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Future City Biology Popularization Xuefu Kindergarten Technology Festival High Division Museum volunteer teaching Education Event Cooking Day Day Booth Event activities film production

Education initiatives introduction

In 2024, CUG-China launched a series of educational initiatives designed to blend the brilliance of science with the essence of Chinese culture, offering enlightening learning experiences for audiences across all age groups. We firmly believe that education serves as a bridge connecting the past with the future, tradition with innovation. Thus, we are dedicated to presenting scientific knowledge in a manner that is both traditional and contemporary through a range of meticulously planned activities.

Our educational strategy incorporates elements of traditional Chinese culture, including music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, providing learners with a multi-dimensional learning platform and stimulating their passion for scientific exploration. From toddlers to the elderly, our activities span all age groups, ensuring that everyone can find their place in the world of science. Through storytelling, artistic creation, interactive games, and scientific experiments, we guide learners on a journey of knowledge, allowing them to discover and learn through exploration. Our goal is to foster learners' curiosity, critical thinking, and innovation skills, while also allowing them to experience the charm of the integration of science and culture.

The educational projects of the CUG-China team are not only about disseminating knowledge but also about practicing cultural heritage and innovation. We look forward to embarking on a series of wonderful scientific exploration journeys with every learner.

1. Future City Kindergarten Biology Popularization

We lead children from the K1, K2, and K3 of the kindergarten to understand biological knowledge through storytelling. We designed 'The Adventures of Little Explorer DouDou in the Enchanted Forest,'allowing children to follow DouDou on his journey, chatting with talking trees, understanding why leaves turn yellow in autumn, and uncovering the mystery of fireflies' glow with them. For slightly older children, the story 'A Wonderful Day in the Forest,' led by the little rabbit MiMi and bear Blu, introduces them to the animals, plants, and microorganisms in the forest. To enhance interaction, we designed drawing and clay modeling sessions, allowing children to use colored pens and clay to shape various organisms and, with our guidance, create cell models to help them better understand the microscopic world.

This event was participated in by all children aged between 3 and 6 years old in the kindergarten, approximately fifty people, with content adjusted according to age, and was unanimously recognized by participating students and teachers. It delivered simple knowledge to children in an entertaining way. Most children do not have a concrete understanding of the microscopic world. This popular science event used clay and painting, a visual method, to transform abstract nouns into tangible objects, opening a window to the microbial world for them. Stimulating their curiosity and thus increasing their desire to learn is an important point for the active cooperation and enthusiastic participation of the children in this event.

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Fig 1. Members of CUG-China with Future City Kindergarten children

2. Biology Popularization at Zuoling Community Kindergarten

The CUG-China iGEM team, with a passion for science and care for children, entered the Zuoling Community Kindergarten and held a science popularization event themed 'Lighting Up Life with Science.' Our goal is to stimulate children's curiosity about biology and synthetic biology, allowing them to explore freely in a sea of color and creativity.

To allow children to fully exercise their imagination, we prepared blank scrolls and invited children to paint on them. On the scrolls, children used colorful brushes to depict the biological world in their hearts, some painted colorful butterflies, some painted mysterious marine life, and others painted wonderful ideas in synthetic biology. Each painting is full of childlike innocence and creativity, showing the children's infinite longing for science.

Without the accompaniment of parents, children showed amazing independence and spirit of exploration. Under the guidance of teachers and our team members, they tried bravely and participated actively. This event was not only an opportunity for artistic creation but also a journey of scientific exploration. Children learn through painting, grow through learning, and every step is full of discovery and surprise.

While painting, our team members also explained the basic knowledge of biology and synthetic biology to the children. We introduced the structure of cells, the secrets of DNA, and the application of synthetic biology in modern technology in simple and understandable language. The children listened with great interest, their eyes sparkling with a thirst for knowledge.

This community kindergarten science popularization event not only allowed children to experience the fun of science through painting but also made them realize the importance of scientific exploration. We hope that through such activities, we can stimulate children's interest in science, cultivate their spirit of exploration and innovation, and lay a solid foundation for their future. We believe that science popularization can inspire wisdom and light up life. We will continue to carry out more diverse and rich science popularization activities to let more children feel the charm of science.

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Fig 2. Members of CUG-China with Zuoling Community Kindergarten children

3. Wuhan Xuefu Kindergarten

In Wuhan University Kindergarten, the CUG-China iGEM team held a biological mystery exploration activity, leading the children into the wonderful world of biology through story explanation and painting creation.

