Research Expert Communication Education
Human Practices
Conduct social surveys

Background: After defining our research topic, we began early project planning. To assess the social context relevant to our research project, we conducted extensive social surveys.

Objective: Our literature review revealed many studies on synthesizing methylxanthine products from caffeine, with one such product, 7-MX, being effective in treating myopia.

Based on this, our survey addressed four key areas:

  • Coffee consumption habits
  • Awareness of coffee grounds utilization
  • Current status of myopia
  • Knowledge of 7-MX

After analyzing the survey results, we obtained the following data and conclusions:

  • 57% of participants believe that there is a significant amount of unused excess coffee grounds globally.
  • 73% think that this situation leads to considerable resource waste.
  • 52% consider processing excess coffee grounds into valuable compounds to be the most worthwhile, which aligns with our expectations and demonstrates that synthesizing 7-MX from coffee grounds can effectively utilize excess coffee grounds and generate economic benefits.
  • 19% of participants have myopia, and most are concerned about the safety of pharmacological treatments for myopia. Therefore, 7-MX’s advantage of being free from toxic side effects can alleviate these concerns, making it a preferable option for myopia treatment.

Conclusion: The social survey revealed a significant prevalence of myopia, a high demand for coffee, and substantial coffee grounds production. This provides valuable data support for our project and helps further refine our team's research direction.


All the experts we consulted, including professors, professionals, and industry specialists, have made invaluable contributions to the project's development. Their knowledge and skills have been instrumental in shaping the overall strategy and execution of the project through their advice.

Interview with an Ophthalmology Expert

Objective: In order to gather insights from experts in the relevant field and gain a deep understanding of myopia and eye health-related issues, we decided to visit Dr. Qiao Bin, Director of the Ophthalmology Department at a secondary grade-A hospital in Jilin Province.


  • Gentle Treatment Approach:

    During the interview, Dr.Qiao pointed out that although there are many methods available for myopia treatment, each of them has its own scope of application and limitations. Compared to more invasive treatments like laser surgery, the intake of 7-methylxanthine through food additives may be a relatively gentle and noninvasive approach, reducing surgical risks and complications.

  • New Perspectives and Possibilities:

    Dr. Qiao believes that 7-MX offers a new perspective and possibility for myopia treatment, but it is essential to pay close attention to its mechanism of action, safety, and efficacy during treatment. This insight has led us to place greater emphasis on safety issues as we advance our project.


Through our conversation with Dr. Qiao Bin, our team gained deeper insights into myopia and eye health-related issues. We also received positive feedback on the potential of our project’s product in alleviating myopia.

Discussion with Two Leading Scholars in the Fields of Synthetic Biology and Directed Evolution

Objective: To better apply synthetic biology techniques in advancing our project and to gain insights into cutting-edge breakthroughs in the field, we held discussions with two leading scholars in synthetic biology and directed evolution: Daniel Dunkelmann and Joanna Sadler.


  • Interaction with Top Talent:

    After confirming the feasibility and societal relevance of our project, we engaged in in-depth discussions with two leading scholars in synthetic biology and directed evolution: Dr. Daniel Dunkelmann, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge, and Joanna Sadler, a Chancellors’ Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. Their profound expertise and extensive research experience helped us overcome some of the challenges and difficulties encountered in the experimental process.

  • Focus on Key Experimental Techniques:

    Our discussions primarily centered around the techniques to be used in the experiments, such as optimizing and improving the ndmB enzyme system. These specialized discussions contributed to our deeper exploration of key technical points in the fields of synthetic biology and directed evolution.


Through this discussion, our team received invaluable advice from the experts in the relevant fields, which will undoubtedly aid in driving the innovative breakthroughs we envision and ensuring the smooth progress of our experiments.

