Silver Human Practice

Introduction to Our Work

Our amazing journey for iGEM 2022 started with the deep concern and enthusiasm which rooted in our instinct since the canopy of stars firstly shining in the eyes of civilized homo.spain. According to anthropologist, that is nearly 200 million years ago. So throughout the long history, people are always in quest for things beyond, beyond life, nature, and our dear cradle named Earth.

When time moves on to the 21th century, people are blessed with the unprecedented capability and ambition of deep space exploration and vast interstellar operations. Aerospace engineering agencies or private companies in many countries or regions are planning related missions. Therefore, it's not a surprise why our team this year is also attracted by this topic.

Among the many technologies which pave the road to outer space, we discover that data storage and transportation is still in a blank. Maybe it's hard to feel, but data and information plays an important role in our day to day life.
Every morning we wake up to check our work list, listen to radio to learn news around and read the instructions of a new package of cereal to see how much we should pull in milk. Our team, inspired by this trivial details of daily routines, realizes that despite the great importance of fantastic technologies which enable human to travel in space, what also matters is the information storage system. An expedition or even an interstellar migration can never be a reality if the vast amount of information, accumulated throughout history, can't find a right place to be stored along the way, or the pioneers heading beyond will finally propagate into a civilization only with future but not past.

So a question rise spontaneously: how to carry data along the space journey?

It is well known, up to date, data can be stored or transported by two major forms: optical or solid materials. People try to advance the possibility of communicating through laser or radios in the universe, just like we use wireless telephones on earth but gradually figure out some obstacles. Major difficulty lies in many aspects including——but not limited to——basic infrastructures built prior to information receival, limitation on bandwidth and spectrum in data transporting, information 'come and go' due to the physical principle that light travels in straight line. Therefore, people increasingly advocate the idea that solid-based materials may be a more feasible option. However, mass still rules out in any space mission in the foreseeable future so that traditional materials such as DVDs or magnetic tape are also seems improper considering their weight.


Professor XiPeng Liu

  • Xipeng Liu
  • Life Science
  • Professor
Our Desire

Our lab has no experience of working on B.subtilis before and so it's a tough decision to make which strain should we use and how do we get the specific strains, commercially or from our institute.

Meeting with Prof.Liu

Prof.Liu is from the School of Life Science and Biotechnology and working on B.subtilis. we met him in his lab and he briefly introduced several common-used strains to us. We finally decided to use WB800N, because this strain is a highly proteinase-deficient one, which can guarantee the stability of tyrosinase, a protein produced and anchored on the outer surface of our spores.
Prof.Liu then listened to our design of engineerings on the bacteria and shared with us some documentations on common manipulations such as how to do the electrotransformation. Besides, to our great surprise (literally), he kindly gave us a tube of the strain WB800N he freezed in refrigerator for 10 years!


We decide on our strain of B.subtilis to use and successfully get the WB800N in glycerol stock, which spured the process of our wet-lab work.

Professor Tengfei Wang

  • Tengfei Wang
  • Life Science
  • Professor
Our Desire

During our own research on papers in the field of spore display system, we were surprised to find few papers working on multi-anchoring proteins and this made us wondering whether our prospect of using different proteins, namely cotE and cotB, feasible, or maybe some obstacles existed but we couldn't find clues in research papers. So we contact Prof.Wang from Qilu University of Technology and he is an expert in employing the spore display system in the food industry.

Meeting with Prof.Wang

Prof.Wang had a casual conversation with us about our questions on the use of anchoring proteins. He mentioned that different Cot proteins have different weights as distributing on the spore surface. Therefore, we could not only use different Cot proteins to display our target proteins but also we can even to determine the quantity of our total amount! He encouraged us to do so since the amount of enzyme and its spatial structure matters a lot to the enzyme activity. He also pointed out some typical difficulties we may meet in doing experiments with spore display technology, such as the method of sporulation and spore purification.


