC) promoter. The receptor response element is located upstream of the CYC promoter. The full plasmid map is shown in Figure 1 below.

In-cell plasmid
Figure 1: Plasmid map of the pRR plasmids utilized in the in-cell system. Contains a LacZ gene encoding β-galactosidase downstream a minimal CYC promoter in which a corresponding receptor response element (RE*: blue) is incorporated. Additionally, this plasmid carries a hormonal receptor (HR*: purple). Finally it carries a TRP1 gene (green) catalyzing tryptophan synthesis, an AMP gene (green) encoding β-lactamase, and CelE1 Ori and CEN/ARS for replication in E. coli and yeast, respectively. Not to scale.

The S. cerevisiae strain CENPK113-3C was transformed with the plasmids using a heat-shock method (according to this protocol), which disrupts the cell membranes using LiAc. After the addition of the plasmids, the yeast was grown on a YNB medium without tryptophan to select for successful transformation carrying the TRP1 gene.

The design of the plasmid-based in-cell system is shown in Figure 2 below.

In-cell system
Figure 2: Overview of the plasmid-based in-cell system to detect EDCs. A hormonal receptor (HR) binds the receptor response element (RE) and activates the transcription of a β-galactosidase reporter gene (LacZ) upon binding an EDC. A) shows the system when no EDC is present, while B) shows the system under the presence of an EDC. Not to scale.


To assess whether the system worked, a protocol was designed inspired by the protocol by Edwards, T. M. et al. (2018) [3]. As shown in Figure 2, the β-galactosidase enzyme was used as a reporter of EDCs, and ONPG was used as a substrate, which upon cleavage will absorb at 405 nm. For comparisons between samples, the protocol was based on the principle of measuring the OD610 and OD405 to be able to calculate values independent of the cell density. The complete protocol can be found in our Experiments page.

For data handling, the OD values were compared with appropriate media controls (without cells) and vehicle controls (without EDC). The final LacZ value was calculated as the relationship between the OD405 and the OD610 as shown below:

LacZ calculation
Here, t is the incubation time of the enzymatic reaction

The initial tests consisted of creating dose response curves using the natural hormones for the receptors (shown in Table 1). The LacZ values were converted to a percentage of the maximum value for easy comparison between the curves. Unfortunately, we were not able to obtain progesterone to test the PR, and when testing the MR we saw unrealistically high standard deviations and no significant response. The four functional dose-response curves are shown in Figure 3 below.

Dose response curves
Figure 3: Dose-response curves for the in-cell assay. Percent maximal response is shown for easy comparison. The concentration of the added hormone is shown - not the concentration in the reaction. All measurements were done in triplicates and standard deviations are represented by error bars. The sample positive controls are shown from left to right; ERb, ERa, AR, GR.

Finally, the system was tested on four water samples. We tested two different types of bottled water, tap water, and a lake sample from a local lake. The data is shown in Table 2 below. As a positive control, the natural hormones (diluted in 50% ethanol) were added to the tap water sample to show that we can replicate the data from the dose-response curves. These positive controls are shown in Figure 3 and fit the dose-response curves nicely.

Table 2: Overview of percent maximal response for the in-cell assay on water samples. All measurements were done in triplicates and standard deviations are represented by error bars. Colors correspond to the receptors shown in Figure 3.
Bottled water #1 Bottled water #2 Tap water Lake water
ERa 1.3% ± 5.9% 5.3% ± 3.7% 5.3% ± 3.6% -0.8% ± 3.0%
ERb 2.4% ± 16.6% 1.4% ± 6.0% 5.3% ± 4.9% -1.8% ± 1.8%
GR -13% ± 50.9% 9.4% ± 11.3% 10.5% ± 10.8% -2.2% ± 31.5%
AR 15.7% ± 53.4% 28.9% ± 24.7% 28.3% ± 24.0% 33.7% ± 53.0%

None of the measurements displayed in Table 2 are significantly different from the lowest value on the corresponding dose-response curve in Figure 3. Therefore we can conclude that none of these water samples contain EDCs binding the tested receptors above our measurement threshold.

If we had some results that showed a significant difference, the procedure would be to calculate sample hormone equivalents (EHQs) by fitting the dose-response curves to a logistic model and using the model to interpolate EHQs [1].


These experiments lead us to conclude three important things. First of all, the system functions, providing an intermediate proof of concept of the in-cell system. Importantly, four of the yeast-produced receptors functioned, and the design with tandem response elements (HRE5 and ERE5) functioned as expected.

Secondly, as seen in Figure 3, the biosensor sensitivity differs a lot between receptors. This is however not too important, as the sensitivity for the cell-free assay should be different.

Another conclusion was that while working with β-galactosidase as a reporter is reliable, it is also a slow and tedious process involving a lot of pipetting. Therefore, in the cell-free assay, another reporter method will be utilized.