Our team believes that children in early childhood are naturally curious, and science education can satisfy their curiosity and encourage them to take the initiative to explore and learn. Science stories and experiments can stimulate children's imagination and help them construct and understand complex scientific concepts. Therefore, in the popularization of science in kindergartens, we tell them more through the story displayed by PPT, which is that they have a feeling of being in the scene, so as to remember some biological or synthetic biology knowledge contained in it more deeply. Through vivid pictures and interesting storylines, children develop a strong interest in the biological world.

During the drawing process, our team members also introduced the children to the basics of biology and synthetic biology, explaining cell structure, the secrets of DNA, and the application of synthetic biology in modern technology in simple and understandable language. This knowledge may not be fully understood by children aged six or seven at the moment, so our purpose is mainly to stimulate their interest in exploring the unknown world. As it turned out, when our team members explained, the children sat around her in groups, each of them was very serious, and would raise their own opinions and questions, which is what we want to achieve.

Many people usually neglect or do not begin to cultivate their children's interest until primary and middle school, and we choose to carry out science popularization activities in different kindergartens for many times, just because we believe that the interest in science can be planted at an earlier age. The success of these activities and a lot of praise are the best evidence. Since then, we will continue to carry out more diversified and rich science popularization activities, so that more children can feel the charm of science.

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Fig 3. Members of CUG-China with Wuhan Xuefu Kindergarten children

4. Science and Technology Festival at China University of Geosciences, Wuhan Affiliated Middle School

On a sunny day, the Affiliated Middle School of China University of Geosciences, Wuhan welcomed its annual Science and Technology Festival. It was a day full of curiosity and exploration, and the CUG-China iGEM team was honored to be one of the highlights of this grand event. We brought our passion for biological sciences and a series of meticulously designed interactive activities to this group of vibrant students, experiencing the charm of science together with them.

To allow students to learn while having fun, we brought a variety of games such as biological card flipping and biological puzzles. These games not only tested the students' memory and logical thinking skills but also introduced the basic concepts of biology in a relaxed and interesting way. In the card flipping game, students needed to remember the characteristics of different organisms and quickly match the corresponding pairs; in the puzzle game, they needed to piece together scattered images into complete biological images. During the activity, we received enthusiastic feedback from the students. They showed a strong interest in these games and actively participated in every part. Through these interactive experiences, they not only gained a preliminary understanding of biology but also developed a strong curiosity about the cutting-edge field of synthetic biology. Many students, even after the event ended, still surrounded us, asking more questions about the iGEM competition and synthetic biology, eager to learn more and explore more.

Through this Science and Technology Festival, we successfully conveyed the concepts of biology, synthetic biology, and the philosophy of the iGEM team to the next generation. Our goal is not only to impart knowledge but, more importantly, to inspire their interest and passion for science. We hope that through such activities, we can plant the seeds of science in their hearts, looking forward to the day when these seeds can take root and sprout, growing into towering trees.

The CUG-China iGEM team has always been committed to the research and promotion of synthetic biology. We believe that by participating in events like the Science and Technology Festival at the Affiliated Middle School of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), we can pass the torch of science to more young people. We look forward to meeting more students who are passionate about science and exploring the unknown and creating the future together.

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Fig 4. Members of CUG-China held Science and Technology Festival

5. Wuhan Optics Valley Future School Junior High Division

Junior high school students already have a certain understanding of biology, so we wanted to add some more professional and thought-provoking content, leading students to explore the mysteries of biology, from the basic definition of life to the cutting-edge applications of synthetic biology. With vivid pictures and examples, we showed students the diversity of life, including the Emei Tibetan macaque, cherry blossoms, Amanita mushrooms, as well as the new coronavirus and E. coli, and then introduced the central dogma of biology, that is, the interaction between DNA, RNA, and proteins, to build a basic framework of biological knowledge for students. We also designed an interesting game for this science popularization, gene circuit splicing, and judgment of AND, OR, and NOT gates. We marked the back of the element cards such as promoters, terminators, RBS, and gfp with Chinese words, encouraging students to piece these words into a smooth sentence, and then turning the cards to the front formed a complete gene circuit, using this method to explain the logic of gene circuits. We also prepared gifts for students who actively participated in the game, including keychains, clips, and sticky notes designed by the art team with the team's style.

At the same time, this science popularization lecture was also a process of promoting the team, so we also introduced to them the CUG_China2023 and this year's projects. As this is an international competition, it not surprisingly aroused the students' great curiosity. They wrote many feedback messages for our science popularization event and looked forward to us displaying them on the Wiki webpage.

