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How can our project be used commonly?


For our project to make a meaningful impact, it must transcend the boundaries of the laboratory and find practical applications in the real world. The advances we made with KlothY - sustainable, biodegradable, and cellulose-based textile - can only contribute positively to society if they are widely adopted and integrated into existing systems. Throughout our project, we focused on creating a material that is not only sustainable and biodegradable but also scalable and adaptable. Our objective is to provide an eco-friendly alternative to conventional textiles, which often rely on harmful processes and synthetic materials that contribute to environmental degradation. As we developed KlothY, we recognized that scientific breakthroughs are only as impactful as their ability to be implemented in real-world contexts. Therefore, we concentrated our efforts on creating a solution that can be easily integrated into the existing fashion industry and beyond. By prioritizing sustainability, local production, and resource efficiency, KlothY stands as a potential replacement for environmentally harmful fabrics, but it must align with consumer behavior, industry standards, and environmental goals to create lasting change.

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Target groups

At the start of our project, we focused heavily on insights from experts in synthetic biology and microbiology. This was essential for understanding the technical challenges of bacterial cellulose production. However, we quickly realized that for KlothY to be successfully implemented, we needed to broaden our scope and engage with a wider range of stakeholders—including textile technologists, fashion industry professionals, and end consumers. Our primary target group remains the fashion industry, as it offers the greatest potential for large-scale implementation and environmental impact. Fashion companies could adapt KlothY into their production processes, replacing traditional fabrics with our sustainable alternative. This would involve integrating KlothY into existing steps such as harvesting, weaving, dyeing, and distribution. The adoption of KlothY could help the industry reduce its carbon footprint, streamline production, and offer consumers more sustainable options. Additionally, other potential markets for KlothY have emerged through our discussions with experts. For example, Prof. Axmann suggested that our material could be used in the cosmetic industry, specifically for products like makeup remover wipes, which currently rely on non-biodegradable materials. Furthermore, due to the paper-like texture of KlothY in its unmodified form, there is potential for its use in laboratory filters or even everyday items such as coffee filters. While our focus is on the fashion industry, these insights show the versatility of our material. In the long term, KlothY could find applications in multiple industries, making it a valuable resource beyond textiles.

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The first application of our produced BC pellicles, processed by students at Mode Design College.

Goals in terms of Sustainability

The fashion industry has evolved into a "fast" system, where consumers expect cheap, readily available clothing. This has led to overproduction, excessive waste, and significant environmental harm. Much of this is driven by the use of non-degradable synthetic materials and resource-intensive natural fibers like cotton, which require massive amounts of water and energy to produce. For instance, the production of a single pair of jeans can release 33.4 kg of CO2, consume 3781 liters of water, and use up 12 m² of land . KlothY offers an alternative by focusing on sustainable production processes. Unlike traditional textiles, our material can be grown in a laboratory under controlled conditions, reducing the need for long supply chains and the environmental damage associated with global textile production. One of the unique features of KlothY is that the dye can be integrated directly during the growth process, eliminating the need for resource-intensive dyeing procedures that waste water and release harmful chemicals. Additionally, we use glycerol, a waste product from the biodiesel industry, as a carbon source for producing KlothY. This creates a circular relationship between industries, further enhancing the sustainability of our material. Our ultimate goal is to create a fabric that not only reduces the environmental impact of clothing production but also challenges the throwaway culture of fast fashion. KlothY’s long-term durability and biodegradability mean that it can be part of a new, slower fashion movement - one that encourages longevity and environmental consciousness.

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There are many advantages our textile offers in comparison to the common fabric production: It can be grown anywhere in a laboratory under standardised conditions which in total emits way less carbon than the long supply chains that go hand in hand with the location switch for every processing step in the classic clothing production. Also, there’s no need to weave or dye it under water waste as the dye is integrated in the mat during the growth process. Another sustainable aspect of our project is the use of glycerol as a carbon source for the growth of our product (D. Mikkelsen et al., 2009). Glycerol is a waste material in the biodiesel industry and could therefore facilitate a correspondence with the fashion industry to form a production cycle.

Reality check: Challenges and safety considerations

While KlothY presents a promising alternative to conventional textiles, several challenges remain before it can be widely implemented. One of the key issues we identified during testing is that our material’s current properties - such as flexibility, thickness, and tensile strength - are not yet optimized for wearable clothing. For instance, during our collaboration with the Mode Design College in Düsseldorf, we found that KlothY’s stiffness made it difficult to sew, as it could not withstand the pressure applied by needles. These challenges, however, are not insurmountable. With further research and development, we are confident that we can fine-tune the composition of KlothY to improve its flexibility and strength. Adjustments to the growth medium, as well as post-production treatments, could allow us to create a more versatile fabric that meets the demands of the fashion industry. Additionally, the scalability of KlothY remains a consideration. Producing bacterial cellulose on a large scale presents logistical and cost-related challenges, particularly in terms of optimizing growth times and standardizing production procedures. However, as we refine the production process, we expect to achieve more consistent results that will allow for commercial use. From a safety perspective, KlothY poses minimal risks. Since the material is free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) after autoclaving, it can be used in products without concern for harmful biological agents. This makes KlothY not only sustainable but also safe for widespread use in the fashion and other industries. The implementation of KlothY in the fashion industry, as well as other potential markets, represents a significant step toward more sustainable production practices. However, to realize this potential, further refinement and collaboration with industry stakeholders are necessary. By aligning KlothY with the needs of fashion producers and consumers, and by continuing to optimize its properties, we can offer a scalable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional textiles. Ultimately, the success of KlothY depends on its ability to be adopted beyond the laboratory. By focusing on sustainability, versatility, and safety, we are confident that KlothY can play a transformative role in reducing the environmental impact of industries that are central to modern life.


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D. Mikkelsen, B.M. Flanagan, G.A. Dykes, M.J. Gidley, Influence of different carbon sources on bacterial cellulose production by Gluconacetobacter xylinus strain ATCC 53524, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Volume 107, Issue 2, 1 August 2009, Pages 576–583,