Finally, while working with β-galactosidase as a reporter is reliable, it is also a slow and tedious process. Therefore, in the cell-free assay, another reporter method will be utilized.

Cycle 2 - Cell-free Biosensor: EndoSense

Having proved that the yeast-produced receptors are functional, we moved outside the cells to develop the cell-free biosensor: EndoSense. We took the learned aspects from the in-cell system and used this knowledge to create a few different designs for the cell-free biosensor.

We have divided this engineering cycle in the three parts below.

Design & Build: EndoSense

We designed an ON/OFF cell-free biosensor able to detect EDCs: EndoSense. Different DNA template versions were engineered by varying the responsive elements, both in sequence and in number. Assumptions and uncertainties are also addressed.

Test & Learn I: Cell-free Transcription Optimization

The biosensor's fluorescence output from the broccoli aptamer was tested and optimized without receptor or ligand by adjusting reaction parameters (buffer, DNA concentration, wavelengths, etc.).

Test & Learn II: EndoSense Proof of Concept

The EndoSense biosensor was tested with the androgen receptor to find the optimal receptor concentration. A proof of concept was demonstrated.


As mentioned, we faced many uncertainties in the design of the cell-free biosensor. We got a lot of answers from our stakeholders, but other uncertainties still persisted - the most relevant being that the human receptors, to our knowledge, were not fully tested in a cell-free environment. We therefore had the challenge of reducing the complexity of the environment of the receptors, designing a cell-free system around them.

For the structure of the biosensor, we took inspiration from the ROSALIND cell-free biosensor [5], modifying their design to match our goals. We kept the general idea of having a Transcription Factor (TF) altering the activity of a RNA polymerase, and the output signal as a consequence. We tailored the ROSALIND concept by selecting specific custom transcription factors (TFs) as receptors and designing unique operator sequences to serve as responsive elements. The exact parts are described on our Parts page.

Selection of Receptors

Selection of Receptors

Based on the findings from Cycle 1, where no results were obtained for the Mineralocorticoid and Progesterone receptors, we excluded them from this second cycle of testing. We only proceeded with Estrogen Receptor α (ERα), Estrogen Receptor β (ERβ), Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) and Androgen Receptor (AR). It was decided to focus particularly on the androgen receptor, as we learned from Svend Lindeberg that the effect of EDCs on male health has been better characterized as it can be easily measured by testing sperm quality (see Human Practices).

One significant challenge of working in a cell-free environment is the uncertainty surrounding the dynamics of receptor-DNA interactions. Given the intricate mechanisms involved with receptors in human cells (as previously described in Cycle 1) we opted to simplify the system by excluding chaperones and co-activators. However, this decision necessitated the assumption that nuclear receptors bind to DNA exclusively in the presence of a ligand (Assumption n°1).

Receptor Responsive Elements

Receptor Responsive Elements

We designed DNA templates using two response elements: ERE and HRE, designed to interact with the above-listed receptors (see Table 1 for details).

Since we didn’t know the dynamic of the receptor-DNA interaction, we decided to test two variants for each receptor element (so 4 variants in total). The DNA devices denoted T7-HRE5-dB-T and T7-ERE5-dB-T carry the same five-tandem repeat of response elements as in the in-cell assay (see in Cycle 1).

Additionally, we designed another version with only a single response element and only a single repeat. For its minimalistic approach, we denoted these parts HREminimal and EREminimal. The sequence for these parts can be seen below:





The devices incorporating these parts were named T7-HREmin-dB-T and T7-EREmin-dB-T for the HREminimal and EREminimal respectively.

Readable output

Readable output

As for the output, we decided to go for a less tedious reporter than the one previously used. For our cell-free system, the simplest and fastest way to have an output is to use an aptamer, and we opted for the fluorescent broccoli aptamer, which, when bound to the fluorophore DFHBI-1T, will produce green fluorescence upon excitation.

We implemented two different designs for the broccoli aptamer:

  1. The single broccoli aptamer (abbreviated “sB”) surrounded by two tRNA scaffolds to increase its stability (inspired from BBa_K3380101) in combination with the HREminimal and EREminimal responsive elements, in the parts T7-HREmin-sB-T and T7-EREmin-sB-T.
  2. The three-way junction dimeric Broccoli (3WJdB, BBa_K3777000, abbreviated “dB”) was used in the for the T7-HER5-dB-T and T7-ERE5-dB-T templates

The reason for this choice is that we discovered a synthesis limitation during a preliminary check on our sponsor IDT's website (details in the build section below).

Selection of RNA Polymerase

Selection of RNA Polymerase

Around those listed components, we choose the other parts to build a cell-free DNA-based biosensor. The essential parts still needed are an RNA polymerase with a promoter, NTPs and a proper buffer.

