First and foremost, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive review of our previous year's endeavors. We successfully forged an educational alliance with esteemed iGEM teams such as WHU-China and Jiangnan-China, enabling us to extend our reach to diverse mountainous regions in China for the purpose of imparting knowledge(Figure 1). Concurrently, we actively dismantled barriers obstructing effective communication in the field of biological science among peripheral communities while simultaneously promoting STEM education through regular events aimed at fostering inclusive learning environments. Armed with invaluable experience from last year, we are acutely aware that only through collective perseverance and unwavering dedication can we dismantle educational inequities and facilitate widespread adoption of Synthetic Biology.

Figure 1 2023 HuBu-China Education Map
This year, we have successfully introduced Synthetic Biology to individuals who were previously unfamiliar with the field. Moreover, we have guided them towards joining the iGEM team for the 2024 competition. We have been providing them with regular mentorship to ensure their successful participation in iGEM. We eagerly anticipate the exceptional contributions they will make(Figure 2)!

Figure 2 Group photo in School of Life Sciences, Hubei University
Our educational journey of Synthetic Biology
We remain steadfast in our commitment to education, building upon the momentum of last year's activities, and making a significant impact on the world,changing the world.
Firstly, we successfully organized the second Hubei Synthetic Biology Open Day, effectively disseminating and expanding the knowledge of Synthetic Biology to a wider audience. In the previous year, we had the privilege of hosting eight iGEM teams for our inaugural event. This year, we are delighted to report an increase in participation, with a greater number of iGEM teams joining us than ever before. We remain optimistic that this growth will persist, fostering sustainable development and inspiring an ever-expanding community to actively engage with Synthetic Biology(Figure 3).

Figure 3 The 2nd Hubei Synthetic Biology Open Day

Figure 4 laboratory Open Day
Second step, we co-hosted the Open Day of the National Joint Laboratory of the Chinese Society of Cell Biology in collaboration with HUBU-WUCHANG-CHINA and HuBuLoong-CHN. We cordially welcomed participants into our state-of-the-art laboratory, providing them with a comprehensive introduction to iGEM's research topics, content, and projects(Figure 4).
Subsequently, our team of seasoned experimenters demonstrated proper utilization techniques for advanced laboratory equipment while emphasizing crucial safety considerations and best practices. This hands-on approach not only exemplified the methodology behind scientific research but also ignited a profound interest in biological sciences among young individuals by allowing them to intimately experience the exhilaration of scientific discovery.
In the third phase, we collaborated with HUBU-WUCHANG-CHINA and HuBuLoong-CHN to organize a sophisticated Children's Day exhibition featuring exquisite biological artworks, accompanied by an enchanting popular science garden party. This exceptional event took participants on a captivating journey through the realms of art and biology. Throughout the activity, we expertly guided them in the technique of bacteria drawing, successfully enabling them to create remarkable creations on agar medium. By seamlessly blending science and art, we brought science to life, making it as vibrant and expressive as art itself(Figure 5).

Figure 5 Children's Day biological art exhibition and popular science garden party
An exciting moment is approaching! Many individuals have approached us to gain a better understanding of Synthetic Biology through our educational activities, such as the iGEM team at our senior high school. These individuals possess intense emotions and imagination but lack professional knowledge in this field. In order to truly assist them in their journey into Synthetic Biology, we have developed a series of plans to guide them through the project. The following content will provide insights into how we can effectively support a new team in learning about Synthetic Biology.
The Synthetic Biology journey of new team
The educational activities we conducted, such as lectures and rural teaching, proved insufficient in effectively imparting scientific knowledge about Synthetic Biology to people. In order to facilitate their understanding and active participation in the field of Synthetic Biology, a more comprehensive and specific course was required.
Foundation course of Synthetic Biology
As a group of high school students, they possess limited knowledge in synthetic biology and face challenges in independently exploring and acquiring the necessary skills to complete an iGEM project within the given timeframe. Therefore, we have developed concise and practical courses aimed at facilitating their understanding of synthetic biology as well as fundamental experimental techniques.
The first lesson,the basis of synthetic biology
The course commences with an introduction to the definition of synthetic biology, its historical context, and its applications in contemporary scientific research. Through the analysis of case studies, it elucidates fundamental concepts such as gene synthesis, functional module design, and optimization of synthetic pathways, enabling students to acquire a comprehensive comprehension of the underlying principles of synthetic biology(Figure 6).

