
Summary of Experiments

For our 2024 project, we conducted both Dry Lab and Wet Lab experiments centered around two main goals: (1) Developing innovative tools for discovery of novel satellite phage for use in SynBio, and (2) Employing satellite phage in three applications to demonstrate their potential for SynBio.

Our experiments for the discovery of novel satellite phage are split into two categories: (1a) bioinformatic discovery and (1b) physical discovery. 

  • In discovering novel satellites bioinformatically
    • We conducted runs of our novel satellite phage identification software, SaPhARI.
    • We trained a phage-host interaction predictive model with an extensive phage-host interaction database.
  • In discovering novel satellites physically we screened for satellites in E. coli, M. smegmatis, and M. aichiense.

Our experiments for applications of Satellite Phage are separated into three categories: (2a) gene delivery, (2b) overcoming prophage immunity, and (2c) host expansion. In these categories, we conducted experiments at the in vitro and in situ levels (that is, using realistic environments) in our model colon and soil microcosms. 

At the in vitro level our experiments include:

  • Testing gene delivery:
    • We created and quantified transducing units with the original P2/P4 system from Dr. Fa-arun.
    • We created and quantified transducing units with a kanamycin-targeting CRISPR insert and tested for killing effect.
    • We created and quantified transducing units with a dCas9 insert and tested for silencing effect.
    • We created and quantified transducing units with a red fluorescent protein insert and tested for fluorescent output.
  • Testing ability to overcome prophage immunity:
    • We resurrected the mycobacteria satellite phage from six-year-old phage lysate and characterized them.
  • Testing phage host range expansion:
    • We plated phage lysate to test the infection range of phages HerbertWM and a non-satellite mycobacteriophage.
    • We characterized HerbertWM and mycobacteria satellite phage packaging mechanisms.
    • We assembled chimeric tail fibers that can theoretically expand host range of HerbertWM via the mycobacteria satellite phage.

At the in situ level our experiments include:

  • Testing gene delivery:
    • We inoculated the model colon with the CRISPR transducing units and sampled the affluent to test for a killing effect.
    • We inoculated soil microcosms 5-8 with the RFP transducing units and conducted bacterial plating to test for fluorescent output. 
  • Testing ability to overcome prophage immunity:
    • We inoculated soil microcosms with the mycobacteria satellite phage and conducted phage plating to test for a killing effect and persistence over time.

A detailed description of experiments is provided below. 

For full protocols for our experiments CLICK HERE

For detailed information about our results, please visit our RESULTS PAGE


Bioinformatic Discovery

Detailed relevant protocols: Searching for Phage Satellites in Metagenomic Data

Rationale: Metagenome samples exist from a wide variety of environments, ranging from wastewater, to soil, to rat guts. Many studies seek to leverage metagenomic sequencing as a means to understand microbial dynamics within natural environments, thus providing a seemingly endless amount of genetic information for researchers to utilize. (Meyer et al., 2022) Mining the wide breadth of these data sets is crucial to our project, as our mission is to categorize and locate the extremely diverse and ubiquitous families of satellite phage

Procedure: To search for phage satellites in a wide variety of metagenomes , we built a custom pipeline using open source software that downloads, assembles, and sorts metagenomic data for subsequent annotation and analysis using our custom software SaPhARI (Satellite Phage Algorithmic Recognition and Interpretation)

Results: We assembled, annotated, and analyzed 7,659 metagenomic contigs from 37 respective metagenomes derived from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) . We tested each family within the satellite class (cfPICI, PICI, PICMI, Phagelet, P4like, and PLE) across five different stringency levels. These levels ranged from requiring all proteins defined in each model to be present in order to classify a protein cluster as a satellite, to requiring only half of the proteins defined in each model to be present. Through this analysis, we have identified 87 putative satellite protein clusters: 61 from the PICMI model, 21 from the cfPICI model , 2 from the P4like model, 2 from the PICI model, and 1 from the Phagelet model. Each satellite sequence is available on our GitLab in .csv format for viewing and further analysis, containing detailed information about sample origin and identified proteins within the sample. 

