
    Let's start our journey!


    hello everyone!【放大放左上角】

    We are hubu-China, ready to share the journey of interesting stories of the tobacco we protect(我们是hubu-China,准备分享我们保护的烟草的有趣故事)



    Tobacco is one of the important cash crops(烟草是重要的经济作物之一)【Tobacco 放大】

    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, pests destroy up to 40% of the world's crops, causing $220 billion in damage(联合国粮农组织公布 虫害摧毁了全球多达40%的农作物,造成了2200亿美元的损失)

    【建议】:美工组将“ 40% 和2200亿“做成以下的形式,旁边吉祥物叹气


    Disadvantages of pesticides


    The extensive use of chemical pesticides not only creates serious resistance management problems, but also brings huge risks to environmental safety, food safety and human health(而化学杀虫剂的大量使用不仅产生严重的抗性治理问题,而且给环境安全、食品安全和人类健康都带来巨大的风险)

    【美工组:画 ”害虫耐药、人体肠道健康、环境污染“ 3张图片】


    害虫耐药:More than 600 pests have been reported to be resistant to at least one pesticide, and their sensitivity to pesticides has decreased or even disappeared, resulting in reduced or ineffective pest control and farmers having to use more pesticides to protect crops(据报道目前已有超过600种害虫对至少一种农药产生了抗药性,害虫对杀虫剂的敏感性下降甚至消失,导致杀虫剂对害虫的防治效果降低或无效,使得农民只能使用更多的农药才能保护农作物)

    人体健康:Long-term exposure to pesticides can cause potential health hazards, such as affecting the development of the nervous system, inducing cancer, and causing damage to the reproductive system, as well as the liver, brain, and other parts of the body(长期暴露于农药对人体健康会造成潜在的危害,例如影响神经系统发育,诱发癌症、导致生殖系统以及肝、脑和身体其他部位的损害)

    环境污染:When pesticides are sprayed, only about 30% fall on crops, and the remaining 70% spread to the soil and atmosphere. If the soil is polluted by pesticides for a long time, there will be obvious acidification, soil nutrient loss and soil porosity will become smaller, resulting in soil compaction, which will affect the growth of crops(喷洒的农药时,仅有30%左右落在农作物上,其余70%扩散到土壤和大气中。土壤若被农药长期污染,将会出现明显的酸化,土壤养分流失和土壤孔隙度变小而造成土壤板结,从而影响作物的生长)


    Plastid-mediated RNA interference achieves efficient control of

             agricultural pests

    We exploited RNAi's mechanism of action to induce complementary mRNA degradation leading to gene silencing in

               the important lepidopteran pest Spodoptera litura. We express a
         large number of small interfering RNAs
         (siRNAs) of the chitin
         synthase gene necessary for the growth of Spodoptera litura, which can enter the
            cytoplasm after Spodoptera liturae eats tobacco, and Argonaute proteins (AGOs) assemble
         these siRNAs to form
         RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISCs)
         that mediates the degradation of endogenous mRNA complementary to
          its guide strand, so that the chitin synthase gene cannot be expressed to achieve efficient control of

               lepidopteran pests.

    Severe insect infestation:


    (农作物损失)According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, pests destroy up to 40% of the world's crops, causing $220 billion in damage. The extensive use of chemical pesticides not only produces serious resistance management problems, but also brings huge risks to environmental safety, food safety and human health, and it is urgent to develop new and efficient biopesticides to     achieve green prevention and control.



     (耕地恶化插图) 1.Endanger the safety of cultivated land: China, which accounts for 9% of the world's arable land, uses 50-60% of the world's pesticides, leading
         to the deterioration of soil properties on arable land (FAO).

      At the same time, there are still some remote areas in China with relatively

        (肠道健康安全插图)      backward medical conditions, and people often cannot be found and treated in time when they get sick. Intestinal bleeding, if not
         examined and treated in time, will often lead to serious problems. Massive intestinal bleeding can be directly judged by self-perception and by changes in the color of
         the stool. But
         if it is a trace of bleeding, we cannot make a
         timely judgment and perception. Therefore, we are working on
         design of a portable intestinal micro-bleeding detector this year , so that intestinal problems can be

               early detection and early prevention.





     (虫子抗药性强插图、) 3. Difficult to resist insect infestations.

               The infestation of pests threatens food security, the application
         of pesticides and insects causes

         environmental pollution, and the application of pesticides causes agricultural disasters

           The methods which exist now
             Environmental pollution
         control methods - avermectin, etc
         Advantages: Convenient,
         economical, efficient and fast
      Drawbacks:Pests are prone to
            develop resistance and are not environmentally friendly

      2. Scale is limited

     Physical control method - lighting lamps to trap moths Advantages: Environmentally friendly

      The cost is too high, and the
         insecticidal effect is unstable to cope
         with large-scale pest


     (害虫耐药、人体肠道健康、环境污染——耕地恶化) 3张图片


    3. Pest resistance

              environmentally friendly

      Drawbacks: Insects are susceptible to antimicrobial resistance, and Bt protein
         are reduced by environmental factors.

      4. Conclusion

      Pests have become biologically resistant to existing control methods, and new

              technologies need to be found urgently The use of RNAi technology to
         control insects is of great innovative

      The dialogue between the seedling and the tree We want to
         in scientific research, find new ways to achieve
         stable agricultural production and increase production, and
         directions for promoting farmers' continuous income increase. But because we were just a young

              undergraduate, we didn't know where to start, so we thought of our
         academic supervisor, Professor Yang
         Zhifan, who used RNAi to
         inhibit the important functional genes of brown planthoppers to improve rice insect
            resistance as an example

      Limited scale: Physical control law - lighting to lure moths

          Advantages: Environmentally friendly

           Disadvantages: High cost, unstable
         effect, and inability to cope with large-scale pest

      Pest resistance

      Traditional biological control
         such as Bt

         Environmentally friendly

          Insects are prone to developing drug resistance, and Bt protein levels can be reduced due

          to environmental factors

      Dialogue between Little Seedlings and Big Trees:

      We want to participate in scientific research, find new methods to achieve
         and increased agricultural production, and find
         directions to promote sustained income growth for

      It is suggested that students should go to the laboratory as early as possible
         as much as possible when conditions permit. No matter how
         detailed the knowledge in the books is, it is
         better to go to
         the scene for a look. If you have the idea of engaging in scientific research work, entering

              the laboratory early to receive education will also be of great help to
         your future development. They guided
         and organized our research
         path, telling us that we should go to the laboratories of teachers Zhang Jiang
            and Li Shengchun to learn RNAi modern biological control technology, which gave us the
         confidence to form an
         undergraduate IGEM team.

    Spodoptera litura

    Life cycle of Spodoptera litura

    Spodoptera litura (tobacco cutworm), one of the most polyphagous insect pests, has caused serious economic damage to more than 100 crop and plant species worldwide.


    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Arthropoda

    Class: Insecta

    Order: Lepidoptera

    Family: Noctuidae

    Genus: Spodoptera

    Species: S. litura

    Subspecies: S. litura