In our decision, we got inspiration from the ROSALIND biosensor [8]. We used the T7 RNA polymerase (T7 RNAP) from the T7 bacteriophage, as it is commercially available and well-described. Additionally, it doesn’t require any co-factor for the transcription process [6], simplifying the interactions in the systems, and also in regards to modeling (see Modeling). This choice, however, gives rise to uncertainty, as the interaction with the human receptor is not known yet. Due to the structural difference from the human RNA polymerase [7], we assumed no significant interaction except for sterical inhibition (assumption n°1) (see table below: Uncertainty n°1).

After we had determined the polymerase for the cell-free system, we then decided to use a standard T7 promoter (link to part here) and a standard T7 terminator (link to part here - proven to increase the efficiency of the transcription [5]).

Design - Working Mechanism of the Biosensor

mechanism of biosensor 1

When no EDC is present, the receptor won't bind the DNA, thus the T7 RNAP is free to transcribe the Broccoli aptamer. The aptamer binds to DFHBI-1T and enables fluorescence, by absorbing light at 472 nm and emitting it at 507 nm.

mechanism of biosensor 2

When an EDC is present, it binds the hormone receptor and induces a conformational change that will allow it to bind the receptor response element. Once the receptor is bound to the DNA, it will act as a repressor, suppressing the transcription.

Figure 4: Mechanism of the cell-free system. Output is shown when no EDC is present and when EDCs are present. Not to scale.
Design - Detailed considerations & discussion

ON/OFF vs OFF/ON biosensor design

The interaction between our receptor with T7 RNAP is essential for induction of transcription upon ligand binding. Since this is very challenging to engineer in a cell-free environment with our current system (as mentioned before), we opted in this engineering cycle for an ON/OFF-type biosensor to start with. In such a biosensor, the default state is ON, and only in the presence of the EDC this state is changed by binding (and thereby hindering transcription) of the receptor to the DNA, leading to a lower signal.

As explained on our Integrated Human Practice page, we discussed the possible flaws of this design in depth with our stakeholders, and especially Dr. Gerd M. Seibold, Associate Professor at DTU, provided valuable insights into this.

Ideally, an OFF/ON-type biosensor would be more robust, as the signal will represent both a functional biosensor and the presence of the analyte. Conversely, in our ON/OFF-type biosensor, seeing a signal difference can either mean that there is an EDC present, or that the biosensor is malfunctioning, like in the presence of a transcription inhibitor.

Challenges with the OFF/ON system

Going with the more robust OFF/ON-type biosensor would require a different DNA template, but also would require using the human RNA polymerase. This would allow the receptor to recruit the RNA polymerase to the promoter, which in turn could be used to design an OFF/ON-type biosensor. There are two main reasons why we didn’t choose to use this system:

  • The interaction between the human RNA polymerase and the hormone is mediated by a series of cofactors. These cofactors are not yet well established and we would therefore increase the complexity and introduce additional uncertainties. Additionally, with the increased complexity and number of interactions, the modeling procedure will also be more difficult.
  • As we are dealing with a limited budget, carrying out the full engineering cycle with more expensive reagents wouldn't be feasible for us. This would increase the cost of the testing procedure.


DNA Templates: Synthesized and Assembled

In the interest of saving time, we decided to combine the minimal responsive elements with the single Broccoli aptamer, as it could be de novo synthesized and used. On the other hand, we coupled in our design the responsive elements with multiple binding sites (HRE5 and ERE5) with the more efficient 3WJdB double Broccoli aptamer (dB), as these templates needed to be manually assembled.

From the parts listed above (see Figure 4), we created and assembled four different DNA templates to be used in our EndoSense biosensor.

T7-HRE5-dB-T & T7-ERE5-dB-T

The DNA templates denoted T7-HRE5-dB-T and T7-ERE5-dB-T, carrying the same five-tandem repeat of response elements as in the in-cell assay, along with the more efficient double Broccoli aptamer (3WJdB), could not be ordered due to the presence of multiple repetitive sequences in both the response element region and the 3WJdB. As a result, these templates had to be manually assembled. Their structure is represented in the Figure 5 below:

Figure 5: Overview of the HRE5 and ERE5 DNA fragments used for the cell-free system. T7 promoter, response elements, aptamer parts and terminators are shown. Not to scale.

We used USER cloning to assemble the T7-HRE5-dB-T and T7-ERE5-dB-T. For the design of the assembly we used the AMUSER tool. The USER assembly consists of 2 steps - PCR and the USER reaction.


First, we ran PCR reactions using primers from the AMUSER tool for the following parts:

  • pUC19-T7-3WJdB-T (Addgene)
  • HRE5 (pRR-PR-5Z template)
  • ERE5 (pRR-ERalpha-5Z template)

Each of the primers used to amplify a given response element part (HRE5, ERE5) was equipped with a specific USER overhang, complementary to the overhangs produced in plasmid backbone (pUC19-T7-3WJdB-T(Addgene)). For the PCRs, a Phusion U Hot Start polymerase that tolerates uracil bases was used. As a result, we obtained PCR products ready for USER cloning procedure.