Physical Discovery

Phage satellites, though incredibly abundant at an estimated 3.2 x 1026, are widely uncharacterized (Eppley et al., 2022). Furthermore, comprehensive protocols to screen for phage satellites have not been developed. We developed procedures to screen for phage satellites using bacterial lysogens and applied these in Mycobacterium and E. coli. To discover phage satellites, we used bacterial lysogens, to screen for satellites that can exploit the prophage’s packaging machinery. The general steps to discover a phage satellite include 1) obtaining/creating a lysogen, 2) collecting a soil sample, 3) enrichment plating, 4) purifying the potential satellite by plaque assays and 5) Phage DNA extraction by PCI. 


Detailed relevant protocols: Sample Collection and Enrichment Plating, Purification by Plaque Assay, Phage DNA Extraction Using PCI, Making a Lysogen

Rationale: In addition to the overall abundance of undiscovered phage satellites, there are no known phage satellites that parasitize lambda. We screened for phage satellites that could infect E. coli strain EMG2 K-12, a lambda lysogen, to search for phage satellites that therefore may hijack lambda’s packaging machinery.

Procedure: We collected 4 samples of soil and water mixtures on William and Mary’s campus. Taking these samples, we made 4 enrichments of the samples and liquid culture of E. coli EMG2 K-12, an E. coli strain that is a lambda lysogen, in LB media. After 48 hours of incubation, these enrichments were filtered and plated. Two of the enrichment plates showed plaques.


Enrichment plates that show plaques and indicate potential phage satellites. Each plate shows a distinct plaque morphology.

We performed one round of plaque purification of each potential phage satellite by picking a single plaque from each enrichment plate and phage plating dilutions with E. coli EMG2 K-12. The plates from round 1 of purification were flooded with phage buffer and lysate was collected after leaving overnight for phage elution in buffer. 


Phage purification plates that were flooded to collect lysate. Purification of the potential satellite from soil sample 1 resulted in plates that did not show clear plaques. When held up to light, turbid plaques could be seen on this purification plaque. 

We then performed multiple DNA extractions to extract phage satellite DNA using the phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol method (Göller et al., 2020; Spilsberg et al., 2020). DNA purities were consistently low despite repeating the chloroform:isoamyl alcohol step in an attempt to wash away phenol contamination.

DNA sample  Concentration A240/A260 purity A280/A260 purity 
1A 163.8 1.69 0.58
1B 588 1.69 0.61
4A 196.1 1.73 0.87
4B 579.9 1.68 0.79

DNA samples were sent to Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation for Illumina sequencing and the phage genomes were assembled using the Shovill genome assembler pipeline. 

Results: Two novel E. coli bacteriophages were discovered, a tailed phage and a filamentous phage, though these bacteriophages do not appear to be satellite phages. Both soil samples contained the filamentous phage, which shows genetic similarity with Ff filamentous phages based on its proteins. Soil sample 4 contained the novel tailed bacteriophage, which consistently lysed E. coli EMG2 K-12, as shown by clear plaques at each round of purification. 

Rationale: Traditionally, the golden rule for phage screening is to never use a lysogen to screen on; our project, however, our project developed a protocol to create lysogens to identify phage satellites. Once a phage is isolated, trying to create a stable lysogen is the second necessary step in satellite phage discovery. If a lysogen can be successfully created, we are able to proceed with screening for satellites in the future. 

Procedure: We created a bacterial lawn using M. smegmatis on top agar. Through the course of the summer, 60 lysates from William and Mary’s freshman phage lab. We performed spot test, incubated plates at 37° C for 24-48 hours, checked for mesas after incubation.


Initial spot tests of lysates. Left shows an example of a plate negative for mesas, characterized by its see through appearance where spotted. The right image shows an example of a plate positive for mesas. There is a clearing where the lysate solution was spotted with a cloudy spot within it, indicating some resistance to the phage.

