Team Heidelberg

Engineering genomes
in the third dimension

Life relies on the ability of cells to regulate functions,
all managed from a single genome.

The DNA sequence is only Dimension of how life can be encoded

The 3D Structure of the genome


is what gives meaning to the sequence

can make the difference between an ape and a human

ultimately decides between health and disease

Until now, the 3D genome organization
remained difficult to study and nearly impossible to engineer

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That is why we introduce


and its digital twin


Our toolbox allows you to:

Program any DNA interaction of your choice using our extensive parts collection

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Investigate and prevent disease related genome rearrangement such as enhancer highjacking

Precisely model the interactions in silico for rapid adaption in the Wetlab

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Investigate and prevent disease related genome rearrangement such as enhancer highjacking

Reaching out to people, ensuring that they are equipped with our scientific toolbox as well as the knowledge to responsibly innovate the future of synthetic biology

With PICasSo you can

Bring genome engineering
to a new dimension