We learned a lot during the chat with professor Wang, especially about the feasibility of our project. We had confirmed using two or even more Cot protein is somewhat accessible so that we can continue designing our project. Besides, his suggestion of quantifying our enzyme and melanin-binding peptide really inspired us to think about the effect of quantity ratio. This idea leads to our efforts in searching for related studies concerning the distribution of spore surface protein (but we finally give up to do so since that would lead to too large plasmid transferred). Besides, his mentioning of enzyme activity, which maybe slightly or largely differentiate from the original molecule in its pure protein state made us design experiments on enzyme activity and kinetics tests.
What's more, we later figured out that a published paper whose authors also used plasmid pDG1730 (which we plan to use to transfer DNA information) is from Prof.Wang's lab! So we e-mailed for the plasmid and he kindly gave us!

Doctor Fangfei Yin

Our Desire

Doctor Yin is from Fan' Lab in the Institute of Translational Medicine. Prof.Fan is a academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and his research interest is largely on the nucleic acid materials and DNA data storage technology. We meet them for professional advice on the general idea for our space information traveling with DNA storage technology and store them in the B.subtilis.

Meeting with Dr. Yin

After reading our basic plan, Doctor Yin thought our design is practical by combining DNA data storage and B.subtilis.
During the conversation, we discussed the benefits of storing DNA in vivo. We were a little bit confused about this at that time since from reading papers related, we learned that scientists are exploring storing DNA in many materials, for instance, the inorganic materials such as silicon or salts. However, Doctor Yin tell us that storing DNA in vivo may not be the one with most density, compared to storage in solid, but it is now widely used when researchers trying to test the stability and fidelity of their DNA information. This is partly due to the ease of later manipulations, such as sequencing the DNAs, which we plan to do as well. And transferring DNA information in vivo, mostly to E.coli cells though, are convenient in labs.
After listening to our plan of designing a new mode of encoding DNA information, she suggested that many code book developed by scientists worldwide are similar in basic logic but having their own features or application scenario. We could get some inspirations from previous works and make a codebook featuring usage in B.subtilis, which may be specifically restricted by the rules or genome structure of B.subtilis.


Through the conversation, we are more confident on our project design of making the use of microorganisms to store DNA information instead of the inorganic ones, since in vivo storage is a more mature technology with much more convenience for sequential manipulations. Besides, we gain some tips to develop a unique coding method, leading us to search for more related information. We later figuring out that apart from common rules we've known, DNA previously handled by this host was limited to that with GC content similar to or lower than that of the B. subtilis genome. And this rule became a constrain in our modeling.

Doctor Candidate Ping Lin

Our Desire

Lin is a doctor candidate studying in the lab of Prof. Wang from Qilu University of Technology and interested in the techniques of spore display system. During the process of our project, we encountered many problems because few of our team members nor the labs in our university has abundent experience or materials in working with B.subtilis.

Meeting with Lin

We got in contact luckily with Lin and had several discussions online. When we handled WB800N and our plamids pDG1730 (gifted by their lab) for the first time, Lin was closely stay with us and provide timely suggestins on the process.


The help from Lin definitely guarantees the fundamental success of our experiments, she gave us lots of advice on the culture and sporulation of B.subtilis. For example, from her kind illustration on the principle, we finally decided to DIY a sporulation medium since purchasing the specific Difco medium from abroad would be quite challenging under the pandemic. Besides, When we got in stuck in the failure of selecting the correct strain which is supposed to be transferred with our Amp-resistant plasmid, she saved us by suggesting changing the common usage of Amp to Cm for the plasmid may be dual-resistant and showing antibiotic-preferrence in different species.

Doctor Jianxun Shen

  • Jianxun Shen
  • The Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
  • Doctor
Our Desire

At the beginning of our design, we were enamoured in the idea of astrobiology which is part of our core value and so much correlates with the fantasies and imaginations and many interesting problems arised from the concerns regarding what's beyond our knowledge today. However, we were gradually confused by many theories and terminologies within the large and vague range of space synthetic biology. Therefore, we managed to get in contact with a scholar in this field and Doctor Shen kindly shared with us his understandings.