Figure 6 The first lesson, the basis of synthetic biology
The second lesson, experimental techniques and methods
The course delves deeply into the experimental techniques of gene cloning, PCR, DNA sequencing, and other related methodologies. Through hands-on practical exercises and data analysis, we aim to enhance students' comprehension of these experimental techniques while introducing them to the common tools and equipment utilized in synthetic biology laboratories(Figure 7).

Figure 7 The second lesson, experimental techniques and methods
The third lesson, project design and implementation
The students underwent a comprehensive simulation of the entire iGEM project, encompassing all stages from ideation to execution. This entailed project conceptualization, experimental strategizing, data acquisition and analysis, as well as culminating in final presentation and report composition - thereby enabling students to amass invaluable practical experience(Figure 8).

Figure 8 The third lesson, Project design and implementation
The fourth lession, teamwork and communication
The course places a strong emphasis on the significance of teamwork and offers comprehensive training to enhance students' communication and collaboration skills. Students actively engage in group discussions, collaborate on problem-solving tasks, and exchange valuable insights and outcomes(Figure 9).

Figure 9 The fourth lession, teamwork and communication
The fifth lesson,ethics and social influence
The aim of our discussion was to explore the ethical implications and societal impact of synthetic biology, prompting students to reflect on the social responsibility and ethical standards inherent in science and technology, thereby fostering their scientific literacy and social consciousness(Figure 10).

Figure 10 The fifth lesson, ethics and social influence
We have recorded our course and uploaded it to the public media platform. If you require access, please feel free to contact us for resources! Our aim is to foster broader participation in the field of synthetic biology through collaborative efforts.
Project guidance and communication
Fortunately, the iGEM community is incredibly supportive and welcoming. There is a multitude of individuals who generously contribute to this team's projects throughout the process, and we are grateful for their assistance.
We conducted regular guidance meetings with them, which were more accurately described as interactive communication sessions. This form of communication not only facilitated problem-solving for them but also proved beneficial for us. They raised numerous questions that had previously gone unnoticed, enabling us to revisit and optimize the project accordingly. This experience made us realize that education is a reciprocal process(Figure 11).

Figure 11 Project guidance and communication
Practice cooperation and growth
Unexpectedly, this cohort of high school students has exhibited remarkable maturity. They have graciously extended an invitation for us to co-host a series of human practice activities, which have significantly bolstered our collaboration and fostered mutual understanding. Through these engagements, we have witnessed their rapid development and acquired invaluable experience and knowledge. This partnership not only propels the project forward but also serves as a testament to our genuine support in assisting this group of passionate individuals in venturing into the realm of synthetic biology(Figure 12)!

