6 Clean Water and Sanitation
Everyone deserves clean water. And even though we in Germany have that privilege, many people all over the world do not. We hope to significantly improve water quality through the targeted degradation of PAHs. The engineered bacteria break down the toxins on their own and can even feed of them. Our invention is made for people affected by riverine pollution, in regions where people are dependent on the rivers to carry clean water.
14 Life Below Water
Our project entails to have a positive impact on riverine as well as marine environments. By reducing the levels of PAHs in rivers, we help to prevent these harmful pollutants from reaching the sea and threatening marine ecosystems. This not only protects marine biodiversity but also contributes to the broader efforts to preserve and sustainably manage marine resources.
3 Good Health and Well-being
With engineered bacteria to degrade toxins such as PAHs, we entail to significantly lower the exposure of humans to carcinogenic and mutagenic substances. We hope to contribute to improv public health outcomes all over the world, aligning with the objective of reducing deaths and illnesses from pollution.
15 Life on Land
By reducing PAH levels in freshwater systems, our project indirectly protects life on land. PAHs migrate from water bodies to land, contaminating soil and harming terrestrial ecosystems. Our bioremediation efforts help to prevent this transfer, protecting land ecosystems from the adverse effects of these toxic pollutants and contributing to the conservation of biodiversity.
12 Responsible consumption and production
When thinking about which material to choose for immobilisation of our bacteria, the sustainability and non-toxicity was important to us because we aim to protect the environment and not harm it on the way. We tested rice bran, a waste product of the rice industry, and SiO2 as one of the main compounds of earth’s crust, next to alginate and carboxy methyl cellulose.
17 Partnership for the goals
For our project we came in contact with scientist all over the world, helping us as much as they could. Being able to partner with experts all over the world is the key to successfully promoting sustainable development. We are lucky to be a part of the huge international community of iGEMers because this means we are connected with young scientists to start the future of worldwide partnership now.
4 Quality education
In Germany we luckily have free education, but there still is a big problem with misinformation. For example, GMOs are seen as evil and dangerous, because most people have a huge misconception about them. That’s why we used the largest folk festival in our city to fill this gap in the common knowledge and show people the synthetic biology is no enemy but can help us to tackle the biggest challenges of our time.
10 Reduce inequality
Environmental pollution most of the time shows inequality. It’s the companies of rich people from well developed countries, who treat the living space of poorer people carelessly and expose them to toxins. Pollution with PAHs is a huge problem for people living in the area of the Niger delta because of leaks from the extraction of crude oil. Europeans use the gasoline produced there and don’t even know it takes away people’s livelihood. That’s why we want to help those people with our invention.
Our project introduces an innovative biotechnological solution aimed at mitigating oil pollution in freshwater ecosystems. We have engineered a specialized bacterium capable of degrading hazardous PAHs through newly integrated enzymes. Our bacteria are designed to enhance biodegradation processes while minimizing the risk of biocontamination. The core of our strategy involves immobilizing these engineered bacteria within a deployable box, which allows water and indigenous bacteria to flow through while selectively capturing hydrophobic oil compounds. This approach ensures targeted treatment of polluted water bodies, significantly reducing PAH levels.
Our efforts notably propel SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation by significantly improving water quality through the targeted degradation of hazardous pollutants. In parallel, our project fortifies SDG 14: Life Below Water by protecting marine ecosystems from the pernicious effects of land-derived pollutants. Moreover, we contribute to SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being by mitigating human exposure to toxic environmental contaminants. Our initiative also aligns with SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure by driving forward sustainable industrial practices through innovative biotechnological solutions. Furthermore, by curbing the transfer of pollutants from aquatic to terrestrial environments, our project reinforces SDG 15: Life on Land, thereby safeguarding biodiversity and enhancing ecosystem resilience. Additionally, our commitment to resource efficiency and sustainable lab practices underpins SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, highlighting our dedication to reducing waste and promoting sustainable use of materials.
Our Contribution: Our project will hopefully have a significant impact on ensuring clean water for everyone. Our advanced bioremediation system is designed to degrade PAHs in rivers and thereby clean water up that was polluted by oil or other substances containing PAHs. While we in Germany have the privilege of being able to access clean water at any time, many people all over the world don’t have that. By genetically engineering Pseudomonas vancouverensis to effectively break down a variety of PAHs, we aim to enhance water quality and diminish the concentration of these hazardous chemicals in rivers. Our invention is meant to help people who depend on rivers for their water. These people are badly affected by riverine pollution because it means that the water the drink and wash themselves with, contains carcinogenic substances. Everyone deserves clean water and we hope our small step helps in reaching that goal one day.
