In this project, Grand-Tokyo contributed a total of 4 basic parts. It covers a plasmid, terminator, and two types of promoters we used. In parallel, we established a method of conjugational transfer for B. subtilis natto in iGEM, aiming to expand this non-toxic chassis to produce useful molecules in a safe and convenient way in the future.
We have contributed the parts BBa_K5315003 (plasmid) and BBa_K5315004 (promoter) to the iGEM community.
We were successfully able to engineer B. subtilis natto. This makes us the first team in iGEM history to accomplish this.
B. subtilis natto is widely orally consumed in society, and is generally regarded as safe, as mentioned in our human practices page. This makes it an ideal chassis to use for projects targeted toward the public and is aiming to produce substances to be orally consumed.
Human-Practice questionnaire survey.pdf
We have documented every step of the methodology we utilized in our wiki, especially in our wet lab section, so that other teams can reproduce the same results in their lab.
(Fig. 1. Methodology used for conjugation of plasmids to B. subtilis natto. More details can be found in our engineering section.)
We conducted several experimental classes, and co-hosted events targeted toward an age range of elementary school to high school students. All our materials and protocols are documented in detail in our education section.
Attached below is the interactive card deck
実験を成功させろ!的なカードゲーム English ver..pdf
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