Figure 12 Practice cooperation and growth
During this educational journey, we deeply appreciate the collaboration with CUG-China and the trust placed in us by this emerging team through their constructive questioning. Thanks to their meticulous work and relentless exploration, our synthetic biology education activities have become more enriching and impactful. Moving forward, we are committed to providing enhanced educational resources to further advance the field of synthetic biology.
Supporting education
While China has been rapidly developing, there are also issues of uneven and insufficient development. Therefore, in addition to the bustling and advanced metropolises, less developed rural areas also exist in China. The opportunity resources and economic development level in rural areas are not as good as those in cities; hence, talent loss is very common, making it difficult to retain talent. Naturally, within a certain range, the level of development in various aspects between rural areas and cities is becoming increasingly distant. Education is no exception since it serves as the cornerstone of national development and the fundamental basis for national revival. It also concerns the fate of families and students; thus its importance is beyond doubt.
Therefore, this summer, our team went to Anren Primary School in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province to organize a summer camp teaching activity. The purpose was to broaden students' horizons and knowledge, discover the potential and diversity of local children, and greatly enhance their overall development in various areas including humanities, science, history, Confucian studies, music, musical instruments, dance, and other interests. This would promote the healthy development of students in multiple aspects including psychological growth while embodying love and promoting the spirit of volunteer service. The second objective was to understand the current situation of rural education and strive to provide constructive and practical suggestions for improving students' development and educational strategies. Before embarking on this journey,our team underwent comprehensive training focusing on teaching safety,as well as living arrangements. Taking into account the available educational resources in the local area,our team designed a systematic theme course along with interest courses centered around "love". These interest courses include engaging subjects such as popular science photography dance painting etc.. According to our team's course design,the morning classes were planned by each class teacher which included activities like singing poems flying-word game themed English competition class with main goal being revitalizing minds preparing for subsequent classes.
In the morning, we offer structured, systematic, and logical courses centered around the theme of love. Our primary focus is to teach children how to "love themselves, love others, and love society" in a sequential manner. Within these three sub-themes, we provide causal explanations in a coherent order. When it comes to "loving oneself," our emphasis lies on understanding oneself, comprehending love, and learning how to practice self-love. We encourage students to engage in thorough self-examination that is comprehensive and thoughtful while reflecting on the meaning of their actions and accepting their imperfections. It is important for students to embrace their flaws and allow themselves gradual progress by accumulating knowledge over time. Furthermore, we delve into the concept of love itself by highlighting that it encompasses not only emotional affection but also moral compassion. We encourage our students to learn how to protect themselves and provide age-appropriate sexual education and protection content. We also emphasize the importance of students supporting each other. For "loving others," we first discuss the reasons why it is important to love others. Firstly, because we are loved by various individuals such as our parents, classmates, teachers, friends, relatives, even strangers, and our country; this demonstrates that we live in a world filled with love. Secondly, because we aspire to be compassionate individuals who love everyone and show kindness towards virtuous people. Then we delve into discussing how to express love for others - what kind of love is genuine and truly capable of helping and comforting them. During this process, we explore the object of affection - who deserves our love and how should it be expressed? Additionally, we examine the fundamental factors that need consideration when loving others: whether there is mutual compatibility between supply and demand; whether the intended expression of love aligns with what the recipient desires or needs. For "loving society," society encompasses not only human society but also nature and spirituality - from the broader social environment to the country in which we grow up. We primarily focus on three main subjects: environmental protection, war and peace issues,and patriotic education.
In the afternoon, we offer a variety of interesting courses such as fun science, popular science, painting, calligraphy, dance, photography, film and television directing, psychology, handicrafts, and physical education. These courses are taught by dedicated teachers with expertise in their respective fields. Our team primarily focuses on teaching fun science and popular science courses. Each teacher is responsible for 2-3 classes and tailors their lessons to align with the summer camp theme. We have carefully designed course content including topics like "The Fascinating Chemistry of Diffusion - The Dial Effect," "Creating Leaf Vein Bookmarks Using Handpicked Leaves," "Understanding the Phenomenon of Lightning and Thunder," and "Preparing Insect Specimens." Additionally, we offer engaging physical education courses such as "Eight Qigong." During the afternoon session, there are two class periods available for students to choose from four different interest courses based on their individual preferences. Each class is led by a main lecturer accompanied by at least one assistant teacher who ensures personalized attention for every student.
Before the volunteer teaching, each volunteer relied on their own professional knowledge and personal interests to design theme classes and interest courses. Our volunteers have diverse interests, and we carefully organized classes that leverage their strengths. After ten days of volunteering, we noticed that rural children generally lacked awareness of extracurricular activities. In this situation, our interest classes served as a gateway for children to explore the rich world beyond their regular studies. Despite the short duration, we meticulously designed each class, capturing the children's interest and holding their attention. We believe that through these ten days of activities, we have planted at least one seed of aspiration in their hearts, making them realize they can spend their vacations doing more than just being glued to their phones.
We presented our project in a simple yet engaging manner to both children and parents while also promoting preventive measures for common diseases. We emphasized the increasing prevalence of diabetes and hypertension today by explaining the causes and unhealthy factors contributing to these conditions. Additionally, we introduced traditional treatment methods along with our project's approach which emphasizes its "multiple effects from a single bacterium" feature while stressing the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Furthermore, we discussed symptoms associated with viral infections as well as various diseases that may result from such infections. We provided guidance on disease prevention strategies and how individuals should handle such situations if they become infected.
The scientific lectures we gave were met with great enthusiasm from both children and parents. They expressed that they had never before had a reliable source to learn about these diseases and preventative measures, resulting in them mostly relying on their own experiences when dealing with "small illnesses". This education was of immense practical significance, increasing their scientific knowledge for daily life and providing advice and assurance for their physical health. Throughout our ten days of volunteer teaching, we gained insight into the current state of education in underdeveloped areas, the educational level of local students, as well as the dedication and hard work put forth by rural teachers. By immersing ourselves in local life through joint activities with students and home visits, we experienced firsthand the customs and culture unique to this area while broadening our personal perspectives on different worldviews. Our sincere hearts, active actions, warm care left behind precious memories for the local children - two weeks may not have changed much but it certainly helped broaden their horizons beyond their immediate surroundings.