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Fig 5. Members of CUG-China gave education to Wuhan Optics Valley Future School Junior High Division

6. Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Museum

Science and technology museum should be the most happy place in the heart of every child to learn, in the exploration of science and technology museum, children's curiosity has been fully satisfied.

As the Science and Technology Museum regularly organizes various educational activities and workshops, such as scientific laboratory demonstrations, science talks, and face-to-face communication opportunities with scientists. These activities not only enrich children's scientific knowledge, but also stimulate their interest in scientific careers. Because of this, our team came to Hubei Science and Technology Museum, and after communicating with the staff of the museum, we won their recognition and got the opportunity to make a presentation in the science and Technology Museum. Most of the participants were primary and junior high school children, and it was the moment when their curiosity was the most exuberant. The team members played the video of synthetic biology as the beginning of the introduction, introduced the iGEM competition and our project, and led the children present to complete the small game of circuit splicing together at the end. The total time was about one hour, and the children actively participated in the quizzes and games, which made us deeply feel their enthusiasm for synthetic biology. Perhaps some of them will recall this experience in the Science and Technology Museum in their future professional choices, and then come to such a road full of exploration.

As a treasure house of science education, the Science and Technology Museum opens a door to the world of science for children, allowing them to learn in play and grow in learning. Through such science popularization activities, we hope to plant the seeds of science in the hearts of children and look forward to them bearing fruit in the future.

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Fig 6. Members of CUG-China gave science popularizing Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Museum

7. Bozhou City, Anhui province Linhu town Jiang Ying primary school volunteer teaching

In the volunteer teaching activities of Jiangying Primary School in Linhu Town, Bozhou City, Anhui province, members of the CUG-China iGEM team brought a series of science education activities on synthetic biology to the children. The activity began in the form of lessons, and the team members introduced the basic concepts, development history and applications in medicine, agriculture, environmental protection and other fields to the children through carefully prepared PPT and vivid explanation. These contents not only give children a preliminary understanding of this emerging field of science, but also stimulate their interest in scientific exploration. To make the theoretical knowledge more vivid, the children were also encouraged to use their imagination and express their visions of the changes that synthetic biology might bring about in the future through drawing. These paintings not only show the creativity of the children, but also reflect their unique insights into science. In addition, the team members told the children the stories of some scientists and their major discoveries and innovations in the field of synthetic biology. These stories not only inspire children with a passion for scientific exploration, but also make them realize the power and possibilities of science. Through these activities, the children of Jiangying Primary School not only learn new scientific knowledge, but more importantly, their scientific literacy has been improved and their interest in scientific exploration has been stimulated. This volunteer teaching activity, CUG-China iGEM team members hope to open a window for rural children to understand the world, let them realize the power and possibilities of science, but also to lay a solid foundation for their future learning road.

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Fig 7. Members of CUG-China did volunteer teaching

8. WHU_China Gut Battle Science Popularization Education Event

This event was hosted by WHU_China with the theme of guarding gut health for science popularization, and This event was hosted by WHU-China with the theme of guarding gut health for science popularization, and it was open to the campus for science popularization game layout, attracting students and social people to participate, and popularizing synthetic biology and our projects to them.

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Fig 8. Members of CUG-China held Gut Battle Science Popularization Education Event with WHU-China

9. Wuhan University Cooking Day

It is relatively difficult to popularize synthetic biology in society, as most people rarely come into contact with research knowledge outside their major after entering university, so publicity for a broader audience requires us to be closer to life. On the basis of introducing popularization, we promote the expected effects and significance of our projects to the public, which is easier to gain the understanding and support of the public.

Join us in celebrating health and science at Wuhan University's 'Guardians of the Gut' Cooking Day event! We are thrilled to have been invited to this educational and fun-filled activity, where we rolled up our sleeves and delved into the art of cooking. It's not just about creating delicious dishes; it's about understanding how the food we eat contributes to gut health. We shared recipes and knowledge, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet rich in probiotics and prebiotics. Our team had a wonderful time interacting with the community, exchanging cooking tips, and of course, enjoying some mouth-watering creations. Whether it's a zesty salad or a hearty stew, every bite counts. We believe that educating through interactive experiences like these can inspire healthier eating habits and a deeper appreciation for the science behind our food. Thank you, Wuhan University, for providing a memorable day full of learning and laughter. We look forward to more collaborations that blend knowledge with everyday life!

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Fig 9. Members of CUG-China attended Wuhan University Cooking Day

10. China University of Geosciences,Wuhan Environment Day Booth

Hanging mugwort and making sachets is the ritual sense that belongs to the Dragon Boat Festival. The CUG-China team held a 'Mugwort Poetry Rhyme, Green Dragon Boat Festival' science and innovation exhibition. The activity aimed to combine synthetic biology with environmental protection and traditional culture, promoting synthetic biology through calligraphy, poetry, and other forms, combining the theme of environmental protection.

