T structure and H hairpins hybridizations
Before proceeding with our experiments we wanted to check the quality of our materials. Therefore, we conducted electrophoresis to verify their size and purity (fig 1).
Figure 1:Quality testing. In this figure (L): ladder, (1): H1, (2): H2, (3): H3, (4): H4, (5): T1, (6): T2, (7): T3, (8): miR-219a-5p, (9): miR-338-3p, (10): miR-125a-3p, (11): miR-146a-5p.
1.T-structure polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (12%)
Our first experiment was to perform a 12% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in which we evaluated whether our designed T
structure succeeds in being de-hybridized in the presence of miR-125a-3p & miR-146a-5p in order to release the initiator.
According to fig.2 it is evident that our original T structure is disordered in the presence of the two microRNAs (cells
number 2 and 3). In addition, in cell number 4, which includes the T-structure and both miRNAs we can see a lower band
which could be the released initiator.
Figure 2:Y hairpin testing (polyacrylamide gel 12%). In this figure wells are loaded with (1): T-structure, (2): T-structure + miR-146a-5p, (3): T-structure + miR-125a-3p, (4): T-structure + miR-125a-3p + miR-146a-5p.
2. Fluorescence experiments
We then performed fluorescence experiments from which we performed HCR Hairpin Testing and checked both the quantification
of the initiator and Hairpins. According to Fig.3 and knowing from the literature that the dye we used has better binding
affinity with double stranded molecules, which is confirmed by the results as both initiator and water have exceptionally
low concentrations, we obtain the following data. We see that in the quantification of Hairpins we have excellent yields at
800nM concentration while satisfactory yields are also obtained at concentrations of 400nM, 200nM and 6400nM (second diagram).
About the quantification of initiator, we can observe that no significant changes are presented when we change its quantity,
therefore its concentration does not affect the yield (third diagram). From the HCR Hairpin Testing we see that there is a
difference between the four Hairpins (4H) and the four Hairpins in the presence of initiator (4H+i). This shows us that they
interact with each other and that HCR can be started.
Figure 3:Fluorescence experiments to test the HCR Hairpin formation and the effect of the concentration of the Hairpin and the initiator in the yield. In this figure H=H1, 2H = H1+H2, 3H = H1+H2+H3, 4H = H1+H2+H3+H4.