
Hi, I’m Sarah (38). I’m the PI and biotechnology teacher for some of the team members. A fun fact about me is that I am really good at playing Mario Kart



Hi, I'm Viktor (19). I'm the team leader. A fun fact about me is that I am the only person on the team that has worked with human cells before


Team Leader

Hi, I'm Caitlin (19). I'm the Co-leader of wetlab together with Marie and Dicte. A fun fact about me is that I’m British but I really can’t stand tea, though I do enjoy scones and crumpets


Wetlab Leader

Hi I’m Marie (19). I'm the co leader of wetlab together with Caitlin and Dicte. A fun fact about me is that I am the team mommy and enjoy knitting


Wetlab Leader

Hi, I'm Dicte (18). I'm the co leader of wetlab. together with Caitlin and Marie. A fun fact about me is that I enjoy etymology except for silverfish (zygbomenta). Those I despise


Wetlab Leader

Hi, I’m Johannes (19). I’m the main leader at drylab. A fun fact about me is that I have a laboratory in my parents’ basement, like a true nerd, with a flow hood I built myself


Drylab Leader

Hi, I’m Sara (18) I help lead drylab with Johannes. A fun fact about me is that I am probably the most biology-hating of the team. Letters and numbers are what I worship


Drylab Leader

Hi, I'm Peter (18). I'm the Co. Leader of Outreach with Lou. A fun fact about me is that I wrote my final high school project about Biotech and Danish, and not just science like the rest of the team


Outreach Leader

Hi, I’m Lou (17). I’m the co-leader of outreach together with Peter. A fun fact about me is that I’m so bad at table tennis that even my little brother beats me with ease


Outreach Leader

Hi, I'm Isabelle (19). I'm a member of outreach and wetlab. A fun fact about me is that I want to become a pilot


Outreach Wetlab

Hi, I'm Karoline (16). I'm a member of drylab and I'm the primary programmer of our iGEM wiki. A fun fact about me is that I'm literally a little computer nerd (153 cm)



Hi, I'm Anna (17). I'm project coordinator and in drylab and outreach. A quick fun fact about me is that I'm a somewhat closeted fan of humanities despite being a biotech student (don't tell the rest of the team, please)


Outreach Drylab

Hi, I'm Mads. I'm a member of wetlab. A fun fact about me is that I'm a hardware nerd and therefore an expert on being single for 10+ years



Hi, I’m Kiera (17). I'm a member of drylab. A fun fact about me is that I always buy honey as a souvenir when traveling (might be slightly addicted)



Hi, I'm Jonathan (16) . I'm a member of outreach and wetlab. A fun fact about me is that I'm the youngest member in wetlab and I'm addicted to coke Coca-Cola


Outreach Wetlab

Hi, I’m Patryk (19). I'm a member of drylab. A fun fact about me is that I take the train every morning to get to school, just to join my fellow team members


Outreach Drylab

Hi, I'm Oskar (18). I'm a member of outreach and drylab. A fun fact about me is that I am the underpaid cook for the team
#let him cook #no more rice


Outreach Drylab