About Us

We are EHSBNU, a team from Experimental High School attached to Beijing Normal University. Our team consists of 20 passionate students from grades 10 and 11, with diverse expertise ranging from biology, chemistry, and mathematics to the humanities and environmental studies.

Formed out of a shared enthusiasm for biotechnology and synthetic biology, we aim to tackle real-world challenges using innovative biological solutions. We believe that science is not just a combination of theory and experimentation but a powerful tool for changing the world. Our core philosophy is to drive sustainable development through technological innovation, and we are committed to creating a greener and healthier future. Our goal is to make a meaningful impact beyond the competition by addressing the critical issue of horseshoe crabs being hunted to the brink of endangerment. We are deeply grateful to our mentors, parents, and peers at EHSBNU for their unwavering support and guidance, without which our project would not have reached its current level.

We look forward to sharing our innovative solutions with the world!



B.S.: Peking university

Ph.D: Iowa State University; Majored in Genetics, and Statistics

Post Doc fellow: Colorado School of Mines

Research focuses: algal photosynthesis, bio-renewables

Currently being the Head teacher of Biology at the Experimental High School of Beijing Normal University international department

Fang Wei

Primary Student Administrators



I am Fangming Liu, team administrator and experimental advisor for EHSBNU. I help handle team management and communication, as well as experiments.

I was a team leader in 2023, and thoroughly enjoyed participating in a platform where high school students are introduced to means of utilizing their ingenuity and skills to turn their ideas into innovation. This year, I decided to gather a new team and share the joy with more people in my community.

I love digging through textbooks and papers to build a portfolio about our subject, seeing designs for our experiments come together step by step, and every bit of the wet lab process.

Fangming Liu

I am Jiayi Chen from Beijing, China, and the primary student administrator for team EHSBNU.

I harbor a deep-seated love for biology and neuroscience in particular, with the dream of delving into neuroscientific research. The sheer beauty of synthetic biology and its social impact compels me to start this journey as part of our wonderful team, to venture into the natural world and unweave the rainbow.

I am also an avid-albeit inexperienced-hiker, being ever at home in the mountainside.

Jiayi Chen

As an integral member of the EHSBNU team's general administration department, my involvement in the iGEM Competition goes far beyond a mere interest in synthetic biology. I am deeply driven by humanitarian values and a desire to make a tangible difference through scientific innovation. My role is centered around overseeing essential administrative and managerial tasks, which are critical to ensuring the team's smooth operation and strategic success.

My passion for biology runs deep, but it's not confined to a single discipline. I am always curious, often exploring the intersections between biology and other fields, seeking connections that can enhance our understanding and application of science. I pride myself on my meticulous attention to detail, strong organizational skills, and the ability to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders. These traits are essential to my work, but they're also rooted in my commitment to humanistic care—a cornerstone of both my approach to team management and scientific inquiry.

In the iGEM Competition, I am dedicated to addressing complex biological challenges alongside my fellow team members. Together, we are focused on developing solutions that not only push the boundaries of science but also have a meaningful impact on communities and humanity as a whole. This is more than just a competition for me; it's a chance to contribute to something bigger, to use science as a tool for positive change.

Gaocheng Zeng

Biology Department



My name is Yujia Chen and my English name is Lillian. My MBTI is INFP . I am a member of the biology department. I joined IGEM because I love biology and I want to conduct some biological experiments as early as possible.

I'm optimistic but I'm not really good at communicate. Besides, I enjoy writing some poems, watching movies and reading novels in my leisure time which gives me energies to embrace all things that happened in my life.

Yujia Chen

My name is Bobo Deng, and I am particularly interested in the protection of marine animals. I hope that recombinant horseshoe crab G factor can reduce the need for extracting horseshoe crab blood from wild populations. In our team, my roles are project proposer and laboratory assistant.

I enjoy swimming and diving, and I have a deep passion for marine animals.

Boyue Deng

I'm Yinuo Qi, a member of the Biology Department in team EHSBNU. I've always been fascinated by the complex yet beautiful world of biology and its ability to reveal the intricate mechanisms of life. Indeed, I see it as an ever-evolving “answer book” that continually updates our knowledge about ourselves, our world, and the diverse interplays in between.

As a member of this team, I'm excited to build knowledge through hands-on experiments and explore potential applications in real-world circumstances.

Yinuo Qi

Hello, I'm Yiming. I joined iGEM because it's a prestigious competition that promotes collaboration and innovation in synthetic biology. In our team, I primarily focus on literature review and topic selection, guiding younger team members in these areas. I believe iGEM provides a unique platform to merge scientific research with creative problem-solving, and I'm excited to contribute to our team's success.

Yiming Wu

I am a passionate explorer of systems and patterns, driven by theoretical creativity and thoughtful observation. My interests in nature and art inspire my academic journey, motivating me to seek experiences that nurture these passions.