If mesas were present, we streaked cells from the mesa onto a new plate and incubated at 37°C for 2-4 days. Then, we took colonies from the streaked mesa plates and performed a patch assay. After 1-4 days, we checked for halos present surrounding the patch, indicating phage release.


We streaked out positive patch assay colonies for three rounds to purify. Following purification, we inoculated colonies in liquid culture and performed a final patch assay using the same previous protocol.Finally, we tested the superinfection (homoimmunity) abilities of the putative lysogen. incubated for 24 – 48 hours at 37° and assessed the homoimmunity by plate comparison.


A good lysogen has little to no homoimmunity, such as the lysogen candidate above. The left image shows the control (lysate dilutions spotted on M. smegmatis). The right image shows the homoimmunity assay (lysate dilutions spotted on the putative lysogens). This had no plaques, showing perfect homoimmunity for this lysogen. 

Results: Out of the 55 tested lysates, five passed all of the lysogeny tests and resulted in a stable lysogen, ready to be used for satellite screening. These phages included: JollyBabz, StubbySaigey, KingChadwick, DocMcStuffins, and SucetteDeLMort in M. smegmatis. We used these to screen for satellites and tentatively identified one satellite phage in M. smegmatis.

Rationale:Mycobacterium aichiense is a strain of bacteria that conveys strong immunity to other phages due to the presence of a prophage called HerbertWM. In other words, no other known phage has been able to infect this strain of bacteria because of a temperate phage that resides in this bacteria. However, a group of high school students found a series of phage satellites that were able to infect M. aichiense and trigger the lysis of the prophage HerbertWM, killing the cell. Finding phage satellites that are able to infect a strain of bacteria that conveys phage immunity has many applications in phage therapy, and thus developing a procedure to screen for phage satellites in bacteria with prophage immunity could have many uses. 

Procedure: We collected soil from the environment and enriched it with M. aichiense. We then filtered it to get rid of the soil debris and the bacteria, leaving only media and phages. We added M. aichiense at a 1:1 ratio to the "phagelets" and then plated with top agar. After letting it grow for 24-48 hours until visible plaques, we purify plaques by taking a plug from a plaque and resuspending in phage buffer. Afterwards, we filtered and plated the full resuspended plug with M. aichiense on top agar again until webbed lysis is reached. Then the plate was flooded and we filtered the lysate and plated again with dilutions until the ideal titer was reached. 

Results: The procedure developed by our lab was given to a freshman program within the school that works with SEA-Phages to discover new phage. The students in this lab had found a putative phage satellite, but we are working on growing it to a higher titer and getting it sequenced. 

The protocol was also given to an advanced phage lab in the university, and screening for phage satellites with a prophage led a member of that lab to find a novel phage that infects M. aichiense. However, characterizing this novel phage has proved difficult thus far, and after several attempts as sequencing it seems that a large part of its genome aligns with a pathogenic bacteria called Cupriavidus gilardii, which is in not only a different species but also a different phyla of bacteria than M. aichiense

We also resurrected several satellites from six years ago that were thought to be degraded and lost, some of which have not been sequenced or characterized. One of those we found to be another phage satellite. The other, more interestingly, is a standard phage that bypasses homo- and hetero-immunity in M. aichiense and lyses the bacteria without excising the prophage HerbertWM. Interestingly enough, it seems to have large parts of the genome of HerbertWM but is lytic while HerbertWM is temperate. This novel phage was used in the soil microcosm as a way to compare the efficiency of phage satellites with standard phage, while the newly characterized satellite along with the other resurrected phage satellites were used to test the killing effect of M. aichiense in the soil microcosms. 