Communicate with NENU-China


In the early stages of our project, we established close ties with the NENU-China team from Northeast Normal University and conducted a series of communication activities to gather helpful insights for advancing our project. The primary goal of this collaboration was to assist their team in quickly mastering experimental techniques, adapting to the iGEM competition environment, and deepening inter-team exchanges to jointly promote project development. Through this cooperation, we not only gained valuable feedback from peers but also received support in wet lab experiments and clarified the direction for dry lab development.


  • Close Collaboration:

    We successfully established contact with the NENU-China team and engaged in fruitful discussions, helping them better adapt to the iGEM competition environment.

  • Experimental Guidance:

    We provided systematic research guidance to the NENU-China team, assisting them in mastering essential experimental techniques, thereby enhancing their practical skills.

  • Deepened Exchanges:

    Through collaboration with the NENU-China team, we fostered deeper communication between the two teams, sharing our scientific knowledge and experience.


Through this collaboration, we not only provided the NENU-China team with essential knowledge and skills, enriching their understanding of the project, but also received valuable feedback that supported the further advancement of both our wet and dry lab experiments. This cooperation experience made us realize that cross-team communication and collaboration play an indispensable role in driving project progress and fostering innovation.

11th iGEM China Conference (CCiC)


In the mid-term of our project, we participated in the 11th iGEM China Conference (CCiC) with the aim of exchanging innovative ideas, broadening our perspectives, and gaining insights from interactions with professionals. This conference, initiated by iGEM teams from China, has developed into one of the largest academic conferences for university students nationwide. The conference brought together 89 undergraduate teams and 35 high school teams. Through project presentations, we received professional feedback from expert judges and engaged in in-depth discussions with other participating teams.


  • Profound Insights from Expert Reviewers:

    During the conference, expert reviewers provided feedback that not only identified existing shortcomings but also offered profound insights on two key aspects: food safety and specific yield. These recommendations made us realize the need for a more comprehensive evaluation of food safety issues during project advancement and the practical feasibility of yield in experimental design. These insights will help us more precisely define our project goals and optimize our experimental design and implementation plans.

  • Deep Collaboration Through Team Interactions:

    By engaging in detailed discussions with other participating teams, we not only received their suggestions for our project but also learned about the challenges they faced and their strategies for addressing them. This cross-team dialogue facilitated the sharing of experiences, allowing us to view our project from different perspectives, thereby enhancing our innovation and problem-solving capabilities. Additionally, this interaction helped us build more academic connections, laying the groundwork for future collaborations.

  • Long-term Value of Network Expansion:

    We established contacts with multiple iGEM teams and exchanged contact information, opening new avenues for future collaboration and communication. This not only strengthened our project network but also provided opportunities for potential collaboration and resource sharing. Such extensive networking not only offers direct support for our project but also creates conditions for continuous access to cutting-edge research information and technological trends.


The conference provided us significant inspiration to advance our project. Expert advice highlighted the need to focus on food safety and yield issues in the food sector and led to a more detailed simulation and planning of the project’s prospects. Additionally, interactions with other participating teams not only enhanced our project perspective but also established valuable academic friendships. These experiences have clarified the direction and focus for future project advancement and provided crucial guidance and support for further development and optimization.

1st Fungal Pharmaceuticals and Synthetic Biology Conference


We participated in the 1st Fungal Pharmaceuticals and Synthetic Biology Conference hosted by Northeast Forestry University to delve into the cutting-edge fields of synthetic biology and advance our project by gaining in-depth insights from experts. The conference aimed to showcase the latest research achievements in fungal pharmaceuticals and synthetic biology in China, facilitate interdisciplinary exchanges, and provide a platform for researchers to learn from each other.


  • Alignment of Concepts:

    Our presentation on using coffee to produce 7-MX pleasantly aligned with the experts' advocated concept of “food and medicine sharing the same origin.” This coincidence not only validated the scientific foresight of our research direction but also bolstered our confidence in the theoretical alignment and application potential of this field.

