
Team Member Contributions

Yijia Huang

Student Leader


Project Administration, Public Engagement, Visualization, Writing, Analysis

Specific tasks:

(1) Project Administration - Assigned and check the weekly progress of HPs.
(2) Public Engagement - Managed all HP activities and reviewed the key findings of HP activities. Organized interviews and mini-lectures about anti-aging substances and Alzheimer's disease with doctors, professors, and administrators of nursing homes. Discussed the findings from these HP activities to our project and tried to figure out the actions we could take to advocate for more industries to pay attention to anti-aging drugs and Alzheimer's disease. Organized the HP interviews and education demonstrations and presented the project at the school level.
(3) Visualization - Reviewed wiki designs, demonstration of promotion video, and interview videos.
(4) Writing - Reviewed the texts posted on Wiki and social media.
(5) Analysis - Analysed experimental data using a range of softwares.

Jinming Cui

Student Leader


Analysis, Investigation, Notebook/record keeping, Software, Public Engagement

Specific tasks:

(1) Analysis - Analysed experimental data using a range of software.
(2) Investigation - Helped members to conduct wet-lab experiments.
(3) Notebook/record keeping - Collected and recorded information for the wiki notebook.
(4) Software - Used Pymol to visualize the representative structures obtained by applying PCA to the WGX-50 protein complex system. Used Multiwfn to do IGMH analysis to show the interaction in the chemical system. Used the Cpptraj module in AMBER to obtain trajectory and structure files from Amber MD simulations, set up analysis tasks, write analysis scripts, and define tasks such as calculating RMSD, hydrogen bonds, distances, etc.
(5) Public Engagement - Organized the HP interviews with doctors, organized educational demonstrations, and presented the project at the school level. Took charge of designing the interview questions and introduction about the project.

Zikuan Bai

Student Leader


Conceptualization, Project Administration, Investigation, Wiki Coding, Writing, Public Engagement

Specific tasks:

(1) Conceptualization - Discussed the ideas and advised on project direction in weekly meetings.
(2) Project Administration - Tracked and checked the progress of we-lab experiments and HP activities.
(3) Investigation - Performed wet lab experiments and did data collection.
(4) Wiki Coding - Reviewed code and supported the basic structures at each stage.
(5) Public Engagement - Organized the HP interviews about anti-aging substances and Alzheimer's disease with doctors with psychology backgrounds at the community level. Demonstrated the project in the school to advocate for closer attention to anti-aging drugs and Alzheimer's disease. Took charge of designing the interview questions and introduction about the project.

Yuesi Xu

Student Leader


Analysis, Project Administration, Background Research, Notebook/record keeping, Public Engagement, Writing, Safety

Specific tasks:

(1) Analysis - Analysed experimental data using a range of software.
(2) Project Administration - Assigned and checked the progress of weekly tasks.
(3) Background Research - Reviewed the related academic findings about the mechanisms of action of antioxidants and anti-aging substances and their effectiveness in anti-aging pharmacological activities.
(4) Notebook/record keeping - Collected and recorded information for the wiki notebook.
(5) Public Engagement - Arranged HP questionnaires about anti-aging substances and Alzheimer's disease and reviewed the data generated by HP questionnaires.
(6) Writing - Reviewed and checked the contents of the research paper. Write the reference list for the paper.
(7) Safety - Supported PIs to coordinate the safe execution of the project and filled out the safety forms.

Jingchen Shi



Notebook/record keeping, Background Research, Public Engagement, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Notebook/record keeping - Recorded daily experimental data.
(2) Background Research - Researched related academic findings about the mechanisms of action of antioxidants and anti-aging substances and their effectiveness in anti-aging pharmacological activities.
(3) Public Engagement - Managed HP interviews and mini-lectures about anti-aging substances and Alzheimer's disease. Discussed the findings from HP activities and therefore tried to figure out the actions we could take to advocate for more industries to pay attention to anti-aging drugs and Alzheimer's disease.
(4) Writing - Wrote the paper's discussion and the analysis of the results.

Xiaoman Li



Notebook/record keeping, Investigation, Data Curation, Wiki Coding, Visualisation

Specific tasks:

(1) Notebook/record keeping - Collected and recorded information for the wiki notebook. Recorded positive clone numbers, inoculate them into liquid LB medium, and culture overnight at 37°C in a medium containing 50 μg/mL ampicillin in RNAi experiments.
(2) Investigation - Helped members to conduct wet-lab experiments.
(3) Data Curation - Reviewed the accuracy of data recording.
(4) Wiki Coding - Created code for the wiki system, primary structure, and animations displayed on the wiki page.
(5) Visualisation- Designed the team logo.