Sequence Specific Population Level Control 

Detailed relevant protocols: Creating Transducing Units, Quantifying Cas9 Killing Effect, Sampling Bacterial Plating and Phage Plating of Soil Microcosms, Running the Model Colon

Rationale: The P4 cosmid system was originally designed by Dr. Fa-arun in University of Edinburgh (Fa-arun et al., 2023). The original purpose of this system was for CRISPR cas9 mediated cell death for disease-causing strains of bacteria such as E. coli O157:H7 and Shigella flexneri. Aspects of the P4 packaging mechanism were used to create transducing units with a CRISPR cassette. In order to create a versatile tool that could be used for both E. coli and Shigella, Dr. Fa-arun also created chimeric tail fibers to expand the host range of these transducing units. The CRISPR cas9 used in the original study targeted shiga toxins in the bacterial genomes, causing a double stranded break in the genome and thus killing the bacteria. 

In order to make the P2 lysogen package the P4 cosmid with a wide selection of tail fibers, the genes encoding for the tail fibers were removed from the genome. The P2 wild type tail fibers were compatible with the indicator strain E. coli EMG2-K12. Therefore, the plasmid with the P2 tail fibers is necessary for the packaging of the P4 cosmid. Also, the system was designed in such a way that the P2 lysogen would only package and lyse the P4 cosmid.


Procedure: First, we made chemically competent cell out of the P2 lysogen. Then, we transformed the newly competent cell with the P4 cosmid and tail fiber plasmid. Afterwards, we created a lysate by adding L-rhamnose and allowing the cells to lyse, collecting the P4 transducing units that they produce. Lastly, we quantified the transducing units by infecting the E. coli EMG2-K12 indicator strain with the lysate from the previous step


Results: During the initial trial, the lysate degraded within a week period, decreasing the titer 10-fold per day. However, after another replicate, the titer remained stable after a two week period at about 3.4*109, which is higher than that of a standard phage. That supports the argument that satellite phage have a higher titer than other phage and thus a higher efficiency. 

Rationale: Satellites have the unique quality of being nonreplicative in the absence of their helper phage, providing a level of safety that standard phages do not offer. However, if there is degradation of these satellites, their inability to replicate can prevent them from having the desired effect on the system. Therefore, developing a way to maintain the high titer of the P4 transducing units can make them more efficient long-term. Since P4 requires the P2 packaging mechanism to lyse, infecting a P2 lysogen transformed with the necessary tail fibers with the P4 transducing unit and triggering lysis should produce a higher titer of transducing units

Procedure: First, we transformed electrocompetent bacteria carrying the P2 lysogen with the P2 wild type tail fiber, which has ampicillin selection. Then, we added 100uL of 10x fold diluted transducing units to 100uL of 20x concentrated bacteria. Afterwards, we incubated with shaking for 4 hours and spread 100uL on a plate with ampicillin to select for the tail fiber plasmid and chloramphenicol to select for the P4 cosmid. We then picked colonies and grew them in LB with the presence of both antibiotics, and supplement with L-rhamnose to trigger cell lysis. We collected and filtered the lysate and infected E. coli EMG2 K-12 with the lysate, diluted, and plated to quantify the transducing units.

Results: After one round of replication, there was a large increase in titer. The titer of the original transducing units was 109, but after infection with only 100uL of 10x diluted transducing units, the resulting titer was 1011. Therefore, there was a 100 fold increase in the titer of transducing units. 

Rationale: Before evaluating the efficacy of sequence specific killing based on a neomycin phosphotransferase gene target in the synthetic colon we needed to ensure that transducing units carrying the P4 cosmid with appropriate spacer inserts could do so in vitro. Our method for doing this is largely based on the method(s) used by Dr. Fa-Arun to characterize the original P4 cosmid.

We also wanted to ensure that any killing effect we observed was an authentic killing effect rather than one arising from a knockout of HL 713’s resistance marker while screening on kanamycin, so we adapted our procedure to account for this.

