

Week 1. (May 1st-5th)

Wet Lab:

  • Determining E. coli Nissle 1917 as a compatible probiotic for our project.
  • Determining experimental methods for stomach acid carriers.
  • Consulting with professors regarding probiotic sources.
  • Integrating project information.

Dry Lab:

  • Excluding the stress relief lamp as hardware application.
  • Deciding to use beverages as the starting point for hardware development.
  • Dividing the design of the film into two directions; a layer of film attached under the sealing film of the daily beverage and a film hanging on the wall of the beverage cup.
  • Confirming the zinc finger binding domain sequences and preparing for protein modeling.

Human Practices:

  • Investigating the evidence that serotonin supplementation can rapidly enhance mood.
  • Gathering and analyzing global data on the prevalence of depression.


  • Conducting color research for the Wiki.
  • Selecting a Wiki style that aligns with our topic.

Week 2. (May 6th-12th)

Wet Lab:

  • Exploring the regulatory methods of 5-HTP production.
  • Exploring the oxygen-induced suicide mechanism for the biosafety strategy.
  • Planning the open lab summer camp.

Dry Lab:

  • Discussing how to present hardware and software in oral presentation.
  • Exploring materials that are more suitable for edible and water-soluble film.

Human Practices:

  • Mining the causes of negative moods and the effects of prolonged negative emotions.
  • Planning and brainstorming activities to enhance engagement and outreach to a broader audience.

Week 3. (May 13th-19th)

Wet Lab:

  • Integrating the information of two plasmids for 5-HTP production and enhancement.
  • Designing open lab summer camp content.
  • Determining the role of protocatechuic acid as a regulator of our plasmid.
  • Writing the safety form.

Dry Lab:

  • Choosing duck feet gelatin, fish skin, maltodextrin and starch as candidates of edible film.
  • The plasticizers that can be used for starch films are glycerin, sorbitol, and polyethylene glycol.
  • Deciding to simulate the concentration and calculate the production of 5-HTP to obtain the amount of bacterial powder required for the purpose of mathematical modeling.
  • Completing the calculation of 5-HTP production as intracellular tryptophan concentration increases.
  • Completing the language conversion, basic user interface, Fourier transformation, and data export functions for APP.

Human Practices:

  • Analyzing the specific objectives of each planned activity.
  • Determining themes for upcoming social media posts.

Week 4. (May 20th-26th)

Wet Lab:

  • Integrating information for the open lab summer camp.
  • Determining the regulation of 5-HTP production.
  • Writing the safety form.

Dry Lab:

  • Confirming the film will be attached beneath the sealing film of daily beverage.
  • Searching for the material and protocol of film.
  • Mathematical modeling of 5-HTP production after increasing to three enzymes.
  • Simulating mutTPH1 and finding out its similar sequence protein: 3HF6.
  • Showing the stress level on software.
  • Finding professors for suggestions for software improvement.
  • Supporting Open Lab on the introduction of 3D printers.

Human Practices:

  • Organizing workshops to enhance the public's understanding of emotions.
  • Posting registration information for Open Lab sessions on Instagram.


  • Deciding and planning Wiki homepage design.

Week 5. (May 27th-2nd)

Wet Lab:

  • Analyzing the pros and cons of 5-HTP production from probiotics.
  • Analyzing and formulating the biosafety strategy.

Dry Lab:

  • Confirming the protocol of maltodextrin and starch film.
  • Searching for the information of the 3D bioprinter to find out whether it can be used in hardware.
  • Optimizing the simulation of tryptophan absorption and in vivo reactant concentrations.
  • Confirming the necessary constant in mathematical modeling.
  • Using BH4 data to simulate the relationship between MH4 concentration and reaction rate (TPH_Vmax).
  • Simulating the fusion protein of TPH1 + zif268.
  • Simulating DHPR and finding out its similar sequence protein: 1DHRA.
  • Simulating PCD and finding out its similar sequence proteins: 1F93.
  • Adding the results of the pressure test and the notification that will pop up when the pressure is too high for software.

Human Practices:

  • Exploring the frequency of hand-shaken drink consumption among Taiwanese individuals and identifying the demographics involved.
  • Brainstorming ways to make foreigners understand about hand-shaken drinks.

Week 1. (Jun. 3rd-9th)

Wet Lab:

  • Analyzing the differences between 5-HTP production from probiotics and supplements.
  • Determining some proteins for biosafety.
  • Designing a vector map in SnapGene.

Dry Lab:

  • Writing a project description of our film.
  • Organizing questions for a software interview.

Human Practices:

  • Focusing on relationships, stress, and emotions.
  • Deciding to organize separate activities for younger and older people.
  • Planning to organize activities for the local community, focusing on emotional care for the elderly.


