

Li Jialiang, Wu Siyuan, Liu Lanxin, Li Tianyi


  • Prepare LB medium (1L) for bacterial culture
  • Prepare 100mg/ml Ampicillin
  • Prepare 0.05mol/L CaCl2
  • Inoculate Azurin template strain, anti-PD-L1 template strain, plactate1 template strain, plactate2 template strain


  • 1.Prepare LB medium (1L) for bacterial culture
  • LB liquid:
    Material Dosage
    Yeast extract 5g
    Trypsin 10g
    Sodium chloride 10g
    LB Solid
    Material Dosage
    LB liquid 100ml
    Agar powder 1.5g
    Sterilize at high temperature 121℃, 15min

  • Prepare a 10ml Ampicilin solution with a final concentration of 100μg/mL
  • Prepare 0.05mol/L CaCl2
    Material Dosage
    CaCl2 0.28g
    Water 100ml
    Mix and sterilise at high temperature121℃,15min

  • Prepare 0.05mol/L CaCl2 with glycerin
    Material Dosage
    CaCl2 0.28g
    15% glycerin 15ml
    Water 100ml
    Mix and sterilize at high temperature121℃, 15min

  • Inoculate 4 kinds of template bacteria solution
    Promoter template Target gene template
    Plactate1 (LldR) Azurin
    Plactate2 (LldR-new) anti-PD-L1

    Get four combinations using them:Plactate1-Azurin、Plactate1-anti-PD-L1、Plactate2-Azurin、Plactate2-anti-PD-L1
    Using a benchtop to inoculate 5ml of LB、5μL of Ampicilinand 50ul of bacteria solution
  • 2024.8.20


    Li Jialiang, Wu Siyuan, Liu Lanxin, Li Tianyi


    • Plasmid extraction
    • PCR amplification
    • Use agarose gel electrophoresis to detect whether DNA was obtained
    • DNA recovery


    • Plasmid was extracted:
      Material Dosage
      Solution I: SP1 bacterial suspension 250μL
      Solution II: SP2 cell lysis buffer 250μL
      Solution III: SP3 neutralization solution 350μL
      Wash solution 750μL
      1-5ml of bacterial culture (P1, P2, Azurin, anti-PD-L1) was centrifuged at 12000rpm for 1min, and the supernatant was absorbed
      • Add 250μL solution to the centrifugation tube containing the bacterial precipitation and suspend the bacterial cell precipitation thoroughly using a vortex oscillator
      • Add 250μL solution Ⅱ into the centrifuge tube and gently turn it up and down 6-8 times to fully crack the bacteria. At this time, the bacteria solution will become clear and viscous
      • Add 350u solution III into the centrifuge tube and turn it up 6-8 times to mix well. The white, fluffy precipitate will appear at this time. Centrifuge at 12000rpm for 10min and transfer the supernatant to another clean centrifuge tube
      • Add 0.35 times the volume of anhydrous ethanol and mix well
      • Add the supernatant into the adsorption column, leave at room temperature for 2min, centrifuge at 12000rpm for 1min, drain the waste liquid in the collection tube, and put the adsorption column back into the collection tube
      • Add 750μL bleach solution to the adsorption column, centrifuge at 12000rpm for 1min, and put the adsorption column into the collection tube
      • Add 700L bleaching solution to the adsorption column, centrifuge at 12000rpm for 1min, and put the adsorption column into the collection tube
      • Centrifuge at 12000rpm for 2min and place the adsorption column at room temperature or 50℃ for several minutes
      • Place the adsorption column into a clean centrifuge tube, drop 50μL eluent preheated in a water bath at 65℃ into the center of the adsorption film, place at room temperature for 2min, and centrifuge at 12000rpm for 1min
      • The eluent obtained was re-added into the adsorption column, placed at room temperature for 2min, and centrifuged at 12000rpm for 1min
    • PCR amplification (target gene amplification):
      Material Dosage
      Target gene (P1, P2, anti-PD-L1, Azurin) 2 μL
      2*Mix (dNTP, DNA polymerase, Buffer, magnesium ion) 25 μL
      Primer (F) 2 μL
      Primer (R) 2 μL
      ddH2O 19 μL
      • Set up the PCR reaction program
      • Set up the PCR reaction program
      • Program:
        1.Pre degeneration: Double chain to single chain 95°C,5min
        3.annealing:55°C,30s (Repeat 1-3 30 times)
        4. extending:72°C,30s for gene /2min for plasmid
        5. 72 ℃,10 min
        6. 4°C,∞
      • Initiate the program
      • Agarose gel electrophoresis was used to detect whether DNA was amplified
      • Prepare50mL agarose gel
      • Material Dosage
        Agarose powder 0.5 g
        TAE buffer solution 50 mL
        Nucleic acid dye 3 μL
      • Melt agarose powder and TAE buffer at high temperature and add 3μL nucleic acid dye
      • Install the electrophoresis tank
      • Gently pour the electrophoresis solution cooled to 60 °C onto the horizontal plate of the electrophoresis tank
      • After it has solidified, add the electrophoresis buffer to the bath and pull out the comb
      • Add the mixture to the sample tank
      • Connect one end of the sample hole to the negative electrode and the other to the positive electrode. Turn on the power supply, adjust the voltage to 180V, and electrophoresis for 20min
      • The gel was removed and observed under an ultraviolet lamp. The DNA bands with red fluorescence were found

