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·2306 words·11 mins·
Human Practice
Table of Contents

1. Inclusive Website Design for All

At the heart of our website design lies a fundamental commitment to inclusivity. We believe that every user should have an equitable and enriching experience, regardless of their unique abilities. In our pursuit of an inclusive digital space, we’ve employed a range of thoughtful design choices. From color considerations that cater to color-blind users to the integration of icons, labels, and high-contrast elements, our design philosophy prioritizes universal accessibility. We understand that diversity is a strength, and our website is a reflection of that understanding. Explore a space where every user is at the center, and inclusivity is not just a principle but a practice.

1.1 Background and text color considerations:

Avoid using color combinations that are unfriendly to color-blind users, such as red and green, as it is the most common type for colorblind. Black and white are the highest-contrast color combinations, making them easier to discern for most color-blind users.

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Figure 1: Our Design of Background and text color considerations.

1.2 Dark and Light Mode Options:

To further enhance accessibility, our website offers both dark and light mode options. Users can toggle between these modes to suit their preferences or specific visual needs. The dark mode reduces eye strain in low-light environments, while the light mode maintains clarity in brighter settings. This flexibility ensures that users can engage with the content comfortably, regardless of their surroundings or lighting conditions, enhancing the overall inclusivity of the experience.

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Figure 2: Our Design of Dark and light mode option.

1.3 Keyword Search Functionality:

Our website features a robust search function that allows users to quickly locate content by entering keywords. This functionality enables users to find relevant pages where their search terms appear, making it easier to navigate through the site and access specific information without needing to browse through multiple sections. This search capability enhances the user experience by providing a more efficient and user-friendly way to access the desired content.

Figure 3: Our Design of Keyword Search Function.

1.4 Compatibility Across Devices:

Our website is designed to be fully compatible with both PC and mobile devices. Whether you’re browsing on a large desktop monitor or a small smartphone screen, you can expect a consistent and user-friendly experience. This flexibility allows users to access our content on the go, making it convenient and accessible whenever and wherever they need it.

Figure 4: Our design of Compatibility Across Devices.

2.5 Efficient Navigation with Chapter-Specific Sidebar Menus

Our website goes the extra mile to enhance the reading experience by providing a comprehensive navigation system. For each chapter, a dedicated sidebar menu appears, listing all the hierarchical directories and subsections. This allows readers to effortlessly navigate through the content and quickly jump to different parts of the article with just a click.

Imagine being engrossed in a long and detailed piece, and instead of scrolling endlessly to find a specific section, you can simply glance at the sidebar and click on the relevant directory. It’s a seamless way to access the information you need, saving time and frustration.

Whether you’re revisiting a particular point or exploring a new chapter, our sidebar navigation makes it easy and intuitive. With this feature, our website becomes a user-friendly haven for readers seeking a smooth and efficient reading journey.

Figure 5: Our design of Efficient Navigation with Chapter-Specific Sidebar Menus

2.6 Informative Metrics for Enhanced Reading Experience

At our website, we understand the value of providing useful information to our readers. That’s why, just below each title, we display the word count of the content. This allows you to get an immediate sense of the length of the article before you start reading.

In addition to the word count, we also offer an estimated reading time. This helps you plan your reading session and manage your time effectively. Whether you have a few minutes to spare or a longer block of time, you can choose an article that fits your schedule.

With these metrics at your disposal, you can make informed decisions about what to read and when. It’s another way we strive to make our website as user-friendly and accessible as possible, ensuring that every reading experience is a rewarding one.

Figure 6: Our design of Informative Metrics for Enhanced Reading Experience

2. Working with Diverse Communities: A Focus on Empowering Women in STEM

Another key goal of our inclusivity efforts is to foster collaboration with diverse communities, particularly in empowering women in STEM. In addition to contributing to sustainable development through the green production of vitamin B6, our project aims to actively support and promote gender diversity in science and technology fields. Central to this mission is creating meaningful opportunities for young women and female students to interact with and learn from female role models in academia, such as female graduate students and professors in STEM disciplines. By strengthening these connections, we aim to demonstrate the benefits women bring to STEM and highlight their perseverance and contributions to overcoming gender challenges.

2.1. Inclusivity in STEM Outreach: “Hello, iGEM” Recruitment for 2025

As the 2025 iGEM competition draws to a close, we are preparing to recruit new members for the 2026 iGEM team, focusing on expanding opportunities for students interested in synthetic biology. Since our current team is composed mainly of high school juniors and sophomores, it is essential to introduce iGEM to the newly enrolled freshmen and to encourage more sophomores to get involved.

We have organized a special event titled “Hello, iGEM: Newcomer Introduction” aimed at sparking interest in synthetic biology and the iGEM competition among students. This event will serve as both an introduction to iGEM for freshmen and a promotional session for sophomores, showcasing the opportunities for growth and learning within the STEM field. Through this outreach initiative, we are actively working to ensure the continuity of our team and foster a diverse, inclusive environment by encouraging participation from students of various backgrounds and skill levels.

By opening the doors to new members from different grades, we hope to build a stronger, more inclusive team for the upcoming year, making synthetic biology more accessible and engaging for all students.

At the conclusion of our lecture, we held an interactive Q&A session to encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts on synthetic biology. This exchange not only helped students clarify their doubts but also reinforced the concepts they had learned. By actively involving the students, we gained valuable feedback, which will be used to further improve the design and content of future lectures.

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Figure 7: Lectures and presentations given on iGEM and our project.

Additionally, we engaged with members of the STEM club, delivering a presentation that featured fun animations and visuals illustrating how synthetic biology can solve real-world issues such as food safety, environmental protection, and healthcare. To make the subject more relatable, we shared our own iGEM project experiences, demonstrating how synthetic biology can reduce the environmental impact of traditional production methods. This approach helped students better grasp the practical applications of synthetic biology and see the critical role that science and technology play in tackling global challenges.

