Multi-Omics Bioformatics Analysis SynthEsis Platform


In many aspects of biology, computers are used to perform extensive omics analysis to drive research, for example, in the case of treatment, genomic data is used as a feature and clinical information as a label to predict efficacy. With the application of computer science in the field of biology, the intersection of computer science and biology will bring new opportunities for future research.



For many green-hands in synthetic biology, the existing bioinformatics tools on the Internet are mixed, the early learning cost is high, it is not very convenient to use, and there is no interactive integration platform. This situation has virtually raised the threshold of synthetic biology.


We have built a comprehensive bioinformation service platform with strong interactivity--Mo-BASE. The platform includes a variety of basic bioinformatics models, such as GNN, CV, and also builds a full-process optimized single-cell analysis, providing a more cutting-edge and comprehensive interactive analysis flow, which can be applied to synthetic biology research that requires transcriptomic analysis.



1. Mo-BASE helps researchers reduce time cost, is convenient to use, and completes transcriptomic analysis more easily

2. The comprehensive usability of the platform is strong, users can freely exchange scientific research experience in the academic forum section of the platform, and the platform also provides a variety of learning materials and auxiliary tools for undergraduates.

3. The platform has good interactivity, which can introduce users how to quickly get started with various large models and corresponding use scenarios.


Due to algorithm limitations, the platform mainly involves single-cell analysis optimized for the whole process, and other omics analysis pipelines are not included.