  • Expert Interaction:

    After the conference, we engaged in in-depth discussions with experts in the field. They shared challenges encountered during their research and innovative strategies to address these challenges, providing specific recommendations for improving our experimental detection methods. This face-to-face interaction enriched our research perspective and offered constructive guidance on experimental design and technical improvement.

  • Public Awareness Promotion:

    We also explored the ways to enhance public understanding of synthetic biology, particularly in the application of fungal pharmaceuticals. Experts highly praised our initiative to promote scientific knowledge, recognizing its importance in improving the overall societal scientific literacy and advancing the popularization of biological applications.


The conference significantly advanced our project. The in-depth exchanges with experts provided us with valuable research experience and practical advice, helping us optimize experimental methods and deepen our understanding of cutting-edge technologies in the field. The recognition and suggestions from experts further solidified our research direction and provided a clear path for future improvements. This experience not only boosted our confidence in the project but also laid a solid foundation for our future research endeavors.

6th iGEM Northwest China Conference


Due to the rapid emergence of universities in Northwest China in the field of synthetic biology and the urgent need for academic exchange, we decided to broaden our perspective from a local to a more extensive academic circle. Therefore, we actively participated in the 6th iGEM Northwest China Conference. Held on August 5, 2024, on the Tencent Meeting platform and organized by the NWU-CHINA-A team, the conference aimed to showcase the research achievements in iGEM and synthetic biology from the Northwest region and provide a valuable platform for exchange and learning among university teams.


  • In-Depth Interaction:

    During the conference, we engaged in extensive discussions with iGEM teams from various universities in the Northwest region. By sharing insights and innovative ideas about our respective projects, we enhanced our understanding of peer research and gained valuable cross-team collaboration experience.

  • Expert Feedback:

    During the project presentation session, we received precise critiques and professional advice from expert reviewers. This feedback helped us refocus on the food safety aspect of our environmental track and provided clear directions and improvement ideas.

  • New Motivation and Inspiration:

    The experts' suggestions and recognition injected new motivation and inspiration into our team, allowing us to better define project goals and optimize our research direction. This boost significantly improved the overall morale and enthusiasm of our team.


Participation in the 6th iGEM Northwest China Conference significantly advanced our project. The in-depth exchanges with other university teams and expert feedback not only broadened our perspective but also provided clear directions for future research improvements. This valuable exchange experience has strengthened our confidence in the project and laid a solid foundation for further exploration in the field of food safety. This enriching experience will undoubtedly foster the ongoing development of our project and infuse new vitality and innovative ideas into our research.

International Directed Evolution Competition Workshop


We attended the International Directed Evolution Competition (iDEC) workshop with the primary goal of gaining a deeper understanding of enzyme directed evolution techniques, particularly site-saturation mutagenesis and related methods. Our project involves these techniques, but our experience in this area is limited. Therefore, we hoped to leverage the experience of more accomplished teams by participating in this workshop to enhance our research capabilities and project quality.


  • High-Level Knowledge Sharing:

    The workshop attracted experts and researchers from leading institutions such as the Institute of Advanced Studies, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the University of Edinburgh, and the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology at Imperial College Cambridge. They shared the latest directed evolution technologies and applications, providing us with valuable cutting-edge knowledge.

  • Showcase of Practical Cases:

    The impressive presentations from 40 global teams showcased various successful directed evolution research projects. These practical cases demonstrated how to apply theory to real-world problems, offering us concrete operational ideas and methods.

  • Latest Technological Advances:

    We learned about some of the latest technologies and innovative methods in the field of directed evolution. These new technologies and methods have the potential to positively impact our project and help us overcome technical bottlenecks.

  • International Perspective:

    By interacting with teams from different countries, we expanded our international perspective and gained insights into global research trends and technological developments. This broader view will significantly aid in adjusting our future research directions and strategies.