USER cloning

USER cloning is a uracil-based excision technique that utilizes USER (Uracil-Specific Excision Reagent) enzyme to create specific 3’-overhangs on a DNA template. PCR products with double-strand USER overhangs (each containing uracil base) are subdued to the activity of USER and DpnI enzymes, resulting in an assembly of complementary overhangs and ligation of the templates.

In our case, each of the responsive elements (HRE5, ERE5) was cloned into a backbone plasmid pUC19-T7-3WJdB-T (Addgene). As a result, we produced two plasmids:

  • pUC19-T7HRE5-3WJdB-T (pUC19_HRE5)
  • pUC19-T7_ERE5-3WJdB-T (pUC19_ERE5)

Each plasmid was transformed into and amplified in E. coli strain DH5-α. The final ROSALIND templates (T7-HRE5-dB-T and T7-ERE5-dB-T) were obtained by PCR of the target sequences containing only the DNA parts necessary for Cell-Free Transcription System protocol out of the novel pUC19 plasmids.


To check the effectiveness of the assembly, we performed gel electrophoresis using HindIII and SspI restriction enzymes on the templates. The procedure produced bands of expected length for pUC19_HRE5, which sequence we later confirmed by sequencing the plasmid with Nanopore technology.

In the end, we were unable to confirm the proper assembly of pUC19_ERE5 plasmid.

T7-HERmin-sB-T & T7-EREmin-sB-T

The ready-to-be-synthesized DNA templates named T7-HREminimal-sB-T and T7-EREminimal-sB-T, carrying only one single binding site and the single Broccoli aptamer flanked by two scaffold, are shown in the image below (Figure 6):

Figure 6: Overview of the T7-HREminimal-sB-T and T7-EREminimal-sB-T DNA fragments used for the cell-free system. T7 promoter, response elements, aptamer parts and terminators are shown. Not to scale.

These DNA templates were ordered as G-blocks from IDT and were amplified with PCR.

T7 RNA polymerase & Receptors: Purchased

The T7 RNA polymerase was purchased from New England Biolabs (catalog #: M0251L), and the only receptor purchased, the human androgen receptor, was purchased from OriGene (CAT#: TP761906).

The human androgen receptor was expressed in E. coli, exhibiting a lower molecular weight (72.5 kDa) compared to the version expressed in human cells (110 kDa). This difference is likely due to the absence of post-translational modifications (PTMs), which may play a role in influencing receptor function. Since we lacked the resources to further analyze this disparity, we proceeded under the rationale that the lower molecular weight would not impair receptor functionality.

Reference template: T7-3WJdB-T

Additionally, we acquired the plasmid pUC19-T7-3WJdB-T from Addgene, which contains the T7 promoter, double Broccoli aptamer, and T7 terminator. We amplified this core region (T7-3WJdB-T) using the same primers, as it has a compatible sequence. This plasmid was used as a control because it lacks any response elements for the receptor to bind.

Finally, we developed a model of the system with the different DNA templates with data found in literature, providing valuable insights before conducting the initial experiments. For further details, please refer to the Modeling page.

Test & Learn

To test the created parts, we performed two iterations. Firstly, we tested and optimized the fluorescence output without the presence of any receptor or ligand (Test & Learn I), to ensure that the design at its basic level works properly.

Secondly, we proceeded by testing the biosensor on its whole with the receptor and the ligands (Test & Learn II).

For the testing process, we followed the protocols from our Experiments page.

Test & Learn I: Cell-free Transcription Optimization

The aim of this first iteration of testing is to ensure that all the build parts are behaving properly in the absence of both receptor and ligand, as well as optimize the output signal.

In our testing, we also used as a reference the T7-3WJdB-T template, without any responsive element, to use it as a benchmark in fluorescence readings.

Adjusting Wavelength and Plate reader setting

Wavelength and Plate reader setting

Rationale: As the signal for the first experiments was erratic and sometimes incoherent, we tried to improve the reading settings.

Result: Higher fluorescence output was yielded by:

  • Using the wavelength couple 488/530 nm.
  • Reading from the top (instead of from the bottom).

During the experiments so far, we encountered issues with the plate reader that we used. Non-zero values and high peaks were present also in empty or water-filled (blank) wells, and reaction wells had very erratic measurements, as they were below the detection limit of the machine. Once the settings have been changed, the readings were much better.

We recorded the measurements using 2 different couples of wavelengths: 477/507nm (as recommended from the ROSALIND protocol [8] and 488/530 nm (also used to measure the fluorescence of the fluorescein for reference). The latter wavelength couple yielded higher signal:

Wavelength Comparison
Figure 7: Wavelength comparison for different DNA templates. Fluorescein sodium salt was used as a reference.