  • Designing a detailed wiki page, especially for the “Project Description” page.
  • Assigning color codes to each element on the wiki.

Week 2. (Jun. 10th-16th)

Wet Lab:

  • Analyzing experimental method to replace the ampicillin resistance gene with a kanamycin resistance gene in pST39.
  • Designing the open lab summer camp experimental course.

Dry Lab:

  • Writing a project description for edible film.
  • Optimizing questions for the software interview.

Human Practices:

  • Arranging the schedule for activities and assigning responsibilities.
  • Reconsidering the Free Hug campaign and simultaneously initiating a Hug Marathon event to promote our concept.


  • Designing the loading page for the wiki.
  • Determining the font styles for each section.
  • Coding the menu and footer of wiki.

Week 3. (Jun. 17th-23rd)

Wet Lab:

  • Replacing the ampicillin resistance gene in the pST39 vector with a kanamycin resistance gene.
  • Designing the presentation and textbook for the open lab summer camp.
  • Demonstrating the open lab summer camp experimental course.

Dry Lab:

  • Listing out future progress schedules.
  • Confirming the protocols of different kinds of film.
  • Adding soy protein and sodium caseinate film as edible film candidates.
  • Adding peptide linker for fusion protein modeling.
  • Finishing simulating the fusion proteins with linkers: TPH1 + zif268, PCD + PSBll.

Human Practices:

  • Deciding to conduct a survey due to the uncertainty of the workshop.
  • Establishing the details of activity of Free Hug campaign.
  • Scheduling the workshops.
  • Inquiring about the timing, preparing the proposal, and approaching the manager of the community center regarding the Elderly Seniors Program.
  • Proposing street surveys and interviewing local residents.
  • Reviewing the objectives that the events need to achieve and providing an overview of the event.


  • Typesetting the page of the project description.

Week 4. (Jun. 24th-30th)

Wet Lab:

  • Replacing the ampicillin resistance gene in the pST39 vector with a kanamycin resistance gene.
  • Completing the presentation and textbook for the open lab summer camp.
  • Printing out the textbook for the open lab summer camp.

Dry Lab

  • Searching the guideline of the film.
  • Determining the dissolving rate, liquid viscosity and transparency as the selection criteria of edible film.
  • Calculating the production of 5-HTP.
  • Simulating the fusion protein of DHPR + ZFa.
  • Finishing the powerpoint of the introduction of 3D printers for the Open Lab.

Human Practices:

  • Canceling the workshop and transitioning to an "Emotional Awareness" lecture.
  • Confirming the speaker for the lecture, as well as the time, location, and anticipated number of attendees.
  • Determining the format of the questionnaire for the street survey.
  • Planning to organize an online lecture.
  • Preparing the survey for local chain beverage stores.


  • Putting the content onto the page of the project description.

Week 1. (Jul. 1st-7th)

Wet Lab:

  • Previewing the open lab course.
  • Replacing Ampicillin resistance gene in plasmids with Kanamycin resistance gene.

Dry Lab:

  • Performing the preliminary experiment of film.
  • Searching for the protocol to examine viscosity of film.
  • Optimizing experiments of dissolving rate, viscosity and transparency of the film.
  • Modeling the production rate of 5-HTP.
  • Preparing the interview with professors to improve protein modeling.
  • Concluding results of modeling contents on wiki.
  • Adding the function to alert users in the app when the users measured pressure exceeds the limit for the software.
  • Adding the phone notification permission for the software.

Human Practices:

  • Confirming team-building benefits and discounts. Discuss the cost and quantity of cup sleeves and finalize team uniforms by July 15.
  • Finalizing the survey content focusing on recent events.
  • Designing posters for the international student free hug campaign, highlighting cultural exchange.
  • Conducting multiple events together, including workshops, cultural activities, and internal iGEM interactions.
  • Flash video.
  • Planning an emotional care event on August 30, considering potential psychological experts to involve. Preparing content for store managers and designing an iGEM banner.
  • Preparing to visit beverage stores nearby to promote our project and conducting surveys from the store's perspective.
  • Scheduling online lectures, and finding speakers.
  • Designing team logo.

Week 2. (Jul. 8th-14th)

Wet Lab:

  • Attending the experimental course.
  • Replacing Ampicillin resistance gene in plasmids with Kanamycin resistance gene.

Dry Lab:

  • Finalizing the protocol of the dissolution rate experiment.
  • Revising the experimental design for viscosity.
  • Estimating the costs of different film types.
  • Interviewing professors to improve software.
  • Debugging based on the interview content for software.
  • Finishing the design of the software icon.
  • Adding the schedule planning function for the software.
  • Redesigning the user interface for the software.