Yanzhi Xiao



Investigation, Notebook/record keeping, Data Curation, Visualisation

Specific tasks:

(1) Investigation - Did the experiments of reproducing WGX-50 and RNA-seq experimental process.
(2) Notebook/record keeping - Collect and record information for the wiki notebook.
(3) Data Curation - Managed the data from wet lab.
(4) Visualisation - Created the animated effectiveness for promotion videos and project presentations. Did the graphics design for social media posts. Formatted the research paper.

Ziqing Jin



Analysis, Notebook/record keeping, Software, Public Engagement

Specific tasks:

(1) Analysis - Analysed data from AMBER to perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for WGX-50. Performed quality control for RNA-seq. Used agilent bioanalyzer or qPCR for library quantification and fragment analysis. Used tools like DESeq2 and edgeR to compare gene expression levels between different experimental groups and identify significantly upregulated or downregulated genes.
(2) Notebook/record keeping - In RNAi experiments, recorded positive clone numbers, inoculate them into liquid LB medium, and culture overnight at 37°C in a medium containing 50 μg/mL ampicillin. Recorded data from nematode survival analysis.
(3) Software - Used CYLView to master the main features for displaying and analyzing molecular structures and reaction mechanisms. Used Pymol to visualize the representative structures that are obtained by applying PCA to the WGX-50 protein complex system.
(4) Public Engagement - Organised the HP interviews with doctors, organized educational demonstrations, and presented the project at the school level. Took charge of designing the interview questions and introduction about the project.

Yufan Dong



Analysis, Data Curation, Wiki Coding, Hardware

Specific tasks:

(1) Analysis - Analysed data from AMBER to perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for WGX-50. Performed quality control for RNA-seq. Used RT-qPCR to detect virus load, miRNA and lncRNA detection, and analyze gene mutation.
(2) Data Curation - Consistently provided data of Nematodes treated with WGX-50 at various concentrations and data from nematode survival analysis.
(3) Wiki Coding - Created code for the wiki system, basic structure, and animations on the wiki page.
(4) Hardware - Set up and maintain the lab equipment in the wet lab.

Andi Hu



Analysis, Data Curation, Hardware, Wiki Coding

Specific tasks:

(1) Analysis - Analysed data about nematode survival rate, gene mutation, contribution of atoms and atom pairs, etc.
(2) Data Curation - Took charge of consistently recording wet-lab daily reports.
(3) Hardware - Set up lab equipment such as stereoscopic microscopes, bioanalyzers, and NovaSeq 6000 sequencers.
(4) Wiki Coding - The sub-administrator of the wiki setup, including coding-checking, practical styling, and animation display.

Huier Peng



Conceptualization, Public Engagement, Visualization, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Conceptualization - Conceptualized the relationship between WGX-50 and Alzheimer's disease was conceptualized in weekly brainstorming meetings. Helped members figure out the logic behind all the ideas.
(2) Public Engagement - Organised interviews with professors about anti-aging substances and Alzheimer's disease with doctors, professors, and administrators of nursing homes. Discussed the findings from these HP activities to our project and tried to figure out the actions we could take to advocate for more industries to pay attention to anti-aging drugs and Alzheimer's disease. Organized the HP interviews and education demonstrations and presented the project at the school level.
(3) Visualization - Prepared the demonstration of educational presentation slides and designed the team logo & team mascot.
(4) Writing - Wrote project descriptions, designs, and contributions and checked the grammar of these texts.

Jianing Wu



Conceptualization, Public Engagement, Writing, Visualization

Specific tasks:

(1) Conceptualization - Took charge of brainstorming the ideas of the projects in weekly meetings.
(2) Public Engagement - Organized mini-lectures about anti-aging drugs and Alzheimer's disease at the school level and advocated for the project in the school to bring the topic closer to the students.
(3) Writing - Took charge of the whole research paper writing and final gram checking.
(4) Visualization - Organised the demonstrations of all YouTube, Twitter, and Xiaohongshu posts.

Hang Su



Conceptualization, Public Engagement, Visualization, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Conceptualization - Helped to brainstorm the initial idea of the whole project. Conceptualized how the project can reflect the HP activities at different stages.
(2) Public Engagement - Organised the HP interviews and mini-lectures about anti-aging substances and Alzheimer's disease with doctors with neurology at the community level. Demonstrated the project in the school to advocate for closer attention to anti-aging drugs and Alzheimer's disease
(3) Visualization - Designed the demonstration of promotional videos, educational presentations, and the team uniform.
(4) Writing - Wrote project descriptions, literature reviews, and background information.