The broccoli aptamer had clearly higher output on using the 488/530 nm couple of excitation/emission.

Buffer test

Buffer test

  • Rationale: Optimize the reaction to increase the signal
  • Result: The commercial In Vitro Transcription (IVT) buffer was better than the custom-made one.

Initially, for the first transcription test, we used a custom In Vitro Transcription (IVT) buffer recommended from the ROSALIND protocol (where we took the inspiration for the cell-free system). However, we didn’t get any fluorescence emission by using that custom buffer.

When using the commercial buffer, we could see a much higher output signal. The custom buffer clearly is not ideal for the cell-free transcription, while the commercial buffer seems to work much better. A possible explanation for this, is the ionic concentration, which is much higher in the custom buffer (especially NaCl). Either the indicated concentrations were wrong (we in fact acknowledge a mistake in the ROSALIND protocol, as the indicated concentration of the NaCl ion was too high) or we made a mistake in the process of preparing it.

DNA concentration: 10 nM

DNA concentration

  • Rationale: Increase the sensitivity of the biosensor, enlarge the limits of detection, and reduce the cost of testing.
  • Result: A concentration of 10 nM of DNA was sufficient to yield a substantial signal and the best one to perform the next experiments, also according to the Modeling analysis.

Reducing the amount of DNA enhances both sensitivity and the limit of detection, which are critical factors for our stakeholders. This reduction will ultimately lower the detection threshold, allowing even trace amounts of EDCs in the tested water to produce measurable inhibition. Additionally, it enables us to minimize the use of the receptor, the most expensive component of the biosensor system.

The cell-free transcription was carried out with different DNA concentrations, to assess the lowest one that would lead to an optimal detection:

DNA concentration tests engineering
Figure 8: Test for different DNA concentrations in order to have a readable and measurable signal. Measurements were taken after 1 hour for 20 minutes. Error bars represent standard deviation of triplicates.

We didn’t test for lower DNA concentration, as, for the first iteration, it was not recommended by the initial modeling analysis with the data from literature (see Modeling).

Effects of Interferents & Ligands in the assay

Effects of Interferents & Ligands in the assay

  • Rationale: Scout and test the effects of inhibitors and interferents on the signal output.
  • Result: Some compounds can negatively affect the aptamer production:
    • Testosterone (dissolved both in water and ethanol at 4µM concentration). We took into account this inhibitory effect when analyzing the data with the receptor present (a more detailed explanation is available in Modeling).
    • Sarkosyl (above 0.25%) [9];
    • Ethanol (above 2.5%) [10].

We tested the hormone dissolved in both ethanol and water to assess the influence of each solvent. Additionally, we examined the effect of sarkosyl, a surfactant included in the buffer of the purchased receptor.

To standardize and make comparable the values from different experiments, we included in each measurement a serial dilution of Fluorescein Sodium Salt (FSS), from the distribution kit, and normalized the values as Micromolar Equivalent Fluorescein (MEF).

These results are summarized in the Figure 9 below:

Inhibitors engineering
Figure 9: Effects of inhibitors and interference on the fluorescence output. The T7-HREmin-sB-T DNA template was used where DNA is indicated. The intensity of the signal is expressed as Micromolar Equivalent Fluorescein (MEF), more specifically Fluorescein Sodium Salt (FSS). Error bars indicate standard deviation of triplicates of measurements taken after 1h incubation with the T7 polymerase.

As the hormone itself has an influence on the fluorescence, we took that into account for the next tests. In particular, for testosterone dissolved in ethanol (used in future experiments), the signal was reduced to ~65% when compared to the transcription alone (from a Modeling analysis).

Moving on to sarkosyl, seeing the results prompted us to change the receptor buffer before using it for the reactions.

Learnings from Iteration I: Key Points

  1. The commercial RNAPol Reaction Buffer was employed to optimize cell-free transcription.
  2. The optimal wavelength for enhanced signal measurement was found to be 488/530 nm. Additionally, measuring from the top, rather than the recommended from the bottom (as recommended by the ROSALIND protocol [8]), resulted in significantly higher signals, improving the detection limit.
  3. The lowest and best DNA concentration tested that produced a significant signal was 10 nM of the DNA template.
  4. The hormone itself inhibits transcription, a factor that must be considered when comparing fluorescence in the presence and absence of the ligand, especially in the next testing phase, when the receptor is also used in the assay.

Test & Learn II: EndoSense Proof of Concept

For the second iteration of testing, we focused solely on the androgen receptor, as limiting the scope simplified the process (as we learned in the Cycle 1) and additional receptors were unavailable due to failed production and cancelled orders. Only the T7-HREmin-sB-T and T7-HRE5-dB-T, compatible with the androgen receptor, were tested using testosterone (the natural ligand of the receptor).