    • DNA gel extraction
      Material Dosage
      Glue solution 300 μL / 0.1 g DNA gel block
      Bleach wash solution 600 μL
      • After agar-gel electrophoresis, a single DNA strip of interest is cut from the agar-gel and weighed
      • Add 600μL sol solution to the glue block and place in a water bath at 55℃ for 10 min. During the process, gently turn the centrifuge tube up and down continuously to ensure that the glue block is fully dissolved
      • The solution was added to an adsorption column and centrifuged at 12000pm for 60 seconds
      • Add 600μL bleaching solution to the adsorption column and centrifuge at 12000rpm for 1min, discard the waste liquid, and put the adsorption column into the collection tube
      • Add 600μL bleach solution into the adsorption column, centrifuge 12000rpm for 1min, discard the waste liquid, and put the adsorption column into the collection tube
      • Centrifuge at 12000rpm for 2min, remove the bleach solution as much as possible, and place the adsorption column open at room temperature or 50℃ in a temperature box
      • Place the adsorption column into a clean centrifuge tube, drop the appropriate amount of eluent preheated in a water bath at 65℃ into the center of the adsorption film, place at room temperature for 2min, and centrifuge at 12000rpm for l min
      • DNA products stored at -20℃


    A. plactate1, plactate2 plasmid skeleton amplification, the size are 3150bp and 3800bp
    plactate1-Azurin, plactate2-Azurin, plactate1-anti-PD-L1, plactate2-anti-PD-L1, target gene amplification size is 550bp


    Li Jialiang, Wu Siyuan, Liu Lanxin, Li Tianyi, Wu Peiran


    • The target gene sfGFP was obtained by PCR
    • Recombinant plasmid was constructed by homologous recombination
    • The recombinant product transformed Escherichia coli BL21


