

To help wet labs quickly handle the data requirements of experiments, our dry lab has developed a software tool called ratioCalculator, which is stored in our software repository. Its purpose is to provide researchers with quick and convenient data during experiments. Specifically, it assists wet lab teams in accurately calculating the amount of substance needed to adjust the pH of a solution, making the experimental process more precise and efficient.


Whether in biological sciences research or iGEM competitions, the configuration of bacterial culture media and pH adjustment are crucial to the completion of experiments. Thus, we have developed software to calculate the amount of substance needed to adjust the pH value using specific chemicals.

This software increases experimental efficiency, as traditional methods for pH adjustment often involve trial and error and manual calculations, which can be time-consuming and prone to error. The tool not only enhances efficiency but also plays a significant role in accurately controlling experimental conditions. By inputting the target pH, the current pH of the solution, and the concentration of the adjusting substance, the software quickly calculates the required amount, allowing for precise control of experimental conditions.

The development of this software significantly aids in synthetic biology experiments by improving efficiency and offering accurate control over experimental settings. It provides a more convenient experimental environment for our researchers and the broader scientific community.


Based on the background above, we developed ratioCalculator, a local computation software built using .NET and C#. Thanks to the extensive efforts of the .NET community, the program is cross-version. With its clean, intuitive interface and simple, easy-to-use options, it saves researchers valuable time while delivering accurate results.

Our software is not only user-friendly but also highly fault-tolerant, ensuring a seamless experience for users. It simplifies the process of calculating the ratios of various substances for media preparation, making it accessible to a wide range of researchers, from beginners to experts.

Additionally, our commitment to open-source principles means that anyone can extend and customize the software’s features to meet their specific research needs.


  • WinUI 3(microsoft-ui-xaml): WinUI is a user interface layer that contains modern controls and styles for building Windows apps. It offers excellent UI design and rapid development capabilities to implement the required features.

  • Windows App SDK: The Windows App SDK provides a set of libraries, frameworks, components, and tools that you can use in your apps to access powerful Windows platform functionalities across many versions of Windows.


0. Clone the repository.

git clone hbut-china-software
cd hbut-china-software
cd radioCalculator

1. Use lastest Visual Studio 2022(Windows).

Remember to chose Windows app develop in Visual Studio Installer.

use Visual Studio 2022 to open the solution file radioCalculator.sln in the radioCalculator folder.

2. Build the project.

Click the Build button in the Visual Studio toolbar to build the project.

3. Use dotnet Cli to build the project.

if you don’t have Visual Studio 2022, you can use dotnet Cli to build the project.

dotnet restore
dotnet build


run the radioCalculator.exe file.


Navigate to the corresponding feature page. Input the required parameters .


or chose Horse serum to calculate the ratio.


and calculate Potassium Phosphate Buffer Preparation



  1. Consistency and Standardization: The algorithms used are highly accurate. By applying principles of acid-base neutralization reactions and corresponding formulas, the software calculates the required mass of substances with precision.

  2. User-Friendly and Time-Efficient: The interface is simple and easy to navigate, allowing even researchers with no coding experience to use all features within a minute. The software enables easy input of parameters and viewing of results. Additionally, we provide multiple calculation guides for different media and components to assist users in adjusting pH levels in various contexts.

  3. Atomicity: The software follows the Unix philosophy, with each tool page designed to perform a single function.

  4. Educational and Training Tool: The software can serve as a framework to help students and aspiring researchers create automated calculation tools, providing a platform for their ideas.

  5. Open Source and Community Contribution: Making the project open-source encourages collaboration and contributions from the scientific community, leading to continuous improvements and customization for specific research needs.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

Authors and Acknowledgments