

What Is A Turbidostat?

To have a general understanding of our system, it is important to understand what a turbidostat is. Simply put a turbidostat measures the turbidity of a bacterial culture. This is often accomplished through optical density measurements. The more light a culture scatters from the turbidostat’s light source, the less light the accompanying detector receives and the more turbid the culture is.

Why Is A Turbidostat Important For PACE?

A turbidostat is important for Phage-Assisted Continuous Evolution , or PACE because it ensures that the bacteria the bacteriophage infects are healthy. When the bacterial culture has just started, immediate phage introduction results in metabolic strain and bacterial death. By using a turbidostat to collect optical density data, we can:

Our System

The goals of our hardware can be broken down into two categories: maintaining healthy bacteria for phage infection and having the ability to adjust selection pressure.

To understand our system in greater detail, we recommend first viewing the Major Components section. We also utilized Cadasio, an online platform, to create a three-dimensional, interactive visual representation of our system, how to assemble it, and its key components. This model is the most comprehensive physical overview of our system; it can be viewed here. Additionally, we created a video demonstrating our system's various functions. For users intending to construct this system, after you have established a general understanding, please navigate to the Turbidostat Construction and Usage section and view the associated links.

Figures 1 & 2: Complete System Hardware

The Problem Our Hardware Solves

According to existing literature, developing a successful PACE workflow can take upwards of two years because researchers must develop genetic constructs while constructing the physical hardware to enable continuous evolution (Popa et al., 2020). The time investment and lack of knowledge regarding continuous evolution hardware make PACE unfeasible for researchers interested in protein engineering. While there are existing commercial solutions like eVOLVER, these systems are complex, difficult to use and considerably expensive.

Through our literature review, we noted the need for easy-to-use, easy-to-assemble, affordable continuous evolution hardware. Conversations with protein engineering experts like Dr. Takahashi and Dr. Badran deepened our understanding of the time investment for initial hardware construction, setup, and cleaning, and of the potential challenges of biofilm accumulation.

Ultimately, our team identified a clear need for simple, quick-to-assemble, user-friendly, and reliable PACE hardware, aligning with our overarching goal to make protein engineering more accessible. To clearly define our goals, we broke down accessibility into four main categories: creating a turbidostat that is easy to use, affordable to construct, minimally complex, and easy to modify. Each of these goals had to be met while still maintaining the system’s core functionality and ensuring reliability.

Major Components

Figure 3: System Overview. Diagram of our system components and media flow

The following is an overview of the system’s major components* and their functions. To view a complete 3D model of our system you can view our Cadasio assembly and user instructions here and select “System Overview”** from the menu.

Stock Media: 1000mL corning bottle that holds media

Turbidostat: 100mL corning bottle that cultures our bacteria until it is ready for the lagoon. 3D-printed parts hold the culture bottles and remaining electronic hardware

Control Unit: Contains all of the electronics to operate and interact with our system, including a 3D-printed case to hold components.

Lagoon: 100 mL corning bottle that contains the bacteriophage, and cultured bacteria strain after it reaches mid-log growth. 3D-printed parts hold culture bottles and the rest of the electronic hardware.

Peristaltic Pump: The peristaltic pump moves media and bacteria through our system.

Waste Media: 1000 mL corning bottle which collects all the waste media from the system.

Additional Necessary components

For further information, regarding our previous and current design iterations, reference the Hardware Design Build Test Learn section on our Engineering page.

Design Approach

Inspiration for our design: While our hardware makes some key innovations on existing turbidostats, we would like to acknowledge that inspiration for many parts of our design and valuable mentorship was provided by many individuals in the Bartelle lab, including Dr. Benjamin Bartelle, Fernando Flores Mora, Ashley Tse, Alpha Sinworn, and Gabby Cerna. Their work and guidance helped guide our decision to use a laser to monitor optical density and inspired our design of modular silos to contain each culture flask.

Our design approach to making our hardware accessible can be broken down into four main categories: Usability, Affordability, Complexity, and Modification.


The effective implementation of hardware in a lab necessitates a smooth user experience. We aimed to address the two critical barriers regarding this: the barrier to implementation (the time, expertise, and problem-solving skills to create a functional system); and the barrier to continued use (maintenance and reusability).



Excluding the cost of the tools required in assembly, we set a goal to have our total system components cost below two hundred USD. Our final system costs approximately $124. Additionally, we ensured our design utilized tools commonly found in university labs. To increase affordability we reduced the number of components in our system while still maintaining usability, tunability, and overall function.



The complexity of a system can make it challenging to set up, burdensome to use, and impossible to rely on. While a complex system is correlated to higher costs, removing too many components can diminish system utility. Therefore it was imperative to determine how to make a simple system and maintain core functionality.