Participating in the iDEC workshop significantly advanced our project development. Through in-depth discussions with experts and other teams, we deepened our understanding of enzyme directed evolution techniques and acquired the latest technological advances and practical experiences. These new knowledge and technology will be directly applied to our project, helping us optimize existing methods and enhance the quality of our research outcomes. Additionally, by learning from the successes and challenges of other teams, we can more effectively avoid potential issues and further drive innovation and progress in our project.

1st Northeast China iGEM Team Exchange Conference


Inspired by the CCiC and various iGEM exchange conferences, our team decided to promote the development of synthetic biology in Northeast China. We aimed to strengthen communication and collaboration among iGEM teams in the Northeast region and enhance the cohesion of students specializing in biology. Therefore, we co-hosted the 1st Northeast China iGEM Team Exchange Conference with the NENU-China team from Northeast Normal University on August 12. The event invited all iGEM teams from the Northeast region, as well as two high school teams, the team from Shanghai Tongji University, and the team from Imperial College London, with the goal of fostering deep communication and collaboration across age groups, regions, and countries through a diverse range of participating teams.


  • Diverse Participation:

    The conference brought together all iGEM teams from the Northeast region and attracted two high school teams, the Shanghai Tongji University team, and the Imperial College London team. This diverse participation not only showcased the extensive coverage of synthetic biology research but also highlighted the collaborative innovation among different academic backgrounds and age groups. The varied research perspectives and backgrounds of the teams generated rich intellectual exchanges, promoting in-depth dialogue across regions and cultures.

  • Project Presentations and Interaction:

    During the conference, each team presented their research projects and actively participated in commenting on and discussing other teams' work. This interactive exchange allowed us to learn about other teams' innovations and challenges, and encouraged us to view our own project from different perspectives. By addressing questions and sharing experiences, we gained profound insights and targeted suggestions, leading to significant improvements in our research methods and project focus.

  • Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Intellectual Exchange:

    The conference facilitated in-depth collaboration and discussion between teams from different backgrounds and disciplines. This cross-disciplinary collaboration broke down traditional boundaries, extending synthetic biology research beyond conventional fields. We touched on applications of cutting-edge technologies, solutions to practical problems, and future development directions, greatly expanding our research perspectives and thinking methods, and driving innovation and progress in our project.

  • Cohesion and Community Building:

    The conference not only strengthened connections among participating teams but also enhanced the cohesion of biology students in Northeast China. By sharing research achievements and experiences, we established a more tightly-knit academic community. This community-building effect improved team collaboration and collective intelligence, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation.


The 1st Northeast China iGEM Team Exchange Conference significantly advanced our project. Through in-depth exchanges and collaborations with teams with various backgrounds, we broadened our research perspectives and received valuable feedback and improvement suggestions. The event not only enhanced team cohesion but also promoted the vigorous development of synthetic biology in Northeast China. We learned and matured through these interactions, setting a strong foundation for future research and establishing a positive example for cross-regional and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Nanjing Tech University Online Meeting and Hangzhou-MedX Exchange Conference


After the large-scale iGEM exchange conferences, we aimed to further deepen our collaboration with other teams through focused exchanges and learning. To achieve this, we conducted detailed online discussions with the NJTech-China-A team from Nanjing Tech University and the Hangzhou-MedX high school team. The goal was to enhance our research capabilities, broaden project perspectives, and explore future collaboration opportunities.


  • Collaboration with Nanjing Tech University: We held an online presentation and exchange meeting with Nanjing Tech University. They showcased their notable achievements in science popularization, including outreach activities in primary and secondary schools, community and disability center promotions, and the creation of science communication materials such as Braille manuals and podcasts. Their work not only enriched our perspective on HP (Human Practices) activities but also provided inspiration for effective science outreach. We also presented our results from wet and dry experiments. Through active exchange of feedback and mutual clarification, we established clear directions for future HP activities.
Engagement with Hangzhou High School Team:

We discussed various aspects of the experimental process, including operational techniques, product detection, and purification, with the Hangzhou high school team, Hangzhou-MedX. During this exchange, we shared our research experiences and experimental techniques, while also recognizing their enthusiasm and curiosity for scientific knowledge. This interaction not only enhanced our understanding of young teams but also provided them with practical technical guidance. Additionally, we received an invitation for future collaboration from them.