Meeting with Dr.Shen

Doctor Shen is from The Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and work in the lab of Prof. Wei Lin. Prof.Lin is interested in the astrobiology, and their lab even designed a ballon-like experimental platform to study microbial metabolisms in the near space, where the conditions is very much stimulating Mars so that scientists can use it to perform experiments conveniently!
Doctor Shen firstly discuss with us differences between the those various terms. Tough difficult, but these an still be telling part. Astrobilogy, cosmic biology, axmen... are definitely supposed to use under different circumstances. In this term, our project, depending on its application scenario, can also be devided in to dffererent catagories.
We also asked questions regarding the environments of outer space to deal with the problem of radiations. Doctor Shen recognized our emphasis on radiation especially when protecting DNAs, he gave us some information on what scientists have found about the possible mechanisms contributing to the damage on DNAs caused by the fatal radiations everywhere in the vacuum space. Last but not least, we consulted Doctor Shen about the popularization of astrobiology in the public. Prof. Lin once wrote a significant review regarding the astrobiology development in China and appeal for popularizing astrobiology among the public to attract more people, especially the youth to devote themselves in the amazing field and promote the development of astrobiology both home and worldwide.


Through the conversation, we are more confident on our project design of making the use of microorganisms to store DNA information instead of the inorganic ones, since in vivo storage is a more mature technology with much more convenience for sequential manipulations. Besides, we gained some tips to develop a unique coding method, leading us to search for more related information. We later figured out that apart from common rules we've known, DNA previously handled by this host was limited to that with GC content similar to or lower than that of the B. subtilis genome. And this rule became a constrain in our modeling.

Professor Yong Wei

  • Yong Wei
  • Professor
Our Desire

After we confirmed the primary topic of interstellar trip, we were eager to gain more knowledge about the conditions human need to live in space in long term. Coincidentally ,We noticed an online lecture about how humans could live on Mars for more than a year by Prof. Wei ,leading us to contact him for advice and information.

Meeting with Prof. Wei

During our online contact, Prof. Wei shared his thoughts on how humans could live on Mars for more than a year, and then recommended Professor Lin Wei, an expert in Geology, and Professor Zhu Xian, an expert in synthetic biology to us. He highly acknowledged our idea of space applications.


It was Prof.Wei's generous help that gave us an opportunity to meet Prof.Lin and Prof .Wei who were experts in our research fields. Meanwhile, his encouragement motivated us to think wild about the application of our project. We did it .

Professor Lei Rao

  • Lei Rao
  • Professor
Our Desire

Prof. Rao is an expert in the field of spores’ tolerance to extreme conditions. He is interested in the architecture of spore coat, formation of spore surface and killing spores with special instruments which can provide heat or high pressures. Therefore, we found somewhat similar in our interests and get in contact with him, hoping to get some inspirations from his knowledges and solve our problems regarding to safety concerns as well.

Meeting with Prof. Rao

We held an online meeting with Prof. Rao and enjoyed a fruitful time! Prof.Rao works in the field of spore germination and killing spores, and he was pleasant in answering our questions regarding spore tolerance. He first introduced several mechanisms parting part and further explained the reasons from 4 points, and that is SASP protein, low water content, thick spore coat and inner layer of spore surface. Among which we are very much interested in encountering SASP protein since it plays a similar role in protecting spores genome, just like Dsup proteins.
Besides, several suggestions on protocols also had been proposed by professor Rao which influenced our project largely. We found that extract DNA from spores is very difficult without specific instruments, but it is a must-to-do since we shall finally test our goal of protecting spores’ genome by evaluating its damage rate after exposed to radiations. So we come up with the idea that we shall let spores germinate into bacteria at first in order extract DNA more conveniently. However, Prof. Rao pointed out that spore shall start repairing DNAs during germination which shall bring mistakes into our statistics. He recommended to clash spores with tiny beeds and maintain the form of spores for them nearly have no metabolism and stable enough to keep information untouched.
Issues about bio-safety were also consulted during the meeting and the discussion are showing below in the safety.


