

Parts Collection

The goal of BNU-China 2024 iGEM team is to fabricate nanodiscs, a kind of engineered nanoscale tool, by means of synthetic biology. Our parts collection can be mainly divided into two categories: mono-MSPs that could construct small or large nanodiscs through self-cyclization, and large cyclic MSP formed by the interaction and linkage of multiple MSPs, which are used for constructing large nanodiscs. They are closely linked together due to their common function of manufacturing nanodiscs.

Through literature review, we found MSP1E3D1 (BBa_K5301000) as the basic MSP element for constructing nanodiscs [1]. We further sought and obtained spNW15 (BBa_K5301013) and spNW50 (BBa_K5301015) [2] that utilized the automatic covalent linkage of SpyTag and SpyCatcher to enhance the cyclization efficiency and enable the automatic cyclization of MSP, in order to manufacture nanodiscs of different diameters more simply. On this basis, taking NW15 as the basic component, we designed the multi-polymerized MSP (BBa_K5301024), consisting of three linear MSP monomers (BBa_K5301005, BBa_K5301006, BBa_K5301007). Only when three mono-MSPs interact with each other can they form cyclized MSP and achieve their function of constructing nanodiscs. It provides a more flexible solution for manufacturing large nanodiscs, while reducing the expression pressure on the chassis bacteria and avoiding the difficulty of purifying large proteins.

This Part Collection aims to provide a series of easily accessible and distinctively characterized MSP proteins as a toolkit for the assembly of nanodiscs. Users can easily select which MSP to produce and utilize based on their own needs to manufacture nanodiscs. The nanodiscs fabricated using the MSP we designed can be used for stabilizing amphipathic proteins, studying the structure and function of amphipathic proteins, drug delivery, developing novel antiviral drugs, etc., and possess broad application prospects [3].

  • BBa_K5301000 - Produces MSP1E3D1, fabricating nanodiscs with relatively high lipid fluidity [4].

  • BBa_K5301013 - Produces spNW15, manufacturing small-diameter and easily cyclized nanodiscs, and can be flexibly modified to produce larger nanodiscs.

  • BBa_K5301015 - Produces spNW50, manufacturing large-diameter and easily cyclized nanodiscs.

  • BBa_K5301005 - Produces SCSdC-mCh[1-10], as a part of the multi-polymerized MSP, to produce large nanodiscs more simply.

  • BBa_K5301006 - Produces SnCSdT, as a part of the multi-polymerized MSP, to produce large nanodiscs more simply.

  • BBa_K5301007 - Produces SnTST-mCh[11], as a part of the multi-polymerized MSP, to produce large nanodiscs more simply.

  • BBa_K5301024 - The multi-polymerized MSP is a large-sized cyclized MSP that connects three MSP parts through different linkers, facilitating the manufacture of larger nanodiscs.

Basic Parts

Number Name Description
BBa_K2572009 lacI promoter Initiating the expression of lacI gene.
BBa_K1088018 lacI It binds to lac operator to inhibit transcription in E. coli, which could be relieved by adding lactose or isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG).
BBa_K3633015 T7 promoter A common promoter that can be induced by IPTG. We use the promoter to produce many types of MSPs and some other proteins like GFP.
BBa_K3286004 lac operator The lac repressor binds to it to inhibit transcription in E. coli, which could be relieved by adding lactose or IPTG.
BBa_K731721 T7 terminator A wild type terminator from T7 bacteriophage.
BBa_I712004 CMV promoter A constitutive expression promoter used in our capsid plasmid for expression of PEG10 protein.
BBa_K4140013 VSVg-Fusogen A typical viral fusion protein that can bind to LDL receptors and trigger membrane fusion.
BBa_K4140022 PEG10 A protein that binds its own mRNA and self-assembles into virion-like extracellular vesicles.
BBa_K5301016 PEG10 UTR flanked-GFP The mRNA produced can be carried by the VLP formed by PEG10.
BBa_K4623001 monomeric streptavidin(mSA) Streptavidin is a tetramer protein that binds to tetramolecular biotin with high specificity.
BBa_K5301012 sGFP1-10 The first 10 β-strands of the GFP β-barrel can emit fluorescence upon binding with sGFP11.
BBa_K5301014 sGFP11 The last β-strand of the GFP β-barrel can emit fluorescence upon binding with sGFP1-10.
BBa_K5301017 sGFP1-10 tether Used for constructing dimeric membrane proteins.
BBa_K5301018 sGFP11 tether Used for constructing dimeric membrane proteins.
BBa_K5301011 spMSP1D1 It expresses the SpyCatcher-MSP1D1-SpyTag fusion protein for constructing nanodiscs.
BBa_K5301000 MSP1E3D1 MSP1E3D1 could construct nanodiscs with a diameter of 12.9 nm.
BBa_K5301013 spNW15 It is the truncated form of spNW30, capable of constructing nanodiscs with a diameter of 15nm.
BBa_K5301015 spNW50 NW50 is a high molecular weight membrane scaffold protein.
BBa_K5301004 SpyCatcher It can cooperate with SpyTag for covalent binding of proteins.
BBa_K5301003 SpyTag It can cooperate with SpyCatcher for covalent binding of proteins.
BBa_K5301001 SdyCatcher It can cooperate with SdyTag for covalent binding of proteins.
BBa_K5301002 SdyTag It can cooperate with SdyCatcher for covalent binding of proteins.
BBa_K4247009 SnoopCatcher It can cooperate with SnoopTag for covalent binding of proteins.
BBa_K4247008 SnoopTag It can cooperate with SnoopCatcher for covalent binding of proteins.
BBa_K5301008 mCherry1-10 Used as a bimolecular fluorescence complementation system.
BBa_K5301009 mCherry11 Used as a bimolecular fluorescence complementation system.
BBa_K5301005 SCSdC-mCh[1-10] It is the first component of multi-polymerized MSP.
BBa_K5301006 SnCSdT It is the second component of multi-polymerized MSP.
BBa_K5301007 SnTST- mCh[11] It is the third component of multi-polymerized MSP.