The main aim of this iteration is to validate the effectiveness of the biosensor in detecting EDCs.

Optimal Receptor Concentration & Validity of Assumptions

Optimal Receptor Concentration & Validity of Assumptions

Rationale: Determine the optimal receptor concentration for the best detection and investigate the mechanism of the designed biosensor, evaluating the assumptions previously made. As the receptor is our limiting resource, we prioritized this test, as being able to use less receptor would mean for us performing more testing.


Receptor concentration: The optimal concentration determined for the androgen receptor is in the range of 0.75-1 µM. To determine the optimal receptor concentration for the best detection, we measured and compared the fluorescence output at various receptor concentrations, analyzing the signal both in the presence and absence of the ligand.

After a first test with concentrations ranging from 0.025 µM to 2 µM, the most promising results were around 1 µM, so we decided to confine deeper testing around that concentration (see figure 12 below).

In fact, for receptor concentrations above 1.25 µM, there is a complete and irreversible inhibition of transcription, probably due to very stable binding of the receptor to the DNA. On the other hand, for concentrations below 0.5 µM of the receptor, there was no difference between the presence and absence of the ligand (data not shown).

In particular, the difference between the presence and absence of the ligand is the evident when the concentration of the receptor is 1 µM (see Figure 10 below), reason which is why we decided to further the analysis on this concentration.

Receptor concentration
Figure 10: Comparison of different receptor concentrations after 1h incubation with the T7 polymerase. R - androgen receptor, H - testosterone hormone (4µM in all reactions where indicated). The T7-HREmin-sB-T DNA template (at a concentration of 10 nM) was used where DNA is indicated. The signal has been adjusted considering the negative effect of the hormone on the fluorescence. Error bars, when present, represent standard deviation of triplicates (duplicates only for receptor concentration 0.75 µM).

For all receptor concentrations here tested, there is a noticeable difference between the absence and presence of the ligand, and it is more relevant the higher the receptor concentration (although it needs to be below 1.25 µM). For this reason, we chose to proceed with the 1 µM concentration.

More data is required for the 0.5µM concentration, as it was only performed with a single replicate.

Validity of our assumptions

Firstly, upon adding the receptor, we observed a significant decrease in the signal, invalidating our initial 2nd assumption about the receptor-DNA interaction. It is clear that the receptor binds to the DNA and inhibits the signal even in the absence of the ligand.

However, our first assumption regarding the receptor's interaction with RNA polymerase was confirmed. Even in the presence of the ligand, the signal is lower compared to when the receptor is absent, validating this part of our hypothesis.

The validity of our assumptions can be summarized as follows:

  • Absence of Ligand → No inhibition: Invalidated. The receptor binds to the DNA and inhibits the signal even in the absence of the ligand.
  • The Receptor is not able to recruit the T7 RNAP: Confirmed. The signal is lower in the presence of the ligand, validating this part of our hypothesis.
Uncertainties Assumptions What we learned
Receptor & T7 RNAP: Which interaction takes place between these two entities? The Receptor is not able to recruit the T7 RNAP Due to the different conformation, the T7 RNAP will not be recruited by the nuclear receptor as it happens for the eukaryotic RNAP (also because the co-activator proteins are absent). Correct.
Receptor: Which conformation binds the DNA? Absence of Ligand → No inhibition The receptor will be able to bind the DNA only after the dimerization induced by the binding to the ligand, as that is what happens in the human cells. Wrong: The receptor can bind to the DNA even when the ligand is not present. No dimerization is needed for the binding.

Revised Working Mechanism: OFF/ON Type

In light of these results, we reconsidered the working mechanism of the biosensor: It behaves as an OFF/ON type, instead of ON/OFF. Which is in fact the opposite of what we were expecting: An increase rather than a decrease in the signal. When the receptor alone is added, it binds to the DNA template, inhibiting the transcriptional activity of the T7 RNAP.

On the other hand, when also the ligand is present, the affinity of the receptor for the DNA seems to be lower, and, as a consequence, the activity of the T7 RNAP is partially restored, resulting in an increase of the signal. This suggests that the receptor is not able to bind DNA when the ligand is present, similarly to what happens in case of the Lac repressor when lactose is added. This behavior is most likely due to a change of affinity for the DNA when ligand is bound to the receptor. This working mechanism is shown in Figure 11 below.

Figure 11: Actual working mechanism of the cell-free biosensor
Figure 11: OFF/ON behavior of the EndoSense biosensor. When the water sample does not contain EDCs, the fluorescence signal is inhibited. When EDCs are present, this will result in the transcription of the broccoli aptamer and ultimately a fluorescence signal.