    • The target gene sfGFP was obtained by PCR
      PCR system
      Target gene (P1, P2, sfGFP): 2μL
      2*Mix (dNTP, DNA polymerase, Buffer, magnesium ion): 25 uL
      Primer (F/R): F:2μL R:2μL
      ddH2O: 19μL set the PCR reaction program
      Procedure: Pre degeneration: double chain to single chain 95°C,5min
      Annealing:55°C,30s (Repeat 30 times)
      Extending:72°C,30s for GFP /2min for plasmid
      72 ℃,10 min
      agarose gel formula
      Material Dosage
      Total 50 mL
      Agarose 0.5 g
      1*TAE 50 mL
      After 2 minutes of high-fire melting, add 3μL of dye and pour it into the mold. 
    • Homologous recombination
      the amount of DNA required for the recombination reaction was calculated according to the formula, and the amount of each component added was not less than 1μl
      Prepare the following reaction system on the ice:
      Component Recombination reaction
      Linearized carrier 2 μL
      Target gene segment 1 μL
      2 × ClonExpress Mix 5 μL
      ddH2O 2 μL
      Use a pipette to gently suck and mix (do not shake and mix), and briefly centrifuge to collect the reaction liquid to the bottom of the tube. 50℃, 15 min; Reduce to 4 ° C or cool immediately on ice
    • Transformation of recombinant products
      Thawing chemoreceptor cells for cloning on ice
      Add 10 μl recombinant product into 100 μL receptive cells, gently mix the tube wall (do not shake and mix), and leave it on ice for 30 min.
      After the 42℃ water bath is heated for 45 seconds, it is immediately placed on ice to cool for 3 min.
      Add 900 μL LB liquid medium (without antibiotics) and shake the bacteria at 37℃ for 1 h (rotational speed 200 rpm).
      Preheat the corresponding resistant LB solid medium plate in a 37℃ incubator.
      Centrifuge at 5000 rpm (2,500 × g) for 5 min and discard 900 μL supernatant. The bacteria sediment was suspended with the remaining medium and lightly coated with a sterile coating stick on a plate containing Amp resistance.
      Culture inversely in an incubator at 37℃ for 12 h.


    Left:plactate1, placate2 Plasmid skeleton amplification size are 3150bp and 3800bp
    Right:plactate1-sfGFP, plactate2-sfGFP amplification size are both 750bp


    Li Jialiang, Wu Siyuan, Liu Lanxin, Li Tianyi


    • Colony PCR verification
    • Inoculate the correct single colony


    • PCR amplification (colony expansion):
      The target genes anti-PD-L1, Azurin, and sfGFP were amplified by PCR
      Material dose
      DNA Template: 6 recombinant plasmid colonies (anti-PD-L1, Azurin, GFP)
      2*Mix (dNTP, DNA polymerase, Buffer, magnesium ion) 10μL
      (F/R): F:1μL R:1μL
      ddH2O: 8μL
      Set up the PCR reaction program
      • Predegeneration: double chain to single chain95°C,5min
      • degeneration:95°C,30s
      • Annealing:55°C,30s
      • Extending:72 °C,1min Step 2-4 repeat 30 times
      • 72°C, 10 min
      • 6. 4°C, ∞
    • Prepare50mL agarose gel
      Material dose
      Agarose powder 1g
      TAE buffer 100mL
      Nucleic acid dye 18μL
      Melt agarose powder and TAE buffer at high temperature and add 6μL nucleic acid dye
      * Install the electrophoresis tank
      * Gently pour the electrophoresis solution cooled to 60°C onto the horizontal plate of the electrophoresis tank
      * After it solidifies, add the electrophoresis buffer to the electrophoresis tank and then pull out the comb
      * Add the mixture to the sample tank
      * One end of the electrophoresis point sample hole is connected to the negative electrode, and the other end is connected to the positive electrode; turn on the power supply,
      * Adjust voltage to 180V, electrophoresis 20min
      * Remove the gel and observe it under an ultraviolet lamp. The red fluorescent bands are DNA bands
    • Verify the correct colony by inoculation
      plactate1-Azurin, plactate2-Azurin, plactate1-anti-PD-L1, plactate2-anti-PD-L1
      4mL LB solution + correct colony +4uL Ampicilin was cultured at 37 ° C for 12h


    plactate1-sfGFP, plactate2-sfGFP, Recombinant plasmid validation
    A: Colony PCR validation diagram
    B: Plate colony map
    C: Sequencing diagram

    plactate1-Azurin, plactate2-Azurin, plactate1-anti-PD-L1, plactate2-anti-PD-L1
    Recombinant plasmid validation
    A: Colony PCR validation diagram
    B: Plate colony map
    C: Sequencing diagram



