

In order to conduct more experiments to effectively degrade PET plastic, and meanwhile to achieve the recycling of degradation products, the students in wet laboratory were divided into two groups and carried out two sets of experiments on different themes.


Up stream experiment: Optimizing the chassis cell Pichia pastoris and expression elements with high expression of plastic degrading enzyme, to improve the efficiency of plastic degrading enzyme.

The first week: April 22 to April 28

The team was established, and the first meeting was held. The team searched the literatures and searched the data. After discussion, the project direction was determined. 
The second week: April 29 to May 5

Plasmid PETase-mCherry-SZ2 and RGG-SZ1 were constructed to learn the laboratory safety criteria and basic experimental operations. 


The third week: May 6 to May12

The constructed plasmids were sent to sequence and synthesized fragments were transferred to E. coli for expression. Different induction temperatures, IPTG concentration and imidazole concentration were set.


The fourth week: May 13 to May 19

This week, the analysis of experimental results and the improvement of experimental schemes. After communication with teachers and the exploration of members, we reset the concentration gradient of IPTG and replaced the induction temperature for 16 and the induction time for 22h.


The fifth week: May 20 to May 26

According to the results of the discussion last week, the experiment was retested. 


The sixth week: May 27 to June 2

PETase-mCherry-SZ2 optimal imidazole concentration was determined this week by experiments. The optimal imidazole concentration was 200mM,RGG-SZ1 optimal imidazole concentration was 500mm and IPTG concentration was 0.02mm.


The seventh week: June 3 to June 9

With the results of the last week's experiment, we changed the Coomassie Brilliant Blue, there were no bands in the laboratory.


The eighth week: June 10 to June 16

We repeated experiment, there were no bands in the,which may be that the ultrasonic crushing power of the laboratory was too large, and the crushing process may not be completely.


The ninth week: June 17 to June 23

PETase-mCherry-SZ2 was successfully expressed, but the effect was not good. Red fluorescence was not observed under oil mirror.


The tenth week: June 24 to June 30

Think about the reasons for the failure of the experiment, and then change the experiment by looking up the literature for help.


The eleventh week: July 1 to July 7

Members of the experimental group have final exams this week, and no experiments have been carried out. 
The twelfth week: July 1 to July 7

Through literature comparison, it was decided to use Pichia pastoris the expression strain and to find a new plastic degrading enzyme. Literature group input experiment.  


The thirteenth week: July 8 to July 21

The new plasmid was constructed and transferred into E. coli for colony PCR, FAST-PETase-212/277, IsPETasePA, MHETase,


The fourteenth week: July 22 to July 28

We transferred the gene to Pichia pastoris
 successfully, and the pH
= 6, pH = 7, plus plastic and no plastic were added in parallel, and the OD value and protein concentration were measured for a period of seven days. The uncompleted ISPETasePA and FAST-PETase-212/277 were continued to fermentation.  


The fifteenth week: July 29 to August 4

ISPETasePA double copy plasmid was built successfully, fermentation was carried out, FSAT-PETase-212/277 double copy construction failed, and HPLC experimental operation was learned.  


The sixteenth week: August 5 to August 11

 FAST-PETase-212/277 still failed, reading literature learning to determine the concentration of plastic degradation products by HPLC. 


The seventeenth week: August 12 to August 18

Groping for HPLC program setting method.


The eighteenth week: August 19 to August 25

According to machine learning, the saccharification experiment was carried out. 


The nineteenth week: August 26 to September 1

A240 gradually determined the optimum pH, temperature and glycosylation effect. 


The twentyth to twenty-fourth week: September 2 to September 30

Since the proteins degrade slowly and the previously expressed ones are running out, we added two more batches of fermentation.

We tested the HPLC procedure and measured all the results and calculated the data. Under the guidance of the teacher, we found that some pictures did not work well, made up the experiment, and then sorted out the experimental data and compiled the wiki copy.  


Downstream experiment: Combined with the way of biological transformation, make full use of the plastic degradation products of Terephthalic acid (TPA) and Ethylene glycol (EG) to transform into bacterial cellulose to realize the recycling of plastics.

July 8-July 25

Three strains of bacterial cellulose were screened to explore the growth conditions and rules of GS115 and DSM 2004. 


July 26 to August 2

 Preliminary co-culture was carried out, the conditions of co-culture were explored, and the medium for the growth of the two strains was found. The DSM 2004 was domesticated with Komagataeibacter xylinus. 


August 3 to August 9

The experimental direction was changed to mixed culture to explore the influence of different carbon sources on the growth of female acetate.  


August 10 to August 15

In the upstream fermentation broth, Komagataeibacter xylinus was inoculated, mixed culture was carried out with the domesticated Komagataeibacter xylinus, and the Komagataeibacter xylinus was evaluated before and after the domestication. 


August 16 to August 22

The fungus was evaluated before and after domestication. 


August 23 to August 30

Molecular experiments were carried out, recombinant plasmid was constructed, and the promoter and signal peptide of bichia coli were optimized. The effects of sucrose and glucose and inocfailure were investigated on 96 - hole plates. 


September 1 to September 21

The results of machine learning were obtained. Four glycosylated sites of IsPETasePA were mutated, and four mutated plasmids were obtained. 
September 22 to September 30

Results of machine learning were obtained. Five glycosylated sites of FAST-PETase-212/277 were mutated, and five mutated plasmids at unit points were obtained. And then explored degradation conditions of these mutated enzymes, through the method of HPLC, we figured out the optimized mutated enzyme and degradation conditions, we have gotten the final results.