The identification of an OFF/ON working mechanism significantly enhances the robustness of the EndoSense biosensor. Unlike the ON/OFF biosensor, which we discussed during our meeting with DTU Associate Professor Gerd, this design avoids the flaws inherent to the ON/OFF system. In fact, when the signal is increased, this also validates that the assay is working properly, and that there is definitely an EDC in the water sample.

Proof of Concept & Predicted Limit of Detection (LOD)

Rationale: Even though the working mechanism of the biosensor is opposite than designed, we can still see a difference between the presence and absence of the ligand, which we want to further investigate.

Results: The biosensor is able detect with statistical significance the presence of the ligand.

As the difference between the presence and absence of the ligand is more evident from the receptor concentration of 1 µM, we examined it more deeply.

As represented in Figure 12 below, the significance (expressed as the p-value of a t-test between the triplicates in each time point) is below the 0.05 threshold for all measurements, and below 0.01 after 45 minutes the addition of the T7 RNAP.

Figure 12: Statistical significance of ligand detection
Figure 12: Difference in signal between presence and absence of the testosterone hormone (indicated as H, at 4 µM) with the androgen receptor (R, 1 µM), and the DNA template (at a concentration of 10 nM). For each time point, a statistical t-test was performed between the two shown measurements. The p-value for each test is shown as stars symbols above the top point.

Test with EDCs

Test with EDCs

Rationale: After having demonstrated that the EndoSense biosensor can detect the natural ligand of the receptor (testosterone), we wanted to test it with some proven EDCs, which we got thanks to our collaboration with the 2024 2024 UCopenhagen iGEM team. In particular, we tested with PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) and BAC (Benzanthracene).

Results: Unfortunately, we noticed that when the receptor was added, there is no decrease in the signal, regardless of the hormone presence, as can be seen in the Figure 13 below:

EDC Test Results
Figure 13: Measured signal for two different DNA templates (DNA1: T7-HRE5-dB-T grouped on the left; and DNA2: T7-HREmin-sB-T grouped on the right), addition of androgen receptor (R) and testosterone (H). For the T7-HREmin-sB-T two different EDCs have been tested: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and benzanthracene (BAC).

From this observation, we concluded that the receptor in this experiment was denatured and not functional, likely due to the buffer exchange process and/or repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Thus, the results regarding the detection are not to be considered in this experiment.

Despite this, the data clearly indicate a negative effect of the tested EDCs on the transcription process. With the receptor's functionality ruled out, it is evident that the EDCs directly influenced the fluorescence output.

This finding suggests that, for future experiments, we should normalize the signal using samples with the EDCs, following the same approach applied with the hormone in earlier tests.

Learnings from Iteration II: Key Points

  1. The optimal range of concentration for the androgen receptor for the EndoSense cell-free biosensor was predicted to be around 0.75~1 µM, but below 1.25 µM, as an irreversible inhibition is detected above that.
  2. The working mechanism of the receptor was of the OFF/ON type, with improved robustness.
  3. We demonstrated a proof of concept for the EndoSense biosensor, by detecting testosterone with the Androgen Receptor.
  4. We tested the biosensor with EDCs, but we were only able to assess the negative influence of those on the fluorescence output.

Conclusions & Future Perspectives

From the experiments and results obtained so far, we can confirm that the EndoSense biosensor can effectively detect analytes. This has been clearly shown through our proof of concept, where we used the T7-HREmin-sB-T DNA template to detect testosterone using the androgen receptor.

Our biosensor detects EDCs in less than two hours compared to the current detecting methods, which take several days to obtain results. The discovery of an OFF/ON-type biosensor mechanism enhances the robustness of the system. This unexpected finding strengthens the biosensor reliability due to its clear signal in the presence of EDCs, where the negative influence of the ligand can be normalized when testing it in the absence of the receptor. Indeed, the signal increase not only indicates the presence of the analyte but also is a guarantee that the reaction was completed.

From the modeling analysis of this and the previous data, we were able to predict the Limits Of Detection (LOD) of biosensors: The upper LOD is 8.39 µM and the lower 0.1 µM (as shown in Modeling). The obtained lower value of LOD is still too high for a practical detection; however, one should underline that only a preliminary prediction has been done here and several factors have not been investigated in depth yet. For the real LODs more data would be needed, starting by testing the use of different ligand concentrations. This would also allow to determine the dynamic range and the linearity of the biosensor, which are crucial parameter for an optimal detection.

Most notably, there are numerous opportunities for improvement. The receptors' concentration has not been optimized yet, as only a few arbitrary concentrations were used. The results are probably more promising when the receptor concentration is between 0.75 and 1.1 µM, which, from our analysis in the Modeling, most likely contains the optimal receptor concentration. Furthermore, the optimization of DNA concentration, currently set around the thoroughly well-understood 10 nM, can be refined further, not only above but also below this value.

