
Document the dates you worked on your project. This should be a detailed account of the work done each day for your project.

22.02.24 Weekly team meeting, Research Project ideas

29.02.2024 Weekly team meeting, Research Project ideas

07.03.2024 weekly Team meeting, decided on project idea, division into subteams

14.03.2024 weekly Team meeting, started PI search, research sponsors and grants

21.03.2024 weekly Team meeting, Contacted potential PIs, Identified family of model regulators (LuxR), collected data/papers

28.03.2024 weekly Team meeting, Experimental Design Team starts, project name brainstorming

04.04.2024 weekly Team meeting, First Human Practices meetings, preliminary modelling work with alphafold multimer, identified proof of concept paper and review, identified challenges

11.04.2024 weekly Team meeting, finished NarL/YdfI and OmpR/CcaR Alphafold modelling, started research into DCA. Collected literature for experimental design

18.04.2024 weekly Team meeting, Wetlab meeting, meeting with experts from VectorBuilder

25.04.2024 weekly Team meeting, wetlab meeting, meeting with Professor Hartmann regarding structural modelling (24.04.2024), applied to grants and sponsorships, contacted Faktor 14 and Experimenta

02.05. weekly Team meeting, meeting with PI Professor Kronenberger, DCA reveals first promising results, crystal structure analysis, journal club

16.05.2024 weekly Team meeting, application to promega grant

23.05.2024 weekly Team meeting, further Alphafold modelling, initial trial MD simulations, research into mode of action of regulators, finalized design, iGEM meetup Bielefeld

31.05.2024 weekly Team meeting, Research into structural families of regulators, Inventory of our lab supplies, search for labspace

06.06.2024 weekly Team meeting, 05.06 Meeting with Professor Stegmann regarding applications of our technique, Wetlab meeting, ordered Lab supplies, contacting further sponsors, wrote Faktor 14 article

13.06.2024 weekly Team meeting, drylab meeting, development/exploration of Direct coupling based metrics, social media collaboration with iGEM team ULAVAL, member posts on instagram

20.06.2024 weekly Team meeting, first prototype of DDIZ metric, rework Faktor 14 draft, setup collaboration with Mindful Science, finalize logo

27.06.2024 weekly Team meeting, refined DDIZ metric, finalize portfolio

04.07.2024 weekly Team meeting, investigation into structural correlations of DDIZ metric, investigation of linker conservation, meeting with PI Professor Kronenberger

11.07.2024 weekly Team meeting, analysis of conservation of DDIZ pattern across regulators, structural analyses

18.07.2024 weekly Team meeting, started work on webservice to make DDIZ score usable for everyone, started further literature review, started work on modelling clashes in active state of regulator.

25.07.2024 weekly Team meeting

01.08.2024 weekly Team meeting, further structural analyses, experiment planning

08.08.2024 weekly Team meeting, finish first webservice prototype

15.08.2024 weekly Team meeting, Wetlab meeting

26.08 weekly Team meeting, meeting with Professor Hartmann regarding modelling, increased performance using ESM, exploratory analysis of 50% similarity clustered Dataset, meeting with Professor Stegmann

05.09.2024 weekly Team meeting, meeting with Professor Ziemert regarding feedback for the webtool, meeting with Professor Stegmann and Dr. Muth regarding experimental design, ordered Lab supplies and plasmids

12.09.2024 weekly Team meeting, Coordinate wetlab and wiki documentation tasks , wetlab meeting

26.09.2024 weekly Team meeting, Started Labwork, finished gibson assembly, transformation and screening for insert, tried induction

02.10.2024 finish iGEM wiki and upload finalized ClusterControl