Procedure: We created transducing agent filtrate by resuspending concentrated EMG C5545 ∆cosσε ∆HG co-transformed with the Kanamycin resistance targeting P4 cosmid and a plasmid containing the wild type P2 tail fiber, in media containing L-rhamnose, which induced production of P4 transducing agents and cell lysis. We completed the procedure by filter sterilizing the lysate to produce a transducing agent filtrate free of bacteria. We verified the sterility of each filtrate by plating a portion of it on nonselective LB agar. We also created non-targeting transducing agent filtrate with the same procedure only using cells with the original P4 cosmid (i.e. lacking a targeting crRNA insert).

After producing transducing agents with the Kanamycin Resistance targeting p4 cosmid and the original P4 cosmid as a negative control, we quantified the titer of each filtrate by mixing a portion of each with a concentrated solution of the E. coli indicator strain EMG2 K-12 (ATCC 23716), performing a serial dilution of the incubated cells, and finally plating on LB plates containing chloramphenicol to screen for cosmid transductants. We used these data to equalize the titer of each transducing agent filtrate we produced for these experiments to 10^9 transducing agents per milliliter.

We measured the killing effect of each type of transducing agent filtrate by incubating 100uL of dilute transducing agent filtrate with 100uL HL713 bacterial culture diluted in SM buffer to a concentration of 10^7 cells per milliliter. HL 713 was grown up to the end of log phase as indicated by an OD600 of between 0.5-0.6 before being diluted to the desired concentration.

After incubation, we serially diluted the incubated cells ten fold in LB, and plated on LB agar plates lacking antibiotics, as well as LB with antibiotics. By comparing CFU between targeting and non-targeting treatments on LB without antibiotics, Cas9 killing effect can be evaluated. Doing the same on chloramphenicol containing LB quantifies killing efficiency among transductants only.

Results: We observed a statistically significant decrease (at the 95% confidence interval) in CFU (6.26 mean fold difference) after treatment with kanamycin targeting transducing agents when compared to treatment with non-targeting transducing agents, at a multiplicity of infection of 100 - meaning estimated 100 transducing agents per HL713 cell. Screening on chloramphenicol indicated a killing efficiency among transductants of over 98% for most measurements.

Rationale: The Cas9 gene targeting system was tested in the model colon to determine the fieldability of the system and differences in killing effect in a natural environment. 

Procedure: The model colon was set up and inoculated with 100 mL HL713 in feed, made as previously described in Van den Abbeele et al. to allow the indicator strain to colonize the entire colon before inoculation with the transducing units(2010). The effluent of the model colon was regularly sampled to establish a baseline population by plating a serial dilution (100, 10-2, 10-4, 10-6) on LB agar plates and LB agar plates with kanamycin to screen for HL713. The model colon was inoculated with 12 mL of Cas9 targeting transducing units into the top of the first chamber, the ascending colon. 

Results: For the two model colons we inoculated with Cas9 targeting transducing units there was a statistically significant decrease in population for the effluent of model colon #1. However, while there was a decrease in the mini colon (which models one chamber of the colon), it was not statistically significant. 

Rationale: If successful, the transducing units with the RFP insert can be used as a reporter system for the presence of E. coli within the soil. When the transducing units are deployed, the infected bacteria will express a red fluorescent protein that will be visualized when bacteria plating the soil microcosms. 

Procedure: The microcosms were designed and rooted with bush bean and lettuce plants. After sufficient root growth, soil was inoculated with 18.25mLof 12.5X concentrated HL713 on August 31st. After allowing the indicator strain to colonize the soil microcosm, transducing units were inoculated. The soil microcosms were regularly sampled from the ‘center’ (where the microcosm was inoculated) and ‘edge’ (the other end of the microcosm) and plated at a 1e-4 and 1e-2 dilution respectively. The microcosms were inoculated with transducing units and sampling continued after inoculation with transducing units.

We used the Opentrons OT-2 for preparing the 96 well plate for fluorescence measurement.