Our Contribution: Our project has a significant impact on riverine as well as marine environments, thus supporting SDG 14. By reducing the levels of PAHs in freshwater sources, we help to prevent these harmful pollutants from entering marine ecosystems. This not only protects marine biodiversity but also contributes to the broader efforts to preserve and sustainably manage marine resources, aligning with the targets of SDG 14. We hope to relive marine life of some of the stress we humans put it through, by at least reducing some of the toxins fish, marine mammals and corals face continuously. All life below water not only beautiful but essential for life on earth to exist and nowhere else is the loss of biodiversity so visible. In just a few years, under water landscapes change from being colourful and full of live, to bleached, dead reefs where only some fish still live but the corals, crabs, squids and seastars are all gone. There are so many amazing organisms in our oceans and so much life in the deep sea still to be discovered. The thought that every day organisms die, which were the last of their species, some never known to mankind, is incredibly sad. We have to take action to preserve this wonderful world and that’s the reason we decided to work on achieving that goal.
UN Target 3.9: "By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination."
Our Contribution: By engineering bacteria to degrade these toxic compounds, we significantly lower the exposure of human populations to carcinogenic and mutagenic substances. Professor Victor de Lorenzo’s guidance aids in achieving SDG 3 by enhancing the safety and efficacy of our bioremediation approach and in ensuring that our engineered bacteria effectively degrade PAHs, thereby reducing the health risks associated with these hazardous chemicals. By minimizing human exposure to carcinogenic and mutagenic substances through advanced biotechnological solutions, our project directly contributes to improving public health outcomes, aligning with SDG 3’s objective of reducing deaths and illnesses from pollution and contamination.
Our contribution: Our project was developed with the thought of cleaning and protecting the environment and so we work with the same intentions in the lab. We work mindful of our environmental impact, trying to be less wasteful wherever we can. We organised to get chemicals and other resources, which are only needed in small quantities but can only be bought in larger amounts, from the remaining stock of universities working groups. This is not only sustainable, less wasteful and saved us money, but built a connection between the working groups of our university and our team. This takes all aspects that go into sustainability into account; ecological, economic and social aspects.
When thinking about which material to choose for immobilisation, we valued the sustainability as a criterium. One of the most sustainable materials we could find was rice bran, a waste product originating in the production of white rice. As an organic waste product, it is not only cheap, but it doesn’t harm the environment. Regarding sustainability there is just one downside: rice bran is very nutritious. Humans can be fed better diets when the outer layer isn’t milled off, therefore with an afford to feed the whole world there should be no production of rice bran. And even if humans don’t change their desire for the rice to be white, rice bran can continue to be fed to animals like horses, cattle and domestic birds. Therefore, we weren’t disappointed when the material turned out to be useless for our application. The other sustainable material we chose is SiO2. Silica as a common material in the earth's crust, so there will not be a shortage. As a natural chemical compound, it already is part of riverbeds. It is also very durable and not toxic to any organism. Therefore, it’s a great sustainable material to work with.
To not waste energy, we did not resort to air conditioning in the hot summer months, instead we used the natural cool air in the mornings and evenings to cool the rooms and lowered the blinds during the sunny daytime. In addition to that every piece of equipment not in use is being switched off immediately like the incubation chamber, the thermocyclers, the fume hood and other smaller appliances (scales, etc.). We are proud to say not only our team but the entire university of Darmstadt is turning towards more sustainable methods in regards to energy usage and CO₂ emissions. In the last 4 years they lowered their emissions by 25%, they started to install solar panels and replaced old wasteful bulbs with efficient LED lights [7].
[2] A. T. Lawal, "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. A review," Cogent Environmental Science, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 1339841, 2017, doi: 10.1080/23311843.2017.1339841#d1e147.
[3] UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. [Online]. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6 (accessed: Sep. 30 2024).
[4] UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. [Online]. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal14 (accessed: Sep. 30 2024).
[5] Our World in Data team, Ensure access to water and sanitation for all. [Online]. Available: https://ourworldindata.org/sdgs/clean-water-sanitation (accessed: Sep. 30 2024).
[6] UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. [Online]. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal3 (accessed: Sep. 30 2024).
[7] TU-Darmstadt, Saving energy. [Online]. Available: https://www.intern.tu-darmstadt.de/informationsportal/themenwelten/news_details_de_en_385088.en.jsp (accessed: Sep. 30 2024).