Disease prevention publicity
Assuming a certain student exhibits specific symptoms, accompanied by video demonstrations, the presentation will discuss the diseases caused by different viruses and their corresponding symptoms. It will also provide information on how to prevent such diseases and how to handle them if infected. For example, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), also known as epidemic hemorrhagic fever, is a naturally occurring acute infectious disease caused by the Hanta virus carried by rodents. The main transmission vectors of Hanta virus include:
(1) Respiratory transmission. The virus carried by rodents is excreted and forms aerosols that spread in the air, infecting humans through the respiratory tract.
(2) Digestive transmission. Humans become infected by consuming food contaminated with the virus carried by rodents, which enters through the oral cavity or gastrointestinal mucosa.
(3) Contact transmission. Infection occurs when individuals are bitten by rodents or come into contact with virus-carrying rodent excreta or blood through open wounds.
(4) Vertical transmission. Pregnant women can transmit the hemorrhagic fever virus to their fetuses through placental infection after being infected themselves.
(5) Transmission through related vectors.
The main sources of infection and hosts are small rodents. The main sources of infection in China are wild black-striped field mice, large hamsters, and striped hamsters, as well as domestic brown rats and house mice. This disease can affect people of all ages and genders, but it is more common among young adults aged 20 to 50.
The clinical symptoms of this disease mainly include fever, bleeding, and kidney damage. Fever in patients can reach up to 40℃ and last for 3 to 7 days. There are five stages in the typical course of hemorrhagic fever: febrile period, hypotensive shock period, oliguric period, diuretic period, and recovery period. Severe cases may also develop uremia, renal failure, intracranial hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, cerebral edema etc., which can lead to death.
Preventive measures: The prevention and control of epidemic hemorrhagic fever should focus on scientific rodent control, vaccination, and health education. It is important to ensure food hygiene and personal hygiene to prevent contamination of food by rodent excrement. Avoid direct contact with rodents and their excrement. Take precautions during animal experiments to prevent bites or scratches from large or small white mice. In case of accidental ingestion of food contaminated by rodents or being bitten or scratched by rodents, promptly clean the wound and receive timely vaccination against hemorrhagic fever. Treatment emphasizes "early detection, early rest, early treatment" as well as local management to effectively handle shock, oliguria (reduced urine output), and bleeding complications.
2024 Synthetic Biology Competition - Best Popular Science Article