Results: Ten samples were collected from distinct colonies from soil microcosm plating on LB with kanamycin and chloramphenicol. 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A 1196 32188 42 534 685 820 611 555 2826 695 191 477
B 38 45 46 31 36 37 30 43 37 34 37 473

A1: Negative control - uninfected E. coli HL713, A2: Positive control - E. coli HL713 infected with RFP, A3: Negative control - water. A4: Sample 1, A5: Sample 2, A6: Sample 3, A7: Sample 4, A8: Sample 5, A9: Sample 6, A10: Sample 7, A11: Sample 8, A12:Sample 9. B12: Sample 10. 

The above table is a red fluorescence protein measurement for the 10 colonies from soil samples. Sample 6 showed a significantly higher measurement than the negative control suggesting that this sample was fluorescing. 

Rationale : We reasoned that we could use the same crRNA spacer insert used to create the KanR targeting P4 cosmid to characterize the silencing ability of the dCas9 P4 cosmid. If the dCas9 cosmid was working as intended HL713 transduced with the P4 cosmid should exhibit reduced resistance to kanamycin, as dCas9 would inhibit transcription elongation past its binding site, this reducing expression of neomycin phosphotransferase.

Procedure: We inserted the neomycin phosphotransferase crRNA into the dCas9 cosmid via a IIS reaction with BsaI, transformed into E. coli DH5-alpha, harvested the construct and confirmed its sequence with nanopore sequencing.

We then followed the same procedure as with previous experiments to produce transducing agent filtrate containing the dCas9 P4 cosmid (with added KanR targeting crRNA), as well as original P4 cosmid filtrate as a negative control.

Results: Treatment with dCas9 Cosmid (with added KanR targeting crRNA) transducing agent filtrate produced fewer kanamycin resistant cosmid transductants compared to a control group treated with original P4 cosmid transducing agent filtrate. Overall the experiment was not sufficiently powered to draw any definitive conclusions about the magnitude of the dCas9 cosmid’s silencing effect, but is intriguing enough to potentially motivate further characterization of this part.

Overcoming Prophage Immunity 

Detailed relevant protocols: Phage Plating, Purification by Plaque Assay, Collecting Plate Lysates, Long Range PCR, Gel Electrophoresis, NEB PCR Cloning, Sampling Bacterial Plating and Phage Plating of Soil Microcosms.

Rationale: Several “phagelets,” phage satellites in a species of bacteria called Mycobacterium aichiense, were first isolated by high school students in an iGEM outreach event but remained uncharacterized. M. aichiense is a strain of bacteria that is known to carry strong immunity to other phages, and these phage satellites were the only phage that could ever infect this strain to our knowledge. Due to their fragile nature, they degraded and were thought to be lost for six years. Our team “resurrected” these "phagelets" and grew them out to a high titer, and then employed them in the soil microcosm to fully test their effects. 

Procedure: We took the thought to be degraded lysate and plated the maximum amount with M. aichiense and top agar. We then purified plaques by taking a plug from a plaque and resuspended in phage buffer. We filtered and plated the resuspended plug with M. aichiense on top agar. We repeated until webbed lysis was reached. Once webbed lysis was achieved, we flooded the plate with phage buffer, we let it sit for 12 hours at 4 ℃, and plated with dilutions of 10-1, 10-3, and 10-5 to estimate titer. We then flooded the 10-1 plate, filtered the lysate, and plate again with dilutions. We kept repeating this process until the titer no longer increased. 


Results: Our team managed to grow out four “phagelets,” two of which were not sequenced or characterized before. What we found was one was in fact not a phage satellite and was a standard phage that shared large similarities with the prophage in M. aichiense called HerbertWM. While the satellites worked to excise HerbertWM, there was no evidence of HerbertWM when the phage lysed the cell.

Originally, these phage satellites showed one or two plaques after the initial plating of large quantities of old lysate, but were grown out to a titer of 107 to 108. The non-satellite phage reached a titer of 109

Some of the soil microcosms were inoculated with these “phagelets” while others contained the phage that was previously thought to be a satellite for comparison. In these microcosms, we tested for the "phagelets" and the phage’s killing effect on M. aichiense, and continued to test the presence of phage as well.

