Primer Dilution
IDT order primer concentrations when arrived
Diluted each primer to 100 μM by adding concentration x 10 • Eg. 27.3 nmol added with 273 μL of water for a final concentration of 100 μM
Nanodrop Measurements
Before PCR; EHMT2 was in an agar stab
After Gel Extraction
Testing EHMT2 colonies (after plasmid extraction)
Testing New vs Old EHMT2 colonies
Testing EHMT2 new PCR product colonies (N) vs old colonies (O)
Key: EHMT2 N1 indicates the 1st new colony for EHMT2
PCR Products
Gibson Assembly, cut with restriction enzymes
Gel Electrophoresis Expected Band Sizes
First PCR with the GFP 3.3, Puro, and EHMT2 as an agar stab
The following PCRs follow the same measurements as this one;
varying depending only on the DNA concentration
Gel Extraction
Mass of each piece of gel after electrophoresis
Gibson Assembly
First Gibson Assembly run:
Gibson Assembly for New vs Old EHMT2
4 fragment Assembly, recommended by NEB
Restriction Enzyme Reactions
Conducted 2 double digests, following the same format
Cell Concentrations before plating
Before plating the cells into the wells, we measured the confluency and amount of cells per mL
Cell Culture Plating
Plated 6 plates of cells in this measurement; 3 of the plates were cells transfected with the plasmid, and 3 of the plates were cells not transfected with the plasmid.
Transfection Plates
The bottom right corner 3 wells were left blank as a control. We transfected siRNA into all 6 plates.
qPCR Wells
Light blue - transfected 3 days
Dark blue - transfected 4 days
Orange - cells without the plasmid, transfected 3 days
qPCR Measurements
Same measurements for all wells containing samples
(components & measurement here are in per well for a standard qPCR)