Composite Parts

Number Name Description Basic Parts
BBa_K5301026 sGFP1-10 tether expression pathway (T7) This pathway expresses sGFP1-10 tether using T7 system. [BBa_K2406020]-[BBa_B0012]-[BBa_K4623001]-[BBa_K5301017]
BBa_K5301027 sGFP11 tether expression pathway (T7) This pathway expresses sGFP11 tether using T7 system. [BBa_K2406020]-[BBa_B0012]-[BBa_K4623001]-[BBa_K5301018]
BBa_K5301028 spMSP1D1 expression pathway (T7) This pathway expresses the SpyCatcher-MSP1D1-SpyTag fusion protein under IPTG-induced conditions, achieving self-cyclization of MSP1D1 to construct nanodiscs. [BBa_K2406020]-[BBa_K731721]-[BBa_K5301011]
BBa_K5301019 MSP1E3D1 expression pathway (T7) This pathway expresses MSP1E3D1 using T7 expression system. [BBa_K3633015]- [BBa_K3286004]- [BBa_K5301000]- [BBa_K731721]
BBa_K5301029 spNW15 expression pathway (T7) This pathway expresses the SpyCatcher-NW15-SpyTag fusion protein under IPTG induction, achieving self-cyclization of NW15 to construct nanodiscs. [BBa_K2406020]- [BBa_K731721]- [BBa_K5301013]
BBa_K5301022 spNW50 expression pathway (T7) This pathway expresses the SpyCatcher-NW50-SpyTag fusion protein under IPTG induction, achieving self-cyclization of NW50 to construct nanodiscs. [BBa_K2406020]- [BBa_K731721]- [BBa_K5301015]
BBa_K5301023 SCSdC-mCh[1-10] expression pathway (T7) This pathway expresses SCSdC-mCh[1-10] using T7 expression system. [BBa_K3633015]- [BBa_K3286004]- [BBa_K5301005]- [BBa_K731721]
BBa_K5301020 SnCSdT expression pathway (T7) This pathway expresses SnCSdT using T7 expression system. [BBa_K3633015]- [BBa_K3286004]- [BBa_K5301006]- [BBa_K731721]
BBa_K5301021 SnTST-mCh[11] expression pathway (T7) This pathway expresses SnTST-mCh[11] using T7 expression system. [BBa_K3633015]- [BBa_K3286004]- [BBa_K5301007]- [BBa_K731721]
BBa_K5301024 Multi-polymerized MSP Multi-polymerized MSP is a larger MSP formed by connecting three MSPs with different linkers, which is conducive to forming larger nanodiscs. [BBa_K5301005]- [BBa_K5301006]- [BBa_K5301007]


[1] Ilia G. Denisov, Bradley J. Baas, Yelena V. Grinkova, Stephen G. Sligar, Cooperativity in Cytochrome P450 3A4: LINKAGES IN SUBSTRATE BINDING, SPIN STATE, UNCOUPLING, AND PRODUCT FORMATION*, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 282, Issue 10, 2007, Pages 7066-7076, ISSN 0021-9258, https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M609589200.

[2] Zhang, S., et al., One-step construction of circularized nanodiscs using SpyCatcher-SpyTag. Nature Communications, 2021. 12(1): p. 5451.

[3] Padmanabha Das, K.M., et al., Large Nanodiscs: A Potential Game Changer in Structural Biology of Membrane Protein Complexes and Virus Entry. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2020. 8.

[4] Schachter, I., et al., Confinement in Nanodiscs Anisotropically Modifies Lipid Bilayer Elastic Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2020. 124(33): p. 7166-7175.