    Li Jialiang, Wu Siyuan, Liu Lanxin, Li Tianyi, Wu Peiran


    • Plasmid extraction (plactate1-Azurin, plactate1-anti-PD-L1, plactate2-Azurin, plactate2-anti-PD-L1)
    • Inoculate ECN 1917 to make ECN 1917 receptive state
    • Heat shock transformation of recombinant plasmid to ECN 1917
    • Expanded culture of Plactae1-GFP and Plactate2-GFP with different lactic acid-induced expression (cultured at 18℃ for 20h)


    • Plasmid extraction (same steps as 2024.8.20)
    • Inoculate ECN 1917 to make ECN 1917 receptive state
      • Transfer ECN1917 bacteria solution cultured overnight at 1% inoculation rate (37℃, 220rpm, culture for 2.5h to 0.3 for OD600)
      • bacterial harvest: Centrifuge at 4℃ 5000rpm for 5 min after ice bath
      • Wash precipitate in cold deionized water and centrifuge at 4°C5000rpm for 5 min
      • precipitation Add 2ml of 0.05mol/l CaCl2-15% glycerol mixture to cold, gently blow away, and take an ice bath of 0.05mol/l CACL2-
      • 15% glycerol mixture for 5 minutes
      • The receptive cell suspension was formed by adding 2ml of cold 0.05mol/l CaCl2-15% glycerol mixture and gently blowing it away. Divided into 50-100μL small parts, stored at -70℃
    • Heat shock conversion (same steps as 2024.8.21)
      plactate1-sfGFP and plactate2-sfGFP were cultured with different concentrations of lactic acid (0mM, 2mM, 5mM, 10mM) to induce the expression of GFP fluorescent protein


    Converted to ECN 1917
    A: Colony PCR validation diagram in ECN1917
    B: Plate colony map


    Wu Siyuan, Liu Lanxin, Li Tianyi, Wu Peiran


    • Colony PCR verified whether the recombinant plasmid was transformed into EcN 1917
    • Inoculate the correct single colony
    • The expression of fluorescent protein sfGFP was detected


    • PCR amplification (colony amplification) :
      PCR amplification of target genes P1, P2, anti-PD-LI, Azurin in EcN(550bp)
      Material dose
      1 colony (P1, P2, anti-PD-L1, Azurin, GFP)
      2*Mix (dNTP, DNA polymerase, Buffer, magnesium ion) 10μL
      (F/R) : F:1μL R:1μL
      ddH2O 8μL
      • Set up PCR reaction procedures
      1. Predenaturation: double chain to single chain 95°C, 5min
      2.Denaturation: 95°C, 30s
      3. Annealing: 55°C, 30s
      4. Extension: 72 °C, 30s
      2-4 Repeat 30 times 5. 72°C, 10 min
      6. 4°C, ∞
    • Configure 100mL agarose gel
      Material dose
      Agarose powder 1g
      TAE buffer 100mL
      Nucleic acid dye 6μL
      Melt agarose powder and TAE buffer at high temperature and add 6μL nucleic acid dye
      * Install the electrophoresis tank
      * Gently pour the electrophoresis solution cooled to 60°C onto the horizontal plate of the electrophoresis tank
      * After it has solidified, add the electrophoresis buffer to the electrophoresis tank and then pull out
      * Add the mixture to the sample tank
      * One end of the electrophoresis point sample hole is connected to the negative electrode, the other end is connected to the positive electrode; turn on the power supply,
      * Adjust voltage to 180V, electrophoresis 20min
      *Remove the gel and observe it under an ultraviolet lamp. The red fluorescent bands are DNA bands
    • GFP fluorescence determination
      • Fluorescence microscope detection, sfGFP luminescence.
      • ELISA reading (black 96-well plate, 470nm excitation light, 509nm emission light, reading value; Transparent 96-well plate, OD600 reading value; Former reading/latter reading = relative fluorescence intensity)
    • Verify the correct colony by inoculation
      plactate1-Azurin, plactate2-Azurin, plactate1-anti-PD-L1, plactate2-anti-PD-L1 in EcN
      4mL LB solution + correct colony +4μL Amp+ was cultured at 37 ° C for 12h