Beyond our school, we extended this outreach to other campuses of Nanjing Foreign Language School, conducting a series of STEM and synthetic biology lectures. Using a step-by-step method, we introduced complex scientific concepts in an accessible way. Starting with the basics of STEM, we guided students through the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in driving societal progress. By using everyday examples like smartphones, video games, and sustainable energy, we helped students make connections between STEM fields and their daily lives. This not only enhanced their theoretical understanding but also sparked their interest in exploring STEM through hands-on experiences and real-world relevance.

By making STEM and synthetic biology more approachable, we aim to inspire the next generation of iGEMers, ensuring that students from diverse backgrounds can contribute to solving the world’s most pressing issues through innovation and scientific discovery.

Figure 8: Photo of team members and club members.
Figure 9: discussion between team members and club members.

2.2. Building Mentorship

A critical component of our inclusivity strategy is the establishment of mentorship programs that encourage female students to engage with female graduate students, professors, and researchers who have successfully overcome the challenges of building a career in STEM. These mentorship programs create an environment where young women can gain valuable insights, ask questions, and receive guidance from those who have faced similar obstacles in their own journeys.

Mentoring not only provides academic and career advice, but also emotional support and encouragement, especially when young women face challenges related to gender bias or stereotypes in STEM fields. Female mentors play an essential role in helping students understand that their unique perspectives, work ethic, and collaborative skills are highly

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Figure 10: Experienced women in STEM subjects giving lectures for students.

valued in science and technology. This exchange fosters an environment where female students can envision themselves thriving in STEM roles, giving them the confidence to pursue their ambitions despite external pressures.

2.3. Highlighting the benefits women bring to STEM

The presence of women in STEM isn’t just about increasing numbers; it’s about leveraging the unique strengths and perspectives that women bring to the table. Research shows that women tend to excel in collaborative environments, have strong organizational skills, and bring diverse approaches to problem solving-all of which are critical in interdisciplinary fields like synthetic biology.

By facilitating open discussions between female students and accomplished women in STEM, we highlight these strengths and reinforce the idea that women are integral to innovation and progress in science and technology. Female mentors can share how their unique perspectives have contributed to groundbreaking ideas and solutions, providing tangible examples of the positive impact of gender diversity in the field.

We also encourage discussions on the role of women in green technologies an sustainable development, focusing on how women can lead efforts to create a healthier and more sustainable future. This is particularly important in the context of our Vitamin B6 project, as women’s perspectives on health, nutrition and environmental protection bring a holistic approach to solving global challenges.

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Figure 11: Preaches given by team members about women in engineering.

2.4. Building resilience and overcoming gender challenges

One of the key messages we share with young women is the importance of resilience in the face of challenges that are often unique to women in STEM. These challenges can include gender bias, lack of representation, and underestimation of their abilities. By interacting with female graduate students and professors, young women are exposed to stories of perseverance and hard-earned success, demonstrating that while the road may be difficult, it can be navigated with dedication, hard work, and mutual support.

Our outreach programs include panel discussions, workshops, and Q&A sessions where women in STEM openly share their experiences, both positive and negative. By providing a platform for these stories, we aim to normalize conversations about gender challenges in STEM, helping younger students feel less isolated and more equipped to tackle these issues head-on.

Figure 12: Preaches given by students about iGEM and our project.

2.5. Creating long-term impact through collaboration

We believe that empowering women in STEM through mentorship and role modeling is critical not only for individual success, but also for broader societal impact. By encouraging female students to pursue careers in science and technology, we help build a more inclusive and diverse workforce that is better equipped to address global challenges such as sustainability and environmental protection. Our project’s focus on green production methods for vitamin B6 demonstrates the importance of women’s participation in creating sustainable solutions.

By fostering collaboration between female students and established women in STEM, our project empowers the next generation of female scientists, engineers, and innovators. By providing mentorship, highlighting their strengths, and encouraging resilience, we aim to cultivate an inclusive environment where women can thrive and lead in the pursuit of sustainable development.

Figure 13. Discussions and preaches by female team members.

3. Reducing barriers to access through technology: a focus on empowering ethnic minority girls in STEM.

Our project emphasizes a strong commitment to supporting ethnic minority women in science and engineering fields, particularly in underdeveloped regions. We understand that these women often face multiple barriers—gender inequality, language obstacles, and limited access to educational resources—which make it challenging to pursue careers in STEM fields.

To address these challenges, we have initiated fundraising activities, including charity sales and collaborations with organizations such as the Starry Sky Charity Foundation, to raise funds and provide customized learning materials and resources. These materials are designed to cater to the unique needs of ethnic minority girls, ensuring they have the tools and opportunities to succeed in STEM.

In addition to our educational efforts, we are actively seeking support from society and businesses to create a dedicated fund aimed at fostering the growth of female technology professionals in impoverished areas. This fund will help provide scholarships, mentorship programs, and other resources to encourage the participation of women in science and technology, particularly in regions where opportunities are scarce.

Our commitment also extends to the broader social and corporate spheres. We aim to establish a specialized fund that promotes the development of women in technology, especially in underprivileged and economically disadvantaged areas. By doing so, we hope to offer more support to women in the technology industry, encourage more young girls to enter STEM fields, and contribute to the ongoing pursuit of gender equality in technology.

Through these initiatives, we aim to create a more inclusive and diverse STEM community, where everyone has the opportunity to pursue their technological dreams. We firmly believe that by promoting diversity, we enrich the STEM landscape and unlock the potential of every aspiring scientist or engineer, regardless of gender.