Rationale: The mycobacteria satellite phage, "Phagelets", have historically been extremely fragile and degraded quickly. After achieving the desired titer, we began plating them less frequently. After taking several days between collecting the lysate and plating, they stopped growing. 

Procedure: After plating as described above and the plates forming perfect lawns and no plaques in the incubator at 37℃, they were left to sit untouched at room temperature for 2 days on the lab bench. 

Results: After 2 days being left at room temperature, webbed lysis plaques formed on each plate except for the negative control. The reason for this could be temperature sensitivity, although previously they formed plaques in the incubator at 37ºC. The negative control with no "phagelets" added to the M. aichiense did not form any plaques.

Rationale: We wanted to determine if entire "phagelet" genomes can be amplified via PCR for potential use in future cloning reactions or for potential preservation strategies. "Phagelet" DNA is highly GC-rich, so it may be difficult to amplify via PCR and be used for future engineering. 

Procedure: We designed a set of back-to-back primers (facing in opposite directions) to amplify the entirety of the "phagelet" genome. Then, we ran long-range PCR on PCI-extracted "phagelet" DNA using these primers and waterwards we ran the product on an agarose gel along the GeneRuler 1 kb ladder and a high molecular weight ladder to get the size of the amplified PCR product.

Results: The band on the high molecular gel was the size of the "phagelet" at about 11kb, meaning the "phagelet" genomes were successfully amplified. 

Rationale: In order to preserve these Mycobacterium satellites long-term, we can clone them onto a plasmid designed for storage.

Procedure: We used the NEB PCR Cloning Kit, which provided the pMiniT™ 2.0 Vector for cloning. We first ligated the linearized satellite DNA and a linearized version of the plasmid vector. Then, we transformed into NEB 10-beta Competent E. coli and plated on ampicillin plates to select for the plasmid. 

Results: The procedure was unsuccessful and no colonies grew on the ampicillin plate. This was likely due to the size of the insert, since it was 11 kb, causing a large strain on the vector.

Rationale: Innovations in synthetic biology are often only tested in vitro, but the concepts fail in more complex systems and real world environments (Brooks & Alper, 2021). Therefore, although the “phagelet” phage satellites lyse M. aichiense and overcome prophage immunity efficiently in a petri dish, they may not do so in the soil where they would be directly utilized. Employing these “phagelets” in soil microcosms would show their efficiency outside the lab and make them more applicable to SynBio. 

Procedure: 8 soil microcosms were inoculated with 11mL of 12.5x fold concentrated M. aichiense in the center of the microcosm. We quantified M. aichiense persistence and spread by sampling from the center (location of inoculation) and from the edge of the microcosm. After several days, we inoculated 4 microcosms with 6.5 mL of phage satellites that infect M. aichiense and 4 microcosms with standard phage for comparison. After phage and satellite phage inoculation, we continued quantifying M. aichiense in the center and edge of each soil microcosm as well as phage plating with M. aichiense to quantify phage and satellite phage persistence.Plates were left in the incubator for 48 hours and record the M. aichiense colonies and recorded plaques seen on the phage plates.


Microcosm Antibiotic Test H0 Ha p-value
9-12 C 7H9 Two sample t-test comparing population before and after inoculation Population before = population after Population before ≠ population after p-value = 0.03938
Two sample t-test comparing population before and after inoculation Population before = population after Population before > population after p-value = 0.9803
13-16 C 7H9 Two sample t-test comparing population before and after inoculation Population before = population after Population before ≠ population after p-value = 0.2022
Two sample t-test comparing population before and after inoculation Population before = population after Population before > population after p-value = 0.8989

These results indicate that neither the mycobacteria phage satellite nor the non-satellite mycobacteria phage had a significant killing effect on M. aichiense. 