      The luminescence of sfGFP was observed by a fluorescence microscope.


    Li Jialiang, Wu Siyuan, Liu Lanxin, Li Tianyi, Wu Peiran


    • The 4 EcN strains successfully transformed by expanded culture were cultured at 37 degrees for 2-4h.
    • Set different culture OD and other lactic acid induction concentrations and induce culture at 37 degrees for more than 10h
    • Configure different concentrations of lactic acid, 0mM, 2mM, 5mM, 10mM


    • The 4 EcN strains successfully transformed by expanded culture were cultured at 37 degrees for 2-4h.
      The correct 4 plasmids were transformed into Escherichia coli ECN, the correct clone and the correct clone, and the correct clone was inoculated into seed liquid.
      Then, the seed solution was transferred to amplify E.coli until OD=0.5-0.6.
    • Set different culture OD and other lactic acid induction concentrations and induce culture at 37℃ for more than 10h
      Lactic acid was added for induction (the final concentration was 0 25 10mM), the bacterial solution and supernatant were collected for about 10 hours (the ECN clone was selected to culture overnight, and the ratio of 1 to 100 was inoculated into the medium containing lactic acid), and the protein expression was subsequently detected.




    Li Jialiang, Wu Siyuan, Liu Lanxin, Li Tianyi, Wu Peiran


    • Culture four strains to induce expression
    • Broke the protein
    • Make SDS-PAGE protein measuring gel


    • Cultivate Four Strains and Induce Expression
      To induce the expression of four proteins, we used 0mM, 2mM, 5mM, and 10mM lactic acid, respectively. Obtain the bacterial suspensions cultured overnight and centrifuge them at 4°C, 5000rpm, for 5 minutes to separate the supernatant from the precipitate. Discard the supernatant and retain the precipitate. Resuspend the residue in 10 ml of PBS buffer. Repeat the centrifugation process at 4°C, 5000rpm for 5 minutes, discard the supernatant, retain the residue, and resuspend it in 10ml of PBS buffer.
    • Protein Disruption
      Perform ultrasonic disruption at 100w with a 3-second on and 3-second off cycle for 10 minutes. Ensure the entire process is conducted on ice, with 16 sets. After disruption, centrifuge to collect the supernatant, discard the residue, and measure the protein concentration.
    • Preparation of SDS-PAGE Gel for Protein Analysis
      Assemble the required equipment and apparatus. Then, prepare the upper stacking and lower resolving gel using a 10% PAGE gel solution.


    Li Jialiang, Wu Siyuan, Liu Lanxin, Li Tianyi, Wu Peiran


    • Prepare protein sample
    • Test the expression of protein


    • Prepare protein sample
      The bacterial supernatant was added to 5xSDS-PAGE protein loading buffer and thoroughly mixed. Heat the mixture at 100℃ for10min, then 12000rpm centrifuge for 2min. The supernatant was subjected to electrophoresis by 10%SDS-PAGE.
    • Test the expression of protein
      It is necessary to ensure that the protein content of the samples is consistent and that the size of target proteins in the electrophoresis results are consistent through Coomassie bright blue staining.


    Li Jialiang, Wu Siyuan, Liu Lanxin, Li Tianyi, Wu Peiran


    • Write experimental data processing and wiki writing


    Complete the experimental data processing and wiki.