Through in-depth exchanges with NJTech-China-A from Nanjing Tech University and the high school team Hangzhou-MedX, we gained valuable feedback and guidance in our respective research areas, laying the foundation for future collaboration. These discussions provided us with clear strategies for conducting HP activities and led to breakthroughs in experimental techniques and science communication. Overall, these interactions significantly advanced our project development, strengthened our teamwork, and provided abundant inspiration and practical experience for future research efforts and collaboration opportunities.

Outreach at Deqiang High School


We believe that high school science outreach activities are an excellent platform to showcase the charm of synthetic biology to young students, as these activities address the core of education—fostering curiosity and exploration among the younger generation. During the science outreach event at Deqiang High School, we had the opportunity to introduce synthetic biology and directed evolution to a group of promising high school students.


  • Science Outreach:

    We introduced the topic of our iGEM project to the high school students through explaining in detail the source and efficacy of 7-MX, as well as the genetic pathways used in its synthesis. This provided the students with a preliminary understanding of synthetic biology.

  • Practical Experience:

    The event extended beyond theoretical knowledge; we also demonstrated practical laboratory techniques such as PCR, the use of pipettes, and the method for plating bacterial cultures. This hands-on experience allowed students to engage directly with biological experiments and discover the excitement of working in a lab.

  • Engagement:

    During the Q&A session, students showed great enthusiasm and actively engaged with us. With our assistance, they practiced bacterial plating techniques and gradually became proficient in the related skills. This practical engagement sparked a strong interest in biology among the students.


We were fortunate to receive strong support from the school throughout the event. We engaged a number of enthusiastic students and provided engaging content, creating a platform for students to learn about biology while also offering our team members the opportunity to interact with the younger generation. This collaborative effort contributed to advancing science education.

Guided Laboratory Tour for High School Students


We organized a laboratory tour to provide high school students with a deeper understanding of synthetic biology through hands-on experience. Our goal was to allow students to familiarize themselves with the operation and principles of laboratory tools, thereby sparking their interest in biological research.


  • Instrument Demonstration:

    We showcased the use of equipment such as centrifuges and pipettes, and explained the scientific principles behind these tools, helping students understand their significance in biological experiments.

  • One-on-One Instruction:

    Each student had the opportunity to operate the equipment under one-on-one guidance from our team members, ensuring they used the tools correctly and safely.

  • Experimental Design Experience:

    Under the guidance of our team members, students designed a simple experimental procedure, from sample preparation to result analysis, experiencing a complete research process.

  • Q&A and Discussion:

    At the end of the event, we held a Q&A session where students actively asked questions and our team members provided detailed answers, further deepening their understanding of synthetic biology.


The laboratory tour was highly successful. Students gained a more intuitive understanding of laboratory tools such as centrifuges and pipettes through hands-on operation. Their skills in experimental design and problem-solving were honed during the design and execution of a simple experiment. Interaction with team members provided them with a deeper insight into the research content and methods of synthetic biology. The objectives of the event were effectively achieved.

Assisting Hangzhou-MedX Team with Protein-Related Work

Objective: Our goal was to leverage our expertise in laboratory techniques and research knowledge to assist the Hangzhou-MedX high school team in their protein-related research endeavors. We aimed to foster friendly interactions between teams and contribute to the positive development of the iGEM community.

Highlights: We provided the Hangzhou-MedX team with technical guidance and research support in laboratory techniques, ensuring efficient and accurate experimental operations and data analysis in their protein research. This collaborative approach transcended traditional team boundaries, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and culture through cross-stage cooperation.

