Design: Crafting the blueprint
A number of Pseudomonas species show impressive PAH degradation abilities, like Pseudomonas fluorescens, putida or stuzeri [5]. We decided to work with Pseudomonas vancouverensis DSM 8368 (aka. NCIB 9816, formally listed as Pseudomonas putida, from now on referred to as P. vancouverensis) [6, 7]. P. vancouverensis degrades naphthalene so efficiently, that it can even feed on it as sole carbon source. On top of that, it completely metabolizes fluorene and phenanthrene [8]. This makes it attractive as a degrader for a large variety of PAHs, effectively cleaning rivers from multiple pollutants.
As P. vancouverensis is a little studied, non-model organism, all experiments were carried out with Pseudomonas putida KT2440 [9] as well. As P. putida is intensively studied as chassis for bioremediation [10], it served to us as a reference organism. We would like to thank Prof. Victor de Lorenzo for kindly providing us this strain.
Regarding naphthalene degradation, in this way naphthalene is converted to cis-1,2-dihydro-naphthalene-1,2-diol. Next a dehydrogenase creates 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene. Reaction cascade leads further via salicylate, which is subsequently fully degraded to tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) intermediates [5] (see Figure 2).

Analogous phenanthrene gets oxidized to cis-3,4-dihydro-phenanthrene-3,4-diol first, which is then converted into 3,4-dihydroxy-phenanthrene. Most likely in Pseudomonas further oxidation and ring cleavage create 1,2-dihydroxy-naphthalene thus leading into naphthalene degradation pathway. [12, 13] (see Figure 3)

In this project we introduced a pyrene degradation pathway in P. vancouverensis and linked it to its native phenanthrene pathway [14]. Similar to naphthalene- and phenanthrene-pathway, in pyrene-degradation the important initial step creates cis-4,5-dihydro-pyrene-4,5-diol [15]. This step is catalyzed by nidA and nidB, a rieske non-hemen iron ring hydroxylating oxygenase [16]. Though for its activity phtAc and phtAd from phthalate degradation are needed as extern electron carrier [15]. The pathway proposed in [15] shows further degradation involving one ring-cleavage leading to 3,4-dihydroxy-phenanthrene (see Figure 4).

3,4-dihydroxyphenanthrene is an intermediate of P. vancouverensis’ native phenanthrene pathway (see Figure 3). In this way pyrene degradation gets channeled into our chassis’ native metabolic pathways. Thereby we only need to genetically introduce nine protein coding sequences forming five enzymes/enzyme complexes. As complete pyrene degradation includes around twenty enzymes [15], this is crucial to make our project feasible and prevent genetic overload.

Protein coding sequences were mainly taken from Mycobacterium vanbaalenii Pyr-1, the first bacterium reported to completely break down pyrene [18]. As shown in [15], for some proteins already characterized homologous proteins in other bacteria exist. Therefore some proteins in our pathway were derived from different organisms. We decided to add a hexahistidine-tag to every protein, to enable easy protein production verification via western-blot using just one primary antibody [19].
Initially we planned to use a strong promoter, hoping to thereby get high protein concentrations and hence good degradation rates. Yet Professor Victor de Lorenzo from CSIC advised us to use a low or medium constitutive promoter as PAH concentrations will be low and protein production costs lots of resources for our chassis. Therefore we decided to use Anderson promoter J23110 which shows medium expression in Escherichia Coli and Pseudomonas [20]. In this way the promoter shall be the rate limiting part for protein production. Hence, we decided to use an RBS showing good translation efficiency, namely BBa_B0034 [21]. As a terminator we decided to use phage derived Luz7-T50, which shows good efficiency in E. Coli and Pseudomonas as well [22]. We used pSEVA231 from SEVA-collection as plasmid backbone [23], providing broad-host-range origin pBBR1 and kanamycin resistance marker, as advised by Prof. de Lorenzo. The backbone was generously provided to us by Prof. de Lorenzo. (See our parts page)
Build: Putting the device into practice
To make the pSEVA-backbone GoldenBraid-compatible, a DNA-fragment was ordered from IDT carrying promoter, lacZ-cassette, terminator as well as GoldenBraid-BsaI-restriction sides. By cloning of this fragment into the backbone, pSEVA231 served as a pseudo-GB-alpha-vector. A scheme of our cloning procedure is displayed in figure 6.

We would like to thank M. Sc. Jacob Mejlsted for helping us planning the cloning procedure.
Test: Analyzing pyrene degradation plasmid

At first, we tested our expression system consisting of promoter J23110, RBS B0034 and terminator Luz7-T50. For this purpose, amilGFP as reporter protein was used (see BBa_K5043011). Protein production could be verified by observing green fluorescence of transformed cell pellets (see Figure 8).

