Team Members

Chunman Li

Team Lead

Hi there! I’m Chunman Li and I had the honor of leading our team this year. I am currently completing the IB diploma program with a double science HL in biology and chemistry. Biology and its delicately constructed structures and systems have always captivated me, it is fascinating to me how random chance, supposedly, created such intricate forms. Outside of academics, I enjoy visual arts and musical theater. In my free time I am likely falling through a rabbit hole and researching some very niche topic, like the history of book binding or some controversy hundreds of years ago over a wooden bucket.

Yijia Xu

Team Lead

iGEM Wiki Self-Introduction

Hello! My name is Yijia Xu, but I usually go by my English name, Claire. I am honored to lead the team this year with two fellow students. I am a grade 10 student studying at Western Academy of Beijing in my last year of the IB MYP program. The complexity and beauty of life on Earth are captivating and charming. Learning why we are the way we are and innovating technology to help each other is fascinating. Thus, I plan to expand my knowledge of biology in later years. Other than academics, I am one of the maddest sports and music lovers you would ever know! I play volleyball and basketball at a varsity level, but I also enjoy soccer, squash, go-karting…and you name it! My zeal for music prompted me to teach myself guitar, bass, and drums, playing in a rock band and creating original songs.

Max Shuhe Zhang

Team Lead

Hi friends, my name is Zhang Shuhe, but I prefer to be called Max, so it would be a pleasure if you could call me that. I am a 9th grader studying in an international school in Beijing, struggling with some AP courses. Nevertheless, you just have to remember that I have a strong passion for biology and chemistry, which is the fundamental driving force for me to participate in such a fascinating competition. I'm also one of the captains of the team. Speaking of my identity outside of academia, I’m a rower, an exotic animal lover, a dreamer, and a terrible artist. I'm not a fantastic guy compared to my awesome teammates, but at least I'm still on the way to trying.

Heyu Wei

Wet Lab Lead

Hi, my name is Vicky. I am a senior school student in grade 11. I am very interested in biology, and I would want to major in biology or biology-related subjects at university. Our project is highly related to female health and is very educational. We want to impact the female community using our project, by lessening females’ shame of periods. We also want to raise the public’s awareness of gynecological diseases, further helping the society. In the team, I am the wet lab leader, responsible for leading the team during the experiment process and recording the experimental process. I also participated in a couple of educational activities and worked along the whole project.

Dalai Xu

Wet Lab Lead

I am Dalai Xu, a high school sophomore at Dover-Sherborn High School in Massachusetts, United States. My life has two “loves”: biology and tennis. I am very interested in the idea of making people’s lives better and I hope to become a doctor one day. I have learned so much and am so grateful to be on team BWYA this year, the knowledge and the relationships I have built with my teammates are something I will never forget. When I am not in school or reading about some random thing in the sciences, you can find me grinding on the tennis courts.

Yifei gao

Wet Lab Lead

I'm Grace, one of the wet lab leads. I am interested in biology, especially the experimental work. In this team, the reliable seniors and teachers let me add a lot of experience in this field, and let my social fears have been greatly alleviated. I participated in the whole process of the experiment, took charge of the operation of the bilibili account and participated in the design of the peripheral product "Lunar ". I safeguarded members in lab by supervising wearing gloves, balancing centrifuge, killing of unwanted bacterium inside nutrient solution.

Eric Han

Wet Lab Lead

Hello, my name is EricHan, I’m 15 years old and I participated in this year's IGEM as a team member in the BWYA team. As a group member of both the human practice group and the experiments group, attending and participating in so many aspects of BWYA team deepened my knowledge and understanding of biology. During the experiment, the fact that I could use so many modern biotechnologies excited me a lot which encouraged me in the journey of biology. I am also a huge fan of game development. During the process, I created a game which aimed to raise awareness of women’s health, and hopefully eliminate their prejudice toward menustration. In conclusion, participating in the BWYA team allows and enables me to continue moving forward in the journey of both game development and biology.

Leona Huang

Education Lead

Hi, my name is Leona Huang. Currently pursuing my academic journey as a DP1 student in Beijing World Youth Academy. I am passionate about biology and excited to embark on scientific discovery. Thus I participated in IGEM, where I can strive to expand my knowledge and challenge myself academically also learning about cooperation and teamwork. I plan to consider my major studies related with biology in the future.

Qianyu Liu

Education Lead

Hey guys, Jessie here. My name is Qianyu Liu, you can also call me Jessie. I am currently a junior who is hoping to major in biology and chemistry, I’ve always been fascinated by the marvelous combination of biology and chemistry, the mysterious and complex working principle behind genes and cells is what I wanted to explore. Also, as a potential feminist, I feel honored and have the responsibility to participate in such experience that can promote and raise awareness of female menstrual health, and contribute to all females using my own power. I basically worked for all parts of our team, from experimental group to human practice group, but my main focuses are the female gynecological diseases Podcast, and our online product&goods shop.

Jenny Xue Haojia

HP Lead

Hi, my name is Jenny Xue Haojia, a senior high school student in grade 11. I like biology and anatomy, and I am very interested in cardiac medicine, and I want to be admitted to medical school in the future. And I think our topic (women's health) is very educational and can have a positive impact on society. With the opportunity of the project, we hope we are able to decrease the shame in period and menstrual cycle, and to increase the awareness and knowledge in Gynecological disease. In the team, I am the leader of human practice, mainly responsible for the human practice part, but I also participate in the experiment process and work along with most of the part of the project.