Science Popularization at Campus Open Day


During the Campus Open Day at Northeast Forestry University, our goal was to educate university students and the public about synthetic biology and the iGEM competition. By conducting hands-on science popularization activities, we aimed to provide a deeper understanding of this cutting-edge field, attract more interest, and encourage individuals to consider it as a future research direction or career path.


  • Practical Case Studies:

    We showcased practical applications of synthetic biology through posters, illustrating its impact in areas such as medicine, agriculture, and environmental protection. Examples included gene editing for treating genetic diseases and the production of biofuels, demonstrating the real-world value of synthetic biology.

  • Interactive Q&A Sessions:

    The event featured a Q&A session where team members answered visitors' questions with professional yet accessible explanations. This direct interaction significantly enhanced the effectiveness of our science popularization efforts.


Through poster exhibitions and explanations, we introduced the public to synthetic biology, highlighting both its concepts and practical applications. This approach effectively sparked interest in synthetic biology and guided people to focus on this field. Based on feedback from our interactions with the public, we refined our project's promotional direction and gained valuable insights for our team's future design concepts and work directions.

Participation in drafting an ethics manual for synthetic biology


The core purpose of drafting the ethics manual for synthetic biology is to provide iGEM team members and other synthetic biology researchers with a comprehensive ethical reference framework. Through collaboration with the CJUH-JLU-China team and other partner teams, we drafted the manual focusing on ethical issues related to gene-engineered fermentation products. It aims to advance ethical governance in synthetic biology and promote ethical awareness and practices within the iGEM community and the broader research field.


  • Multifaceted Ethical Exploration: The manual addresses several key areas, including informed consent for additives, innovations in food contamination detection technologies, economic and sustainable development, ecological safety of strain use, and ethical considerations in biosynthesized sweeteners.
  • Case Studies Analysis: By analyzing specific cases, the manual provides a reference framework for ethical decision-making, assisting researchers in integrating ethical considerations into all stages of project planning and execution.
  • Global Perspective and Regional Sensitivity: The manual emphasizes cross-border accessibility to facilitate widespread global discussion on synthetic biology ethics, while also considering regional ethical sensitivities.
  • Public Engagement and Education: The manual aims to guide public involvement in ethical discussions on synthetic biology, enhance public understanding of synthetic biology and its potential ethical issues, and promote the healthy development and social acceptance of scientific technologies.

Conclusion: The manual provides essential ethical guidance for iGEM teams and researchers, offering a framework for moral decision-making in scientific research. It delves into ethical issues, fostering collaboration within the iGEM community and raising public awareness about synthetic biology ethics. By enhancing understanding and engagement with ethical issues related to scientific products, the manual aims to be a key resource in advancing ethical practices in synthetic biology, supporting public understanding and participation in ethical discussions.

Science Popularization on Social Media

Objective: Our goal is to use online media platforms such as WeChat Official Accounts and Bilibili to popularize synthetic biology knowledge among the general public. By leveraging these accessible and engaging communication channels, we aim to make the concepts and applications of synthetic biology more understandable and relatable, thereby increasing public awareness and interest in this scientific field.


  • Multimedia Content Creation: We produce a variety of content, including text, images, and videos, to cater to different audience preferences and enhance the appeal and effectiveness of the information.
  • Everyday Life Case Studies: By showcasing examples of synthetic biology in everyday life, such as E. coli in common products, we make complex scientific knowledge more relatable and easier to understand.
  • Regular Updates and Series Content: We regularly publish updates on the latest advancements and research findings in synthetic biology, as well as serialized content, to help audiences stay informed and delve deeper into the field.

We sincerely invite everyone to visit our online promotional platforms at the following links: NEFU_iGEM's Bilibili Space and Douyin Video. Here, you'll find our latest science popularization content and a wealth of knowledge related to synthetic biology. We sincerely look forward to your exploration and feedback!

Conclusion: Through our outreach activities on WeChat Official Accounts, Bilibili, and other social media platforms, we successfully presented synthetic biology knowledge to the public in a more vivid and relatable manner. Our content creation strategy and interactive communication methods have effectively enhanced the quality and impact of science popularization education.