However the HPLC-assay of liquid cultures does not indicate successful pyrene degradation (see Figure 9). For details visit our results page.

In addition, growth curves and MBCs for P. vancouverensis do not indicate pyrene degradation. In contrast, P. putida possessing pyrene degradation plasmid shows significantly higher pyrene and phenanthrene tolerance and grows faster than unmodified bacterium, when pyrene is present (see Figure 10). This could be an indication for pyrene degradation into less toxic intermediates.

Pyrene degradation could not be verified in our engineered strains. However, P. putida shows increased tolerance to pyrene and phenanthrene. This could indicate, our plasmid’s enzymes degrade phenanthrene and pyrene into less toxic intermediates in P. putida. Some of our chosen proteins can use a variety of PAHs as substrate [16], which could explain the increased phenanthrene tolerance.
Learn: Drawing conclusions
Drylab engineering cycle
One of the main concerns when working on the deployment of GMOs is to comply with all regulations at hand and avoid an uncontrolled release of the GMOs. To achieve a strong degree of containment of the GMOs combined with a high level of exposure to the contaminated water, we came up with the idea to immobilize P. vancouverensis on the inner surface of a specialized device, which could be deployed at suitable sites in rivers, such as bridges, sluices or buoys.
From the beginning, it was clear to us that the interior design of the device, especially the interaction area of our chassis, would play a major role in the effectiveness of our solution.
Design and conceptualize: The membrane concept - a platform combining filtering and degradation of PAHs
The first idea that we got to work featured a membrane within the device. On this membrane, P. vancouverensis would be immobilized. It would also be able to filter the oil-micelles out, letting them accumulate on the same side of the membrane where P. vancouverensis would be placed, while letting other particles in the water pass through the entire system. This way, we could both separate the PAHs from the water and degrade them at the same place and time.Present and learn: Receiving input from experts at BFH Meetup and scrapping the membrane concept
We presented this design at the BFH Meetup in Bielefeld, where the jury and other experts were not convinced that this system could work. They saw the main problems in finding or developing a suitable membrane as well as in not clogging our system with too many PAHs. They instead encouraged us to look for a solution without a membrane, focusing more on water flow and the maximization of surface area inside the device. After further research into this and the uncertainty of how the immobilization could work on a membrane in the end, we decided to scrap the membrane and work on new concepts.Design: Labyrinths, Pillars and Balls - maximizing contact efficiency
We came up with three base configurations for an updated interior design of the device. One featured a labyrinth (see Figure 11). The focus of this design was really to get the maximum surface area out of the small inside of our device. If all sides of such a labyrinth were covered in silica, P. vancouverensis would be immobilized by the non-polar interactions of its membranes with the surface. Using the labyrinth structure we could reduce the probability of PAHs flowing through the entire system without ever encountering a bacterium. This would make for a very efficient design.A second design featured large pillars filling the inside of the device (see Figure 12). P. vancouverensis would in this case be immobilized on the surface of these pillars. We planned on finding the best configuration of pillars through simulation, to make sure that the maximum amount of water would come in contact with one of the pillars at some point. An advantage of this system over the labyrinth would be the much smaller amount of forces the water would exert onto the interior of the device, since the water from the river would not be slowed as much through the pillars as through the harsh turns of a labyrinth.
The third design was based on small beads/balls containing P. vancouverensis (see Figure 13). When researching methods for immobilization, we discovered that many common methods result in permeable beads filled with bacteria. These beads would be free to move around inside the device. The creation of such beads is relatively simple and cost efficient. The materials used to create the alginate beads that turned out to be sufficient for this use case, are stable and non-toxic (learn more in results). A big advantage of this design would be the modularity of it. One could simply open the box and replace broken balls. However, it was unclear how we could stop the balls from simply getting pushed to the end of the box and being stuck there.

Build: Creating 3D-models and printing a prototype
Before we could start our simulations to test the viability of our ideas, we designed them using common computer aided design (CAD) software. The resulting 3D-models were not only the basis for the following simulations, but also gave us the opportunity to 3D-print our first prototype models to learn more about the sizing of our device.While the simulations were running, the different methods for immobilization were tested in the laboratory. As the method of immobilizing bacteria on a silica surface was verified, as well as the method of enclosing the bacteria in alginate beads, all three models would work in terms of biological feasibility (see our results page). Therefore, we could rely fully on flow analysis to show us which design would turn out optimal for our device.
Through the simulations we found that the ball design works best for our application. It also features to easy accessibility and replaceability of the beads containing the GMOs. This means that applications for other bacteria, targeting other riverine contaminations, could easily be installed as well. Through these advantages we concluded that the balls make for the best interior design of our device.
Our approach to a real-life flow simulation with a simple 3D-printed model of the pillar design. To make the path the water takes through the box visible, we used fluorescein.
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