We added log formulus in our modeling to assess the viability of spores amid harsh environments, and this provides a new idea on how to calculate the number of spores we need to carry one copy of information!
We changed our protocol of “first germinate then extract“ strategy to extracting DNA from spores straight by some mechanical operations. However, we do not obtaining the proper instruments so that we failed twice. Fortunately, Prof.Rao is very pleased to help! He firstly offer to help us extracting if no proper instruments available, later, with the blckdown of pandemic around school, package is not allowed. But he still keep online conversations with us to give advice on adjusting the protocol into our labototry environments.

Professor Xiaolei Zuo

  • Xiaolei Zuo
  • Professor
Our Desire

As we were looking for some proof for the application of our Odyssey, Professor Zuo become our savior for his abundant research experience in DNA information computing and storage.

Meeting with Prof. Zuo

We coincidentally saw his post online,inviting everyone who was interesting to have a academic discussion . We felt lucky to grab this chance and meet with him on Aug.26. We briefly showed him our work and asked him about the frontier news about DNA data storage. We learned that the DNA information storage was mainly used in cold data storage as those data didn’t need to be accessed frequently and was inefficient to be stored in traditional storage medium. Meanwhile , he also hints us that the biosafty is a important focus in our project.


Prof.Zuo made a deep influence in our design part , digging into our most principle questions---Why are we doing this. It turns out that our Odyssey system can be broadly used in cold data storage such as ancient antique information or ancient books. It was his patient words that inspired us to realize this point. Moreover, his opinions on biosafety such as the leaking risk of our spores was open-minded, resulting in our more attention to this area where we might ignored in the first place.



  • Zhi Ping
  • Doctor
Our Desire

Our project wants to apply DNA information storage technology to space transportation, which requires us to find a better DNA storage algorithm. After extensive literature search, we chose Yin-Yang Code as our information storage algorithm. However, we did not understand some of the contents in the paper thoroughly; there were also errors reported during the running of the code, resulting in files that could not be converted into base sequences. This makes us wish to communicate with the authors of the Yin-Yang Code paper.

E-mails with Dr.Ping & Dr.Shen

The authors of the Yin-Yang Code paper are mostly from the UW Life Sciences Institute in Shenzhen, with rich experience in synthetic biology and DNA information storage. In the communication with Dr. Ping and Dr. Shen, the authors of Yin-Yang Code, they were very positive and enthusiastic, and they replied very fast! In the first email exchange, we asked some detailed questions about the Yin-Yang code, including the reasons for the use of index and monitor, how the number of bases per segment is obtained, the error correction method of RS code, the equivalence of the 6144 coding rules, etc. Dr. Ping and Dr. Shen enthusiastically responded to the relevant programming details, deepening our understanding of the Yin-Yang code algorithm and guiding us in the use of the Yin-Yang code. In the second email exchange, we asked about the criteria for judging whether the coding rules are good or not, the error correction capability of RS code, the choice of index and RS code length, and the countermeasures for sequences that cannot be coded with exactly the right pair. Dr. Ping and Dr. Shen responded positively, which gave us a thorough understanding of the structure and framework of Yin-Yang code itself and provided us with good theoretical guidance for programming with Yin-Yang code. In the third email exchange, we introduced our project to the UW Life Sciences Institute and wanted to hear each other's opinions and suggestions. Dr. Ping and Dr. Shen were highly concerned and expressed their views on the superiority and practicality of DNA information storage in space with interstellar transportation. They suggested that we could transport a large amount of information at one time in the form of a database or library to save the cost of interstellar transportation. At the same time, they argue that the low temperature and the absence of DNA enzymes in space are favorable for interstellar transport of DNA. The irradiation conditions in space are noteworthy and tend to trigger the breakage of DNA molecules; sudden high temperatures may also lead to damage of DNA files. These suggestions provide ideas for our mathematical modeling.


We understand the use of shaded codes more thoroughly and we decided to use shaded codes with high information storage density and stable base sequences obtained to encode our deposited information. Also the suggestion of Dr. PingQuan and Dr. Yue Shen made us think that it is necessary to design and model the damage to budding spores in terms of cosmic irradiation and high temperature.