Also, other nuclear receptors can be screened, since our templates are compatible, allowing a more platform-based screening for EDCs. This system will enable the testing of a wide number of EDCs and their action on different receptors.

By continuing to address current limitations, such as receptor stability and interaction dynamics, EndoSense has the potential to become a highly valuable tool for efficient environmental monitoring of EDCs. With future developments, this technology could not only reduce detection time but also provide a more accessible and cost-effective alternative to traditional testing methods.

Cycle 3 - Production of receptors

In Cycle 2 we showcased that our biosensor using the human androgen receptor can detect testosterone. Although this is a favorable outcome, we used a factory-produced human androgen receptor for these tests. To make the testing of our biosensor more affordable, we aimed to produce human hormone receptors in-house in Cycle 3. In the first iteration of this cycle, the goal was to produce the human androgen receptor in yeast


In the design phase, we identified what properties we wanted for the production process and the produced receptor itself:

  • The receptor must be able to be purified
  • The produced receptor should be exported outside of the cell to make the purification process easier
  • The produced human androgen receptor (AR) should have the same properties as the androgen receptor from the human body
  • The production should preferably use the same TRP deficient S. cerevisiae strain as we used in Cycle 1 as we have experience with it.

To make the receptor purifiable we decided to use a 6xHIS tag at the N-terminal of the receptor. To make the yeast excrete the protein we included an alfa-tag at the N-terminal of the HIS tag.

To make the yeast excrete the protein, we went with the alfa-tag at the N-terminal of the HIS tag.

We assumed the following:

  • The AR produced in S. cerevisiae mimics the properties of the androgen receptor from the human body.
  • The HIS-tag doesn’t affect the properties of the receptor.

The Alfa-6xHIS-AR sequence was retrieved using the online tool

We decided to use services from Genscript for synthesizing the construct, as they offer the pESC-TRP backbone, which is compatible with the S. cerevisiae trp1 strain we want to use. This backbone has a GAL1,10 promoter which we decided to use for inducing expression of our construct. Thus, we could use the strains tryptophan auxotrophy for selecting transformed colonies (which would be prototroph). Outsourcing the synthesis and assembly of this part would also save us very valuable lab time.

We used the codon optimization tool from Genscript to optimize the sequence for expression in S. cerevisiae and DNA synthesis. We also used it to make the sequence legal for the iGEM part repository standards.

Figure 14 below shows a schematic of the final design of the plasmid, denoted pGS-AR:

Figure 14: Plasmid map of the pGSAR plasmid acquired from Genscript. Carries a CelE1 Ori (red) and 2U Ori (red) for replication in E. coli and yeast, respectively. Additionally, it carries a TRP1 gene (green) catalyzing tryptophan synthesis, an AMP gene (green) encoding β-lactamase. Finally it carries the human androgen receptor (AR: yellow) transcribed from a pGAL1,10 promoter. Upstream of the AR is an alfa tag and a 6xHIS tag. Not to scale.


After receiving the plasmid from Genscript, we transformed the plasmid in E. coli. Then, after making a glycerol stock of the transformed E. coli and purifying the plasmid from an overnight culture of the E. coli using miniprep, we used 10uL of the purified plasmid for S. cerevisiae transformation. All the protocols are described in our Experiments page.

After failing to produce colonies from the yeast transformation, we finally got 2 colonies by using 1uL of the stock from Genscript using our yeast transformation protocol.


After getting 2 colonies from the yeast transformation, we made 5 mL overnight cultures in yeast nitrogen base (YNB) media with 2% glucose. The next day we inoculated 250 mL YNB + 2% galactose media with the 5 mL overnight culture for one of the colonies.

After incubating the flask in a shaker at 180 rpm 30C for 2 days, we span down the culture to separate the cells from the broth. We performed SDS-PAGE and a Western blot to analyze the proteins found in the culture as described on our Experiments page. The resulting gels and blots are shown in Figure 15 below.

Cycle 3 Result Gels
Figure 15: Analysis of culture containing the pGSAR plasmid. A: SDS page gel. Lane 1 contains a Precision Plus standard, while lane 2, 3, and 4 contains culture, crude protein and pellet samples mixed with a Laemmli Loading buffer and DTT respectively.


From the SDS-PAGE and the Western blot, we concluded that we failed to produce any AR - both in the cells (pellet) and out of the cells (culture/crude protein). This lead us to propose the following two explanations:

  • The induction and expression of the GAL1 promoter failed.
  • The colony was a false positive and does not contain our construct.

As we had a lot of trouble performing a successful transformation, we believe that it is much more likely that the second option is true. To confirm this, a colony PCR could be performed on the colonies, thus determining if the colonies contain our construct or are false positives. However, due to time limitations, we couldn’t perform this analysis, thus we left this cycle as is after this first failed iteration.

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