Human Practices
Chengzhi Wang
Qingxian Su
Chao Chen
Xu Zhou
Si Chen

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sint doloribus necessitatibus temporibus ducimus, eveniet molestias tenetur repudiandae ratione iusto exercitationem autem odit voluptatum commodi expedita veritatis blanditiis? Eos, assumenda vero!



Generation: In order to help participants understand the world of microorganisms and their important role in biology and stimulate their interest in science, the BNUZH-China iGEM team is preparing to plan an open laboratory event to make the boring scientific knowledge lively and interesting by allowing participants to experience the mysteries of science. In the event planning, considering that the college students usually have strong hands-on ability and creativity, as well as inspiring by the scientific community for for the research of luminous biology, we got the creative inspiration for the activity of luminous bacteria. We are going to introduce the commonly used equipment and instruments of biological laboratories to college students, and let them introduce the luminous bacteria into Escherichia coli, so as to realize the bacterial glow, and make the activities professional and interesting.

Implement: At the beginning of the activity, our iGEMers explained the principle of realizing bacterial glow to the students and popularized their professional knowledge of biology. Then, under the guidance of iGEMers, the students mixed the plasmid solution with the E. coli bacterial solution and cultured the bacteria. In addition, during the experiment, we also introduced the use of some of the laboratory equipment to the students, and answered their doubts.

Feedback: After the activity, we released a questionnaire to actively seek feedback from students. Some students said that they had learned the theoretical knowledge and practical ability in this activity, which stimulated their interest in the subject of synthetic biology, and they expressed their satisfaction with the activity. In addition, some students put forward the shortcomings, they hope to increase the time of hands-on operation and improve their participation.

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Ideation: This year, the BNUZH-China iGEM team, together with the Beijing Normal University Huitong Academy Lixing Research Institute and Houjian Research Institute, carried out an in-school research activity, which was aimed at students, and designed specific experiments according to the characteristics of their age group, aiming at letting them comprehend the mysteries of synthetic biology, and stimulating their interest in exploring synthetic biology.

Implement: On the day of the activity, our iGEM team members firstly conducted a series of science popularization to the participating students, so that they could better understand the basic knowledge of synthetic biology, and then the team members picked up the pipette gun and demonstrated the operation specification and each step of the experimental procedure to the students. After the explanation and demonstration, the students put on gloves in turn, sat on the ultra-clean table to sterilize their hands, and under the leadership of the team members, carried out experimental operations in the ultra-clean table, used the prepared materials to conduct the experiment of luminescent bacterial paintings, using nutrient agar medium as the drawing board and luminescent bacteria as the pigments to create a piece of vivid paintings. The children behaved seriously and with great interest, and all of them had a high degree of participation.

Feedback: After the activity, we also received a very high evaluation from the participating students: "The sisters' explanation was very interesting, I learned a lot of biological knowledge and synthetic biology related techniques in this activity, and this activity was very meaningful." It can be seen that this activity has a high significance, stimulated students' interest in synthetic biology, and enhanced their understanding of synthetic biology. At the same time, we also collected many suggestions from students in anticipation of continued improvement in the next event.



Generation: When learning that the school is about to launch an "Academic and cultural festival", the BNUZH-China iGEM team decided to take this opportunity to popularize iGEM and synthetic biology to the public, and guide more students into the world of synthetic biology. In the event planning, we planned two forms of stage introduction and booth explanation for "the whole school students", focusing on making the science popularization content easy to understand, inclusive and interesting, while reflecting certain professionalism. During the stage introduction, we used simple and interesting vocabulary and vivid examples to popularize iGEM, synthetic biology and previous achievements. At the same time, we designed interesting synthetic biology-related small games and prepared prizes to encourage students to participate.

Implement: During the stage introduction, our iGEMers actively interacted with the audience and asked questions and answers with the students to ensure that they could participate as much as possible and successfully receive popular science knowledge. At the same time, many students also participated in the small games on the booth, and learned about synthetic biology in the game process. In addition, we communicated with every interested student and patiently introduced the knowledge on the exhibition board to them in detail.

Feedback: We actively seek feedback after the event. A teacher said to us, "You are doing very well! Your presentation was professional and interesting!" Many students said that they "gained a lot" and "the game was interesting and meaningful". We also carefully collected the opinions of some students, and strive to do better in the next activity.

Chengzhi Wang

Affiliation: Water Science Research Center, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai

Title: Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Direction: Microbial electro-monitoring, pollutant energy recovery and resource utilization, advanced oxidation

Personal Introduction: Mainly engaged in research on water pollution control, including front-end detection and end-point removal.

We discussed the following three points with Professor Wang:

1. Sensitivity Issue of Electrode Testing: Given the limited experimental time, we only need to demonstrate the connection of the biological detection module's protein, ensuring that a reaction can occur. If the reaction can occur, the protein structure will change and the bioelectric potential will definitely change, which can be captured as a signal. This means that our hardware design is feasible.