Chengjun Jiang



Investigation, Public Engagement, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Investigation - Mastered the RNA-seq experimental process. Prepared nematodes for survival analysis. Took charge of regularly observing the state of nematodes and checking survival status daily under a microscope. Took charge of RNA-Seq experiments and data collection.
(2) Public Engagement - Participated in the HP interviews and presented the project at the school level. I was responsible for preparing the interview questions and Q&A section for the presentation.
(3) Writing - Created the contents used on wiki. Wrote plans for HP activities.

Hamo Wan



Analysis, Background Research, Visualisation, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Analysis - Used differential expression analysis tools such as DESeq2 and edgeR to compare gene expression levels between different experimental groups and identify significantly upregulated or downregulated genes.
(2) Background Research - Took charge of organizing related academic findings about the mechanisms of action of antioxidants and anti-aging substances and their effectiveness in anti-aging pharmacological activities.
(3) Visualisation - Used gnuplot software to create colored RDG scatter plots for weak interaction analysis
(4) Writing - Took charge of writing the discussion and the analysis of the results of MD simulation.

Yihao Tao



Background Research, Investigation, Software

Specific tasks:

(1) Background Research - Read peer-reviewed research papers, white papers, and reports about WGX-50, global aging, and Alzheimer's disease to review the effectiveness of WGX-50 in anti-aging pharmacological activities.
(2) Investigation - Took charge of mastering the RNA-seq experimental process, including RNA extraction and RNA quality control. Prepared nematodes for survival analysis, including synchronizing the nematodes to the same developmental stage, using eggs suspended in egg buffer.
(3) Software - Used Adobe Illustrator to create survival curves of elegans lifespan based on the collected data. Used Gaussian to simulate the quantum mechanical behavior of molecular systems and optimized the structure of WGX-50 through calculations.

Jeffrey (Jiarui) Shen



Background Research, Software, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Background Research - Read peer-reviewed research papers, white papers, and reports about WGX-50, global aging, and Alzheimer's disease to review the effectiveness of WGX-50 in anti-aging pharmacological activities.
(2) Investigation - Took charge of mastering the RNA-seq experimental process, including RNA extraction and RNA quality control. Prepared nematodes for survival analysis, including synchronizing the nematodes to the same developmental stage, using eggs suspended in egg buffer.
(3) Software - Used Adobe Illustrator to create survival curves of elegans lifespan based on the collected data. Used Gaussian to simulate the quantum mechanical behavior of molecular systems and optimized the structure of WGX-50 through calculations.

Qiyun Wang



Data Curation, Public Engagement, Safety

Specific tasks:

(1) Data Curation - Collected data for Nematodes treated with WGX-50 at various concentrations to determine the optimal dose for extending their lifespan. Collected data from nematode survival analysis.
(2) Public Engagement - Participated in the HP interviews and education demonstrations and presented the project, taking charge of synthesizing resources for each HP activity.
(3) Safety - Helped PI to take charge of lab safety.

Jiayang Wang



Investigation, Hardware, Safety

Specific tasks:

(1) Investigation - Took charge of regularly observing the state of nematodes: check survival status daily under a microscope. Confirm whether nematodes are alive. Took charge of RNA-Seq experiments and data collection.
(2) Hardware - Set up and maintain the lab equipment in the wet lab.
(3) Safety - Guided and supervised team members to perform biosafety lab experiments.

Zhuxu Zhang



Public Engagement, Visualization, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Public Engagement — Participated in the HP interviews and presented the project at the school level. I was responsible for preparing the interview questions and Q&A section for the presentation.
(2) Visualization - Prepared the demonstration of promotion videos and filmed the project presentation. Designed the team logo & team mascot.
(3) Writing - Summarized the experimental results, consider the study's possible contribution or application value, and emphasize its importance and potential impact on this field.

Haonan Deng



Analysis, Conceptualization, Background Research, Hardware, Wiki Coding

Specific tasks:

(1) Analysis - Used differential expression analysis tools such as DESeq2 and edgeR to compare gene expression levels between different experimental groups and identify significantly upregulated or downregulated genes. Used RT-qPCR to detect virus load, miRNA and lncRNA detection, and analyze gene mutation.
(2) Conceptualization - Brainstormed the initial idea of the whole project. Conceptualized how the project can reflect the HP activities at different stages.
(3) Background Research - Read peer-reviewed research papers about WGX-50 and Alzheimer's disease and then synthesized the information.
(4) Hardware - Set up lab equipment such as stereoscopic microscopes, bioanalyzers, and NovaSeq 6000 sequencers.
(5) Wiki Coding - The primary administrator of the wiki setup, including coding-checking, practical styling, and animation display.

