TEDA - Gel Electrophoresis
Below is a selection of gels relevant to our cloning, with explanations for what each meant. This includes all of our fragments, linearized plasmid backbones, and linearized plasmids that are partially assembled. Note that our PCR reactions have resulted in specific bands within the target length (except for our Ago2 fragments which we had to perform a gel extraction).Dual Regulation
More Repressor fragments + Ago2 phase 2 fragments
From left to right we have repressor fragment (microRNA target site in the 5' UTR, overwriting a later portion of the ribosome binding site), first half of repressor fragment (microRNA target site in the open reading frame/coding sequence, buffered by an additional P2A), second half of repressor fragment (microRNA target site in the open reading frame/coding sequence), linearized assembled PJL1 plasmid with codon optimized Ago2, GST tag fragment, all with overhangs.
TEDA - Cloning and Sequencing Results
For each plasmid we cloned using TEDA or attempted to edit using site-directed mutagenesis, we would then purify that plasmid from the cloning vector and send it off to sequencing. We did this to gain confirmation on whether the cloning was successful or not. Below is a selection of the plasmids we sent off the sequencing and related commentary, including indication of whether we went on to use a given plasmid in future experiments.
Dual Regulation Plasmid
Ago2 Plasmid
Confocal Microscopy
As we hope to detect microRNA concentrations in patients' bloodstream, we have to consider pertinent regulations regarding handling of blood. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains several pertinent regulations with regards to blood collection, preparation, storage, transportation, and testing. Upon review of these regulations, we found that outside of the blood handling, storage, transportation, and disposal performed by clinicians, our system will need to conform with FDA regulations regarding In Vitro Diagnostic products. This includes both for our actual cell-free system once it receives microRNA, as well as the microfluidic assay from which the miRNA will be extracted from the blood.Initial miRNA Uptake Trial
Successful miRNA Uptake Trial
GFP Production
Cell Plate Reader Results
To test the efficacy of our system, we quantified the fluorescence emitted under various conditions: Nothing, empty PACYC backbone, PACYC plasmid with just promoter+RBS+GFP+terminator, and PACYC plasmid with GFP and the dual repressors (LacI and L7Ae). Due to limitations to our equipment, we can only measure fluorescence emitted with an excitation wavelength of 485 and emission wavelength of 535 (as opposed to the ideal wavelengths of 475/509) (To test the efficacy of our system, we quantified the fluorescence emitted under various conditions: Nothing, empty PACYC backbone, PACYC plasmid with just promoter+RBS+GFP+terminator, and PACYC plasmid with GFP and the dual repressors (LacI and L7Ae). Due to limitations to our equipment, we can only measure fluorescence emitted with an excitation wavelength of 485 and emission wavelength of 535 (as opposed to the ideal wavelengths of 475/509) (Bauer et al., 1996).1. Categorization in Bacteria
2. Categorization in Cell-Free System
Coomassie Stains
After the successful assembly of codon-optimized Ago2 with a GST tag into pJL1 plasmid using TEDA, the plasmid was successfully transformed into MRE600 E. coli cells. Colonies of MRE600 cells were inoculated and grown at 25 degrees Celsius overnight. A coomassie stain was done to confirm the protein expression of Ago2 in the MRE600 cells.Western Blot
Conclusion - Proof of Concept
When we developed our project proposal, we hoped to create a system that could detect miRNA using fluorescence as a method of diagnosing B-cell lymphoma. We set out three goals for our system, and below is a synthesis of these goals and our progress towards them.Overall