
LIFT header

Polyploid organisms, characterized by multiple copies of their genome, present a significant challenge when integrating gene inserts


LiFT accelerates the rate to get a fully integrated plasmid in a slow-growing polyploid cyanobacteria using Argonautes


So, how did we get here?

Mothers around the world pay around $300 USD/month and up to $2,500 USD/year for infant formula [1]
LIFT is inspired by the inaccessibility of infant formula prices. Many families face the economic burden of formula price increases due to the manufacturing processes and the market monopoly. [2]
Infant nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting growth and cognitive function during the critical developmental stages from birth to age three. [3]

Learn more about our project


[1] I. Backman, "A Year of Breastfeeding Costs Families As Much As $11,000, Study Finds," Yale School of Medicine, Apr. 04, 2023. https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/a-year-of-breastfeeding-costs-families-as-much-as-dollar11000-study-finds/ (accessed Sep. 15, 2024).

[2] D. Now, "David Dayen on the Baby Formula Shortage & Monopolies in the Age of Corporate Power," Democracy Now!, May 17, 2022. https://www.democracynow.org/2022/5/17/baby_formula_shortage_fueled_by_monopoly (accessed Sep. 15, 2024).

[3] R. Webster, "How does nutrition affect the developing brain?," ZERO TO THREE, May 24, 2014. https://www.zerotothree.org/resource/distillation/how-does-nutrition-affect-the-developing-brain/#:~:text=years%20of%20age.-,Brain%20development%20is%20most%20sensitive%20to%20a%20baby's%20nutrition%20between,grow%2C%20either%20physically%20or%20mentally. (accessed Sep. 15, 2024).