William Chen

HP Lead

My name is William Chen and I study in grade 10 in Huili school Shanghai. In school , I love to explore subjects such as biology, physics, chemistry and geography. Outside school I have hobbies such as aviation, travelling and participating in DIY projects. My interest on Biology started when I watched a series of interesting documentaries at the age of 11 about the immune system and I found myself interested in cells, proteins and microstructures in the human body and how they work and communicate with each other. My interest was further enlarged when I joined gene engineering winter camp, where I really participated in complex experiments. IGEM gives me a chance to address the real problem in society, which is definitely fun and inspiring.

Hammer Ning

Wiki Lead

My name is NING Zhitong. You can also call me Hammer. I am a 14-year-old boy living in Beijing with my parents and three cats. I am a Grade 9 student from the International Department of Beijing No. 80 High School. I am an outgoing person with a curious mind, and I enjoy exploring the unknown. When I was younger, I spent some time overseas, which helped me develop cultural awareness and sensitivity. I am interested in observing people’s behaviors in different cultures and societies, but biology is the subject I am most passionate about. This profound interest came with my experience of learning about species identification a couple of years ago, and I got completely absorbed in the fascinating world of lab instruments and experiments. In my IGEM team, I am responsible for developing the wiki website, through which I hope to present the most thorough information about our project.

Leo Yang

Media Lead

My name is Leo Yang, and I am an 11th-grade student at Beijing World Youth Academy. In my team, I serve as a member of the art department for our project. With over 10 years of experience in studying and creating art, I am able to work in diverse styles, including realistic, semi-realistic, and celluloid. Additionally, I am proficient in a range of mediums, such as oil paints, pencils, and digital platforms. Throughout the development of our project, I have dedicated my skills, as well as my effort, to enhance the design and ensure the final display of our project is visually compelling.

Ziqi Zhou (Anna)

Media Lead

My name is Ziqi Zhou (Anna), I am a high school student at Beanstalk International Bilingual School Beijing. And I am very interested in biology and medicine. I am from Beijing, China. In the project of my team, we vigorously promote knowledge related to women's health, hoping that people can increase their attention to women's health and care for women. I think this is a very good topic, and I hope my team can make contributions to women's health through these.

Youran Wu

Media Lead

Hi, I am Cindy, and I am currently a junior in Santa Catalina School, Monterey, California. I love drawing, dancing, and doing or watching theatre during my free time. The opportunity of joining the BWYA iGem team this year is an extraordinary experience for me. Since in the academic field my favorite course is history or politics, I thought that I would never join a team or project which relates to biology: completely opposites with my interest. However, during this process I found out that I built some relationships with biology, and I figured out the bridge between it and my interest. In the team, I mainly focused on works that relate to art and design, and I helped with designing keychain, internet meme, etc.

Dong Zi Hao

Lab Administrator

Self-Introduction for IGEM Competition

My name is Dong Zihao.I am a 16-year-old student with a keen interest in biology and chemistry. For this IGEM competition, I am primarily involved in the experimental aspects of our project and have taken on the responsibility of being the laboratory safety officer. Through laboratory work ,I have developed a strong understanding of experimental procedures and the importance of safety in the laboratory. I am excited to be part of this competition and look forward to contributing to our team's success through my expertise in the experimental work ,and I will continue to strive for my dreams .

Eric Dong


Hi, my name is Eric Dong, I am a DP1 student in BWYA who’s extremely interested and intrigued in biology and chemistry, especially cellular biology and bioengineering. As a result, I think it will be very beneficial for me to participate in projects like iGEM to widen my knowledge about these certain areas. Through the whole process, I mainly focus on the experimental&laboratory part, and human practice&education as well. I really like the project and the implicit thoughts behind the project because “shame on menstruation” is a very serious and big topic in China, women’s health is also very important, but some people are afraid to go to the hospital because they think it's shameful to have disease that is related to cervix, uterus etc. Therefore, this project is very meaningful since it raises people’s awareness on having annual health check and eliminates the incorrect mindset of thinking period as ”shameful” for some women in the community we are living in.

Shulin Lyu


Hi, my name is Shulin Lyu. I’m turning seventeen on October 1st this year. I am a DP1 student at Beijing World Youth Academy. I am strongly interested in biology, especially in fields relating to the human body. I joined the competition to learn more about synthetic biology and get hands-on experience creating biotech products and conducting experiments. I love our project’s topic, because I care deeply about women’s health and believe in the importance of spreading awareness of gynecological diseases. Throughout the project, I attended most wet labs and mainly contributed to education and human practice.

Arina He


Hi, I’m Arina He. I’m currently a junior at the Spence school, which is located in New York. My main goal for joining the BWYA team this summer was to learn more about biology, which involved conducting experiments and analyzing data. I also tested my interest in this field through working with the team to design experiments and learning more knowledge about biology. Apart from bio, I also have a keen interest in chemistry, which I plan to study in the future. I am also a dedicated rhythmic gymnast who loves sports in general and has trained in rhythmic gymnastics for more than ten years:)

William Wei


Hello, I am William, I am a high school student in grade eleven. Biology is my favorite subject , in the future I will study biochemistry or ecology as my major. Our team project is according to Women’s health. We design a product to test their body. Our may idea is for reducing the shame of their special period and let more people know about the female disease. In our group, I am the operator of Zhi hu application and do the experiment with my partner. In the Zhi hu, I wrote some articles about female diseases. I hope these articles can help more female to understand their own body and help males know how to care for women in their special period.