Human Practices:

  • Finalizing and voting the team logo.
  • Replacing online lectures with an interview featuring a psychology professor.
  • Visiting beverage stores nearby to promote our project and conducting surveys from the store's perspective.
  • Revising the survey content and order, and post it on social media after getting approval from a supervisor.
  • Coordinating the event schedule with store managers and discussing plans with a physical therapist, including banner creation and logistics.


  • Discussing Wiki design details and positioning.
  • Gathering information on team members for the 'Members' section.
  • Revising minor details of the Wiki.

Week 3. (Jul. 15th-21st)

Wet Lab:

  • Ligating TPH1 and QDPR inserts into the plasmid pST39 by Gibson assembly.
  • Transforming pST39-TPH1 and pST39-QDPR into DH5a for selection.
  • Completing the first batch of the open lab experimental course.

Dry Lab:

  • Confirming the experimental methods and materials for the film and conducting the experiment.
  • Finishing the first batch of dissolution rate experiments for film by using resistance measurements.
  • Designing and developing a hardware device to measure the dissolution test.
  • Using Spectrophotometry to test the dissolution rate for films of different materials.
  • Testing the new software: VMD for protein modeling.
  • Adding the function to remind users to practice diaphragmatic breathing for relaxation for software.
  • Taking the frequency method of HRV out of the measurement.

Human Practices:

  • Preparing to film a promotion video and discussing the storyline to ensure a compelling promotional video.
  • Scheduling an appointment for the expert interview, finalizing details with the psychology professor.


  • Designing the 'Team Members' Wiki page.
  • Adding the loader for Wiki.
  • Trying the flip cards of 'Team Members'.
  • Fixing the position of the sidebar.

Week 4. (Jul. 22nd-28th)

Wet Lab:

  • Sequencing plasmids pST39-TPH1 and pST39-QDPR.
  • Completing the second batch of the open lab experimental course.

Dry Lab:

  • Organizing the data for the first batch of dissolution rate experiments for film.
  • Completing the second run of dissolution rate experiments by spectrophotometer.
  • Deciding to exclude the experiment for the viscosity of film.
  • Testing the alphaphold2 for protein modeling with the help of an adviser.
  • Changing the measurement time to 3 minutes for the software.
  • Keeping the last 10 seconds and deleting the first 10 seconds in data pre-processing for the software.
  • Detailed planning of the progress for each item.

Human Practices:

  • Compiling and reviewing the results from the beverage store visits to analyze the feedback and insights gathered.
  • Planning to visit the Culture night market with posters, QR codes, and a lucky draw activity to engage with participants.
  • Scheduling for September 11 at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base tentatively.
  • The instructor will coordinate with the store manager and physical therapist to confirm the schedule and discuss details.


  • Designing the notebook and sponsorships page.
  • Setting deadlines for notebook content.
  • Adding a progress bar for every page.

Week 5. (Jul. 29th-Aug. 4th)

Wet Lab:

  • Culturing bacteria for microencapsulation experiments.
  • Inserting the protocatechuic acid (PCA) regulatory cassette into the vector.

Dry Lab:

  • Preparing interviews for film.
  • Designing humidity experiment for film.
  • Referring to the result from iTASSER, use AlphaFold2 to run again the protein modeling.
  • Composing the menu and work and rest planning in the app.

Human Practices:

  • Decide on the next time to go to the night market and adjust the activities accordingly.
  • Heading to the Culture Night Market for a free hug event, distributing questionnaires, and conducting a quick emotional state survey.
  • Arranging team photoshoot session.


  • Coding 'Team Member' page.

Week 1. (Aug. 5th-11th)

Wet Lab:

Dry Lab:

Human Practices:


Week 2. (Aug. 12th-18th)

Wet Lab:

Dry Lab:

Human Practices:


Week 3. (Aug. 19th-25th)

Wet Lab:

Dry Lab:

Human Practices:


Week 4. (Aug. 26th-Sep. 1st)

Wet Lab:

Dry Lab:

Human Practices:


Week 1. (Sep. 2nd-8th)

Wet Lab:

Dry Lab:

Human Practices:


Week 2. (Sep. 9th-15th)

Wet Lab:

Dry Lab:

Human Practices:


Week 3. (Sep. 16th-22nd)

Wet Lab:

Dry Lab:

Human Practices:


Week 4. (Sep. 23rd-29th)

Wet Lab:

Dry Lab:

Human Practices:


Week 5. (Sep. 30th-Oct. 6th)


Week 1. (Oct. 7th-11th)