Host Expansion

Detailed relevant protocols: Collecting Plate Lysates, Phage DNA Extraction Using PCI, PCR, Electroporation of M. aichiense, Gel Electrophoresis

Rationale:We wanted to determine whether the “novel mycobacteria satellite phage”, called "phagelets", have circular or linear DNA. This will allow us to understand the mechanism, which we can utilize to simulate the packaging of HerbertWM while inserting our tail fiber plasmids. 

Procedure: During this experiment, we designed a set of primers to amplify a large section of the “phagelet” genome and another set to cover the leftover region that was not amplified with some overlap with the previous primer. After this, we tested both primer sets on extracted DNA from two “phagelets”, ChrisB and WillG, and ran them on a gel to determine their size.

Results: We observed amplicons of the expected size, with one of each, confirming the "phagelet" genomes to be circular.

Rationale: In order to expand the host range of HerbertWM, we need to confirm that HerbertWM does not infect M. smeg to create chimeric tail fibers that would be compatible with M. smeg.

Procedure: For this experiment, we used viable mycobacteria phage lysate that has high titers when plated with M. aichiense. We added M. smeg to this lysate while still using M. aichiense as a control and plated with top agar on plates to look for plaques. 

Results: No plaques formed on the M. smeg plates with each mycobacteria satellite, but each formed plaques on the plates containing M. aichiense, meaning that the phage satellites were present but were not compatible with M. smeg.

Rationale: The full genome for HerbertWM, the prophage in M. aichiense, was found when sequencing the lysate, however it has not been confirmed via gel electrophoresis. Using a high molecular weight ladder and running a gel with the DNA extracted from the lysate of the "phagelets", we should be able to see two bands: one with the "phagelet" and one with the "phagelet" each at their respective size. 

Procedure: We flooded plates showing webbed lysis as a result of the mycobacteria satellite phage-induced killing. Then, we extracted the DNA from the lysates, ran this extracted DNA on a low percent agarose gel with a high molecular weight ladder, and performed PCR on the samples with both HerbertWM-specific primers and "phagelet"-specific primers for diagnostics

Results: We observed bands at 50kb and 11kb, which match the genome sizes of HerbertWM and the "phagelets", respectively. After PCR, we observed clear bands for each, confirming the presence of both of the constructs present in the lysate.

Rationale: In order for HerbertWM to use our chimeric tail fibers, it would need to be excised and packaged. We wanted to determine if extracted and purified DNA taken from "phagelet" lysate could be transformed into competent M. aichiense and have a killing effect; this would act as a positive control to show that HerbertWM would lyse the cell regardless of the presence of the chimeric tail fiber plasmid. 

Procedure: We combined electrocompetent M. aichiense and isolated "phagelet" DNA into a pre-chilled 0.1 cm electro gap cuvette. We delivered a pulse at 1.25kV. Then, we incubated on ice for 5-10 minutes before re-suspending cells in 1mL 7H9 recovery media and afterwards incubated at 37ºC with shaking for 2 hours. Lastly, we plated transformation on 7H9 plates and incubated at 37ºC for 3 days.

Results: Electroporation of “phagelet” DNA was unsuccessful as there were no colonies after 3 days.

Rationale: In order to use the prediction model, the training data must be processed and run first. 

Procedure: To process the training data, each bacteria and phage genome was converted to an array of vectors using binary to code for each nucleotide base. The array was then be “padded” with empty zero vectors to reach a standardized input length (i.e. 500,000 bp for phage), allowing the shape of the input to match the shape of the output for each intermediate neural network layer. The interaction data was categorized into a dataframe of phage-bacteria pair (input) and interaction value (0=FALSE, 1=TRUE). We ran the data through the model using either a graphics card or externally hosted GPU. 

For testing the model, known phage-bacteria interactions that were not used in the training dataset were run through the model, and the prediction accuracy was determined after averaging the accuracy outputs with varying distribution of data for training and test sets each time.

Results: After 20 full runs, the model was found to have an accuracy of 68% with p < 0.001, using 50% as the expected prediction accuracy for a totally random model where our distribution of positive and negative interaction pairs in the test set was even.