2. Testing Process Issue: The professor suggested that to solve the issue of unstable water flow, we could first test the potential data from the blank background. After the data stabilizes, we can then add the sample for testing, which is equivalent to measuring the background first and then stripping it.

3. Hardware Design and Production Issue: The teacher provided suggestions on related hardware production, including information on manufacturers.

Qingxian Su

Affiliation: Institute for Advanced Study in Natural Sciences, Beijing Normal University

Title: Associate Professor

Research Direction: Deepening, optimizing, and resource utilization of bio-water treatment technology based on microbial regulation, biodegradation of emerging trace organic pollutants, greenhouse gas regulation, sediment biogeochemical cycle, etc.

Introduction: Graduated with a Ph.D. from the Technical University of Denmark in 2019, then engaged in postdoctoral research at the National University of Singapore and the Technical University of Denmark. Has published 11 high-level academic papers in authoritative environmental journals such as Environmental Science & Technology and Water Research. Has long served as a reviewer for several international journals including Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, and Environmental Science & Technology Engineering.

Professor Su pointed out that for the mangrove ecosystem, which is situated at the junction of land and sea, its soil environment is significantly influenced by tides. In terms of actual soil verification, there is still a discernible difference between the soil in permanently submerged and that in intermittently submerged areas. This means that it is imperative for us to design multiple control experiments to simulate the degradation scenarios under different soil environments.

Chao Chen

Affiliation: the Science and Engineering Experimental Platform, Beijing Normal University

Title: Associate Professor

Education: Ph.D.

Introduction: Dr. Chen Chao (Associate Professor) has been engaged in research work in biochemistry and molecular biology for a long time, and has achieved certain results in the field of bioinformatics analysis. Currently, he has published 6 scientific research papers in well-known SCI journals such as Neuron, Frontiers in Neuroscience, and Canadian Journal of Plant Science; and has published 2 textbooks.

Xu Zhou

Affiliation: School of Geographical Science and Remote Sensing, Beijing Normal University

Education: Ph.D.

Introduction: He has presided over and participated in multiple national science and technology support plan projects, and has published many important papers in well-known journals such as SCI and CSCD.

The two professors provided the following suggestions:

1. Safety Module: The suicide system for the engineered bacteria should consider the three areas of the ocean, mangroves, and land, restricting the engineered bacteria between the ocean and land. It is possible to simulate the leakage of microorganisms in the laboratory.

2. Tropism Experiment:
①Collection: Use a cylindrical container to collect 3 to 5 soil samples from a slope without disturbing or sterilizing.
②Preservation: Preserve at 4°C or under normal temperature conditions to simulate tidal fluctuations.
③Experimental Method: Qualitative experiments (whether it can grow to the predetermined depth) or quantitative experiments (how long it takes to grow to the predetermined depth).

3. PE Degradation Module:
①Direct Extraction: Extract PE directly from the soil samples or set up control and experimental groups for weight comparison.
②Bacterial Concentration: The concentration of the bacterial strain can be explored through a blank control plus different concentration gradients.

4. Engineering Bacterial QS System: It is suggested that this be deleted, as the engineered bacteria are difficult to survive and reproduce in the wild environment, and it is challenging to grow to the preset concentration, thus rendering the activation of the degradation enzyme system unlikely.

5. Modeling: In an academic context, it is feasible to simulate tidal variations and construct predictive models.

6. Pathway Design: Convert the fatty acid chains formed by the degradation of microplastics into an information flow rather than a material flow (such as hormones).

Si Chen

Affiliation: the Department of Marine Science, Shenzhen University

Title: Associate Professor

Personal Introduction: Master's supervisor, graduated from Ocean University of China in 2006; obtained a Master's degree in Marine Science from the University of South Carolina in 2009; obtained a Ph.D. in Marine Science from the University of South Carolina in 2013. Since 2014, has been engaged in teaching and scientific research at the Department of Marine Science, School of Life and Marine Sciences, Shenzhen University, serving as the Deputy Director of the Department of Marine Science. Has been funded by the National Natural Science Fund for Young Scientists, Guangdong Province Natural Science General Project, Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, and other projects. Published 8 high-level papers in SCI and other publications.

During the exchange, Professor Si Chen offered the following suggestions:

1. Soil Sample Issue: The original soil samples are not perfect replicates, with many variable factors (such as various other microorganisms, secreted substances, etc.). The professor believed that soil sterilization is better, which can make them replicates.

2. Cultivation Issue of Symbiotic Bacteria: Spotting them together on a plate will definitely not merge, we can try cultivating them in the same liquid medium to see if they can coexist or if one side will dominate the other.

3. Artificial Wetland Experiment: Try using artificial wetlands to replace mangrove soil for plastic film experiments. Experiments generally start from simple to complex, soil testing can be the last step, and it is suggested that we prioritize the cultivation experiment of experimental bacteria and plastic.

4. Statistical Method Suggestion: It is suggested to use statistical methods to see if the difference is significant.

In summary, the professor evaluated our experimental design as comprehensive and of significant importance, with a well-thought-out approach, such as using a citrate promoter that can recognize citrate concentration in the safety module.


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