As one of the original proposer of the research direction on preparing recombinant horseshoe crab reagents, I was inspired by the beauty of the horseshoe crab's unique blue blood and its special immune mechanisms. Its remarkable blood plays a crucial role in eliminating certain pathogens through its coagulation process. The horseshoe crab is an ancient and unique species that has significantly contributed to the migration of birds. Unfortunately, it is threatened due to the value of its blood. This is likely why I became involved in this research—to contribute to the protection of horseshoe crabs and make a positive impact.

Junru Huang

Aspiring biology student aiming to find connections between life sciences and humanities from an artistically perceptive perspective. Fascinated by the lukewarm region where different subjects intersect and react, I seek to create a more sensory-orientated demonstration and application of biology in both daily life and art--as little as beyond the scrutiny of electron microscopes and as large as the Earth's ecosystem that dynamically functions as a magically integrated whole.

Xinyi Zhao

I joined iGEM to challenge myself and serve society. As a member of the biology department, I blend my passion for experimenting with scientific exploration. My enthusiastic and cheerful nature helps me thrive in collaborative environments.

Yushan Mei

I always had a passion for biology. IGEM provides me with the chance to engage in a thorough research process and learn more about biological research and synthetic biological experiments. I would do my best to participate in and contribute to our project and make a difference to the world with my efforts.

Youzi Wang

As an "old" participant of last year's IGEM, I'm delicate to point out the palisade on the road of the teammate this year. I helped to organize, to illustrate some basic concept, to design the plasmid, and maybe to evaluate further experiment. Sometimes I think I'm more like an instructor in team.

Personally, I love volleyball and guitar, as well as gardening. I enjoyed playing volleyball with my teammates after experiment.

Yuxuan Wu

My name is Ali Wu. I am very interested in biology, especially the feeling of exploring the unknown in the laboratory. Regardless of the outcome of the experiment, every attempt in the process is a gain for me. Besides, I also like sports very much, because it keeps me energetic and focused.

I hope that through the iGEM platform, I can learn and grow together with you and make continuous progress in team cooperation. I look forward to gaining more knowledge and experience here.

Zhaoyuan Wu

Human Practices Department



I'm Jingyuan Ma from EHSBNU. It is my honor to guide the human practice department in our group during the iGem competition. Hope you enjoy our team project!!!

Jingyuan Ma

Hiii, my name is Dang MeiSun and you can just call me Angelina.

In briefly words, you can hardly know me as a whole. But cut to the essence is that I am outgoing, talkative, confident, straightforward, and sympathetic as well, and also have a strong sense of self.

My reason for being on this team is that I was and continue to be interested in creating impact through a real-life event and spreading love to our community.

I am a big fan of musicals and debates. I like people. I love rainy days. I like over-easy eggs just as I want to have an over-easy life.

Willing to chat with anyone and meet people with the same interests:)

Meisun Dang


My name is Chengyang Zhang, and I'm currently a senior at EHS-BNU. As a psychology enthusiast, one of pivotal premises before conducting an experiment is to adhere to ethical guidelines.

In alignment with the fields of biology and medicine, our aim is to comprehend the dynamics of living organisms while striving to promote their well-being. Drawing from my experience in questionnaire and interview design, I have delved into the group agenda within the medical industry. I gathered insights from members of medicine companies regarding the exploitation of horseshoe crabs, developing scales and questionnaires to assess public understanding of this endangered species.

Chengyang Zhang


I'm Qingshu Wu, member of EHSBNU. It is my passion for biology and love for nature led me to join the iGEM team.

As an avid environmentalist with many nature-related hobbies, I am deeply committed to protecting our environment. Within the team, I am a member of the Human Practices division, where I focus on ensuring that our activities reflect significant human and social values. I am also a collaborative team player, always eager to contribute and support our collective goals.

The enthusiasm for biology, dedication to environmental protection, and commitment to teamwork drive me to make meaningful contributions to our project and community.

Qingshu Wu

Technology Department



I am Zihe Chen, a member of the biology department as well as the technology department.

It is the desire of finding out solutions for current environmental problems using the knowledge which I learnt that pushes me to participate in the iGem project. In the program, I mainly focus on the operation of experiment and the construction of team wiki, taking part in and demonstrating our research to the world.

Hope that our effort can really pay off, providing viable plan to protect marine animals, and I can gain various techniques while making contribution to our team.

Zihe Chen

My name is Lisiqi Ye. I joined the iGEM competition to represent my school in cutting-edge research alongside my teammates. As the technical guy, I am responsible for building our team's dedicated website.

My hobbies include bird watching, photography, cycling, fishing, skiing, and traveling. I am cheerful, sincere, and always face life with optimism.

As I like to say, "Take the first step toward me, and I'll walk the remaining ninety-nine toward you."

Lisiqi Ye