

One of the biggest challenges facing the world is climate change, mainly caused by the presence of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which trap heat from the sun.


Methane makes up 17% of greenhouse gas emissions, and is over 80 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide.

Human made methane emissions come from multiple sources, including livestock, pipelines, landfills, and fossil fuel production. Landfills alone account for 20% of all methane emissions in the world.


Methane removal from landfills involves using perforated tubes to extract the gas. This method reduces methane emissions in closed landfills but is much less effective in open and active landfills.


Our Solution: Eat Methane.

At the Khan Lab School iGEM Team, we are developing a solution for methane from open landfills using Bacillus subtilis, a naturally occurring soil bacterium that can survive in landfill environments.

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