Junqiao Chen



Conceptualization, Public Engagement, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Conceptualization - Participated in brainstorming the initial idea of the whole project. Conceptualized how to develop different HP activities to promote the project at different stages.
(2) Public Engagement - Organized interviews with professors about anti-aging drugs and Alzheimer's disease at the school level and advocated for the project in the school to bring the topic closer to the students. Designed the Q&A section for in-school mini-lectures.
(3) Writing - Wrote project descriptions, designs, and contributions.

Yanrong Li



Public Engagement, Visualization, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Public Engagement - Participated in the preparation stage of HP activities and did in-school presentations about the project.
(2) Visualization - Created and edited video clips for promotion videos and social media posts.
(3) Writing - Took charge of writing the texts used on Wiki. Participated in writing the experimental results and considering the research paper's possible contribution or application value.

Chenming Jin



Data Curation, Software, Public Engagement, Visualization

Specific tasks:

(1) Data Curation - Collected data for Nematodes treated with WGX-50 at various concentrations to determine the optimal dose for extending their lifespan.
(2) Software - Used Origin to create common two-dimensional and three-dimensional graph types such as line graphs, bar charts, scatter plots, contour plots, and surface plots suitable for displaying experimental data. Used Multiwfn for IGMH analysis to display interactions in chemical systems and to quantitatively analyze the contribution of atoms and atom pairs.
(3) Public Engagement - Organised the HP interviews about anti-aging substances and Alzheimer's disease with doctors in neurology at the community level and designed the interview questions.
(4) Visualization - Took charge of recording and making animation for promotion videos and videos posted on social media.

Chang Wang



Public Engagement, Visualization, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Public Engagement - Participated in the HP questionnaires and presented the project in school. I was responsible for designing questionnaires and synthesizing the data.
(2) Visualization - Prepared promotion video demonstration and filmed the project presentation.
(3) Writing - Summarized the experimental results, consider the possible contribution or application value of the study, and emphasized its importance and potential impact on this field.

Yueyan Ma



Public Engagement, Visualization, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Public Engagement - Participated in the HP questionnaires and presented the project in school. I was responsible for designing questionnaires and synthesizing the data.
(2) Visualization - Prepared the demonstration of the video project presentation and organized the contents of the presentation slides.
(3) Writing - Regarding writing the research report, I was responsible for explaining the research results, comparing the similarities and differences with other studies, discussing the research limitations, and proposing the direction of future research.

Wei Miao

Primary PI


Conceptualization, Project Administration, Safety

Specific tasks:

(1) Conceptualization - Guided members to brainstorm ideas through the overall project.
(2) Project Administration - Managed all HP activities included in the project.
(3) Safety - Ensured the safe execution of the project.

Ying Shi

Secondary PI


Conceptualization, Background Research, Project Administration

Specific tasks:

(1) Conceptualization - Guided members to brainstorm ideas and form the writing structures through the overall project.
(2) Background Research - Guided members to research background considering different views.
(3) Project Administration - Managed all wet lab activities included in the project.

Jiayi Li



Analysis, Conceptualization, Background Research, Investigation, Software, Safety

Specific tasks:

(1) Analysis - Helped us analyze data from AMBER to perform molecular dynamics simulations for WGX-50 using data from the PDB database.
(2) Conceptualization- Helped us brainstorm the importance of making medical interventions for Alzheimer's disease, standing on the whole project view. Helped us organise the ideas and key findings that we get from lab experiements and out-lab activities.
(3) Background Research - Helped us choose specific academic research areas such as peppermint WGX-50, global aging, Chinese herbal medicine, and Alzheimer's disease to explore the effectiveness that WGX-50 has on anti-aging pharmacological activities.
(4) Investigation - Helped us perform the experiments of reproducing WGX-50 and helped us collect data and evidence during experiments.
(5) Software - Helped us use a ragnge of softwars during experiements such as implementing PyMOL which is a source-available molecular visualization system to visualise the spatial structure of the system and for diagram creation in the experiements, use Adobe Illustrator to create survival curves of the lifespan of C. elegans, use GaussView to perform geometric optimization, etc.
(6) Safety - Monitored the laboratory safety while we did experiments.

Hui Zhang



Analysis, Investigation, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Analysis - Reviewed all of the data generated by the team
(2) Investigation - Guided members to perform and collect data from all the experiments with appropriate hands-on practice.
(3) Writing - Reviewed all the content on Wiki.