Science Communication on WeChat Official Account

Purpose: Our primary goal is to enhance the professional skills and safety awareness of experimental personnel by publishing a series of specialized articles on our WeChat Official Account. These articles focus on experimental procedures and safety guidelines to ensure efficient and safe research activities. We aim to improve operational proficiency, increase the success rate of experiments, and create a safer working environment in the laboratory.


  • Thematic Article Series: We have planned a series of targeted articles covering various aspects of experimental procedures, providing comprehensive guidance and recommendations.
  • In-Depth Analysis of Key Experimental Processes: The articles offer detailed analysis of crucial steps in plasmid construction, such as PCR, agarose gel electrophoresis, gel extraction, and plasmid purification, which are essential for the accuracy and safety of experimental results.
  • Detailed Explanation of Operational Points: Each step’s key points are thoroughly explained to help experimental personnel understand how to perform precise and safe laboratory operations.
  • Safety Awareness Training: By emphasizing the importance of experimental safety, we not only improve technical skills but also enhance the safety awareness of experimental personnel, which is crucial for accident prevention and risk reduction.

Conclusion: By publishing specialized articles on experimental procedures and safety guidelines on our WeChat Official Account, we have effectively enhanced the professional skills and safety awareness of experimental personnel. These articles not only provide detailed explanations of key experimental steps but also emphasize the importance of safety, helping personnel avoid operational errors and reduce experimental risks.

Hosting a Synthetic Biology Promotion Live Event

Purpose: We were invited to participate in a synthetic biology promotion live event organized by Hangzhou-MedX. The goal was to promote the iGEM competition and its projects, spread awareness of synthetic biology, and showcase its significance in modern research and practical applications. We aimed to increase public recognition of synthetic biology and the iGEM competition, and attract more viewers interested in this field.


  • Total Viewers: The live event attracted 3,782 viewers, indicating strong public interests in synthetic biology and the iGEM competition.
  • Peak Online Engagement: The highest number of online viewers during the event reached 150,104, reflecting the appeal of the content and the high level of audience engagement.
  • New Followers: We gained 49 new followers during the live event, which not only expanded our fan base but also indicated that the audience appreciated and anticipated our content.
  • Likes Received: The live stream received a total of 35,000 likes, a direct reflection of the positive response and support from the audience.

Summary: By participating in the synthetic biology promotion live event organized by Hangzhou-MedX, we successfully promoted the iGEM competition and its projects, as well as spread knowledge about synthetic biology. The live stream data indicates that our efforts had a positive impact, successfully engaging the public and increasing awareness of the field.

Filming Heart and Eye Health Exercises

Objective: In collaboration with the CJUH-JLU-China team, we aimed to integrate synthetic biology concepts with public health by filming heart and eye health exercises. Our goal was to increase public awareness of synthetic biology and its applications in everyday life. By providing practical and easy-to-understand exercises, we aimed to enhance the visibility of synthetic biology while encouraging the public to focus on their health.


  • Practical Health Exercises: The filming of heart and eye health exercises provided practical health guidance. These exercises are simple to learn and suitable for people of all ages.
  • Integration of Synthetic Biology and Health: We highlighted the potential of synthetic biology in improving and maintaining public health, such as researching disease treatments and health-promoting methods through synthetic biology techniques.
  • Educational Outreach: By creating health exercise videos, we presented synthetic biology basics in a relaxed manner, making complex scientific concepts more accessible to the general public.

Conclusion: Through our collaboration with the CJUH-JLU-China team to film heart and eye health exercises, we successfully integrated synthetic biology with public health, and increased the visibility of synthetic biology among the general public. This initiative not only showcased the practical applications of synthetic biology in everyday life, but also promoted awareness of health issues. We believe that this innovative educational approach has sparked public interest in synthetic biology and encouraged the adoption of healthy lifestyles.