Our hardware is a foundational design that our iGEM team and other labs can modify, build upon, and customize. Depending on the user's intended use, they can alter the turbidostat, code, and 3D part design. We intended to make our hardware easy to modify to foster the continued innovation of our system.


Demonstrating System Utility and Functionality

To show the functionality of our system we sought to demonstrate the system’s ability to culture bacteria to mid-log growth and then move the bacteria from the turbidostat to the lagoon once they reached mid-log growth.

Interpreting the Data:

During our experiments, adding fresh media to the turbidostat washes out old bacteria, increasing the light intensity, whereas bacterial growth decreases the light intensity. With more light, the resistance across the photoresistor decreases, increasing the voltage reading and decreasing the optical density.

As reflected in our calibration experiments, the voltage readings of the photoresistor follow a roughly logarithmic curve- demonstrating bacterial growth. Similarly, when running a PACE experiment, the voltage readings follow a similar curve until they reach the set point, where media is added, slightly increasing the voltage reading and decreasing the optical density. The bacteria then grow, decreasing the voltage reading and increasing the optical density until the sensor reaches the set point again, and the process repeats. The system should effectively keep the optical density of the culture stable concerning the set point. To conserve lab resources, each of our tests was conducted with 400 mL of media, often running out since we ran our tests overnight. When the media ran out, this resulted in erratic voltage readings, which are irrelevant to the success of the system. Additionally, our later graphs include a sharp spike to -399 when the peristaltic pump had been turned on, providing evidence that bacteria were sufficiently flowing out of the turbidostat to the lagoon.

User Testing

We performed two rounds of user testing where we asked volunteers to set up a mock PACE experiment using tap water as a proxy for media and bacteria. We had them follow our Cadasio Assembly and User Instructions, navigate to our GitHub, upload the code, and operate the system using the rotary encoder. All of our volunteers were undergraduates who participated in ASU’s DIYbio club- we chose to do user testing with these students as we feel they closely represent our end users who we hope to be undergraduate or graduate researchers who have an interest in protein engineering but minimal hardware knowledge/experience. We took notes during the testing and helped them through any expressed confusion.

Insights from the First Round User Testing:

Changes made between rounds:

Between the user testing rounds, we were able to make a series of small changes such as grammatical errors, instructions for rotary encoder usage, and improvements in initial system setup. Additionally, during our second round, we ensured the alignment of our physical hardware components mirrored our digital model to reduce confusion.

Insights from the second round:

Future Plans

Our system's future development could go a multitude of different ways. Thus, we hope this project provides a platform for other researchers to develop additional novel functionalities. Initially, we had hoped to add the capability of measuring waste luminosity to monitor phage infection and considered adding a heating element with temperature feedback so the system could run independently of an incubator. However, our future plans currently center around short-term goals to increase reliability and accessibility to make the most intuitive platform for others to build upon.


For users who wish to modify culture bottle sizes, we aim to make all dimensions variable-driven, so a user can enter their required dimensions and the system size will change without having to interact and find and edit each dimension within the CAD model. We also aim to utilize Onshape variable tables to set up a series of common configurations of culture bottle sizes the user can select without editing dimensions.

3D Parts:

We have found a few reliability issues with the snap-to-fit parts that we hope to improve so they securely fit together while also being easy to disassemble. For example, the rotary encoder cover occasionally gets stuck if pressed too far in, requiring a screwdriver for removal.


While we were able to design a PCB for our system we did not have time to integrate and test the PCB, this as well as refining other small elements of wire management and connection are part of our future goals.


While we came close to successfully implementing the SD card to store optical density values, we ran into code issues that we did not get a chance to debug. By implementing an SD card, the user does not have to leave a laptop connected to the system during the entirety of the experiment.

Additionally, we plan on changing how the set point is calculated. Instead of running a calibration experiment to determine the set point, we intend to use the linear regression of the bacteria curve, calculate the slope of the linear regression, and set the set point as a slope value rather than an OD value. This could remove the need for a calibration experiment and allow the code to work across multiple sensors without running additional calibration experiments or set point adjustments.


Our Assembly and User Instructions on Cadasio are largely complete but we hope to expand upon them. We envision the instruction as a place where the user can find all the information to assemble the system, so we plan on embedding the bill of materials, purchase locations for the individual components, and the corresponding data sheets. We hope to model the wiring and electronic components further and add instructions for the calibration experiment and system cleaning. Lastly, we hope to add short videos regarding troubleshooting and to accompany slightly difficult/ambiguous steps where a visual aid may be beneficial.

Running PACE

On top of our hardware goals, a large part of our plans involve testing the system with a bacteriophage and running a full PACE experiment. Up until this point we have only been able to test the functionality of our turbidostat and its ability to maintain a set point. Once we have viable genetic constructs, testing a full PACE experiment is a critical part of our future plans.

Turbidostat Construction and Usage