Yahan Zhang



Conceptualization, Public Engagement, Project Administration

Specific tasks:

(1) Conceptualization - Guided members to develop ideas throughout the project.
(2) Public Engagement - Guided members to arrange HP activities based on the project timeline.
(3) Project Administration - Assisted PIs in managing HP and wet lab activities.

Xiaofei Chen



Analysis, Investigation, Writing

Specific tasks:

(1) Analysis - Reviewed all of the data generated by the team
(2) Investigation - Guided members to perform and collect data from all the experiments with appropriate hands-on practice.
(3) Writing - Reviewed all the content of the research paper.

External Contributions

Sun Jing

Institution Type: Academic

Relationship to Team: External Advisor



Specific tasks:

Other - Provided ideas about the possibility of having Alzheimer's Disease in the local community in Shanghai. Shared the ideas about Alzheimer's disease treatments. Demonstrated concern about the economic support for Alzheimer's medicine.

Chen Xinping

Institution Type: Academic

Relationship to Team: External Advisor



Specific tasks:

Other - Provided the idea about the possibility of having Alzheimer's Disease. Shared the perspectives about the current medicines of treating Alzheimer disease. Shared the perspectives of Alzheimer patients' families regarding medicines' efficacy, cost, side effects/safety.

Wang Wenzhao

Institution Type: Academic

Relationship to Team: External Advisor



Specific tasks:

Other - Shared the increase of Alzheimer's disease. Shared the common side effects of Alzheimer's medications; for example, the side effects of Lecanemab are brain edema and cerebral hemorrhage. Highlighted the importance of popularizing the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Dai Xianyong

Institution Type: Academic

Relationship to Team: External Advisor



Specific tasks:

Other - Provided the idea about the possibility of having Alzheimer's Disease. Shared the perspectives about current Alzheimer's medicine. Showed the concern of popularizing the view that prevention of Alzheimer's disease is more vital.

Zuo Fan

Institution Type: Academic

Relationship to Team: External Advisor



Specific tasks:

Other - Provided thoughts about possible strategies to take anti-aging research and to prevent Alzheimer's disease, such as doing regular physical exercise, having a healthy diet, and taking cognitive training. Highlighted the necessity of focusing on personalized treatment as the direction of development for future anti-aging and anti-Alzheimer's disease research.

Yin Zhuoran

Institution Type: Academic

Relationship to Team: External Advisor



Specific tasks:

Other - Shared the causes of cell aging and Alzheimer's disease. Shared perspectives about the relationship between anti-aging research and the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Showed the potential of future research on Alzheimer's disease, such as developing more targeted therapies according to genes and biological characteristics. Advocated the society to pay more attention to the ethical impact of Alzheimer's disease, such as the issue of ageism.

Le Jianhua

Institution Type: Academic

Relationship to Team: External Advisor



Specific tasks:

Other - Shared ideas about identifying the characteristics of Alzheimer's disease. Strengthened that drug treatment needs to cooperate with healthy lifestyles and habits. Showed that propaganda about Alzheimer's disease should precede prevention, and prevention of the disease needs more concern. Indicated that patients and their families value the convenience and taste of taking drugs and the cost of drugs.

Pan Li

Institution Type: Academic

Relationship to Team: External Advisor



Specific tasks:

Other - Showed that personalized nursing plans, memory-assisted therapy, and emotional support are combined in nursing homes as the basis for treating Alzheimer's disease. In the aspect of drug therapy, it is believed that drug therapy can indeed bring some improvement to patients with Alzheimer's disease, especially in early intervention. Highlighted that the disease cannot be cured, and attention should be paid to the side effects. Advocacy of strengthening cooperation with drug research institutions, medical institutions, and community organizations, and exploring more cooperation opportunities to improve the quality of care.

Jia Guihua

Institution Type: Academic

Relationship to Team: External Advisor


1. Investigation 2. Analysis 3. Safety

Specific tasks:

1. Investigation - Helped us perform the experiments and helped us collect data and evidence during experiments. 2. Analysis- Helped us analyze data from wetlab experiements 3. Safety - Monitored the laboratory safety during the experiment process.


Recruit Team Members

Start: 2024 February 15th

End: 2024 September 10th

Total time: 29 weeks

Development of Project Plan

Start: 2024 February 23rd

End: 2024 June 20th

Total time: 17 weeks

Wet Laboratory Activities

Start: 2024 July 1st

End: 2024 August 26th

Total time: 8 weeks

Dry Laboratory Activities

Start: 2024 July 1st

End: 2024 September 17th

Total time: 11 weeks

Building the Team Wiki

Start: 2024 August 20th

End: 2024 October 1st

Total time: 7 weeks