
The Empress

Yuhan Kang

Chemical Biology

99 complexes but you can't be me.

The Star

Chenxin Xu

Clinical Medicine

Please keep the love and run to the next mountain and sea.

The Moon

Yi Zhang


Shoot for the moon.

The Lovers

Jingwen Wang

Broadcast and television journalism

Don't go gentle into the good night.

The Tower

Xiaoxiao Zhang


There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.

The Sun

Ruohan Jiang

Preventive Medicine

Love is worth a long time.


Xinran Lyu

Chemical Biology

You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?

The High Priestess

Yifei Yin

Preventive Medicine

I'm rooted but I flow.


Rongqi Chen

Biological Science

From endings come new beginnings.

King of Wands

Mingzheng Fang

Software Engineering

May all the beauty be blessed.

Knight of Cups

Yuhan Zou

Computer Science

All tragedy erased. I see only wonders...

The Magician

Zimo Liu

Biological Science

A kiss is the beginning of cannibalism.

The Hanged Man

Zhengyang Mo

Biological Science

May the force be with you!

The Wheel of Fortune

Jia Li


Every soul will taste death.