Our Desire

Doctor Deng is from Ting Zhu's Lab in Pecking University. Prof. Zhu is a seicentist famous for his research in DNA data storage by dextral DNA. We get in contact with Doctor Zhu to get some professional suggestions.
That's when we met Doctor Deng

Meeting with Doctor Deng

During our meeting with Doctor Deng , we routinely described the designs and goals of our project. Doctor Deng responds positively and made several advice. First, our idea is interesting and novel, but we also should achieve some breakthroughs in our models and wet experiments. Second, we should evaluate the balance between the spores's ability to store information and its viability so that we can make sure this technology works. Last , the idea of store information in living creatures is fascinating ,but we still need to think systematically about the advantages so that we can better convince our potential users.


Doctor Deng provided us with so many constructive ideas that his ideas became some of our fundamental way of thinking during our projects. In wet lab and modeling ,we found it meaningful to deal with the question he raised. What's more , his opinions on our novelity made us reflect more on the initial pursuit of our project, motivating us to improve it over and over.


  • Shengce Tao
  • Doctor
Our Desire

Prof Tao is working in ther field of the development and application of high-throughput technology, which invovled the research on affinity-maturation evolution. We get in contact with him through E-mail to humbly collect information for our models of direct evolution.

E-mail contact

We had several E-mail contact to solve our puzzles. As we lack the basic knowledge of direct evolution, we consulted him to find out if we were using the right online tools to predict the model in the first place. Besides, he suggested us to verify our predicted model through quantitative experiment for protein-melanin &DSUP- DNA affinity.In order to standardize our experiment ,he also suggested some published standard protocol to screen the phage peptide libraries.


Prof Tao showed us the better way to conduct the direct evolution through wet experiment. Although the pandemic in September and October made his experiment impossible, we were still really grateful to his generous help.


Our Desire

Prof Zhang is working in the field of protein structures and functions. We get in connect with him because our team and our partner SJTU-Software alike are working in direct evolution of certain kinds of proteins.

Meeting with Prof.ZHANG

An online meeting was held between two SJTU teams and Prof Wang. We all felt inspired by the meeting and regretted to connect him a little bit late, since we have already finished our dry lab and turned back to wet-lab proof. We firstly introduced our interest in improving Dsup protein’s function by some attempts to predicting the affinity and binding capability. Prof Zhang suggest us to firstly dig deeper by finding clues for potential hotspots which can be critical in the functions. Besides, prof Zhang is also interested in natural evolution, therefore he suggested that maybe the correlation between different species along the evolution is also inspiring for the solution.


Prof Zhang showed us the structure of the protein in a website named uniport and we surprisingly figured out that the structures are different from the one we’ve predicted by Alphafold 2. He therefore suggested that maybe we can try to change the lysine into arginine since the later have higher electropositivity for binding with the negative genomic DNA and the structures usually change little from this substitution of amino acid. We then predict and improve our model again but unfortunately no time for wet-lab verification.

Doctor Jianxun Shen

  • Jianxun Shen
  • The Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
  • Doctor
Our Desire

When we listened to Dr. Shen's advice to enhance the resistance of budding spores in response to cosmic radiation, new questions arose as to whether the constructed spores would cause biosafety problems. For this reason, we consulted with Dr. Shen in terms of biosafety.

Meeting with Dr.Shen

Dr Shen told us about the topic of Planetary Protection, which is one of the major topics when astronomers talking about Mars or icy moons, and it is also targeted spore-forming organism such as Bacillus. Nowadays, spacecrafts that head for Mars have to be rigorously sterilized to ensure that no more than 10 spores per square meter on the outer surface.
Additionally, he suggested that high concentration of formaldehyde can kill almost all the spores, but the sophisticated spacecraft may not allow this operation, so there will always remain some unkilled microorganisms. Under this circumstance, sterilization method with ultraviolet irradiation is also difficult to completely sterilize some parts.
However, maybe we can try to use formaldehyde for sterilization in the lab with doors closed and acetic acid sprayed to eliminate the toxicity.


Dr. Shen gave us some ideas for biosecurity, we can use disinfectants or antibiotics to kill the leaked spores.

