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Why DHA is beneficial to Human?

DHAis beneficial to...

Cognitive Function
Cardiovascular health Immune Response
Vision Growth Reproduction
Neurological Function

With increase in awareness towards DHA

we concluded from our market research...

The DHA demand is expected to

increase nearly triple by 2032

Currently, DHA is produced from fish and microalgae


  • Bad odor
  • Prone to pollution
  • Inconsistent quality
  • Most importantly, killing fish is unethical
Did you know?

Over 100 million tonnes of fishes are caught every year for
fish oil tablets to meet the growing demand

And global warming is posting a threat to the DHA availability

Another production method:


  • Industrial scale challenges
  • Strain selection
  • High space cost

With the

Increase in Demand


Decrease in Supply

Market gap is identified!

If global warming continues,

96% of the world population will suffer from DHA deficiency by 2100

There are lots of diseases that are

associated with DHA deficiency

We, therefore, are proposing an alternative pathway

to solve the market gap!

Our project employs more sustainable,

cost-effective alternative to replace the

current unethical and unsustainable

production method.

That is to use yeast,

our chassis Y. lipolytica to produce DHA !

We used HR (Homologous Recombination) to reconstitute

PEX10 knockout gene, inhibiting Beta Oxidation that will

potentially metabolize DHA into other fatty acids

Also, our new circuit design that can

express PUFA Synthase will increase

DHA production rate of Y. Lipolytica

There are other strategies to improve DHA yield such as...

Do you want to know more about our project?

Click the icons!

Project Parts Modeling
Experiment Human Practices Entreprenuership Team