On the Dragon Boat Festival, people regard hanging mugwort and calamus as one of the important contents of the festival. Every household sweeps the courtyard and hangs calamus and mugwort on the door lintel, hanging in the hall. 'Do it yourself' Clothes and food are abundant'. We led everyone to experience the making of sachets and launched a unique 'calligraphy activity' at our booth. With mugwort - "Five Rui Grass Flower Bouquet' as the theme, we encouraged everyone to write poetry and prose on the spot. The atmosphere was warm, and teachers and students actively participated, writing a lot of interesting or professional calligraphy and paintings. On-site participation in calligraphy or poetry can participate in the lottery, and the prizes include synthetic biology transparent cards, Dragon Boat Festival sachets, inscribed cards, mugwort bouquets, etc., which were unanimously praised.

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Fig 10. Members of CUG-China held Environment Day Booth

11. CUG-China iGEM&cafe Event

In this fast-paced academic life, we have created a warm and comfortable communication platform. The CUG-China team, in collaboration with the school's Beiyue Bookstore, launched the iGEM&cafe event, allowing students to deeply understand the mysteries of synthetic biology and experience the excitement of the iGEM competition in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Sitting in the exchange area of the bookstore, ordering a cup of coffee or milk tea, and eating some desserts, this is a stress-free area where you can share your own knowledge and insights, read books, and more importantly, it is a stress-free sharing space where students can freely express their opinions and interests in synthetic biology. We cooperated with the school's Beiyue Bookstore to carry out the iGEM&cafe event, providing biological stickers and biological card flipping games in the store's activity area for teachers and students to participate in together.

The CUG-China team has always been committed to the research and promotion of synthetic biology. We hope that through the iGEM&cafe event, we can introduce our team and the iGEM competition to other majors in the school, hoping that other interested and capable students will pay attention to our team and this competition.

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Fig 11. CUG-China iGEM&cafe Event

12. Nursing home biology and health science popularization activities

In September, the CUG-China iGEM team, with a passion for science and care for the elderly, visited a nursing home to bring an enlightening science popularization event to the residents. Our goal was to make the elderly feel the fun of science through simple and interesting activities, while conveying more life-oriented biological knowledge to enrich their leisure life.

During the event, we particularly emphasized the importance of exercise for maintaining health, which is one of the simplest ways to stay healthy. We encouraged the elderly to maintain their physical vitality and health through moderate exercise. In addition, we invited the elderly to express their good wishes for the younger generation through the traditional art form of calligraphy. On site, some elderly people used calligraphy to write messages such as 'Wishing students academic success,' which is not only an encouragement for the younger generation but also a continuation of Chinese traditional culture.

To express our gratitude for the participation of the elderly, members of the CUG-China team presented a small bouquet of flowers to each elder. These bouquets not only represent our respect for the elderly but also symbolize the combination of science and humanistic care. We believe that through such interactions, we can cross the boundaries of age and spread the seeds of science to every corner, allowing the brilliance of science to illuminate everyone's hearts.

We will continue to carry out more similar science popularization activities, whether in schools, nursing homes, or communities. We hope to spread the seeds of science to every corner, allowing the brilliance of science to illuminate everyone's hearts.

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Fig 12. CUG-China held nursing home biology and health science popularization activities

13. Popular science short film production

Our team shot a popular science short film about the experimental process of building a biological battery from the first perspective of Shewanella, and introduced the whole process of the experiment. In order to make this popular science video accessible to a wider audience, we dub and subtitle it, annotate the experimental process in more accessible terms, introduce the potential application of Shewanella in biological batteries to the public, and deepen people's understanding of microbial metabolic pathways and electron transport mechanisms. The total length of the video is two 24 seconds, short and concise, we have tried to play in the science museum and middle school education activities, and won the audience's praise.

Compared with long and boring text, popular science video has the advantages of easy to understand, attract attention, large amount of information and easy to share. It is the ability of video to present complex scientific concepts in the form of images, animations and examples that makes difficult scientific principles easy to understand. Dynamic video content can hold the audience's attention better than static text, especially for children and teenagers. And it can deliver a lot of information in a short time, but also through narration, subtitles and visual effects to enhance the transmission of information. Because popular science videos are easy to share on social media and online platforms to expand the reach of scientific knowledge, we also uploaded this video to the Web for a wider range of people to see for themselves.

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Fig 13. CUG-China produced popular science short film