Professor Lei Rao

  • Lei Rao
  • Professor
Our Desire

While we want to enhance the ability of budding spores to resist the harsh environment in the universe, the spores themselves have become more difficult to eliminate, and in the event of a leak, the more resistant spores are likely to cause irreparable damage to the environment and are difficult to kill by conventional means. Therefore, we need to find a teacher in bacteriocide to discuss biosafety related issues.

Meeting with Prof. Rao

Prof Lei Rao is working in the field of how to kill spores. He introduced the major ways that scientists are using today to remove spores. He pointed out that heat and high pressures are still the most effective, practical and popular way, while sterilization by ionizing radiation is limited in some application scenario such as the food industry.
Concerning the question that whether our spores can be a potential risk when release to the space, prof Rao did not think so. If it is exposed to the vacuum alone without any protection, he added, it would eventually be eliminated with very few, almost none, keep vitality to make substantial damage.


The biosafety issue is a key concern, and in the experimental process, we deliberately designed experiments to verify that the superbudding spores can be effectively controlled, and we also deliberately modeled the lethality of the budding spore population under these harsh environments for stress factors such as temperature and irradiation. When we obtained budding spores coafundamental ith melanin and capable of producing Dsup protein, we sterilized them in an autoclave at 121 °C for 30 min, and the coating results showed that the budding spores were well killed.

Entrepreneur and society


Our Desire

Before we really had an idea in our head to talk with our team members , it was obvious that we needed some help to build a fundamental concept of synthetic biology and maybe a little inspiration to form a mature iGEM project. BLUEPHA, a synthetic biology company which was founded by a group of former iGEMers standed out and offered us exactly what we need.

Meeting with researchers in BLUEPHA

A researcher from BLUEPHA shared his experiences in iGEM when he was still a college student. Then, he started to show us the current situation of commercialized synthetic biology , including the company history of BLUEPHA. It was interesting to think in such a distinctive version ,prioritizing the need of our potential consumers instead of simply applying some fancy new technologies. It was definitely a lecture worth listening.


Through this meetup, not only did we learn the principle idea of synthetic biology but we also realized a important fact about iGEM ---try to find the gap between the current technology and consumers' need. What's more important is that we must figure out whether this gap was worth filling. The philosophy of iGEM works we learned from this mee-up inspired everone of us.


  • Science Fiction Club
Our Desire

We had an interesting talk with our university’s fiction club. This idea came from the beginning of our design, we were all wondering how the information shall transport in the universe and how will our spores traveling in the universe. Finally, our team realize that, as it is suggested by neuroscience study, we shall never imagine the things we never know!
Fiction club in SJTU is where we think shall answer our problem and they are really a group of nice people!

The Meeting

We have an online chat during a short suspension of our school and it really bring us into a much more fantastic and interesting world beyond our ordinary life, even beyond earth! They ask some thoughtful questions based on their vast reading, for example, how do we tag our information in order to distinguish them and how do we keep the code book or the tag sequence. They told there’s once a fiction story designing to keep information into the homologous sequence of organisms which shall be very distinguishable. Another question is whether it is necessary to carry about the backup of civilization in a space mission, the pioneers and new habitat should be called himan2.0/earth2.0 or 1.0, which means a brand new start?
They also firmly support, that computers and dashes should be used to store information in the spaceship so that people can get an easy access to them instead of sequencing DNA and retrieving information. By this way, our spores may only find its place in the cargo ship.
Last but not least, we discuss the connections between science fiction, space and synthetic biology. While all cool themselves, these three words hardly found to be combined together, which made us wondering why. Members from fiction club recognized our finding and elaborated from their perspective (their really interesting idea can be found on our report !)


We are very much interested in some questions raised during the chat, for they lead us to observe the project from a new perspective. Some of the questions and topics listed above spur us to conduct a survey in the public to seek for answers possible, and the survey resultfundamental e discussed between us to help us write a short assay regarding this problem (for detailed information please visit education and our survey report attached ). And some other questions persuade us to get in contact with professionals for academical help. (examples are prof. Zuo)
We further discussd the survey results with them, receiving positive feedback as our result showed the potential that space synthetic biology may be well accepted by the public. They became the reason why we went further to launch our podcast show.
For more details, you can go to the education to listen to our podcast.